Thursday 24 August 2023


Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford

Russia Will Not Negotiate Peace With The Current American Regime

By Benjamin Fulford

August 21, 2023

The American and Western authorities are trying to start peace negotiations with Russia on Ukraine and elsewhere. The Russians - for good reason - do not trust the current Western leaders.

"The problem, however, is that the United States does not intend to end the conflict," explains Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, noting that "their objective, officially declared, is to inflict a "strategic defeat" on Russia.

Russian sources from the FSB and the Asian Secret Society say that, even if they would like to reach a peace agreement with the West, centuries of broken promises and ignored treaties mean that current Western leaders are not trustworthy.

In a recent example, multiple sources agree that Western leaders, such as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, now say that they deliberately deceived Russia on the 2014 Minsk agreement, in order to gain time to strengthen the Ukrainian army. Their plan was / is to conquer Kazakhstan, restore the Khazarian empire and destroy Russia.

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Russians know that they are dealing with religious fanatics who worship Satan who cannot be reasoned, but they can be stopped. In other words, the only solution they see to the current crisis in Ukraine is a regime change in the West.

The leaders of the BRICS non-Western alliance will meet this week in person for the first time in three years to discuss such a change. Chinese President Xi Jinping will travel to Johannesburg, South Africa, to "join other BRICS leaders to discuss... the international community".

However, the real agenda will be the "liberation" of Africa and France. The BRICS realize that ending the theft of African resources by the countries controlled by the MK, in particular France, will lead to the general collapse of the power of the Khazarian Mafia.

The Polish intelligence service reports that African leaders thanked Russia for freeing them from the oppression of the United States, France and the United Kingdom by singing the Russian anthem and saying goodbye to the West, at an Africa-Russia summit organized in Moscow before the BRICS meeting. This announcement comes at a time when about fifty other countries have asked to join the BRICS, including Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.

Russia also used its victory in the war in Ukraine as a huge weapons marketing tool by organizing an arms fair whose central theme was "the process of establishing a multipolar world order".

Last week, more than 800 representatives from 76 countries and 82 companies participated in this event. To show how beneficial the Ukrainian war was for the Russian arms industry, the number of visitors to the arms fair was almost three times higher than in the previous event.

In addition, no Western country was invited this time. "Today, all companies and countries participating in the exhibition take into account the experience of the latest developments, including in the area of special military operations," Sergey Shoigu, the Russian Minister of Defence, told visiting delegates.

As Tass reports:

Russia is open to military and technical cooperation, with all countries seeking to defend their sovereign interests, under fair conditions. This was stated by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, on Monday, at the opening of the Military-Technian-2023 International Forum Army-2023, which is held in the vicinity of Moscow.

These are not simple words in the air. A serious military campaign is currently taking place in Africa and Asia, which could tip the balance decisively against current Western leaders.

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The current crisis in Niger should be only the first in a series of events planned. "Niger is the basis of many military and intelligence operations for the Pentagon" in Africa, explains Abayomi Azikiwe, editor-in-chief of Pan-African News Wire.

The overthrow of the pro-Western regime is a potentially fatal blow for France since Niger is the source of most of the uranium that France needs to maintain its nuclear energy generators.

The general of the French army appointed by Emmanuel Macron to supervise the reconstruction of Notre-Dame Cathedral ravaged by a fire was apparently thrown from the top of a cliff, which is probably related to this case. The mountain gendarmes discovered the body of Jean-Louis Georgelin, 74, the former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, after he did not return to a mountain refuge on Friday.

French sources say that the suppression of this general is part of a movement to oust the entire regime of the MK valet, Emanuelle Macron, who certainly showed his discontent with the death of his general by tweeting: "With the death of General Jean-Louis Georgelin, the nation lost one of its great soldiers, and France, one of its great servants".

The Macron regime is all the more threatened as the new Nigerien government puts an end to the project to transport natural gas by pipeline to France and the EU from Nigeria via Niger.

