Saturday 23 September 2023


Confidential leaks: Pfizer Docs. prove Deagel's Grim 2025 Depopulation Forecast is not a fabrication!

Reading time: 15 minutes

A controversial prediction by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, attracted attention in 2020 because of the startling prediction of a significant depopulation of the Western world by 2025.

This was a very bold claim.

'Your government is trying to kill you' is even more daing.

What is Deagel..

The Deagel corporation [1] is a small branch of U.S. military intelligence, one of many secretive organizations that collect data for high-level decision-making and prepare confidential briefings for agencies such as the National Security Agency, the United Nations and the World Bank.

It is known to have contributed to a Stratfor [2] report on North Korea. With such a family tree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player within the intelligence community and not just as a source of disinformation.

This means that his population predictions for 2025 and his predictions of industrial production by country are not mere fantasy, but are based on strategic assumptions shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.

What has Deagel predicted..'s [3] [notorious] prediction for 2025 was removed from their website sometime in 2020. But thanks to the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive [4], we can look at the original predictions before they were discovered by critical thinkers.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the UK's population would have decreased by 77.1% by 2025.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the population of the United States will have decreased by 68.5% by 2025.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that Germany would see its population decrease by 65.1% by the year 2025.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that Australia would see its population decrease by 34.6% by the year 2025.

While they also predict a huge decline in many other Western countries.

A full list of Deagel's original apocalyptic depopulation predictions can be viewed here.[5]

Unfortunately, the confidential Pfizer documents coupled with the dizzying child mortality suggest that Deagel's depopulation rates were not just an estimate, but a specified target.

Pfizer's confidential documents..

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [6] tried to delay the release of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years, despite the fact that the injection was approved on December 11, 2020 after only 108 days of safety review. [7]

But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. At the end of January, they released 12,000 pages.

Since then, PHMPT has posted all documents[8] on its website. The latest release took place on June 1, 2022.

One of the documents in the data dump is 'reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf'. [9] Page 12 of the confidential document contains data on the use of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection in pregnancy and lactation.

Confidential Pfizer documents reveal that 90% of Covid vaccinated pregnant women have lost their babies..

Pfizer indicates in the document that 270 cases of exposure to the mRNA injection during pregnancy were known as of February 28, 2021.

Forty-six percent of mothers (124) who were exposed to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection had a side effect.

Of these 124 mothers who received a side effect, 49 were considered non-serious side effectswhile 75 were considered severe. This means that 58% of mothers who reported side effects had a serious side effect, ranging from uterine contraction to fetal mortality.

Source page 12 [10]

A total of 4 severe cases of foetuses/babies were reported due to exposure to the Pfizer injection.

But here things get quite disturbing. Pfizer states that out of the 270 pregnancies, they have absolutely no idea what happened in 238 of them.

But here are the known outcomes of the remaining pregnancies –

At the time of the report, there were a total of 34 outcomes, but 5 of them were still pending. Pfizer notes that only 1 of the 29 known outcomes was normal, while 28 of the 29 outcomes resulted in the loss/death of the baby. This equates to 97% of all known outcomes of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy that resulted in the loss of the child.

If we include the 5 cases whose results were still pending, this amounts to 82% of all outcomes of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy that resulted in the loss of the child. This equates to an average of about 90% between the 82% and 97% figure.

So here we have our first evidence that there is something wrong with administering the Pfizer Covid-19 injection during pregnancy.

Here is the guideline from the UK Government's 'REG 174 INFORMATION FOR UK HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS' document -.

In any case, that was the directive in December 2020. Unfortunately, the UK government and other governments around the world revised those directives just a month later and now formulated them as follows.

Source Page 7 [11]

This is still the official guideline from June 2022 and leads to several questions that need to be answered urgently when we consider that pregnant women have been told since the beginning of 2021 that vaccination with Covid-19 is completely safe.

You just have to look at the things women were told to avoid during pregnancy before they were told it's completely safe to take an experimental injection to realize that something is wrong here.

  • Smoked fish,
  • Soft cheese,
  • Wet paint,
  • Coffee,
  • Herbal tea,
  • Vitamin supplements,
  • Edited junk food.

These are just a few, and the list is endless.

