Monday 18 September 2023


Half of Vaccinated People Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Found


Remember how we were told that “the vaccine stays in the arm” and that “harmless spike protein is only produced for a couple of days.” They said they were sure of that, despite no data to confirm their statements. 

Well, sadly, it turns out that they lied to us.The data is now in, and it proves such claims wrong!

clever scientific study by Brogna et al., just published, detected the presence of spike protein in COVID-vaccinated people six MONTHS after vaccination - and excluded the possibility of cross-contamination of experimental data with wild-circulating COVID infections.

What the Scientists Did

The study's authors used a sensitive test, called mass-spectrometry to detect a specific amino-acid sequence that exists only in the vaccine-induced spike protein.

To remind my readers, mRNA COVID vaccines contain genetic code to produce the so-called “spike protein,” a component of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that allows the virus to penetrate and infect human cells. During the penetration process, called “fusion,” the viral spike protein changes shape, becoming a spear of sorts, penetrating the cell surface. 

The only modification that both Pfizer and Moderna did was to “prefusion stabilize” the vaccine-encoded spike protein to prevent it from changing its shape and be more stable in the human body. (You can read more about it here).

The scientists decided to look for that specific, genetically modified protein component. 

Experimental design: Mass spectrometry examination of biological samples was used to detect the presence of specific fragments of recombinant Spike proteinin subjects who received mRNA-basedvaccines.

The replacement, using two proline amino acids, is referred to as “PP” by the study authors (PP stands for proline-proline). They are Italian and possibly did not realize that “PP” sounds naughty, so in most English literature, the sequence is called “2P”. Leaving kindergarten humor aside, the study authors zero in on the spike protein component that only exists in the COVID vaccine and does NOT occur in the naturally existing Sars-Cov-2 virus.

To be sure that their finding is not spurious, scientists included a control group of people who never received the COVID vaccines:

The study group, from southern Italy, was 40 subjects, 20 were vaccinated with the full cycle of mRNA vaccine as of April 2022, being part of the health sector, and 20 were unvaccinated with negativity for COVID-19 to nasopharyngeal test and with no titer of any antibodies. Other 20 unvaccinated persons were added that were positive for COVID-19.

The three groups were looked at. 

It turns out that only the people in the vaccinated subgroup were found to carry vaccine-derived spike protein. What is worse, vaccine spike protein was found as late as six months after the last dose!

The specific PP-Spike fragment was found in 50% of the biological sample analyzed (Figures 1C–E and 2). This presence was independent of the SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody titer. The antibody titers had a geometric mean of 629.86BAU/mL (Figure 1E). The minimum time PP-Spike was detected was 69 days after vaccination, while the maximum time was 187days. Allcontrols (samples from unvaccinated individuals) were negative. The control group (20 unvaccinated people) was also tested after contracting COVID-19 and was negative for PP-spike.

Nowhere does the study state that spike protein production ends after 187 days - the upper limit on time after vaccination was an artifact of the study design.

This picture explains the study design, showing the location of the “stabilized 2P spike protein” amino acid sequence:

The authors explain the likely mechanism of persistent spike protein production:

Note the ominous possibility, “mRNA may be integrated or re-transcribed”. What is that?

Covid Vaccine Becomes Part of Human DNA?

An item of note is the above sentence, “It is possible that the mRNA may be integrated or re-transcribed in some cells.” The so-called reverse transcription, that is, vaccine mRNA becoming part of the human DNA genome in some affected cells, was originally dismissed without evidence by the so-called “COVID science,” until it was demonstrated in in-vitro experiments:

If so, a disturbing possibility exists that COVID spike protein production never ends. To illustrate that, the HIV virus, which causes AIDS, also reverse transcribes and integrates itself into human DNA so that the sufferers’ reprogrammed cells endlessly produce copies of HIV. This is why HIV cannot be cured, only suppressed by drugs.

Similarly, human cells with COVID vaccine genetic code reverse-transcribed into them may also endlessly produce the spike protein for the affected individuals' lives.

Does this Explain IgG4 Immune Tolerance?

The so-called immune tolerance, which is a tendency of the organism to ignore persistent pathogens instead of offering a vigorous immune reaction, may be why vaccinated people are more susceptible to frequent repeat infections and slower virus clearance.

Immune tolerance is perfectly acceptable for allergens, irritants that do not replicate and exist persistently. Ignoring allergens, instead of suffering from annoying hay fever, is why immune tolerance is a good response to such environmental irritants as pollen or dust.

However, immune tolerance is deadly when it comes to resisting live, replicating pathogens!

An immune-tolerant organism is similar to a tolerant robbery victim, who passively sits while their home is ransacked without resistingThe robbery may seem “mild,” but the robbers take off with the loot - and they will come back again. And again.

Read more here:

The above-referenced post explains immune tolerance, why it is bad for Covid-19, and how it works. 

What the above post did not fully explore is the reason why vaccination induces immune tolerance.

The Brogna et al. study that we are discussing shows us the mechanism of why immune tolerance to spike protein develops. The reason is that spike protein, produced without end, looks like an “environmental irritant” to the vaccinated organism instead of being seen as a dangerous intruder. 

They Should Have Tested for This Before Mandating These Vaccines

I greatly appreciate the painstaking and difficult work of Brogna and co-authors, who carefully examined the presence of spike protein in vaccinated people, properly used control subjects to rule out COVID-19 as an alternative cause, and so on.

I do not appreciate the “Covid science,” which lied about COVID vaccines being “safe and effective.” As we enter our ninth wave of Covid, and vaccinated people are infected and reinfected, the vaccines proved ineffective. Worse, they also turned out to be unsafe, as this study and many other studies show. 

Sadly, COVID vaccines do not come with the OFF switch, and there is no way to stop this persistent spike protein production.

Hope for Vaccinated People

I do not want to end this post on a negative note. I want to point out that the study found only HALF of vaccinated people suffering from the continuous presence of vaccine spike protein in their blood. The other half, fortunately, is fine. 

Therefore, all vaccinated people have hope that they are not the individuals suffering from this continuous spike production. There is hope for all of us who got vaccinated or who have affected loved ones.

Oddly enough, just as only half of vaccinated people keep testing positive for spike six months after vaccination, only about half of vaccinated people go on to develop immune tolerance. One process may go with the other!

This is not an Anti-Science Post.

Some critics may accuse me of being anti-science just because I spoke negatively of the charlatans who promoted unproven COVID vaccines. Far from that, I love good scienceand am always happy to highlight important, life-saving research, such as the study I cited.

I have great hopes that the period of darkness in science, caused by conformity, corruption, and radical anti-human ideologies, will end, and research again will become human-centered, open to criticism and progress. 

Do you think that science will serve people in the future?


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