Tuesday 5 September 2023


If Osama bin Laden Didn’t Do 9/11, Then Who Did?

Reflections and Original Research on Aspects of the Zionist Role in 9/11

Manufactured disasters also includes the massive toxic chemical fire ignited by murderous saboteurs after a train went off the tracks in East Palestine Ohio. Some of the derailed train cars carried dangerous loads that should have been carefully removed from the town site and then unloaded professionally at an appropriate facility. Instead the saboteurs purposely torched the toxic materials in East Palestine to create maximum contamination, murder and mayhem over a large region. This operation has all over it the finger prints of the most aggressive branch of the billionaire War Lords seeking their further aggrandizement at our expense.

Even as the events of 9/11 were still unfolding, the US government went into high gear to hide and destroy the evidence chronicling what happened. 

Much of this rush to hide the truth of 9/11 was under the executive command of Michael Chertoff. Chertoff is a Zionist Jew with huge heft in the federal government. On 9/11 he was the official in charge of the US Justice Department’s criminal division, including the FBI.

The officials under Chertoff were especially anxious to get rid of evidence contained in the remnants of the structural steel at ground zero. A careful analysis of the undisturbed steel left in place, could have explained much about the completely unprecedented free fall of three, steel-framed skyscrapers in Manhattan.

Most of the material content of these massive structures, the pride of American structural engineering, literally vanished into thin air due to intense vaporization and pulverization. The resulting spectacle offered a high-end display of technological wizardry the likes of which have never been seen before or since 9/11. Where did the enormous amount of energy come from in order to dramatize this stunning enactment of terrorism in action?

What kind of military technology was made available to the 9/11 culprits who pulled off the Hollywoodized extravaganza was set and largely prepared in the Wall Street district of Manhattan.

Certainly the bogus study that was done by NIST stands as a monument to the deeply fraudulent character of the government’s pretend investigation of 9/11. The vaporization and pulverization of the World Trade Center towers simply could not have happened in the way the National Institute of Standards and Technology reported it did.

NIST’s failure to tell the truth presents a telling illustration of the role of 9/11 in helping to collapse the stature and functionality of the once-dominant superpower. As the following video attests, NIST’s perjury in sticking to the fraudulent script of the 9/11 fantasy, epitomizes the treasonous trashing of a crucial agency at the very nexus of American science, technology and industry. The best interests of the United States and its people were sacrificed to advance the interests of a foreign power.

Video: “Stand for the Truth”. Peter Michael Ketcham

In August 2016, Peter Michael Ketcham, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he found shook him to the core. In this poignant half-hour interview, Peter Michael Ketcham tells his story of discovering that the organization where he had worked for 14 years had deliberately suppressed the truth about the most pivotal event of the 21st century. 

Large amounts of the twisted WTC steel that escaped being vaporized and pulverized were quickly hauled off to China to be transformed into battle ships and such. The lies and crimes were covered over in the post-9/11 era in countless ways. Decisions large and small were made in order to put obstacles in the way of those seeking to answer the question: What really happened on 9/11?

Video: “Twin Tower Vaporization”

The flurry of coordinated erasure under the oversight of the Justice Department and FBI extended to the destruction Air Traffic Controllers tapes and to the imposition of Soviet-style “minders” to prevent federal officials involved in the matter from going on record with their own testimony. Moreover, many types of video records documenting both the events of 9/11 and the related interrogations, have been made to disappear.

The same is true of paper transcripts and other incriminating evidence dumped by the triumphant conspirators into the 9/11 memory hole. At the same time the US national security state went into high gear to use excruciating torture of human beings as a means of extracting false evidence to back up the bogus official narrative.

See this and this.

Like many officials involved in the crackdown on truth and government accountability, Michael Chertoff was rewarded in 2005 by being made head of the then-new Homeland Security Dept., an agency created on the basis of the supposed “lessons learned” from 9/11. In this position Chertoff accused those who questioned his leading role in facilitating and misrepresenting the 9/11 debacle as being very similar to “Holocaust Deniers.”

The terrorist entrepreneur exploited his influence on government policy by selling airport security equipment developed by the Chertoff Group. In other words, he cynically cashed in on the transformation of rights-bearing citizens into terrorist suspects subject to the arbitrary rule of our invisible and unaccountable governors.

Video: Homeland Security Michael Chertoff

Along with the specious interpretation of the events of 9/11 came a new stage in pulverizing our remaining freedoms and civil liberties as well as the remnants of our hollowed out democracies. A permanent State of Emergency was declared, one that continues to this day with added layers of toxic Covidian pseudo-law.

This retreat away from the checks and balances of constitutional governance secured even tighter Zionist control over the operations of the Anglo-American war machine and its propaganda branches. The misrepresentation of the 9/11 false flag initiated a period of US-led wars for Israel. These Zionist wars were mostly directed at Muslim-majority countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Somalia.

The War on Terror and the War on Truth

There is much scanty evidence of a large elaborate Israeli spy ring operating invasively throughout the United States prior to 9/11. There is also evidence of Mossad agents put in place to record the hits on the Twin Towers. These agents were employees of Israeli-run trucking companies in the New York/New Jersey area, companies that were well placed to transport goods required to wire the Twin Towers for controlled demolition.

Surprisingly Rupert Murdoch’s FOX news began to break the story of the Israeli spy rings involved in 9/11. Then the network backtracked but not without doing enough reporting to make it clear that the Jewish, Israeli and neocon facet of the 9/11 debacle is undeniable and deep.

There is a very large literature debunking the obscenely stupid and outright insulting official explanation of what happened on 9/11. Who really believes the ridiculous fable any more of Osama bin Laden as “the mastermind of 9/11”? Bernard Lewis must be having a good laugh in his grave.

Much of this skeptical literature evades any direct reckoning with the Zionist role in the debacle. The people behind the 9/11 crime have lots of means at their disposal to intimidate, damage and deplatform those that do the necessary investigations. The citizen investigations became necessary because of the treasonous avoidance by those whose job it is to enforce the law and defend the United States from foreign subversion.

Laurent Guyénot is one of those who have stepped up to the the plate where those possessed of profession responsibility and scholarly integrity do their stuff. I conclude with a link to Guyénot’s essay, “9/11 Was an Israeli Job.”

See this.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack.

Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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