Saturday 23 September 2023

 This was first written 2 years ago when I first started this group. Everything back then was in it's early days and The Great Reset was a distant idea. How things have changed.


This Covid 19 Scamdemic is nothing more than a purposely manufactured fake crisis, instigated by the ZIONIST BANKING CARTEL DEMONS, The WHO (World Health Organisation), Blackrock, Vanguard, Big Pharma criminals FDA, CDC, NIH, DARPA, Pfizer and Moderna and the filthy medical demons Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Ralph Baric, Dr. Peter Daszak and Alex Azar, eugenecist and philanthropic demon Bill Gates, and then utilized in LOCKSTEP by the rest of the world’s governments, politicians and the WEF (World Economic Forum) Globalist’s as a social engineered public relations marketing operation for our ‘initiation into the 4th Industrial Revolution’. The instigation of ‘UN Agenda 21’, ‘UN Agenda 2030’ ‘The Depopulation Agenda’ as carved in granite on the Georgie Guidestones, and the implementation of the ‘Digital ID Grid Surveillance System’.

*note : Upon the announcement of the ‘Pandemic’ Fauci was swiftly invited to the Trilateral Comission meeting (to quickly fill him in on the plan)

CONVID 1984 is the Trojan Horse, the spearhead of the DAVOS’ ‘New Green Deal’, the ‘Climate Change Agenda’, now re-packaged as the ‘THE GREAT RESET’ (WEF- ECO-FASCISM ‘ECO-HITLER Mastermind’ Klaus Schwab) and the new era of Biological Transhumanism, merging man and machine, through nano, and various other integrated technologies, for a ’smarter’ future controlled by a one world government, one world bank digital currency and one world religion, helped along by the Vatican and the Jesuit Pope.

Lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, testing, all part of this extravagant initiation ritual, as well as a perfect cash cow money making scam. The mask is a perfect symbol of slave compliance, blind obedience, and beautiful visual theatre in the continued perception of a fake pandemic.

Over many years, through news media, and Hollywood movies, they have systematically brainwashed the entire ‘global’ population to believe they are nothing more than a virus, reproducing at alarming levels and responsible for the destruction of the Earth’s resources and climate change.

Now with CONVID, the human race are branded as ’Asymptomatic Super Spreaders’ of a magical disease. The ‘Contagion Myth’ built upon a throne of lies which is the ‘Sacred Germ Theory’ of the fraud Louis Pasteur, that has been pushed by Rockefeller Big Oil Big Pharma since they hijacked natural medicine and medical institutions over 150 years ago with the help of Bill Gates’ Grandfather. Gates is dancing with delight fulfilling his family’s eugenics heritage ambitions.

‘Pandemics’ and ‘Climate Change’ are both unsolvable problems that allow the unwitting public to submit to these totalitarian regime regulations under the guise of saving the earth and the human race. Lockdowns are deliberately designed to destroy all small and medium businesses tranferring all wealth to big corporartions, and subject the masses to psychological torture and Pavlovian Conditioning.

The total disintegration of individual rights and freedoms, social restrictions and travel, with the use of health passports, and implantable, injectable vaccine tracking systems, in order to participate in society. Testing is nothing more than money making scam, a tool for DNA data collection, and more fake statistics for more scare tactics. The Pirbright Agency hold the patent for the Spike Protein Bio-weapon.

Population reduction, the dissolving of nation states, the end of property ownership, the end of cash, and implementation of a (UBI) Universal Basic Income, and the formation of 5G grid smart cities, where every single aspect of our lives are monitored and controlled with social credit scores watched over by Artificial Intelligence in the hands of these technocratic corporate entities. Digital Currency is the goal, and eventually, with an implant, we will be energy producing biomachines, our body activity data harvested by the AI to create cryptocurrency Bill Gates (Patent WO2020060606) (2020 666 Mark of the beast !) )Another commodity to be traded on the stock exchange.

They have harnessed the full powers of psychological manipulation with Media Marketing, Tavistock Institute, Rand Corporation, their ‘Strategic Intelligence’, to brainwash and manufacture consent among the masses with NGOs and grass roots movements like ‘Sustainable Development’ “Environmental Action’ ‘Resilience’ ideologies at a local level and the use of social change movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain, Antifa and BLM, LGBTQXYZ, all unwitting pawns in the promotion of this New World Order where the idea of the Nuclear Hetro Family is replaced with Global Family. With most people sterile, Ecto-genesis will eventually be the norm, for those with the financial means and correct ecological status to apply.

The riots and uprisings are deliberately organised chaos to destroy the fabric of the current society. Staged protests acclimatise the public to the futility of it all and the police response is dished out in the appropriate manner depending upon which agenda is being fuelled or squashed.

The governments and media whores are lying unashamedly as their corruption knows no bounds, fuelled by the supreme commanders of Big Pharma, Bankers and the Elite Technocracy.

It is indeed a ‘Totalitarian Takeover Communist One World Government’, however, it is filtered down to the local level with the new title of ‘Communitarianism’.”Be a good citizen and do what’s right for the common good of the people and the environment” . ‘Build Back Better.’ ‘You Will Own Nothing And You Will Be Happy’ (Build Back Bolshevism).

All these plans are well documented and easily researchable, however the cognitive dissonance, the years of psychological indoctrination, the human conditioning is far more powerful than we ever imagined, and prevent most from seeing the obvious agendas.

