by Preston James

The core Globalist leaders (you can count on two hands) have been rolling out an occult inter-generational age-old plan to take complete control over the whole World.

They are using a secret, well-disguised ancient Babylonian occult “Black Arts” based Agenda to covertly attack the whole World in a well-organized effort to take it down step by step, nation by nation, people by people.

The true Globalist NWO Cabal’s secret Agenda. Order Ab Chaos which just happens to be the secret motto of High Freemasonry. It’s an agenda to deploy chaos, terror, tyranny, war, destruction, mass death, and great human suffering and misery all over the World to destroy the Old World Order in order to make room for the New World Order. The New World Order is a new Globalist regime which is based on 24/7 total surveillance, all-powerful secret police and its own army. Its agenda is to engulf the whole World in its system of complete destruction and thus create their New World Order from the ashes. This process is characterized in the Greek mythology about the Phoenix Bird from ancient Egypt, perhaps dating back to ancient Babylonia.

If the World ever learns who they are and their secret Agenda to generate Worldwide Chaos and destruction to bring down every nation of the World, step by step, they will be finished.

The Agenda of these Globalists is to establish an NWO System as a tyranny run by them.

To attain this they know that they must completely destroy the Old World Order in order to then be able to bring in a New World Order in its place and this will be their Globalist New World Order.

And these “most evil criminals in history” fully realize that in order to take over the whole World they will eventually need to establish their own centralized massive military forces and secret police power.

Most normal folks would define such crimes against humanity as raw tyranny and psychopathy beyond imagination.

And that is exactly what the system is that these Globalists are trying to engender, Worldwide Tyranny and their own 24/7 surveillance system coordinated together to produce what is best described as a virtual boot in the face of all humanity 24 hours a day, seven days a week with no end ever.

Georgia Guidestones. Some insiders claim that the Globalist NWO Cabal is required by God Almighty, Creator of All, to clearly state their intentions in order to inform the World of what they plan to do and in this way obtain implied consent of the masses.

The Globalists’ operating methods are based on careful, systematic efforts to create Chaos in every existing nation and society in order to break down the old natural order.

In this way, these Globalists then destroy the existing Natural Order of any society and nation they target for destruction. Once destroyed they install their Black-Magick Occult control matrix in place and create a slave proxy-state for their new Globalist system.

Certainly, we now know for certain that the recent massive refugee influx of Islamics from the Mideast into European nations was orchestrated by this Globalist NWO Cabal. George Soros even admitted that he paid for some of the travel expenses of these refugees. And you can bet that recent Gladio-style Intel False-flag attack on Paris on 11-13-15 was also engineered and staged by these Globalist NWO Cabal leaders.

What are the specifics of this incredibly evil Globalist Agenda being used to take down the whole World?:

  1. Generate wars and conflicts all over the World to generate chaos, mass death, and unimaginable human suffering as a continuing blood sacrifice to Lucifer (this is a derivative of ancient Baal worship). This keeps the masses divided and conquered and provides increased power and wealth for the *Secret Globalist NWO Cabal. If the World’s leaders are willing to unmercifully generate mass death and human suffering, they believe they will not be rewarded by Lucifer with increased power, wealth, and status.
  2. Take control of the creation of moneyand lend it out to the users at pernicious usury. This will provide all the money the Cabal needs to do whatever they want by buying and bribing.
  3. Buy, bribe, and take ownership of every politician, elected, and appointed official of any importance. Deploy a sophisticated tier system of organized pedophile honey traps and other human compromise means to take control over the recruiting process for new members of the Crime Cabal. This provides all the loyal, fully committed puppets needed to make progress with the Cabal’s NWO Agenda.
  4. Set up a comprehensive multi-level secret Luciferian matrix used to induce and promote selected individuals who are willing to do anti-human debased acts in exchange for extreme rewards of fame, money, and power in return for their willingness to give up their souls. This provides a cadre of deeply committed sold-out top controllers who can be later disposed of when no longer needed. With abject secrecy, their whole system becomes exposed and crumbles.
  5. Take complete control of all of the information and knowledge that can be acquired by the average man. This means to consolidate and establish control over the educational systems and the Major Mass Media. This provides a means to mind-kontrol the masses and keep them under control and behaving as desired by dispensing and diffusing Big Government Lies, False-narratives and Globalist NWO Propaganda. If the masses cannot find out how they are being “globalized” and by whom, they cannot rise up and counter that effectively.
  6. Take control over Health care and also deploy sophisticated eugenics and soft-kill methods, thus creating a base to build up BIG Pharma and keep the masses weak, sick, demented, and dumbed-down. This makes them much easier to enslave, control and profit off of, and reduces the numbers of those who can rebel.
  7. Maintain abject public secrecy about the core Occult leaders of the Crime Cabal and its Globalist Agenda. This means to enter the top circles of power of the Globalist System of secret Luciferianism, one must have the ability to be completely two-faced, that is, the ability to be incredibly evil while putting on an innocent and caring public face. Those who talk must be threatened with certain assassinations disguised as suicide and examples must be made periodically.
  8. Set up a perverted legal system to provoke, “dirty-up” and punish the masses. Make drugs illegal and then smuggle them in to destabilize and create chaos and to provide huge funds for black ops. Pass tyrannical unConstitutional tax and other laws that can be used to oppress and also “dirty up” the populace. In this way, the masses can be dirtied up and their self-respect and group identity can be destroyed helping to prevent any organized dissonance and rebellion in significant numbers.
  9. Assassinate top populist leaders who have the ability and may actualize the means to significantly challenge the Globalist NWO Agenda in any significant fashion. Crafty or hidden means can be used or public displays and examples can be made. This will stifle the emergence of any major Populism that could pose a threat to the Globalist NWO Agenda.
  10. Disarm the masses so that only the chosen enforcers of the Globalist NWO Cabal have control over armed agents and the masses can never defend themselves against these agents or ever rise up and stage any significant armed conflict.
  11. Set up complex, sophisticated, sleight of hand methods to asset strip the workers and keep them busy struggling to earn a living and survive. This includes infiltrating, hijacking, or neutralizing the labor unions. If the masses are thus weakened and struggling for survival it is impossible for them to organize and rise up against the Globalist NWO Cabal.
  12. Create massive chaos and conflict in all political groups that arise. Use secret agents to infiltrate and manipulate these groups and bring them into chaos and conflict over peripheral issues. This keeps them divided so that they cannot ever join together and rise up and block the efforts of the Globalist NWO Cabal or ever address the most important issues related to the Globalist NWO Agenda.
  13. If the masses ever start organizing or rising up and addressing the vital issues related to the Globalist NWO Agenda, then deploy pre-planned major societal crisis or a series of them to distract the masses and activate fear and survival drives which can be harnessed to manipulate them away from the true cause which is the Globalist NWO Agenda. Engender as much conflict and division as possible in the various groups that rise up and attempt to organize in order to take control of their agendas and make sure they go nowhere.
  14. Take and maintain control over all new technologies and control their application, allowing it only to be used to control and manipulate the masses. Selectively deploy it just enough to satiate the masses and thus prevent discord reaching critical levels. When possible create covert multiple uses that can include convenience also accompanied by basic surveillance, tracking, and targeted psychotronics.
  15. Deploy agents and special interest groups in other nations to stimulate useless conflicts, and if necessary provoke wars between them in order to keep them weakened and easier to control.
  16. Institute a complete covert roll-out of neo-Bolshevism disguised as Political Correctness, Diversity, Equality and lavishly fund special interest groups related to such in order to keep the society divided and in constant conflict and in order to suppress any seriously arising broad-based populism. Incorporate these into the laws to give them forced acceptance over time.
Lucifer, the Fallen One, the earthly god of chaos, death, tyranny, torture, human and child sacrifice, murder, mass-murder, and suffering beyond imagination. Also called Baphomet, the secret god of High Freemasonry. Characterized by one hand in the heavens and one hand upon Earth. His goal, to make “what is below” on Earth the same as “what is above” in his kingdom of evil. Also known as the Prince of the Power of the Air. The Globalist NWO Cabal views Lucifer as their god and claims he rewards and empowers them for their willing service to create mass chaos, death, and unimaginable human evil and suffering all over the World.

These core Globalists view mankind as merely useless eaters unworthy to live, their personal serfs and slaves, and believe that they are the only ones worthy of life and power because they have been anointed and selected by Lucifer to be his chosen ones.

The Globalists have now recorded their long term plan in stone at the Georgia Guidestones which specifies the implementation of a new Ten Commandments for the World and a drastic World population reduction of 90%.