Let's start with the 'Pregnancy' section of the official guidelines. In December 2020, the guideline stated 'Covid-19 vaccination is not recommended during pregnancy'. Just a month or so later, this guideline stated 'Animal studies do not indicate harmful effects related to pregnancy, etc.

Pfizer and drug regulators hid the dangers of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy due to an animal study that revealed an increased risk of birth defects and infertility.

The limited animal research discussed in the official guidelines revealed the risk of significant damage to the developing fetus, but regulatory bodies in the field of medicines in the US, the UK and Australia actively chose to remove this information from public documents.

The actual study can be viewed in full here [12] and is titled 'Lack of effects on female fertility and prenatal and postnatal offspring development in rats with BNT162b2, a mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine' [13] (No effects on female fertility and prenatal and postnatal offspring development in rats with BNT162b2, an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine).

The study was conducted on 42 female Wistar Han rats. Twenty-one received the Pfizer Covid-19 injection and 21 did not.

Here are the results of the study –

Source: [14]

The results of the number of fetuses with lumbar ribs in the control group were 3/3 (2.1). But the results of the number of fetuses with lumbar ribs in the vaccinated group were 6/12 (8.3). On average, this was 295% more common in the vaccinated group.

Supernumerary ribs, also called accessory ribs, are an unusual variant of additional ribs that usually come from the neck or lumbar vertebrae.

So this study found evidence of abnormal fetal formation and birth defects caused by the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.

But the abnormal findings of the study do not stop there. The rate of 'pre-implantation loss' in the vaccinated group of rats was twice as high as in the control group.

Source: [15]

Pre-implantation loss refers to fertilized eggs that do not implant. Therefore, this research suggests that the Pfizer Covid-19 injection reduces the chance that a woman could become pregnant. So it increases the risk of infertility.

So if this is the case, how on earth is it possible that regulatory bodies for medicines around the world have been able to state in their official guidelines that 'animal studies do not show direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy'? And how did they manage to explain 'It is unknown whether the Pfizer vaccine affects fertility'?

The truth is that they have actively chosen to cover this up.

We know this thanks to a 'Freedom of Information (FOI) request' submitted to the Australian government agency Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

A document [16] titled 'Delegatees overview and request for advice from ACV' [17] made on January 11, 2021 was published under the FOI request. Page 30 and beyond of the document [18] contains a 'assessment of the product information' and highlights changes to be made to the 'Non-clinical evaluation report' prior to official publication.

Pfizer requested that the changes be made before the next update of the product information.

Some of these requested changes were-

The Module 4 evaluator requested Pfizer to remove the claim that “Animal studies do not show direct or indirect harmful effects related to reproductive toxicity”.


The module 4 evaluator told Pfizer that 'Pregnancy category B2' was deemed appropriate and requested to add the following line

“A combined study of fertility and developmental toxicity in rats showed an increased occurrence of lumbar ribs in foetuses of female rats treated with COMIRNATY”.

But here's a reminder of how the official document [19] provided to the general public reads as follows –

Source: Page 7 [20]

The pregnancy category was changed to 'B1', no rule was included on the increased occurrence of lumbar ribs in fetuses and instead the rule that was asked to be removed was included, with the claim “Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects related to pregnancy...”.

Here is the official description of the pregnancy categories...

Source: [21]

That's a pretty big difference between the two categories. But the fact that the evaluator of Module 4 even thought Pregnancy Category B2 was appropriate is very questionable if you consider the results, as we revealed above, of the “inadequate” and extremely small animal research conducted to evaluate the safety of administering the Pfizer Covid-19 injection during pregnancy.

So we not only have evidence that the Pfizer vaccine can cause 82% to 97% of recipients to lose their baby, we now also have evidence that the Pfizer vaccine leads to an increased risk of infertility or birth defects.

Both examples alone support the suggestion that vaccination against Covid-19 leads to depopulation. But unfortunately it doesn't stop there.

Confidential Pfizer documents reveal Covid-19 vaccine piling up in the ovaries

Another investigation [22], found in the long list of confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA had to publish via court order[23], was conducted on Wistar Han rats, 21 of which were females and 21 were males.

Each rat received a single intramuscular dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection and then the content and concentration of total radioactivity in blood, plasma and tissues were determined at predetermined points after administration.

