Monday 18 September 2023


Florida’s Forced Quarantine and Forced Vaccination Law

The Governor and Attorney General of the state of New York are fighting hard for quarantine camps, and have officially appealed a court’s decision blocking them from carrying out such gross human rights violations. Attorney Bobbie Ann Cox gave oral arguments against the psychopathic authoritarians this past Wednesday when they filed their appeal.

I can only be grateful that I live in the free state of Florida. We fortunately have a Republican governor. We are also protected by a Republican super majority in the legislature. All is good in the sunshine state….

Wait! Not so fast! We may have a problem here.

I’ll admit I was unaware of this law till Mary Helms, the Republican Liberty Caucus Chair for Franklin County Florida brought this to my attention. Mary’s husband John Helms got the Ban the Jab resolution passed in the Franklin County GOP recently.

This updated law was passed in 2023. It is Florida Statute, Title XXIX, Chapter 381, specifically Section 00315. It appears a total disaster. According to this law, Floridians can be forced isolated and quarantined against their will, and any treatment, not just vaccines, can be forced on them. The language was changed from prior versions from ‘vaccine’ to ‘any treatment’. It was pointed out to me that was likely changed because it is becoming apparent that C19 injections are not ‘vaccines’.

Let’s start with a few of the legal definitions in this law:

(a) “Isolation” means the separation of an individual who is reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease from individuals who are not infected, to prevent the possible spread of the disease.

“Quarantine” means the separation of an individual reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease, but who is not yet ill, from individuals who have not been so exposed, to prevent the possible spread of the disease.

This might raise a red flag or two. It gets worse. The law allows the state health officer to:

4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.

a. Examination, testing, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer.

b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to treat the individual.

c. Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this paragraph is immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officerunder s. 381.0012.

The law appears to actually cede the state’s sovereignty to the federal government and creates a convenient back door for the WHO to violate the basic human rights of Floridians.

2)(a) The department shall prepare and maintain a state public health emergency management plan to serve as a comprehensive guide to public health emergency response in this state. The department shall develop the plan in collaboration with the Division of Emergency Management, other executive agencies with functions relevant to public health emergencies, district medical examiners, and national and state public health experts and ensure that it integrates and coordinates with the public health emergency management plans and programs of the Federal Government

It becomes difficult to argue the Tenth Amendment when the state legislature cedes their sovereignty to the federal government. In this interview I did a while back with James Roguski, where James and I were interviewing each other, James expressed the view that the WHO is planning on using the federal government, and then the federal government will use the states, to implement WHO’s mandatory policies. This Florida law seems to coincide with Roguski’s revelation.

There was a blanket health protection law called SB222 that got derailed earlier this year in favor of SB 252, which appears to offer no protections at all in this area. SB 252 does not nullify Florida Statute, Title XXIX, Chapter 381, Section 00315. In fact, it leaves a door open for WHO to dictate policies if the state mandates it. As far as I can tell, the state of Florida has to obey the federal government and must follow and integrate with federal plans because of F.S. 381, Section 00315.

It looks like there is deliberate intent.

How else could we explain such a law that leaves a path open for the federal government and the WHO to clamp down on Floridians?

As already stated it also appears that the State Health officer can force isolate, and force quarantine, and force any treatment on any Floridian, and use the police power of the state’s law enforcement to do it.

I’ve been critical of the Governor and the legislature in the past regarding SB 252. See lines 188, 243, and 446 of the amendment to get an idea why that is. After all of the crimes against humanity that have been committed since 2020, how is it possible that this law got passed in 2023? How does a Republican super majority pass this law? How can Governor DeSantis sign this law?

If Floridians can be force isolated and the definition of isolation means the separation of an individual who is reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease from individuals who are not infected, to prevent the possible spread of the disease. If Floridians can be forced quarantined and the definition of quarantine means, “the separation of an individual reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease, but who is not yet ill, from individuals who have not been so exposed, to prevent the possible spread of the disease”, then how exactly is Florida different than New York state?

If Chapter 381, Section 00315 says:

 “The department shall develop the plan in collaboration with the Division of Emergency Management, other executive agencies with functions relevant to public health emergencies, district medical examiners, and national and state public health experts and ensure that it integrates and coordinates with the public health emergency management plans and programs of the Federal Government.”

That means SB 252 offers no protections if the Federal government creates a forced isolation, quarantine, forced ‘vaccination’, or any other program under the guise of an emergency for the state to implement. Doesn’t that mean that even the Covid 19 protections in SB 252 are void if the federal government creates another emergency and dictates to the state.

I’m not an attorney, and maybe attorneys can argue back and forth on this legislation, but it sure looks like a shell game to me. By the way, I would be happy to find out that I got this totally wrong, and someone were to tell me this law has been repealed and is no longer in effect. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case. 

Governor DeSantis needs to immediately call a special session of the legislature and fix what he and the legislature created.

With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats? 


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