Monday, 28 August 2023


What Am I Doing On This Substack Now?

What about the virus/vaccine movie? What moves people?

PART ONE: Selling snow to Eskimos

Once I provided the necessary evidence to conclude viruses don’t exist; and after launching many rational attacks against all vaccines; I began writing about MINDSET.

Meaning: people refusing to look at the evidence and settling on official medical lies as their standard.

So here is yet another slant on MINDSET.

Imagine you have a business that sells a health product. You claim it prevents disease. You can make the claim because the full force of something called THE GOVERNMENT is behind you.

You tell a healthy prospective customer (known as a MARK by con artists), “If you take the product, you won’t get sick.”

He takes the product and doesn’t get sick.

There is no way under the sun to prove he doesn’t get sick because he took your product.

But you can say: “See, our product worked.”

It’s a fantastic business to be in. You sell customers something that HAS NO VISIBLE EFFECT.

Which, when you think about it, is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

It’s on the order of peddling an avid reader a gold star to stick to his forehead, which will give him “the power to continue to read.”

If I were an unscrupulous sociopath, I would be in the business of selling vaccines. No question about it.

The business of selling people viruses that don’t exist is the same. “Here’s something you will never see. Here’s a list of things you must do to keep this something away, or if it’s too late, here’s what you do to kill this something.”

As a card-carrying sociopath, I’d make sure I was in that business, too.

And if someone challenged me about either of my two businesses, I would tell them: “Guess what? There are 1000 billion published words you can read which prove that viruses exist and vaccines are safe and effective.”

So I have LITERATURE behind me as well.

Not only that, I have armies of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of little gnomes and highly credentialed mules who say: “The literature is conclusive.”

This is the ACTUAL landscape we are dealing with.

This is the business we are dealing with.

Breaking the false cause-and-effect chains in people’s minds—chains they’ve bought at the medical swap meet—happens to be one of the projects I’m engaged in.

PART TWO: The time I didn’t take a vaccine

It was the winter of 1958. I was at college.

Out of nowhere, we were told by the administration there was a massive and dangerous flu epidemic spreading around the world. And every one of us was at risk. It was the ASIAN FLU.

(It couldn’t have been, say, the Boston flu or the Nashville flu or the Des Moines flu. Because mysterious unfamiliar dangers only emanate from afar.)

So, we were told, we should all go the college infirmary and take a vaccine.

What? Huh?

I watched my fellow students trudge down the hill to get a shot in the arm.

It occurred to me we were being presented with a STORY. And look at the result. A college dean tells a tale and students line up for an injection.

Where was the course curriculum covering THAT?

Learning more about THAT could have been the most powerful “educational experience” in our four years.

But no. Instead we were being SOLD a story.

I moved on. I didn’t take the vaxx. I knew I wasn’t going to get sick from “the flu.”

PART THREE: What moves people?

The engine that runs the economy is more than production of goods and services. It’s STORIES about the goods and services.

Stories designed with the hope of making people respond.

When I write a piece about a hit television show that never was, a satirical piece, I’m taking STORIES to their insane logical outcome. I’m showing the story and the selling of it and the audience buying it.

We’ve recently been treated to a barrage of stories about the first Republican Presidential debate, and the counter, the Tucker Carlson-Donald Trump interview.

These stories are supposed to make us approve/ disapprove of the official debate or the interview. Choose a side. Choose a candidate who is himself telling a story. That’s at least 3 levels of STORY piled on top of each other.

Sell a story about a vaccine, a virus. Sell a story about a new Lexus. About fast food. About an insurance company. About a medical drug. About improving your credit rating. About climate, race, immigration, censorship, gender. Sell a story about dissident opinion as incitement and even insurrection.

“How do we sell a story about castrating young boys?”

“We call it gender-affirming care and choice and freedom.”

“Sounds good. Get busy.”

How about selling the idea that a billion people should make videos and post them on YouTube? Well, sell those people the idea they can have those videos monetized. And they can make a living.

If you stopped the stories that keep the economic engine running, obviously you would crash the economy.

Right now, the Biden regime is trying to sell climate change and virus stories, with the express purpose of crashing the economy.