Behind the scenes the ‘Belt & Road Initiative’, the super powers of Israel, China, Russia and Iran jostle for who will control this future world of AI and the ‘Internet Of Things’, Qualcomm Snapdragon ? Who will have the fastest processing power in the race to dominate. The Big Tech Transfer is happening as we speak…another story.

This Technocratic Tyranny dystopian nightmare is very real. The willing, some who genuinely like this Slave New World, but most blindly follow either through ignorance, stupidity or some kind of misplaced virtue of saving the Earth and the Human Race, not realising that they will be the first to go to the slaughter, tracked and traced, sleeves rolled up, begging to be chipped, and for a DNA changing vaccine that will sterilise and literally poison their very souls.

There is a real war going on against humanity, that most of humanity do not even realise it’s happening, and even help their abusers to ridicule the awakened souls who question the narrative. Big Tech have now employed the powers of military intelligence Warp Speed to work with Social Media Giants to not only crush voices of dissent about the Covid Scamdemic and The Mass Vaccination Plans, but shut down entire websites, and now they are going for the Host Providers. This is deadly serious.

They are killing patients with deadly cocktails of ineffective drugs like Remdesevir and euthanising others with Midazolam and Morphine for an NHS ’A Good Death’

Covid 19 Scamdemic was just the beginning. Following on from the Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep document in 2010, Johns Hopkins University’s EVENT 201 (a Corona virus outbreak in Wuhan China) in 2019 exactly predicted everything we see happening in 2020. Variants DELTA, OMICRON MORONIC), SPARS appearing over the coming years until who knows their next stage falls into place.

Social Media dissent, anti-vaccine movements and protests are all included in their plan, however the voices of the resistence are fighting back and their censorship on all media platforms has caused an explosion of new outlets and the flow of information is like a tsunami.

The only way to stop this is to simply acknowledge it’s existence, and say no and live your lfe. This huge deception is totally founded on one tiny germ theory lie. CONTAGION . Acknowledge that there is not, and never will be a pandemic of any description, unless purposely caused by injecting directly poison into the bodies of the masses. Tests are fake, hospitals are empty of real ’normal’ illnesses (apart from vaccine induced sickness and injuries) and statistics are completely bogus. The same number of mortalities has occurred in 2020 as in any other year in history. The only rise in deaths in 2021/2022 are due to the vaccines, THE CLOTSHOT, so rightly called as MYOCARDITIS is rampant.

The only reason more people will die in the future is from the vaccinations, not a virus. That is the plan. The mRNA technology literally causes an AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE (AIDS) Continually terrorise the population with fake pandemics and inject poison until they all get sick and die, leaving the beautiful earth empty for the elite to enjoy while those that remain are slaves in smart city gulags.

Hollywood and Netflix continually program the masses for what is to come, revealing the truth in movies, preparing us for this dystopian nightmare, while the filthy corrupt media continues to lie, either blackmailed by the likes of Honeypots like Epstein, in on the scam, or paid off. Every single base has been perverted by those in control. The only way to regain control is the individual waking up and saying NO !


On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier

Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?

History catalogues the machinations of liars, thieves, bullies and narcissists and their devastating effects. In modern times too, evidence of corruption and extraordinary deceptions abound. We know, without question, that politicians lie and hide their connections and that corporations routinely display utter contempt for moral norms - that corruption surrounds us. We know that revolving doors between the corporate and political spheres, the lobbying system, corrupt regulators, the media and judiciary mean that wrongdoing is practically never brought to any semblance of genuine justice. We know that the press makes noise about these matters occasionally but never pursues them with true vigour. We know that in the intelligence services and law enforcement wrongdoing on a breathtaking scale is commonplace and that, again, justice is never forthcoming. We know that governments repeatedly ignore or trample on the rights of the people, and actively abuse and mistreat the people. None of this is controversial.

So exactly what is it that conspiracy deniers refuse to acknowledge with such fervour, righteousness and condescension? Why, against all the evidence, do they sneeringly and contemptuously defend the crumbling illusion that 'the great and good' are up there somewhere, have everything in hand, have only our best interests at heart, and are scrupulous, wise and sincere? That the press serves the people and truth rather than the crooks? That injustice after injustice result from mistakes and oversights, and never from that dread word: conspiracy? What reasonable person would continue to inhabit such a fantasy world? The point of disagreement here is only on the matter of scale. Someone who is genuinely curious about the plans of powerful sociopaths won't limit the scope of their curiosity to, for example, one corporation, or one nation. Why would they? Such a person assumes that the same patterns on display locally are likely to be found all the way up the power food chain. But the conspiracy denier insists this is preposterous. Why?

It is painfully obvious that the pyramidical societal and legal structures that humanity has allowed to develop are exactly the kind of dominance hierarchies that undoubtedly favour the sociopath. A humane being operating with a normal and healthy cooperative mindset has little inclination to take part in the combat necessary to climb a corporate or political ladder. So what do conspiracy deniers imagine the 70 million or more sociopaths in the world do all day, born into a 'game', in which all the wealth and power are at the top of the pyramid, while the most effective attributes for 'winning' are ruthlessness and amorality? Have they never played Monopoly? Sociopaths do not choose their worldview consciously, and are simply unable to comprehend why normal people would put themselves at such an incredible disadvantage by limiting themselves with conscientiousness and empathy, which are as beyond the understanding of the sociopath as a world without them are to the humane being. All the sociopath need do to win in the game is lie publicly whilst conspiring privately. What could be simpler? In 2021, to continue to imagine that the world we inhabit is not largely driven by this dynamic amounts to reckless naivete bordering on insanity. Where does such an inadvertently destructive impulse originate?

