Friday 10 February 2023

The Great World Military Maneuvers are preparing to end with the Khazarian Mafia that wants to lead the Planet and colonize Space!


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Fulford: The Great World Maneuvers are getting ready!

The Great World Military Maneuvers are preparing to end with the Khazarian Mafia that wants to lead the Planet and colonize Space!

By Benjamin Fulford on January 2, 2023

Military Artifice Fires to Inaugurate the Year of the Rabbit?
Huge military movements around the world are expected to inaugurate the Year of the Rabbit, which begins on January 22, 2023 in the Chinese calendar.
Indeed, a source of Asian secret society promises that: "A great new military year is to come, and will change the world and every individual".
Pentagon sources predict a simultaneous massive offensive by China on Taiwan and Russia on Ukraine.
However, Russian, Asian and other sources secret societies inform us that there could be a simultaneous offensive by Russia, China, North Korea, Turkey, Iran, Serbia, Belarus and the secret space force to overwhelm all military forces controlled by the Khazarian Mafia.
Western Europe would fall in a few weeks, while Taiwan would certainly surrender without fighting too much.
It is unlikely that the South Korean army will fight heavily against its compatriots in the North.
Israel will also have to reach an agreement before it is too late.
We also learn from secret sources of the Space Force that nuclear weapons will not be allowed to explode during this conflict.

The year of the rabbit is supposed to be that of fertility and reproduction, so why war?
The situation reminds me of a jaguar I saw in a National Geographic documentary; he caught, killed and ate a large caiman (Amazonian crocodile) to prepare to go to mate.
In this case, we must eliminate reptilian predators from the political body before the world can begin a new era of prosperity.
This comes without a shadow of a doubt.
Latin American sources tell us that the death of Pope Maledict Benedict Benedict XVI on December 31, 2022 changed the situation.
Maledict was one of the main architects of the deadly event of March 11, 2011 in Fukushima.
He also orchestrated the murder of Pope Francis and his replacement by a masked impostor.
The fact that only Vatican City and the United States voted against an international initiative to protect the environment means that it also pulled the strings of Biden's horror show in the United States.
Vatican sources say that on his deathbed, Maledict said: "Very soon, I will find myself in front of the final judge of my life... looking back on my long life, I should have great reasons to fear and tremble".
According to the source, Maledict hoped that a last-minute withdrawal would be his free card to get out of hell, but karma does not work this way.
Mass murders and child rape are not something you can get rid of by simply saying "sorry".
"By the way, most of us do not have "great reasons to fear and tremble" about our actions.
I know that when I meet my creator, if he tells me "go to the devil", I will tell him "go to the devil", because I have a clear conscience (okay, except maybe for some embarrassing and embarrassing incidents).
In any case, the pope having died and the Rothschilds trying to negotiate a surrender, it may be possible for the West controlled by 
the Khazarian Mafia to free itself from its chains and conclude an agreement with the World Liberation Alliance before military fireworks break out.
Speaking of military fireworks, CIA sources in South America explain that President Jair Bolsonaro subjected himself to the theft of the elections by the satanist Lula, because his wife and family were held hostage.
Certainly, Bolsonaro arrived in Florida without his wife and children.
In addition, according to Brazilian journalists, an out-of-control magistrate, called Moraes, sends CHANTAGE emails to the Minister of Defense by threatening his son.
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This is typical of the way 
the Khazarian Mafia terrorizes the upper echelons of society to take power.
Of course, these Satanists will not get by with this kind of thing for long and it is unlikely that Lula, the convicted criminal, the Brazilian Supreme Court, the traitors generals, etc. will still be on earth.
These idiots of 
the Khazarian Mafia think that their old plot, which consists of blackmailing, corrupting or killing leaders in order to install a puppet, still works.
The world is now aware of their henanigans and the military response is imminent.
Let's look at what kind of people we distance ourselves from power.
One of the main leaders, Klaus Schwab Rothschild, inherited a fortune from slave labor in concentration camps, according to the Polish intelligence services.
On a typical morning, Klaus goes to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, where his friends are funding subsidies for the future.
"The trail of the last 100 years of wars and dictatorships always leads to the quiet offices of this bank," they say.
In 2020, four months after his Ethiopian terrorist friend at the head of the WHO declared a global pandemic, he published "Covid-19 - THE GREAT RESET".
He directly says that the pandemic was launched to start "the fourth industrial revolution".
It is a nightmarish vision of a world filled with genetically modified corporate slaves who "will possess nothing and will be happy."

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They will be "happy" because their brain will be genetically modified to increase dopamine.
This is exactly what parasitic wasps do to cockroaches so that they readily accept that eggs are laid in their bodies to devour them from the inside.
In the case of the West, the equivalent is to corrupt the top leaders of the ruling class in order to allow society as a whole to be parasitized.
The Schwabs World Economic Forum was originally a Harvard program funded by the CIA and led by Henry Kissinger, who was of course the main henchman of David Rockefeller and now his son David Rockefeller Junior.
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Another of their leaders, Benjamin Netanyahu - who is installing a Satanic theocracy in Israel - says he has "a database, 98% medical, 98% of the population, digitized medical records" dating back 20 years.
He says he wants to put everyone's genetic information in the database.
Although these criminals claim that it is for benevolent reasons, you can be sure that it will be used to ensure that only people genetically modified for absolute submission will have access to their universal digital currency project.
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Needless to say, they have long subverted any form of control of their activities.
As Elon Musk notes:
"Almost no one seems to realize that the bioethics manager at the NIH - the person who is supposed to ensure that Fauci behaves ethically - is his wife." s=20&t=jfyzJxrseQSIe6P_I3Mh9w

The world has received a lot of evidence that these individuals are trying to murder the rest of humanity.
Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the nuclear, biological and chemical protection troops of the Russian armed forces, says:
The West has blocked all proposals made by Russia to amend the Biological Weapons Convention, so that thirty laboratory staff and seven executives of the American defense establishment are held responsible for their actions in Ukraine.
We previously presented documents confirming the involvement of Hunter Biden and his Rosemont Seneca Foundation, as well as other entities controlled by the American Democratic Party, in the funding of the main Pentagon entrepreneurs operating in Ukraine.