Because I’ve been writing and publishing since 1982, I’m aware of various ways I can punch holes in bad stories AND raise people’s awareness of the bad power of stories.

I’ve already written a few thousand evidenced-based pieces that counter bad official tales.

People have a massive hunger for evidence. Eventually, this can turn into an addiction. Meaning: there is no limit to the amount of evidence people desire. No quantity is enough.

That’s not optimum. Instead, at that point, people need a wrench inserted into the flow of stories, something disruptive, something that reveals the absurdity of ceaseless selling and buying of stories.

They need something that jars them out of their mindset. Something unpredictable. Beyond their ability to control their own standard responses.

They need satire, exaggeration, the explosion of the absurdity. They need it badly.

That’s why I write satire.

That’s why I write it for readers.

I write it for myself because I’ve already provided enough evidence to take down a hundred tyrannies.

I write it for myself because it’s exciting and it sets off explosions in my own mind. Good ones.

I go beyond where I was before.

You have to do that, you know. Otherwise, you keep walking up and down the same hallways.

When the RNA COVID vaccines rolled out, I told you EVERY genetic fix has unpredictable consequences, terrible consequences beyond the ability or willingness of the scientists to control them. And I also told you people would tell endless stories citing THE ONE BAD THING the vaccines were doing.

As you can see, they are. It goes on. “The vaccine is horrific because of THIS.” “No, it’s THAT.”

Why? Why do the stories keep rolling out, when we already know genetic thunder causes all sorts of morbid outcomes? Because people have wired themselves to keep telling tales. They can’t stop. The only thing that will stop them is utter exhaustion.

I choose another road. I’ve just explained what it is. If you don’t quite understand it, read this piece again.

People need to un-wire themselves.

For many, it’s not easy. Breaking a solid addiction never is. One of the toughest addictions is a thought process that keeps adding up evidence long after the case is already proven. The cash register of the mind keeps ringing up sales after THE FINAL NECESSARY SALE has already been consummated.

We’re living inside a system that champions an infinite number of stories that SELL and provoke BUYING.

What I’m doing is getting out of the system.

I’m not getting outside of selling and buying. I’m getting out of the ENDLESS part. The addiction part. The part that says, “I already have 154670 bits of evidence that prove the case but I want more. I must have more. If I don’t get more, I won’t know what the hell to do.”

I’m sticking a monkey wrench into all THAT.

“But…but, tell me another story.”

I am telling you another and another and another. But they’re different.

For decades and decades, people have been saying they want DIFFERENT. But do they? Or when they see it, do they back up into SAME and SAME and SAME?

I’m not going to stop. A very long time ago, I decided if I wasn’t going opt for a comfortable career in mainstream journalism, there was no point in holding back, no point in trying to cater to a common denominator.

Instead, I would push it to the hilt. I would go all the way out to the end of the limb and jump off.

Those were the writers I admired most.

Why shouldn’t I be one myself?

Would people accept that?

This is the key question WRITERS have to put aside, stick in the back of the closet.

Writing is not democracy. It’s not mobocracy. It’s not mind-ocracy.

Those things are for children. Or adults with arrested development.

I didn’t crawl out of my mother’s birth canal 85 years ago, so I could take a place on the New York Times or an “alternative” New York Times. Or so I could lament our collective fate. Or so I could sit on a journalistic commuter train every day and go back forth between the same stations.

Apparently, I had far different desires.

I certainly have them now.

Sticking monkey wrenches into morbid and grotesque habits of people’s minds, with satire, with demonstrations of absurdity, has made me saner as a writer than I’ve ever been. And I was pretty sane to begin with.

In the Grand Hotel, there is a whole other elevator. Press the button for the penthouse. You’ll discover the usual suspects are not living there. The windows are all open. Fresh clean air is blowing through.

Stories that promote living death aren’t there.

Other stories are.

Stories that go BANG and refresh the mind. Put new muscles in it. New levels in it. New imagination in it. New dimensions. New high wires. New train stations and airports and rocket destinations. New sanity.

-- Jon Rappoport

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