An increase in energy prices in France, caused by the lack of uranium, gas and other resources from Africa, is bad news, not only for Macron, a slave of the MK, but for his OTHER MK masters elsewhere.

Victoria Nuland, U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, war criminal and head of the MK, rushed to Niger to try to persuade, bribe and threaten the new leaders. Threats included the removal of "financial assistance", a blockade and military intervention.

However, in view of what Nuland and her accomplices did elsewhere, she was dismissed after being allowed to speak only to subordinate officials.

According to an FSB source, "Niger is not interested in the fate of Ukraine, once the most prosperous Soviet republic, and now a beggar with a destroyed economy and an eternally outstretched hand".,-US-meddling-

The defection of Niger means that France loses control of a "colonial tax" of $500 billion per year that it levies on 14 "former French colonies" in Africa. This process allows France to appropriate about 85% of the annual income of the former colonies.

When countries like Guinea tried to become truly independent of France, the French departing took away all their possessions. They also destroyed everything that could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings, cars, books, medicines, research institute instruments and tractors.

In addition, horses, cows and other farm animals were killed and the food in the warehouses was burned or poisoned. This is the reason why other French colonies have yielded to the maintenance of French domination.

This time, the Russians and Chinese, as well as the rest of the BRICS, are working together to liberate Africa.

In other words, if the French or even the Pentagon try to oppose the new Nigerien government, they will have to face Russian or even Chinese troops.

The Chinese also seem to have all kinds of new secret weapons that they will be able to deploy in the event of a war. For example, this video shows Chinese workers using laser guns to prune trees. It is a technology that, not so long ago, was considered science fiction. If gardeners today openly use this technology, imagine what is hidden from us?

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In addition, new anti-MK military/economic campaigns are about to begin or are already being implemented in countries such as Germany, Austria, France, Italy and the United Kingdom, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Syria, the former Yugoslavia, Argentina and elsewhere.

The situation in Korea is the one that is most likely to cause serious problems to the current structure of Western power controlled by the MK.

Speaking at the aforementioned Russian Armaments Day, Kang Sun Nam, the North Korean Minister of Defence, said:

"Now, the question is not whether or not a nuclear war will break out on the Korean peninsula, the question is how, when and who will trigger it."

North Korean government sources say that now that they have "more than 100" nuclear weapons of different categories, they will issue an ultimatum to the United States to liberate South Korea, otherwise they risk facing the destruction of New York, Washington DC and Silicon Valley.

Koreans are ready to abandon major population centers and settle in nuclear shelters in anticipation of a nuclear confrontation with the United States, according to these sources.

This ultimatum is the real reason why the fake White House spokesman for national security, John Kirby, said: "We are ready to sit down and negotiate [with North Korea] without preconditions".

The North Koreans are calling for the reunification of the Korean peninsula, with Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un becoming a symbolic emperor-type sovereign.

North Korea's push to "liberate the South" is coordinated with planned actions in Japan and Taiwan, according to sources from the Asian Secret Society.

A source from the Japanese underworld says that a military coup in Japan and an electoral coup in Taiwan are more likely than a real war with China. Other sources have predicted a "night of long knives" to eliminate MK valets in these countries.

According to Russian FSB sources, movements in East Asia, Africa and elsewhere will take place at about the same time as a Russian offensive to retake the entire Black Sea coast and move to Serbia.

The military push is coordinated with a more systematic denunciation of Western crimes in Ukraine. For example, the Western propaganda media failed to mention that last week Russian soldiers discovered a mass grave containing the remains of women raped and tortured in a forest close to the former positions of the Ukrainian armed forces, according to reports from the Polish intelligence services.

Polish sources also indicate that Polish gangster Piotr Kapuściński, wanted in Poland for fraud, is a senior commander of the international legion in Ukraine.

