Wednesday, 30 August 2023


Parallels Between Anthrax and COVID19 Bioweapon - Review Of Karl W. B. Schwarz Investigation Of DOD/Pharma Joint Ventures

I was recently introduced to Karl W.B. Schwarz, CEO of Tokata Nanotech Group. I was alerted that he reposted my substack article on the mathematician Dan Winter. I was so surprised that a CEO of a nanotechnology company reads my substack, I wanted to meet him! I had so many questions. Having the opportunity to have discussions with Karl has been an enlightening experience. 

Karl wrote the book One-Way Ticket to Crawford,Texas:A Conservative Republican Speaks Out published in 2004. As a Washington DC Insider, he blew the whistle on 9/11. In his book, he has a chapter on the Anthrax Vaccine operation of the military - he writes from firsthand experience as his only son was vaccine injured by the Anthrax bioweapon shot. 

I will review some stunning information and parallels to the C19 bioweapon. 

First, did you know that the Anthrax vaccine killed many American soldiers? Caused unexplained blood clots, debilitating deep vein thrombosisHeart attacks in young adults in their twenties?  Chronic fatigue and Lyme disease? High incidence of Amyloidosis? Did you know soldiers DIED SUDDENLY? Did you know doctors did not enter that information into VAERS? 

And then there was this: 

FDA approval granted without testing. In its haste to push this vaccine and order U.S. troops to take it, the normal FDA approval process was expedited and appropriate testing was not performed.

Does that not sound like a test run on the C19 bioweapons? Here is what Karl had to say about President Bush: 

We have a Mr. Secrecy President that wants all of America to be vaccinated against the boogeyman threat of anthrax, while at the same time sequestering information behind secrecy, Executive Orders, stalling investigations that might directly implicate his own family and Bush Buddies that stand to make a lot of money with his next mangled utterance of the English language. I have a problem with that secrecy and that agenda when his father is directly involved with one of the behind the scenes anthrax players and others are major campaign contributors.

This paragraph sounds just like our time now, where politicians are not even mentioning C19 vaccine injury and death - and the people we elected are ignoring thousands of Americans that have been killed and even more who have been injured.

( my comment: these politicians all need to be held accountable, they have betrayed America) :

Karl explains: 

There are “standing orders” to not disclose certain things to the media or American public, to not make any “official medical chain of evidence” that might raise question to the honor, integrity and negligence of our President, the Carlyle Group, George H.W. Bush and BioPort, Rumsfeld and our Pentagon and others, where “military intelligence” has been said to be an oxymoron. At the very least, I am of the opinion that “military intelligence” is at best a contradiction in terms.

Here we see the marrying of a computer science/ technology company and vaccine manufacturer again: 

“DynPort Vaccine Company DynPort Vaccine Company LLC (DVC) is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and licensure of safe and efficacious biodefense vaccines for the U.S. Department of Defense through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program (JVAP), and civilian populations. DVC is a joint venture between Computer Sciences Corporation (NYSE:CSC), one of the world's leading information technology (IT) service companies, and Porton International Inc., a leading vaccine development company focused on the development of biodefense vaccines. Founded in 1997, DVC employs 135 professionals at its headquarters in Frederick, Md. “

There is one possible reason why our President does not want anyone looking into the matter since BioPort and George Herbert Walker Bush are connected via Carlyle Group.

BioPort has received repeated financial bailouts from DoD That fact alone has politics, pet project, wealthy insider and a few other less civil things written all over it. BioPort has been repeatedly in front of Congress to explain itself and its conduct, 18 its failure to deliver a quality product, and again and again the DoD has stepped in to bail them out with more taxpayer money and stick with them as the sole supplier of the anthrax vaccine. This could be yet another “scarcity strategies” to make the price really shoot up, like with oil and gas. It would be one thing if BioPort actually developed and owned the anthrax technology but it does not. This was developed in a government lab, handed over to insiders and this BioPort / Carlyle / Crowe team that have yet to get anything done right but line their pockets with taxpayer money and provide an unsafe product

There were questions if the military was performing medical experimentation on the soldiers: 

Just like with Covid19, where no virus has been identified worldwide, no cause of the pneumonia was identified in these soldiers who were forced to get the Anthrax vaccination: 

Pneumonia Mystery 

UPI reported in August 2003 that medical teams had been sent due to about 100 cases of pneumonia that had been contracted by our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. That number is now in the thousands of cases of pneumonia, but this particular pneumonia is proving out in the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (a DoD hospital being used for Iraq and Afghanistan casualties and other health issues) to be something quite unusual. They are running tests and there is no bacterium or virus present in these thousands of cases of pneumonia. What is a commonality is that all of the troops were forced to take the anthrax vaccine shortly before being deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. I personally know one US soldier that has had this mystery pneumonia four times while deployed to Iraq since March 2003.

