Thursday 24 August 2023


Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford

The White Dragon Society Plan For The Planet.

By Benjamin Fulford

August 14, 2023

The former ruling lineages of the planet are trying to negotiate a surrender with the White Dragon Society (WDS) and the White Hats their allies. The main obstacle to replacing the current dystopian regime in power in the West is now the question of what alternative will replace it.

This is why the WDS presents a series of proposals. This is not a definitive conclusion, but rather a starting point for a constructive debate on how we, as a species, must navigate into the future.

Before doing this, however, let's confirm that the current system will collapse. Thomas Jefferson was prophetic when he said:


If ever the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and companies that will develop around them will deprive the people of any property until their children wake up homeless on the continent conquered by their fathers. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous for our freedoms than permanent armies. The issuing power (money) must be withdrawn from the banks and returned to the people, to whom it rightly belongs.


He was right. If a private central bank creates 1,000 billion dollars from scratch and then distributes them to its acolytes, in fact it will steal these billions from the American people.

According to one calculation, "450,000 billion dollars in income was diverted from American workers between 1975 and 2018: largely because of the effects of inflation, American workers suffered a massive and invisible drop in real wages in the form of a sacrificed income that went unnoticed by most American families".

This is equivalent to $1.46 million stolen from every man, woman and child in the United States. If you start in 1972, when the U.S. dollar was withdrawn from the gold standard, update it until 2023 and use real inflation data, it is equivalent to more than $2 million per person.

Now, however, the banksters have killed the hen with the golden eggs. They can no longer steal the American people.

Here is the calculation: the median U.S. income is $31,000 while the median price of houses is $373,000, so at the current mortgage interest rate of 7.12%, the monthly mortgage payment would be $2,942. This means that the annual payment would be $35,304.

In other words, if the average American did not pay for food, utilities or anything else, he still could not afford to buy a house. This means that the system is irreparably broken.

FRB criminals use various statistical lies to try to hide this. For example, they will say that GDP per capita is $70,000. However, this figure hides income inequality by dividing total income by the total population.

For example, if Bill Gates enters a cafeteria and starts buying everything, the per capita income of people there skyrockets even if they will not be able to buy food. Median income is the level at which half of the population is above and the other half below and therefore reflects reality.

That is why the WDS proposes to start by returning the approximately $2 million that was stolen from each person. FRB propagandists will shout "This will lead to hyperinflation! However, not with the WDS proposal because the money will be returned to people in the form of real and tangible things.

To begin with, everyone will own their current place of residence and all debts, public and private, will be cancelled. In other words, a jubilee will be declared.

The WDS also calls for regaining control of the process of creating and distributing money to elected representatives of the people. This means that government money could be used to pay all previous owners who relied on rental income to live.

Canada, from 1938 to 1972, was also able to pay for World War II expenses, public health insurance, education, public works such as the Trans-Canada Highway, etc., all without debts or taxes simply by using government money. There was no inflation either because the currency was supported by gold and silver.

This is the kind of system that needs to be put back in place, at least for North America.

At the global level, something similar must also be done. In other words, an international cancellation of all debts and a redistribution of assets are necessary. This will obviously have to be adapted to the needs of each country and region and will require a lot of careful planning.

The other thing that the WDS proposes is to replace the World Bank, the UN, the EGF, the BIS, the IMF, etc. with new institutions.

This writer came to Japan in 1980 to study their economic and social system. At the time, Japan had just gone through decades of double-digit economic growth.

They had the highest GDP per capita in the world. The gap between rich and poor is the narrowest of all developed countries. They also had the lowest crime rate in the world and the rivers in downtown Tokyo were filled with fish at a time when pollution had killed all living creatures in other cities around the world.

The economic system they used was the one they had copied from Nazi Germany and then improved.

We all know the bad Nazi habit of genocide and the horrible medical experiments they conducted, etc. What they don't teach us is how good their economic management was.

They were pioneers in ensuring that everyone had a Volkswagen, paid leave, health insurance, etc. They also built Germany's wonderful road network. Again, using government money; all without taxes or debts.

However, they had used gold borrowed from the Asian royal family for this purpose and to set up the BIS, the UN, etc. This had the effect of giving long-term control to Asian royal families. This is a problem that now leads to an Asian takeover of the world as these members of the royal family demand the return of their gold.

The Japanese system was similar and, unlike the German system, did not depend on the borrowed Asian royal gold. Let's see how it worked.

The Bank of Japan began the process by sending its officials throughout the country. They checked prices in supermarkets and other stores, questioned small, medium and large companies about their spending plans, etc. They would use this data to find an amount of money that could be created without causing inflation.

The next step was taken by an organization known as the Economic Planning Agency. This group was led by a committee of politicians, businessmen, bureaucrats, etc.

They decided where they wanted the country to be in five years. For example, in a plan, they decided to connect all the houses in the country to sewer systems over the next 5 years and did so.

It was not a central communist planning, however, because the real work was put to the private sector through tenders. Private companies were also free to pursue their own plans independently of the 5-year central plan.

For example, bureaucrats first discouraged car manufacturers, but this did not prevent Honda and Toyota from moving forward anyway.

In any case, Communist China studied this system and copied it. They added their own twists and turns. Thus, for example, promotions are decided by asking bureaucrats to vote for anyone, according to them, deserves to be promoted, except themselves.

The result is that they are growing their economy so quickly that they have let the West bite their dust. The more we allow them to surpass the West, the stronger they will become and the less they will have to listen to us.

This is why the West must create a similar system - but let's hope it is better - to prevent China from conquering the world.

The other thing that must be emphasized here is that copying the economic planning system of places like Singapore does not mean copying the totalitarian control grids that these places use.

In Singapore, chewing gum is illegal and they execute people for possession of marijuana: none of us wants to imitate such aspects.

In any case, following behind-the-scenes negotiations between the WDS and other groups, the British Commonwealth, the Pentagon and the Russians are among those who support the establishment of various complementary international future planning organizations, to replace the failing system of the IMF, the BIS, the World Bank, etc.

As mentioned above, the details will have to be settled to ensure that the new structures work for the people and are endowed by the people in a transparent, democratic and meritocratic way.

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