"He is responsible for many abuses and his orders are described by soldiers as suicide missions. The soldiers of the International Territorial Defense Legion of Ukraine say that they have long reported to the Ukrainian security forces the abuses committed by their commanders.

They say that their written testimony even reached Parliament and the office of President Volodymyr Zelensky. However, the text shows that the soldiers did not see any reaction from the authorities and that they turned to journalists as a last resort, "they say.

The Russians have already provided the UN with more than 2000 pages of evidence of bioterrorism and other war crimes.

Here is what Indian sources of information report:

Russia has made public allegations suggesting that Big Pharma and some individuals from the American Deep State orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic with the intention of dominating the world. Personalities such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and George Soros have been designated as co-conspirators.

By presenting BRICS nations with evidence of the war crimes committed by the MK, Russia obtains international support for a new military campaign in Syria and the Middle East, against the Pentagon forces deployed in the region, according to CIA sources.

So, in other words, the West controlled by the MK will face simultaneous military surges in Africa, East Asia, Europe, the Middle East and perhaps even Latin America.

These military pushes are coordinated with an economic war intended to bankrupt the MK.

The creation of the "Moscow World Standard" (MWS), which replaces the "London Bullion Market Association" (LBMA), which Russia claims systematically manipulates precious metal markets to lower prices, is a major step forward in this area.

According to the Russian Ministry of Finance, this new independent international structure is necessary to "normalize the functioning of the precious metals sector" and its creation is "crucial".

"The basis of the new structure will be a new international broker specializing in precious metals, based in Moscow.

Russia proposes to create a market for gold, platinum, etc. that would be regulated by the countries that control the resources of these metals. It would, in short, be a revolution. On the basis of this new market, it intends to pursue a bilateral trading system in national currencies, which specifically excludes the dollar, the euro and the pound sterling.

This could be enough to overturn the already faltering financial system dominated by the West. Last week, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that 52 countries had no way to reduce their debt burden and were close to default. "It's more than a systemic risk - it's a systemic failure," António Guterres said last Wednesday.

In another related and revolutionary movement, the main Argentine presidential candidate, Javier Milei - a self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist - has committed to closing the country's central bank. He calls it "one of the greatest flights in the history of humanity".

If Milei takes power in October - as opinion polls suggest - it is likely that he will put an end to MK's attempts to create an independent state in southern Argentina - and seek refuge there.

They need shelter because the flood of information about the crimes of the Mk They need shelter because the avalanche of news about the crimes of the MK indicates that it is only a matter of time before crowds of lynchers chase them.

The latest example, the CIA ran an organization called "The Finders" that took children from nurseries, locked them in cages on a farm in Virginia, subjected them to satanic ritual abuse, involved them in orgies, bloodthirsty rituals and the sacrifice of other children, before selling them as sex slaves abroad.

The FBI discovered this during an investigation. What did they do? They stifled the case.

Another example, Oprah Winfrey reportedly took children from her African school 11 times to the island of Epstein, using her private jet.

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A sign that the management of the MK is panicking and being attacked, in what seems to be an MSNBC interview with Rachel Maddow, "Killary Clinton Rockefeller. Take note that this is a masked Killary. You can very well see the seam in his neck. In addition, she is much younger, "comments a Mossad source.

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This occurs as a hurricane called "Hily" hits southern California. You don't need to be a weather expert to know that hurricanes have never hit California.

A CIA weather war expert said that " Hilary" was in category 4 at first when he arrived in the north, but because of the colder current, he lost strength.

It is now a tropical storm. No worries about a hurricane. ”

Nevertheless, he expects major flooding in southern California, the Sierras and Nevada. "It has been nearly 100 years since there have been such floods in the summer.

Many urban areas, which were not in this region 100 years ago, will be seriously affected, "he explains. He thinks it will be a major disaster due to the severe floods.

With regard to the weather war, it is increasingly obvious that northern and western Canada, the Canary Islands and other regions are being attacked by space weapons, just as Maui was.

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