The infant child places an innate trust in those it finds itself with - a trust which is, for the most part, essentially justified. The infant could not survive otherwise. In a sane and healthy society, this deep instinct would evolve as the psyche developed. As self-awareness, the cognitive and reasoning abilities and scepticism evolved in the individual, this innate trust impulse would continue to be understood as a central need of the psyche. Shared belief systems would exist to consciously evolve and develop this childish impulse in order to place this faith somewhere consciously - in values and beliefs of lasting meaning and worth to the society, the individual, or, ideally, both. Reverence and respect for tradition, natural forces, ancestors, for reason, truth, beauty, liberty, the innate value of life, or the initiating spirit of all things, might all be considered valid resting places in which to consciously place our trust and faith - as well as those derived from more formalised belief systems.

Regardless of the path taken to evolve and develop a personal faith, it is the bringing of one's own consciousness and cognition to this innate impulse that is relevant here. I believe this is a profound responsibility - to develop and cultivate a mature faith - which many are, understandably, unaware of. What occurs when there is a childish need within us which has never evolved beyond its original survival function of trusting those in our environment who are, simply, the most powerful; the most present and active? When we have never truly explored our own psyches, and deeply interrogated what we truly believe and why? When our motivation for trusting anything or anyone goes unchallenged? When philosophy is left to the philosophers?

The answer is simple, and that the evidence of this phenomenon and the havoc it is wreaking is all around us: the innate impulse to trust the mother never evolves, never encounters and engages with its counterbalance of reason (or mature faith), and remains forever on its 'default' infant setting. While the immature psyche no longer depends on parents for its well-being, the powerful and motivating core tenet I have described remains intact: unchallenged, unconsidered and undeveloped. And, in a world in which stability and security are distant memories, these survival instincts, rather than being well-honed, considered, relevant, discerning and up to date, remain, quite literally, those of a baby. Trust is placed in the biggest, loudest, most present and undeniable force around, because instinct decrees that survival depends on it. And, in this great 'world nursery', the most omnipresent force is the network of institutions which consistently project an unearned image of power, calm, expertise, concern and stability.

This is how conspiracy deniers are able to cling to and aggressively defend the utterly illogical fantasy that somehow - above a certain undefined level of the societal hierarchy - corruption, deceit, malevolence and narcissism mysteriously evaporate. That, contrary to the maxim, the more power a person has, the more integrity they will inevitably exhibit. These poor deluded souls essentially believe that where personal experience and prior knowledge cannot fill in the gaps in their worldview - in short, where there is a barred door - mummy and daddy are behind it, working out how best to ensure that their little precious will be comfortable, happy and safe forever. This is the core, comforting illusion at the root of the conspiracy denier's mindset, the decrepit foundation upon which they build a towering castle of justification from which to pompously jeer at and mock those who see otherwise.

This explains why it is that the conspiracy denier will attack any suggestion that the caregiving archetype is no longer present - that sociopaths are behind the barred door, who hold us all in utter contempt or disregard us completely. The conspiracy denier will attack any such suggestion as viciously as if their survival depended on it - which, in a way, within the makeup of their unconscious and precarious psyche, it does. Their sense of well-being, of security, of comfort, even of a future at all, is completely (and completely unconsciously) invested in this fantasy. The infant has never matured, and, because they are not conscious of this, other than as a deep attachment to their personal security, they will fiercely attack any threat to this unconscious and central aspect of their worldview.

The tediously common refrain from the conspiracy denier is, 'there couldn't be a conspiracy that big'. The simple retort to such a self-professed expert on conspiracies is obvious: how big? The biggest 'medical' corporations in the world can go for decades treating the settling of court cases as mere business expenses, for crimes ranging from the suppressing of adverse test events to multiple murders resulting from undeclared testing to colossal environmental crimes. Governments perform the vilest and most unthinkable 'experiments' (crimes) on their own people without consequence. Politicians habitually lie to our faces, without consequence. And on and on. At what point, exactly, does a conspiracy become so big that 'they' just couldn't get away with it, and why? I suggest it's at the point where the cognitive ability of the conspiracy denier falters, and their unconscious survival instinct kicks in. The point at which the intellect becomes overwhelmed with the scope of events and the instinct is to settle back into the familiar comforting faith known and cultivated since the first moment one’s lips found the nipple. The faith that someone else is dealing with it - that where the world becomes unknown to us, a powerful and benevolent human authority exists in which we have only to place our faith unconditionally in order to guarantee eternal emotional security. This dangerous delusion may be the central factor placing humanity's physical security and future in the hands of sociopaths.

To anyone in the habit of dismissing people who are questioning, investigative and sceptical as tin foil hat wearing, paranoid, science-denying Trump supporters, the question is: what do you believe in? Where have you placed your faith and why? How is it that while no one trusts governments, you appear to trust nascent global governance organisations without question? How is this rational? If you are placing faith in such organisations, consider that in the modern global age, these organisations, as extraordinarily well presented as they are, are simply grander manifestations of the local versions we know we can't trust. They are not our parents and demonstrate no loyalty to humane values. There is no reason to place any faith whatsoever in any of them. If you haven't consciously developed a faith or questioned why you believe as you do to some depth, such a position might seem misanthropic, but in truth, it is the opposite. These organisations have not earned your trust with anything other than PR money and glossy lies. True power remains, as ever, with the people.

