Saturday 9 September 2023


BREAKING: Former WHO consultant and Founding President of Singapore's Oncology Society Prof Gabriel Oon shares his views on COVID and mRNA Vaccinations

An Aussie17 Exclusive

In this "battle of narrative" surrounding the pandemic and mRNA vaccination, certain names have emerged time and again. On one side, we have the likes of Fauci and his team, including Peter Hotez, Paul Offit, and Rochelle Walensky, among others who continue to advocate the use of the experimental mRNA drugs. On the opposing side, we find the likes of esteemed cardiologist Peter McCullough, mRNA inventor Robert Malone, former Pfizer Vice President Mike Yeadon, and many more. Notably, some have taken a U-turn, like John Campbell and Aseem Malhotra, initially advocating for vaccines, only to courageously change their stance later. However, many eminent doctors and scientists who spoke against the government narrative have faced de-platforming, leaving them voiceless in the ongoing discourse.

Meet Professor Gabriel Oon, a distinguished luminary in the field of oncology and an eminent authority in the medical realm. With a remarkable career spanning decades, Professor Oon holds an MD from Cambridge University, with a specialization in cancer immunology. As a visionary leader, he established the first Division of Oncology and Immunology at Singapore General Hospital, an institution widely regarded as one of the world's top hospitals, securing the 9th position globally in 2023, according to Newsweek.

Singapore General Hospital rated 9th in “World’s Best Hospitals”. 

Professor Gabriel Oon's global impact extends beyond Singapore. He played a pivotal role in the country's groundbreaking universal immunization program against Hepatitis B, making Singapore one of the world's first nation to implement the Hepatitis B Vaccine. His contributions have not gone unnoticed, as he was appointed the Principal Investigator by the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC), a subsidiary of the World Health Organization in Lyon, to study the outcome of liver cancer following Hepatitis B Vaccinations.

Prof Gabriel Oon, Professor Baruch Blumberg (Nobel lauraete who discovered Hepatitis B Virus), Dr. Kwa Soon Bee in 1992. 

Among his numerous accomplishments, Professor Oon holds five vital industrial patents targeting vaccine escape HB viruses, notorious for causing liver cancer. These patents encompass vaccine development, reagents, and medical solutions, epitomizing his unyielding commitment to advancing healthcare.

In our candid conversation, Professor Oon stresses the importance of exercising caution during the ongoing pandemic. He emphasizes that the pandemic is not solely driven by the original virus but also by millions of vaccine escape mutants (VEMs), which have emerged due to faulty vaccine manufacturing, relying solely on the spike protein of the original SARS2 virus. As a consequence, vaccinated individuals might not detect these new vaccine escape mutants, unwittingly facilitating the virus's spread.

Vaccine escape mutants (VEMs), sometimes called escape variants or breakthrough variants, are altered forms of the virus that can avoid the protection provided by vaccination. These mutants emerge because of the pressure from the immune responses triggered by the vaccine, which can result in infections even in people who have been vaccinated.

Indeed, a recent peer-reviewed study by Cleveland Clinic has shed light on the issue, revealing the likelihood of testing positive for COVID following different doses of vaccination.

The study showed that:

  • One dose: 2.07 times more likely to test positive for COVID

  • Two doses: 2.50 times more likely to test positive for COVID

  • Three doses: 3.1 times more likely to test positive for COVID

  • More than three doses: 3.53 times more likely to test positive for COVID


The emergence of VEMs raises serious concerns, as they can give rise to mild or even deadly new viruses. The potential for lethal variants to trigger a sudden pandemic is particularly alarming, especially among individuals who have already been vaccinated.

When the Singapore government mandated vaccination for healthcare workers, Professor Oon took action, reaching out to coordinating ministers. He advocated for those with vaccine allergy to have access to inactivated vaccines (such as Sinovac). Although there were 20,000 doses of Sinovac available in Singapore during the initial vaccination campaign, they were only accessible through private clinics. Professor Oon, his wife, and colleagues opted for Sinovac over the mRNA vaccines.

Professor Gabriel Oon launching his book “A Cancer Vaccine that transformed Singapore and the world” in 2010 with then Singapore’s Minister of Health Khaw Boon Wan 

Delving deeper into the science behind mRNA vaccines, Professor Oon reveals the live spike sections of SARS-CoV-2, is a patented invention by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dating back to May 2004. He further discloses that the addition of the HIV glycoprotein increase toxicity, leading to more significant damage to organs and cells. The repetition of vaccinations, according to him, amplifies damage and fatalities. The potential damage arising from the combination of the HIV glycoprotein and SARSGenes results in organ and gene destruction, as well as clotting system disruptions. Autopsies have revealed that acute strokes and heart attacks are caused by spike proteins. 

New German Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed By The Covid Vaccine

Additionally, he raises concerns about cancer mortality rates, attributing them to potential issues with the immune system's rejection of cancers and injuries to stem cells caused by mRNA vaccines.

Professor Oon does not mince words when it comes to the potential devastating impact on the brain, cautioning against strokes, dementia, deafness, nerve damage, and loss of taste and smell. The consequences of mRNA vaccines' effects on brain function, he warns, can be severe, leading to total brain damage, coma, and even death. Furthermore, the blood system is not immune to the destructive reach of mRNA, with Professor Oon asserting its potential to obliterate all cells, leading to bleeding, infections, and clotting issues that may result in organ failures, including the heart, kidneys, and liver.

In his candid assessment, Professor Gabriel Oon characterizes the situation as "nasty," expressing concern that these effects may contribute to depopulation, impacting both children and adults alike. Given the gravity of the situation, he emphasizes the urgent need for action if one contracts COVID-19, to consider using antiviral drugs like Tamiflu for its rapid-acting mechanism against viral neuraminidase to counteract the virus's potentially dire consequences. 

As the world grapples with the ever-evolving pandemic and vaccination landscape, voices like Professor Gabriel Oon's bring valuable insights to the forefront. He urges us to remain cautious, consider the implications of emerging VEMs, and make informed decisions when it comes to safeguarding our health and well-being. The complexities of the pandemic demand careful consideration, and Professor Oon's expertise is a beacon of knowledge amidst the fog of uncertainty.

Signing off for now

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