In other words, the scientists who conducted the research measured how much of the Covid-19 injection spread to other parts of the body such as the skin, liver, spleen, heart etc.

But one of the most disturbing findings of the study is the fact that the Pfizer injection accumulates in the ovaries over time.

An 'ovary' is one of the two female glands in which the eggs are formed and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced.

In the first 15 minutes after the Pfizer syringe injection, the researchers found that the total lipid concentration in the ovaries was 0.104 ml. This then increased to 1.34ml after 1 hour, 2.34ml after 4 hours and then 12.3ml after 48 hours.

However, the scientists didn't do any further research into the accumulation after a 48-hour period, so we just don't know if that disturbing accumulation continued.

But official UK data, published by Public Health Scotland, which you can find here [24], offer some disturbing clues about the consequences of that accumulation on the ovaries.

Figures on the number of individuals with ovarian cancer show that the known trend in 2021 was significantly higher than 2020 and the 2017-2019 average.

That is our third piece of evidence. So now we know the following –

  • Pfizer confidential documents show a miscarriage rate between 82 and 97%.
  • The only animal study conducted to demonstrate the safety of administering the Pfizer vaccine during pregnancy indicated an increased risk of infertility and birth defects.
  • and further confidential Pfizer documents reveal that the vaccine accumulates in the ovaries.

Unfortunately, we also have evidence that vaccination with Covid-19 increases the risk of newborn babies sadly dying, and this evidence also comes from Public Health Scotland's 'Covid-19 Wider Impacts' dashboard.

Number of deaths among newborn babies in March 2022 for the second time in 7 months at critical level

Official figures [25] show that the number of neonatal deaths increased to 4.6 per 1000 live births in March 2022, an 119% increase from the expected mortality rate. This means that the neonatal mortality rate crossed a warning threshold known as the 'control threshold' for the second time in at least four years.

The last time was in September 2021, when the neonatal mortality rate per 1000 live births rose to 5.1. Although the mortality rate fluctuates from month to month, the figure for both September 2021 and March 2022 is at the same level as last at the end of the 1980s.

Source: [26]

Public Health Scotland (PHS) has not formally announced that they have started an investigation, but this is what they are expected to do when the upper warning threshold is reached, and they have already done so in 2021.

At the time, PHS said that the fact that the upper control threshold has been exceeded' indicates that there is a greater likelihood that there are factors outside the accidental variation that may have contributed to the number of deaths that have occurred”.

Our latest evidence to support the claim that vaccination against Covid-19 will lead to depopulation comes in the form of more real-world data, but this time from the US.

Vaccination Covid-19 increases the risk of miscarriage by at least 1.517%.

According to the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC)) Vaccine Adverse Event Database (VAERS),[27] a total of 4,113 fetal deaths had been reported as side effects from the Covid-19 injections as of April 2022, of which 3,209 were against the Pfizer injection.

Source: [28]

The CDC has admitted that only 1 to 10% of side effects are actually reported to VAERS, so the actual figure can be many times worse. But to put these numbers into perspective, there were only 2,239 reports of fetal deaths in VAERS in the 30 years prior to emergency consent for the use of the Covid-19 injections in December 2020. (Source) [29]

And another study that can be looked at here,[30] found that the risk of miscarriage after Covid-19 vaccination is 1.517% higher than the risk of miscarriage after flu vaccination.

However, the actual risk could be much higher, as pregnant women are a target audience for flu vaccination, while so far they are only a small population group in terms of Covid-19 vaccination.

63.060% increase in infant mortality in Europe

In the stinging summer of 2021, Europe was flooded with a memorable decision, which sparked a whirlwind of emotions among parents who had been kicked into the 24/7 propaganda and eagerly looked forward to a glimmer of hope for their children.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) had finally authorized the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 12 to 15 years.

Relief and joy screamed through the hearts of countless naive parents who saw this as a beacon of protection against the alleged pandemic.

Still, the wind of luck took an unexpected turn when the rollout of the vaccine for children began. Disturbing reports of a disturbing increase in deaths among the little ones across the continent were sure. The sense of optimism quickly vaded among the thousands of affected families and was replaced by a grim reality that cast a shadow over the hopes of many.

Tragically, the statistics paint a terrifying picture, with a dizzying increase of 63.060% in the number of deaths among children aged 0 to 14 in the twenty-second week of 2023. These numbers whisper a terrifying story of consequences that were foreseen by many silenced and heavily censored voices.