There is a reason why Buddhists strongly advise the placing of one's faith in the Dharma, or the natural law of life, rather than in persons, and that similar refrains are common in other belief systems. Power corrupts. And, in the world today, misplaced and unfounded trust could well be one of the greatest sources of power there is.

Massive criminal conspiracies exist. The evidence is overwhelming. The scope of those currently underway is unknown, but there is no reason to imagine, in the new global age, that the sociopathic quest for power or the possession of the resources required to move towards it is diminishing. Certainly not while dissent is mocked and censored into silence by gatekeepers, ‘useful idiots’, and conspiracy deniers, who are, in fact, directly colluding with the sociopathic agenda through their unrelenting attack on those who would shine a light on wrongdoing. It is every humane being's urgent responsibility to expose sociopathic agendas wherever they exist - never to attack those who seek to do so. Now, more than ever, it is time to put away childish things, and childish impulses, and to stand up as adults to protect the future of the actual children who have no choice but to trust us with their lives.

These are the deepest psychological driver of conspiracy denial. There are certainly others, such as the desire to be accepted; the avoidance of knowledge of, and engagement with, the internal and external shadow; the preservation of a positive and righteous self-image: a generalised version of the 'flying monkey' phenomenon, in which a self-interested and vicious class protect themselves by coalescing around the bully; the subtle unconscious adoption of the sociopathic worldview (e.g. 'humanity is the virus'); outrage addiction/ superiority complex/ status games; a stunted or unambitious intellect that finds validation through maintaining the status quo; the dissociative protective mechanism of imagining that crimes and horrors committed repeatedly within our lifetime are somehow not happening now, not 'here'; and plain old fashioned laziness and cowardice.

Mass Formation Psychosis

There are four basic conditions which need to be met in order for a society to be vulnerable to mass hypnosis. The first of which is a lack of societal bonding. It is easily argued that members of Western society struggled with loneliness long before the pandemic, and then with the ongoing lockdowns, isolation, and general fear of one another, this lack of community has continued to a dangerous degree.  

The second condition is met when the majority of people view their lives as being without purpose or meaning. A recent poll of young people in the UK revealed that 89 percent of those aged 16-29, “believe that their lives have no meaning or purpose.” Desmet also cites studies showing that half of all adults believe that their jobs are completely meaningless and are basically “sleepwalking” through their day.  

Free floating anxiety is the third condition for the rise of mass formation. A quick count of the number of anxiety/depression medications prescribed each year, confirms that there is no arguing the crushing levels of anxiety prevalent in our communities. 

And the fourth condition is high levels of frustration and aggression, with no discernible cause. If you spend any time driving or on social media these days, you will experience the open hostility present in the world today. 

I drive myself crazy trying to find logical reasons why the masses whole-heartedly accept everything that Dr. Fauci or other national and global health officials proclaim. The announcements can change with the wind, lack data to support, openly contradict what was said the day before, or include outright lies, but as long as they are echoed and supported in mainstream media, they are believed as truth. This is the result of mass formation psychosis. 

Society has been given somewhere to place their anxiety. Community has been formed around a seemingly heroic struggle against a common goal. Fighting this virus has given purpose to rudderless lives. And life has been given meaning through a global human connection, where there once was a void. Saving every life from dying of COVID is of paramount importance. All other psychological, economic, and social losses are unworthy of concern – blatantly selfish to contemplate.  

This psychological phenomenon explains why so many have bought into a clearly illogical narrative, and why they are willing to participate in the prescribed strategy — “even if it’s utterly absurd,” Desmet says. “The reason they buy into the narrative is because it leads to this new social bond,” he explains. “Science, logic and correctness have nothing to do with it.”  

Humans crave community and long for social bonds. Now that these connections have been forged, they are nearly impossible to break. Hypnotized people are unable to question the narrative being fed to them. Take vaccinations in children 5-11 for example. There is absolutely no emergency for children. None. Yet, the FDA approved an Emergency Use Authorization vaccine for this age group. There are zero long term safety studies. But the masses eagerly line up to vaccinate their children. This doesn’t make any sense. This is reckless. There is no science to back this need up. But our leaders say it is vital. So, it must be.  

This group of people is deathly concerned with living outside of the fold. The need to virtuously comply and fit in trumps all else. It doesn’t matter that health organizations are ignoring the science of natural immunity. It doesn’t matter that the vaccine injured are being excluded from society along with the vaccine resistant. It doesn’t matter that neither the pharmaceutical companies nor the governmental authorities mandating these vaccines are responsible for any adverse effects recipients suffer. Apparently, we all must be willing to die for the good of the group. We must be willing to sacrifice our children’s very lives, because being concerned about the safety of the vaccine is now considered immoral. It is abhorrent to die from the virus, but quite acceptable — even dare I suggest, honorable — to die from the vaccine.  

The Plan From A UK Perspective (written in 2020)

Why they’re taking down the NHS and the economy. Destroying so many lives. Here is the explanation.

This is a British perspective, but since all western governments are marching to the same drum, I think it applies to Europe and all of the English speaking countries, as well as some developing nations.

