Wednesday 30 August 2023


Geert Vanden Bossche: turbo-cancers and autoimmune diseases will continue to increase - The Round Table

Geert Vanden Bossche: turbo-cancers and autoimmune diseases will continue to increase

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche says that he has come to the conclusion that people who will not be in danger - or at least who will not be at risk of contracting a serious illness - are those who have not been vaccinated. He does not say that they cannot have a mild or moderate disease, but not a serious disease.

What will we see in the coming weeks according to his predictions? Acute autoimmune diseases will continue to increase, for example autoimmune myocarditis, autoimmune type 1 diabetes. There are now more and more self-reactive organic disorders and turbo-cancers, he added.

Click on this LINK, if you do not see the video.

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