Saturday 9 September 2023


Pharmafiles News 🍍 September 3, 2023 🍍 Vaccinated children in trouble?

WEF Official wins Singapore Presidency with 70% votes, It’s gonna be biblical! Lorenzo’s Oil, Are vaccinated children in trouble? We’ve passed the point of no return

🍍 WEF Official wins Singapore Presidency with 70% votes

Greetings and Happy Sunday! 

In my last newsletter, I mentioned that I was keeping an eye on the elections in Singapore. It appears that Tharman Shanmugaratnam, a member of the WEF (World Economic Forum) Board of Trustees, has won an impressive 70% of the votes. A WEF official has now secured the Presidency in Singapore.

In the words of Klaus Schwab himself, he proudly stated that the WEF has penetrated the cabinets of governments around the world.

Unfortunately, it seems that the WEF's agenda remains a mystery to many, highlighting a prevailing slumber of complacency. I had a chat with some ex-pharma colleagues from Singapore, and some of them honestly had no clue what the WEF was all about. It's a sign that the agenda and awareness of global events can sometimes slip by even the most knowledgeable among us.

A friend from Singapore mentioned that Tharman Shanmugaratnam is associated with a "pineapple" as his symbol. I want to make it absolutely clear that I have no affiliations with the WEF. 

For those who aren't on Twitter, I'm a humble pineapple striving to expose the truth about the pharmaceutical industry.

🍍 It’s gonna be biblical! 

Well, regrettably, from my perspective, this entire medical fiasco seems to be taking on a scenario that, as Gerard Butler put it in the movie "Law Abiding Citizen," is “going to be biblical!" If you haven't seen "Law Abiding Citizen" yet, I highly recommend watching it; it might provide intriguing insights into our current situation, and it was made before Hollywood was affected by "wokeness." By the way, I am not suggesting anyone take the law into their own hands.

And since it's Sunday, let's take a moment to draw connections to biblical scriptures. Remember the captivating tale of the ten plagues of Egypt? The Egyptians' stubbornness led them to a state of brainwashed security under their government, rendering them impervious to warnings. God inflicted a series of devastating natural disasters and afflictions upon Egypt,progressively intensifying in severity until Pharaoh finally relented. It took the loss of their own children (the tenth plague) to jolt them awake and raise their awareness.

It appears that history, much like a swinging pendulum, is repeating itself. Those who opt for a false sense of security provided by their government and turn a blind eye to hard truths seem to fall into the same slumbered state and eventually wake up through the loss of their children.

Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
1 Corinthians 10:11 NKJV

🍍 Lorenzo’s Oil

Many individuals often find themselves entranced by the government's narrative, readily accepting it without question or critical analysis. This state of complacency endures until they directly experience adversity in their own lives. It's essential to recognize that most people possess the intellectual capacity to delve deeper if they choose to do so. The realms of medicine and science are not exclusive domains reserved solely for those with PhDs or MDs.

Consider the inspiring story of Augusto and Michaela Odone. Augusto Odone was an economist, and Michaela Odone worked as a linguist and editor; they were both devoid of a medical background. Faced with the dire diagnosis of their son, Lorenzo, who suffered from a rare and incurable disease called adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), the Odones refused to accept this tragic fate. Instead, they embarked on an extraordinary journey of research and discovery, ultimately pioneering a groundbreaking treatment now known as "Lorenzo's Oil."

This remarkable tale underscores that determination and resolve can empower individuals from various backgrounds if they have the willingness to challenge established narratives.

Here's another movie recommendation to consider watching before Hollywood embraced extreme political correctness.

🍍 So are vaccinated children in trouble?

A recent study just dropped that sheds light on the effects of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on children's immune responses. The study titled "BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and Toll-like receptor agonists." aimed to evaluate the general immune responses of children who received the Pfizer vaccine.

The researchers made a noteworthy finding regarding children who received the Pfizer vaccine as opposed to those who did not. Specifically, the vaccine seemed to impact how their immune systems responded to various infections and inflammations. As noted by Igor Chudov in his substack article, “many specific immune reactions declined by a factor of over ten times”. 

In addition to this recent study, Dr. Sabin Hazan, a renowned gastroenterologist, published her research a few months back revealing that newborns born to vaccinated mothers have ZERO bifidobacteria. 

For those unfamiliar with the significance of bifidobacteria, it's essential for newborns as it constitutes up to 90% of a baby's microbiome. These beneficial bacteria play a pivotal role in shaping the infant's immune system, enabling it to differentiate between harmful and beneficial microorganisms, ultimately enhancing the child's overall health and well-being. 

What happens to these babies when they grow up? Will their immune system be negatively affected? This is precisely why we do not simply roll out drugs based on a two-month study!

This is the very reason why Pfizer's procurement contract, known as the Advanced Purchase Agreement (APA), with the consortium of Pfizer and the German company BioNTech contains alarming clauses. These clauses, if more widely known, would likely have sparked significant opposition and "vaccine hesitancy."

One such clause can be found in Article 1, paragraph 4, of the Vaccine Order Form attached to the APA, which states: "The Participating Member State also recognizes that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are presently unknown, and there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known."

🍍 We’ve passed the point of no return

To conclude this weekend's commentary, let's delve into Singapore's latest population data, especially in light of their recent election of a WEF official as President. Comparable trends are emerging in other nations with high mRNA vaccination rates. Singapore, thanks to its compact size and robust data collection capabilities, offers us a valuable microcosm of the unfolding global situation.

We've now reached a juncture where even a cursory glance at the data reveals significant conclusions. Complex analytical skills are no longer prerequisites to discern the emerging patterns. We are unmistakably entering a phase of accelerated depopulation. This serves as a stark reminder that the age-old adage, "Be careful what you wish for," holds more relevance than ever before.

Signing off for now

P.S. If you find value in my posts, please consider supporting me by becoming a paid subscriber to my Substack or by buying me a coffee at this link. Unfortunately, in my effort to expose the truth and avoid the hypocrisy of returning to work in Pharma (a field I once loved), I've been unemployed for three years. I sincerely hope for your assistance during this transitional period. You can also help me reach a wider audience by sharing this post.

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