This is NOT conspiracy theory. It’s geopolitics, economics and a little science. Everything is referenced in the links.

Last year the United Nations and the World Economic Forum signed a deal to accelerate the sustainable development goals of UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030:

They moved astonishingly quickly to capitalise on the uncannily timed pandemic by calling for a “Great Reset”.

The Great Reset is actually UN Agenda 21 repackaged. Agenda 21 was also the inspiration for the contentious “Green New Deal” that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez failed to get through US Congress in 2019.

You’ll see more about the Great Reset on the TV in the coming weeks. The UN hope to have most of the heavy lifting done by 2030, as detailed in their Agenda 2030 milestone document.

The climate change lobby have been warning us about the need for this for years:

These are some of the scientists that inform the UN. Within 2 weeks of the last UK Extinction Rebellion protest in 2019, the UK government and the EU declared an official climate emergency. More than half of UK local authorities followed suit. At least 27 countries (or jurisdictions within countries) have signed up to this.

The United Nations have been pushing for a One World Government ever since they were formed after WWII. They want open borders between Canada, the US and South America. The European Union was another crucial part of their plan. It was their attempt at a United States of Europe. Instead, it became an economic disaster zone. The EU managed to completely trash their currency in just over a decade. Record unemployment and record debt. Brexit was the final straw. It was clear that other countries wanted to follow Britain’s lead. Frexit, Grexit, Italexit, Gexit, etc. The EU was on the brink of collapse. Eighty years of painstaking manipulation towards what they call a “New World Order” was swirling down the drain. Brexit forced their hand.

The Elite behind the UN often wield their power in the guise of philanthropy. They do it openly.

Ten years ago, the Rockefeller Foundation produced this document exploring ways to increase their ‘philanthropic’ power over the world. To bring about a New World Order and a One World Government. Sceptics refer to it as the “Lockstep” document.

Examine pages 1-2. And pages 18-19. Does it look familiar? We’re in Lockstep.

There are many influential people shilling for the NWO and global governance right now, including ex PMs Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and Prince Charles. Bill Gates called for a One World Government in 2015 in a major German newspaper.

Banks are operating skeleton services and the disappearance of branches and cash machines from the high street has accelerated during the lockdowns. They’re also pushing for a new global currency, probably using blockchain technology. This will allow the banks to adopt negative interest rates and punish account holders for saving. Prominent economist Jim Rickards thinks that this may be as early as the first quarter next year.

The furlough schemes appear to be leading towards a Universal Basic Income for those whose jobs are unlikely to come back. This will make an even bigger proportion of the population dependent on the State.

The COVID-19 contact tracing app on your phone can be easily morphed into a cashless Chinese-style social credit system similar to this:

At the moment, the tracking software is “voluntary”, but the API is now part of your smartphone operating system. It probably won’t be long before you won’t be able to switch it off. The UK government has already introduced a QR Code COVID-secure pass system, which came into effect two days before the London anti-lockdown protest on the 26th September. It has recently come to light that personal data from the app is being shared with police forces. Furthermore, police are being asked not to download the app onto their work phones. Possible explanations are that they anticipate a lot of close contact with the public, or are concerned about the false positive phenomenon.

The Coronavirus Act 2020 allows for DNA to be retained for longer, but it does not say why. Incidentally, they have made it a lot easier to section and forcibly medicate an individual, due to emergency changes to the Mental Health Act 1983. These changes have not yet been implemented in England, but they are in force in Wales.

The 5G network and Elon Musk’s StarLink satellite network will greatly enhance the surveillance capacity for the Chinese style Social Credit System, which might explain why rollout is being accelerated. It also explains why UK networks have been given 7 years to remove suspect Huawei equipment from their networks. Whatever is happening, it will be all over, long before that.

There are already SMART cities in China where you are tracked everywhere you go. Facial recognition cameras and a cashless society enable this. If you jaywalk, buy too much alcohol, criticise the government on social media, or don’t behave yourself, they dock your social credit. Your ‘privileges’, like going shopping or getting on a train, are taken away. You’re effectively trapped. The police can stop and search citizens anywhere. They can even look on your phone. There are plenty of news items archived on YouTube concerning this. In some Chinese cities, you only have to switch your phone off for 2 hours and the police are banging on your door.

The pessimistic view? The next UK lockdown won’t end unless we submit to compulsory tracking, testing and vaccination. Dissenters won’t be allowed to leave the house to work or travel or shop. We’re on the brink of a house arrest prison system and it will only take a year or two to implement.

I am deeply concerned about any rushed vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies are being granted full indemnity from legal action over injury caused. The 2009 swine flu vaccine was an utter disaster. The UK government has recently lost the battle to pay compensation for the brain injury caused by it.

There are concerns about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines currently being developed. Despite this, the vaccine development programs have scarcely missed a beat.

Chilling indeed. Especially when you consider that the government is already consulting legal experts on the mandatory vaccines.

The argument appears to use the precedent set by the lockdowns themselves.

The expert argue that if you can force people into lockdown to protect others, you can forcibly inject them too.

The Mental Health Act 1983 can also be used to force vaccination. If someone is judged to be a risk to others by refusing vaccination, then it would be possible to section them under the MHA 1983 and forcibly inject them. Consent will not be required.

We’re going down a very dark road indeed.

