Evidence Being Sent to Oregon and South Dakota Governors and Attorney Generals
As a board member of the National American Renaissance Movement, I am pleased to announce that National ARM is sending an 85 and 90 page Grand Jury petitions containing evidence of C19 ‘vaccine’ crimes to the Oregon, and South Dakota, Governors and the State Attorney Generals. National ARM’sGrand Jury Petitions State that C19 shots should be, “Banned Immediately and Criminal Investigations Should Begin”
Oregon, and South Dakota bring the total to 17th states to receive the Grand Jury Petition. Note: this is not a legal action. This is an attempt to spur appropriate investigations and to hopefully prompt someone to do their job…
Previously, this evidence was submitted to the Governors, Attorney Generals, along with prosecutors and sheriffs in Washington State and Nevada, Indiana, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, South Carolina, Ohio, California, Tennessee, Texas, Idaho, Florida and New Jersey
This document was prepared by National American Renaissance Movement President, and NJ criminal defense and trial attorney, David Meiswinkle. This 85-90 page document lists 153 exhibits of evidence and asserts that state and federal crimes have been committed. This document demands an immediate ban of C19 ‘vaccines’ and calls for criminal investigations. The document also lists persons of interest.
Crimes include, murder, racketeering, biological weapons laws violations, treason, and genocide. National ARM intends to submit evidence of vaccine crimes to local prosecutors and law enforcement in all 50 states. This is partly about removing plausible deniability.
Both the Executive Summary and the Full Document are viewable and downloadable on the following links.
Oregon Executive Summary
Oregon Grand Jury Petition
South Dakota Executive Summary
South Dakota Grand Jury Petition
This is a link to National Arm President David R. Meiswinkle, introducing the Grand Jury Petion outlining crimes committed that has been submitted in 17 states.
The Florida Department of Health has recently called for a halt to Covid mRNA injections. I have recently filed a Writ of Mandamus in Florida seeking to compel Governor DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of the COIVD injections and Attorney General Ashley Moody to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis of the content. The case has been dismissed. I am in the process of writing a motion for a rehearing.
On April 27th the Arizona Republican Party is scheduled to vote on the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution which declares COVID 19 injections a biological and technological weapon.
To get an idea of the threat posed by the COVID 19 injections staying on the market watch fellow National ARM board member, Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s historic presentation of the self assembling nano technology in the human blood.
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