Tuesday 5 September 2023


The US, the West and KM about to fall into the abyss

The Khazarian mafia-controlled West is about to fall over a cliff despite frantic attempts by its leadership to scare us back into submission with fire, plague, war, alien invasion etc. What is interesting is that the collapse could include the government of Xi Jinping in China and not just the West. That is why Jews are fleeing Israel and 11,000 Chinese millionaires are fleeing China.

The other sign we are headed for some sort of earth-changing event – including world war- is a breakdown in military communications between the West and its’ “adversaries.” China is “refusing any phone calls from Washington regarding defense-related topics,” according to US officials. The same is true with Russia so the situation is “getting potentially dangerous,” the officials warn.

Russia has upped the ante by getting its ally Nicaragua to kick out the Jesuits and confiscate their assets.


Following this, the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, allowed Russian military bases and the deployment of cruise missiles in the “US backyard” country.


In order to get Russia’s attention, it appears MI6 killed Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin. Former UK intelligence officer Christopher Steele (of anti-Trump “Russian dossier” fame) claims his plane was blown up by a bomb inside a “wine crate.” The specific mention of a “wine crate,” makes it seem almost as if Steele was bragging about killing him. Since Steele’s “dossier,” was designed to help Hillary Clinton Rockefeller in her campaign against US President Donald Trump, you can guess the ultimate hand behind this murder. 


Our own MI6 sources hinted their agency was responsible and told the Russians as much in an attempt to restart negotiations over the Ukraine etc. This effort to use the assassination as a way to open a back channel failed, both Russian FSB and MI6 sources say. Instead the Russians are opening criminal investigations into the murder of Prigozhin.

The proposal by the US military to open negotiations with Russia in Malta this month (August) was also rebuffed by the Russians, MI6 sources say.

Another rejection of the West came last week when China vetoed participation by French President Emmanuel Macron in the BRICS summit in South Africa, according to CIA sources.

Russian and Asian Secret Society sources explain the current Western KM leadership has broken so many treaties and promises that negotiating with them is futile.

However, Western white hats have warned the Russians the KM is very strong in their Russia as well and are pushing for all-out nuclear war. In particular, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev is a KM agent pushing for WWIII and must be neutralized.


Photographs of him standing in front of Putin while displaying a satanic hand sign have been removed from the internet but, not from our memories.


In order to stop the plans for nuclear Armageddon, the white hats are working with their Russian counterparts to overthrow the KM and their Federal Reserve Board.

There are many signs this is happening. The most obvious sign is the extreme isolation the current Western leadership finds itself in. Right now they are outnumbered ten to one on the 195-nation global stage.

Evidence of this came when only 13 countries joined a G7 declaration on long-term security guarantees for Ukraine, according to Ukrainian President Andrey Yermak. These are: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden. Only one of those countries, Romania, has borders with the Ukraine,


What is interesting is that Poland was not included. The flag of Ukraine has disappeared from the logo of the Polish Press Agency, from the Parliament and the central Bank. They had all been displaying it until recently, according to Polish intelligence. The Poles say they plan to partition Ukraine with Russia and its other neighbors. 


Meanwhile, the European Union’s sanctions policy against Russia has turned into a laughing stock on the global stage, says Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, warning that Europe is “destroying” itself in the name of supporting Ukraine.


By contrast, the BRICS summit held in South Africa last week added Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE as full members. They will hold their first meeting on January 1, 2024.

“We already live in a post-American, post-Western world. A truly multipolar one, where the group of BRICS countries is larger than the group of G7 countries,” admits Western establishment “moderate” Geoffrey Sachs.

With the addition of major oil exporting countries the BRICS 11 (as they are now tentatively called) control about 80% of the world’s oil market. This gives them the ability to replace the petrodollar with their own currency.

However, the BRICS meeting also revealed an interesting imbalance between China and the other BRICS nations. Chinese leader Xi Jinping is secretly pushing for Chinese domination while the rest of the BRICS want a multi-polar world, CIA sources say.

China has also been publicly and repeatedly pushing for all countries to obey the privately owned UN and follow its 2030 agenda.


However, the other BRICS countries want reform of the World Trade Organization, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF and the UN etc. In particular, they want greater representation in the Security Council where China is the only non-European permanent representative, according to Russian and other sources.https://tass.com/world/1664911

The fact the BRICS failed to announce a highly anticipated gold-backed currency reflected this secret split with China. This is especially true of India and Russia who have been pushing hard for de-dollarization. The reason China vetoed this is because it has a secret relationship with the Federal Reserve Board over the US dollar.

The Chinese Communist Party has been offered


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