If you sit down and read all 351 pages of Agenda 21, plus its ancillary documents, you will find that it’s all about complete control and inventory of everything on the planet. Animal, mineral and vegetable. Including humans.

That could be partially what the vaccine is about. The virus would be a means to that end. I don’t know what it will contain, but it almost certainly won’t be immunisation against any coronavirus. There has never been a successful vaccine for a coronavirus. They are too slippery, meaning they mutate too much. There is talk of eventually utilising the quantum dot tattoo technology that Bill Gates has developed. Google ID2020 to find out more.

The UN claims that there are a billion undocumented humans on this planet. And that global population is ultimately heading for nearly 11 billion. This appears to really bother Bill Gates. See his TED Talks.

As mentioned, UN Agenda 2030 is the next major milestone of Agenda 21.

The required changes are enormous. Yet we are seeing them all around us. Most of these changes have accelerated since the pandemic.

It can be argued that the measures “they’re” taking to “protect us” from the virus are indistinguishable from many of the stated goals of UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.

While we’ve been kept under house arrest, they’ve been shutting down fossil fuel power stations, oil rigs, pedestrianising city centres, disabling our food supply chain, forcing farmers to cull ‘greenhouse gas emitting’ livestock and let ‘unsustainable irrigated’ crops rot. Suppressing effective COVID-19 treatments.

More information in this Facebook group:

The evidence is all around us. Virtually every major town and city in the UK has had permanent changes to road layout to allow for social distancing. Pedestrianisation and cycle ways. One way systems. Cities are becoming very car-unfriendly. Glasgow has lost a third of its parking spaces overnight. Google ‘social distancing centre traffic’. If there’s a vaccine coming, why are these changes permanent?

And here is Boris Johnson promising to rewild a third of the country by 2030.

Here’s another surprise change, no petrol or diesel cars after 2030.

Notice the dates. This aligns with the goals of UN Agenda 2030.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. One of the goals of Agenda 21 is to end private property ownership and all farming of animals by 2050.

To recap, we can expect a cashless society, negative interest rates, social credit system, mass surveillance, mandatory vaccines, ID2020, AI, restriction of movement, health passports, rationing of food and energy, confiscation of private property, banning of private motor vehicles and crippling taxation.

Eventually? Depopulation and rewilding of the planet.

I’ve got references for everything I haven’t referenced here. I’ve been studying geopolitics since 2008 and tracking the WEC and UN’s machinations since January.

We’re being frogmarched into a dystopian technocracy. An Orwellian future. It was always going to happen, it’s just happening faster than I thought. I can only conclude that the technology needed to implement it was ready after all.

They’re even hinting at transhumanism and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. These topics are covered in the Great Reset videos and literature. We’re living a bloody science fiction novel. These videos examines how we got here, and where we’re going.

We really are in deep trouble. The world is being steered by a megalomaniac madman, Klaus Schwab, and he has the full power of the United Nations at his disposal. This is not speculation, this is fact.

The lockdowns aren’t about a virus. The virus was the excuse for the lockdowns. The whole purpose of the lockdowns is to destroy our economy and take away our freedoms. They’re implementing a hard Agenda 21, a “Great Reset” with the slogan, “Build Back Better” Only Britain won’t be better. Far from it. We will become like communist China. China is our future.

UK Extras - A Good Death -The Midazolam & Morphine Murders

This is the revised ‘science’ thread. A compilation of videos and articles smashing this bullshit Scamdemic and the so called Germ Theory.

All links working ….well …..probably !

Stefan Lanka - The Virus Misconception

Jeff G. — Viral Misconceptions - Presentation on The True Nature of Viruses

Questioning Covid - Multiple Scientists & Doctors

Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD & guests discussing what COVID-19/Coronavirus is = Scam


Dr Kaufman Asks is it Virus or is it Exosomes?


CDC - 2 different Death Numbers


Dr Robert Young - Dismantling The Virus Theory

What Really Makes You Ill #2 w/ Dawn and David, Non-Communicable Diseases

The Healthy Truth with Dr. Andy Kaufman


Germs, The Terrain & Our Future w/ Andrew Kaufman MD



Virus Mania - The Truth about Infectious Diseases - Part 1

Virus Mania - The Truth about Infectious Diseases - Part 2

Dr. Annie Bukacek - The Great Death Certificate Scam: A Courageous Doctor Explains

TTAV2020 "Vaccine Roundtable" (Part 1)

The Truth About Vaccines Docu-Series: Episode 9 WHO’s telling the truth ?

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Interview - The COVID-19 Theory That You Are Not Allowed To Hear

Spiro Skouras - Dr. Tenpenny: This is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on The Human Race…


A Discussion with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Marcy Crava


Bruce Lipton on Vaccines

Lethal Injection The Story Of Vaccination

A Lesson on Logic with Tom Cowan, MD

Dr. Kaufman on truthiverse

Vaccines... Dont Get stuck! 1930s Paperback Discovered

Before You Allow This... Watch This…There is no proof at all of Corona


Hypocratic Hypocrisy

Don’t take the vaccine—compliation

Fallacies of Germ Theory Dr. Thomas Cowen

CONTAGION playlist 51 Videos

Spiros & Dr. Andrew Kaufman - CV Vax DOES modify our DNA. Fuck You Fact Checkers

How The PCR test works Dr. Thomas Cowan

Covid 19 FAILS Kochs Postulates Dr. Thomas Cowen

Covid tests are scientifically meaningless

COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless – Bulgarian Pathology Association

Creating an illusion through diagnostic tests

Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jon Rappoport's Blog

Plandemic 2 Indoctornation

Test are Laced with Human DNA - Corona IS Our own DNA

Vital Info. on The DNA changing Corona VAx

Covid 19 test kits shipped out in 2018

Vax WHO FGeaturing GlaxoSmithKlinme

Germ Theory destroyed we are the virus

Covid Vax Vital Info.