Interestingly, after getting the vaccination, troops were dying on the ventilator with respiratory failure. Does that not sound familiar? 

There are soldiers that have come down with this mystery pneumonia and have died as a result of it. UPI has been investigating this story. I have tried to get at least one of several US Army nurses and doctors that I know that are part of the 94th General Hospital group from Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas to talk to Mark Benjamin. They are afraid. With myself being from Little Rock, AR and that portion of the 94th being based right here as part of the 90th Readiness Command at Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, I know some of them personally. The 94th General Hospital has been at Landstuhl RMC, Germany since March 2003. They have seen it all coming out of the various places the Bush Administration has deployed our troops because they go there first before coming back to the United States either dead, or with body parts missing, or health impaired, many for the rest of their lives. Some of them do not even make it to deployment overseas, and of course if it happens on our bases here it is super secret per Bush and Rumsfeld orders.

They have seen a lot of these pneumonia cases and have run many tests, only to find that there is no underlying virus or bacterium that can be detected with the normal tests for pneumonia. That means one thing – something else is causing this massive outbreak of pneumonia and all fingers are pointing at the anthrax vaccine or that vaccine in combination with the Small Pox vaccine that are routinely given to our troops. When you read about Captain Jason M. Nietupski later in this chapter remember that he was deployed to South Korea and there was no reason to have given him or any other US troops those vaccines that were headed to South Korea. Was no reason at all, except money.

Mystery Blood Clots felling US Troops and DIED SUDDENLY

We have had healthy and fit US troops felled with mystery blood clots, massive and fatal pulmonary embolisms and even sudden death from fatal heart attacks. There is a parallel trend where this is happening in the United States and since the troops are not “forward” in the war zone areas they are not listed among the casualties. Note the comment in this second linked article regarding the symptom of pain in the legs and later on this article note the part about Deep Vein Thrombosis and what are some of the causes of that condition and the relationship to this anthrax vaccine. The embedded reporter for NBC, David Bloom, died suddenly while in Iraq of a massive pulmonary embolism at the age of 39. I read one account where the medical examiner supposedly stated that Bloom had the biggest pulmonary embolism (blood clot) he had ever seen.

Same story as now, even though deaths and illness are reported the DOD is not stopping C19 bioweapon implementation and the White House was still saying how wonderful things are going. Does C19 bioweapon genocide not sound like an identical replay? 

Our DoD and various branches thereof are finally starting to admit that there is a problem. One can bet that this went over big at the White House and within the Office of the Secretary of Defense since it contradicts the official story line about how wonderful things are going. However, they have not slowed up at all in making sure that anthrax vaccination is compelled upon our troops. Even if they refuse, they are either forced, threatened or court martialed.

Additionally, there are more overlaps with the 1991 findings where troops developed Amyloidosis, heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis.

One of the untold stories about the 1991 Desert Storm [and this might be in part what George Bush is trying to hide by Executive Order] is that the US military had to rush rheumatology doctors to our fleet in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea due to a massive outbreak of arthritic like symptoms. At that time, the doctors were stumped but as time often does, things began to explain themselves. Many of those persons now have amyloidosis and some have advanced to multiple myeloma or are no longer with us. Many have died from heart attacks, swelling of the pancreas or other internal organs, pulmonary embolisms resulting from Deep Vein Thrombosis and over production of fibrin due to Factor Xa, etc. The pattern is getting clearer every day that “Gulf War Syndrome” is probably linked more to this vaccine than any other factor. I know a rheumatologist that practices right here in Little Rock, AR, Dr. Christopher Adams, MD, with the Little Rock Diagnostic Clinic, that was called up on emergency basis and rushed to the Middle East when half of a carrier task force suddenly came down with “arthritis”. He was the rheumatology doctor for my now ex-wife. Well, some know now that they did not come down fleet wide with arthritis and what much of it was were Amyloidosis and Deep Vein ThrombosisMany cases of amyloidosis are misdiagnosed early on as arthritis and there are over 105 types of arthritis. Many times, only time will tell what the true diagnosis is.


I highly recommend everyone read Karl Schwartz’s book. It makes you wonder for how long the military industrial pharma complex has been involved in domestic terrorism and the deployment of biological warfare agents called “vaccines” causing debilitating disease, heart attacks, blood clots, amyloidosis and sudden deaths. The parallels to the C19 bioweapon are significant and noteworthy.

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