In week 21 of 2021, the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, first to children aged 12 to 15 years and later to the age group from 5 to 11 years.

Source: [31]

Source: [32]

However, in the weeks following the approval, a shocking increase in the number of deaths among children was seen, an upward trend that continued unabated.

Between week 22 of 2021 and week 52 of 2021, an alarming number of 919 deaths among children aged 0 to 14 should have sent shock waves across the continent. But the data was withheld.

The contrast could not be shrill, because in the period between week 1 and week 21 of 2021 there were 218 fewer deaths than expected.

Source: [33]

And the fact that the increase in the number of deaths perfectly coincides with the approval by the EMA of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 cannot simply be dismissed as a coincidence.

The disturbing trend continued in 2022, with a total of 1,639 cases of excess mortality among children aged 0 to 14 in the 26 European countries.

Source: [34]

Unfortunately, when week 22 of 2023 came to light, the terrifying truth came to light: an additional 590 deaths were recorded, bringing the heartbreaking total to 3,148 deaths among children.

Source: [35]

The gloomy figures show an unprecedented increase of 63.060% in the number of deaths since the European Medicines Agency extended the permission for the use of the Covid-19 vaccine in emergencies to children aged 12 to 15 years.

The contrast with the previous period could not be more harrowing.

From week 21 of 2019 to week 21 of 2021, there were 5 fewer deaths among children aged 0 to 14 years than expected.

Week 21 to 52 of 2019 (Pre-“Pandemic”)[36]

Throughout 2020, there was a notable drop of 230 deaths less than expected, which paints a terrifying picture.

Source: [37]

Meanwhile, in the year 2021 until week 21 prior to the emergency permission for the use of the Covid-19 injection for children across Europe, there were 218 fewer deaths than expected.

Source: [38]

The dizzying increase in deaths among children aged 0 to 14 in 26 European countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy and Germany, paints a bleak picture of an astonishing increase of 63.060% since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency permission for the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15.

This disturbing reality gives rise to serious concern, given the experimental nature of the injections and their earlier avoidance due to the risks of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).

In addition, administering the vaccine to children, who were not at significant risk from the alleged Covid-19 virus, seems staggering in light of the 449 fewer deaths recorded among children aged 0 to 14 across Europe in 2020, from the start of the alleged pandemic until the end of the year.

Source: [39]

At the risk of this becoming an essay, we close our evidence for today, but there is much more and we will definitely report on it.

But with –

  • Confidential Pfizer documents showing a miscarriage-try rate between 82% and 97%,
  • The only animal study conducted to demonstrate the safety of administering the Pfizer vaccine during pregnancy indicates an increased risk of infertility and birth defects.
  • Further confidential documents from Pfizer revealing that the vaccine is accumulating in the ovaries, data from Scotland that reveal that the number of cases of ovarian cancer is unprecedentedly high.
  • Further data from Scotland showing that the number of deaths among newborn babies has reached a critical level for the second time in seven months.
  • VAERS data from CDC showing that Covid-19 vaccination increases the risk of miscarriage by at least 1.517%.
  • And the EMA's approval of the COVID vaccine for children is causing a shocking 63.060% increase in deaths from over-deaths in children across Europe;

It seems that we already have more than enough evidence to claim that Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation and that Deagel's apocalyptic figures for the Western world in 2025 are on track to be realized.


1, 4
8, 23
9, 10
12, 13, 14, 15 via%3Dihub
16, 17, 18
19, 20
24, 25, 26
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39

Category: Pandamic

Tags: killingfields, mRNA, excess mortality, infanticide, depopulation, greed, contempt, fetal death,

Administrator Vincent W Schoers

Copyright © 2021 by Permission for full or partial reprint is gladly granted, provided full crediting and a direct link are given.

My body is not owned by the state. I have the exclusive and exclusive autonomy over my body and no politician, civil servant or doctor has the legal or moral right to force me to undergo an unlicensed, experimental vaccine or any other medical treatment or procedure without my specific and informed consent. The decision is up to me and to me alone and I will not submit to government blackmail or emotional manipulation by the media, or so-called celebration influencers.

Everything published here reflects the opinion, sees-, mindset of the one who posts it

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