Vaccine Causes More Problems

Great Website with a Mountain of Covid In formation

Doctor Exposes the Corona Effect COVID is Blood Coagulation - Dr. Robert O. Young

Corona Virus Articles - Dr. Robert O. Young

The Real Threat to Humanity - Dr. Robert O. Young

What Is a Virus? - Dr. Robert O. Young

BIT CHUTE Video - Dr. Robert O. Young

A Discussion on GNM w/Andi Locke Mears and Melissa Sell.

Dr. Barre Lando on Waves and Pleiomorphism

Second Thoughts About Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/Aids Hypothesis - Second Thoughts Dr. Robert O. Young

Coronavirus: What Can Be Done? - Dr. Robert O. Young

The Truth About the So-Called "Cowpox" or "Smallpox" Virus and the Science of Virology - Dr. Robert O. Young

Autoimmune theory and antibodies. Do they exist? - Dr. Robert O. Young

"Virologists" - by Dr Stefan Lanka

339 pages of death and suffering adverse COVAX reactions

No Isolation

More Viral Theory

Rich Planet TV (Tons of Scamdemic videos)

Modified RNA has a direct effect on DNA

Disease X

Crimson Contagion


Operation Lockstep

To Test or NOT To Test

No One Has Died from the Coronavirus - Dr. Stoian Alexov**cf_chl_jschl_tk**=70000e91839a50479a413670ebdbca3fb8da0fcf-1593808568-0-Ae3546sPcLyFxRVzZ_pNBs2pEMVMKN-qOEvuHgMUsh_RjGQ9F1JlnB3-ag-wViuAzvwU0AH8DUPLig8aMbKNIwStOvOCXjadH5QA33A5-rVlydwF6nDBBJNZm2kTJs5oG6VAMhCd9y16zkEPFf4cacdNt1f6DxjtEATZx1XgCEjrIYn9bZogkmofG6csmVvpRTS4Ohc98DicM91mChRS80paPSWQoS2rBkcO84ZELLuq3o1yaFRYPz41yOg3uaHW4NTA3frphjGNQ-ES109GygsGUHAmyg-9NFpAKk-DnCqXZUmBiDOe7u-qF28U_3wL66MuR9X2gacjDiG6_M2Gq9j_CbvvbQZwKBlU3lKFTgcFrAPr6Wu7-9WallOzyec8Qo5EGdQ9n0wBIfRi2tIGxQ_bIp2Raq265zq2e95GpQVo1KIexKKiVcEkJ4nmeLSetW1DkKlgfB0wBoOxRKGqSOLyGtH84q554YMy6wGt7cCF1VL35bbrmRIucj43WEiov

Proof the Virus Does Not Exist - Gemma O'Doherty

Autopsies Prove Death bt Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation or Pulmonary Thrombosis!

60 Ghz Oxygen Polarity Change

60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

Louis Pasteur Viral Fraud - Internet Search

Viral Fraud Exposed - Dr. Stefan Lanka

Virus Dogma - New Science of German New Medicine

The Deception of Virology & Vaccines - Why the Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

How Much Is That Dogma In The Window ? Viral Questions**cf_chl_jschl_tk**=f0ac19512206437e2449515be4e4213ae331151f-1624702659-0-AZsXty-BQM7SjSVmJH2KVB98CNpdsicGty1X4lQ1azG4T5f7qU_ARAUdgEXELz3uaH09QlcKqUaabbfiOVekwn5sEIrQN_1hoBagr3MB1c-fSHgtxbXx5co95-fYV8jVWevjtECmuOMJ78MCrFzgicIvU-qLdx2DEwpeBzmLi0-l9iWB_vI48iWbR8Zkwanwz4YK0UCX2VnaPgkttGyruUqDFieU3yjOTsGR4zDT7KMH_pbVA-xvfeRoZ6yZcXdKYz721TnYDVRvlxkD23UugsgxtpGk0oHm3DyN2fmjJNuxTzhD3mV39I9cxejulvW5FmBhN_0ouBBYNwTNMqLD40iCCV3mlP8skbNd2AXNYkScL_o7aeBCixFYLaxy0FqPH9l9LDzW1hBAm4xLv5C2B1Z5-Lq7in_DLHpLQYHfBl0nhm40EvgmaIB-Y2mqjoaRr8ceoMKDYZxhzzA-QVRiXGKsssGO_jseNxznq17V1liK07m3puAB1rhdNimO-75wXA

German Supreme Court Upholds Biologist's Claim that Measles Virus Does Not Exist

Do Bacteria Cause Disease? Do Viruses? - Dan Hall

Germ Theory: Debunking the Coronavirus/COVID-18 Scam_dal - John Scott - Jim O'Kelly

Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) Booklet - For virus, bacteria and yeast - Dr. Robert O. Young

Spanish Flu Pandemic Fraud - Internet search

German New Medicine (Viruses and all disease) - Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