Some researchers have claimed that it was Ted Turner himself who ran the Georgia Guidestone project and arranged for its construction and maintenance.

All the various subplots going on politically in the World are chaff. The real problem is this core group of Globalists who have harnessed control over all the basic institutions of America and almost every other society and are using them to generate massive chaos to destroy the natural World Order so that they can shove their Globalist NWO System into place. ,

The Russian Federation under President Putin’s leadership seems to be a major exception to this apparent Worldwide Globalist control matrix.

Some fear Russia is just playing an assigned dialectical role and not really against the NWO System that these Globalists are trying to shove in place. Now is the time for Putin and the Russian Federation to clearly show its true hand if it is legitimate in its fight against the Globalists by doing a big public Intel dump.

We know now for certain that the Russian Federation has all the satellite and human resource-based Intel that conclusively shows that Israel did the 9-11-101 attack on America with the help of the US Administration and American-Israeli “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors, Traitors in the JCS, Pentagon, NORAD, and FAA.

But the Russians also have a lot more extremely damning Intel on the staged and engineered terror and wars using the Pentagon and the CIA as major Cutouts of the NWO Globalists.

Now is the time to bring this important “smoking gun” Intel forth to the whole World. This alone may completely dis-empower the Globalist NWO Cabal.

The quickest way to show its true colors is for Putin and the Russian Federation to release all the Intel they have on 9-11-01 immediately. And to also release all their Intel on the formation of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/Al Qaeda and the Gladio-style False-flag attack in Paris on 11-13-15 as well as the true causes of the recent mass refugee influx into Europe from the Mideast.

Until President Putin releases all this Intel to the Russian Mass Media and to the Alternative Media on the Internet, we must reserve judgment as to his true motives despite how promising they now appear.

Russian fighter_rockersThere is no doubt at all that Putin and the Russian Federation have completely checkmated the Globalists in Syria.

In doing so they have also exposed the Cutouts and Puppet states that have been responsible for creating, supporting, training and financing ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Al Nusra and Al Qaeda (AL CIA Duh) and the like.

And we now know who these puppet states are: Israel, America, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, and some other peripheral players.


Now is the time for this esteemed Leader of the Russian Federation to step forward and inform the World about the Globalist NWO Cabal and its agenda. By making a massive Intel dump of the Russian Federation’s massive satellite and human resource gathered Intel he can stop these Globalist NWO Cabal leaders cold in their tracks. Does this man have the courage to step forth and save the World from the evil Globalist NWO Cabal of several of history’s most evil men that ever lived? We know that he has the Intel and the facts the World desperately needs to know. And just releasing the old Soviet files on Senator John McCain’s interrogation at the Hanoi Hilton would immediately gut the PNACers and NeoCons of their illegitimate power.

Certainly, it’s the fact that the Russian Federation, China, and so many other nations are now working hard to build a rigid firewall against the US Petro Dollar and set up their own direct trading systems without using the US Petro Dollar. This gives us hope that Putin and the Russian Federation are dead set at odds against these Globalists who are spreading chaos, terror, war, and death all over the Mideast.

Some insiders are quite optimistic and believe that the World is now turning against the Globalist NWO Cabal. One such man is Benjamin Fulford, the former Editor of Forbes in Japan and a man with some known deep Intel connections. I hope he is correct.

Now is the perfect time for President Putin and the Russian Federation to stage a massive Intel drop and establish bonifides for the Russian Federation once and for all.

*What exactly is this secret Globalist NWO Cabal? When Gordon Duff, Chairman of VT, delivered the Keynote Address at the International Conference on Combatting Terrorism and Religious Extremism in Damascus Syria on December 30, 2014, he pointed out (for the first time anyone has done so publicly) that all such Terrorism is actually due to an organized crime problem perpetrated by the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate.

VT Financial Editor and VT Talk show host Mike Harris (“Short End of the Stick” 5-7 PM CST, Tuesday and Wednesday) later went on to publicly identify this group (for the first time anyone has ever done so) as the Khazarian Mafia and has referred to it as the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate.

We know now for certain that this group of criminals is being run by a core group of Globalists who intend to generate massive chaos all over the World in order to destroy the Old Order and put in place their NWO Globalist System with its own army in order to control the whole world by the use of a system of Worldwide surveillance and tyranny, best described as a boot in your face 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.