What Really Makes You Ill, Germ Theory & the Four Factors - Dawn Lester and David Parker

Amandha Vollmer on Why a Virus Does Not Cause Disease

The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr. Thomas Cowan

There's No Such Thing as a Sexually-Transmitted Disease

The Germ Theory A Deadly Fallacy

Antoine Bechamp (Terrain theory)

Germ Theory Deception - 5G, Vaccines, Viruses, Covid-19

Masks Don't Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

PCR Tests Ruled Unreliable and Quarantines Unlawful

Flu Vaccine Refuser's Win

*CDC Admits " quantfied virus isolates of the 2019-nCov are currently available..."*

WHO: COVID-19 No More Dangerous Than the Flu**cf_chl_jschl_tk**=6df85522931d0aa5ca64de6fe378b210eb9fcc88-1602885393-0-AWIAvIS9zDhuZDYNlfSaXjnFbpG4D3BS-RPVpHLP0eqWkgMZ5IsUopPf_hI4e4637-JLKbzmlZ89jn4R0Ec0gY8876_lozH0zbR5asXndo6bTKFjS00hm_q8odgaMlhRAbVLIDPN4EMuIaJu7tb5wqdRi8PGjU6XNUzkoJamgRudijf5jx9fbT52d7YV7Hf1zGgng4RYVwW_9V5RkT3JCsJfYPK2OQsHexzj1sr5m_gvsShL4R2Vux13QwuLfwbIhqSntHqd4d8DxeCM2NoaWS_RBsf8Pc1Qd7JIPsK2sNa4-dwE83gkwAhLaZP_PUYFzf8Z1L8-yLLxgF1g-hUwcISB-LlEuvbEUAdK_Kl1MONC7RkNOvufbR9UwfC8ZexmZpKdQgOCsh57R2hZVQHDJRvKc4JOOeSxq2eanaZoJNrYLvjhmXp9V0rHh_4BC3E24m8KI-BXsy3ZGFz7JMSR9b0

UnMasked (Documentary by Dr. Robert O. Young)


Tom Cowan…Virus must still be proven

"Why HIV Has Never Been Isolated" - Dr. Stefan Lanka (1994) 💉⚠️

"Kary Mullis [PCR Inventor] - The Full Interview by Gary Null [HIV/AIDS]" (1996) 🔬

"Dr. Harold Hillman Interview [Biochemistry/Neurobiology]" (1996) 🔬

"HIV Has Never Been Isolated" - Channel 4 News (1998) 💉⚠️

"Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany: Origins, Practices, Legacies" (2002) ⚕️

"The Origins of AIDS" (2004) 💉⚠️

"Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense" (2007) ⚕️

"House of Numbers: HIV Testing" (2011) 💉⚠️

"Positively False: Birth of a Heresy [HIV/AIDS]" (2011) 💉⚠️

"Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe" (2016) 💉⚠️

"Are You Crooked?" (2017) 💉⚠️

"Dr. Andrew Wakefield vs Brian Deer: The Real Fraud Revealed" (2018) 💉⚠️

"The Alarming Hepatitis B Vaccine Studies Every Parent Should See" (2018) 💉⚠️

"Systemic Toxicity of Aluminium Adjuvants" - Prof. Christopher Exley (2018) 💉⚠️

"Del Bigtree of 'The HighWire' interviews Prof. Christopher Exley [Mr. Aluminium]" (2018) 💉⚠️

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Addresses the Safety of Merck's HPV Vaccine: Gardasil" (2019) 💉⚠️

"Most of you think we know what our vaccines are doing – we don't" - Peter Aaby (2019) 💉⚠️

"YOUR Children. YOUR Choice" (2019) 💉⚠️

"Pharmaceutical Fraud: A Case Study In Corporate Malfeasance" (2019) 💉⚠️

"Bioethics and the New Eugenics" (2021) ⚕️

Dr James Neuenschwander: Vaccine Is Killing People And Does Not Stop The Spread

Dr. Avery Jackson: Neurosurgeon Says Early Treatment Works And Vaccine Is Killing People

𝙑𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨 & 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚:

No Sars Cov 2

Thre are no viruses Dr Robert Young

Dismantling the Viral Theory - Dr. Robert O. Young


COVID-19 Test is a Fraud

COVID-19 - The W.H.O PCR Test Coronavirus Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA (Chromosome 😎

From a Nurse Practitioner... Don't Get Tested!

Doctors and Scientists Against Lockdowns

Physicians for Informed Consent... Flu Shot Has Lack of Scientific Basis

RFK Court Case Against Vaccines

4000% increase in miscarriage data from VAERS

4250% increase in fetal deaths through flu season 2009-2010

2 flu vaccines cause synergistic increase in fetal deaths in 2009/2010

Fetal Deaths during 2008-2010 flu season

Link between flu vaccines and fetal deaths and still births

“Trivalent influenza virus vaccination elicits a measurable inflammatory response among pregnant women.” – Vaccine, 2011

Mercury from thimerosal found in breast fed baby's hair Indicating acute exposure to thimerosal in vaccines

Influenza Vaccine Causes Immune Suppression

FluMist Package Insert

Influenza Outbreak in vaccinated population

“The 1.8-fold increase in female AEs (Adverse Events) reports to VAERS following administration of pandemic A-H1N1 vaccine relative to seasonal TIV in the 2009/2010 influenza season is too small of a Weber-like increased reporting effect to account for

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