Prosecutor Tom Renz adds his stone to the building by telling the press:
DARPA's unclassified documents confirm that SARS-CoV-2 was created by EcoHealth Alliance at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, coordinated by Peter Daszak.
It was designed to be deliberately virulent and humanized, resulting in 6.5 million deaths.
Anthony Fauci was involved.
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In Canada, Prime Minister Danielle Smith dismissed the entire Alberta Health Services Board of Directors.
Look at the salaries and bonuses they received and remember that these positions were part-TIME. (See the attached photo with the positions and salaries)

Here are the photos of some of these murderous war criminals who are now actively hunted down by the White Hats.

These are the real Nazis -aka the radical Zionists - who still dream of transforming the planet into a gigantic farm of animals under their control.
I call them the Satanists to distinguish them from the dissident civilization led by the Germans that created the secret space force.
Here is what the MI6 says about their leaders:
These prime contractors are in panic, they need terrorism to stay in power, their master Netanyahu is back, and he is aiming for mass killing, whether in major stations, nightclubs, or tourist places.
We were told that active shooters from Eastern Europe were allowed to enter the United Kingdom this summer, from France.
This is in addition to the suicide bombers trained in India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Ukraine, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Bulgaria!
All suspects working within the Home office, the secret branches of the police, all the police forces of the largest cities, the MI5/MI6, the MOD, and members of the extremely radicalized Talmudic branches are under high surveillance, especially these white Jewish liars, racists, Nazis, supremacists.
We want these people to be neutralized by all the necessary means... before they kill innocent people."
Russia is on the spot as it mobilizes an army of 1.5 million men.
"Russia's proposals on demilitarization and denazification (...) must be accepted 'friendly' or the Russian army will deal with this issue," says Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
And he adds: "The actions of the countries of the collective West and Vladimir Zelensky, who is under their control, confirm the global nature of the crisis in Ukraine".

Polish intelligence sources claim that after his return from Washington, Zelensky went to Poland to ensure Poland's direct participation in the war against Russia.

Even if 
the Khazarian Mafia obtains Polish troops allied from NATO to fight Russia, the American army will not allow itself to be manipulated to start a Third World War with Russia.
"The United States made it known, by diplomatic means, that it did not want to fight directly with Russia," confirms Mr. Lavrov.
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Military sources in both countries admit that, without the military support of the United States, Germany will fall in two days and France in one week.
In fact, Western Europe has already capitulated and that is why it does not freeze this winter.
To confirm this, the European Commission has adopted rules allowing importers to circumvent sanctions against Russian gas.

Since gas began to circulate again from Russia, the price of gas in Europe fell by 48% in December 2022 compared to the previous month.

So, if the war is over in Europe, Asia will probably be next, according to sources from the Pentagon and the Asian Secret Society.
"I think there will be military action, especially in Asia, next year," says a source from the Asian Secret Society.
The source noted that with Russia already victorious in Ukraine, "East Asia will be the focus of attention during this "Year of the Rabbit".
There are other indications of a massive joint action by Russia, China and North Korea.
For example, last year, "for the first time in the history of bilateral relations, permanent car and railway bridges appeared on the border river of Love [between Russia and China]," notes Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
She also refers to a military motivation for the construction of the bridge by noting that "the military and military-technical cooperation of the two countries does NOT ONLY contribute to ensuring their own security."  

Another clue appeared when Kim Jong Un announced that North Korea had passed a law, officially declaring itself a state with nuclear weapons.
This means that American nuclear blackmail can no longer prevent it from seizing South Korea.
Our North Korean sources confirm that they expect significant military movements this year.
If you take all these movements together, it is easy to predict a massive joint offensive by Russia and China in East Asia.

However, the Pentagon is probably wrong if it is planning military action in Taiwan.
According to Asian secret society sources, Hongmen and the Red and Green based in Taiwan are about to conclude a peaceful reunification agreement.
"Taiwan's compatriots have great principles, they will not be used as cannon fodder by Taiwan's separatist separatist forces," says Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

We can therefore think of South Korea.
However, something may also be happening in Thailand, because their heroin-sy-loving king is held hostage in Europe, while his successor on the throne was recently murdered.
The murder of Princess Bajrakitayabha will not go unpunished.
Many signs indicate that the countries of the Middle East are also likely to see large military movements in coordination with Asian movements.
We note that the defense ministers of Turkey, Syria and Russia met recently for the first time since 2011.
Our sources indicate that Turks and Syrians have asked for Russian air support while taking action against oil thieves supported by 
the Khazarian Mafia in Syria and Iraq.

Iranians are also likely to move.
The Iranian military leader, Major General Gholamali Rashid, was cited by the official IRNA agency as having declared,
"Any country that collaborates with the Zionist regime to threaten Iran's national security, and that provides bases and facilities to the Zionist regime, will see these bases and places, as well as the origin of aggression and attacks... targeted by our armed forces."
The news agency reveals that the warning was addressed to Azerbaijan, semi-autonomous Kurdistan in northern Iraq and the United Arab Emirates.
Until now, Iran had never openly threatened these nations.

The big question is whether the major military maneuvers will get the people of the Secret Space Program out of the closet.
As a wink, the National Defence Authorization Act of 2023, recently signed in the United States, protects whistleblowers from all non-disclosure agreements in the case of UAPs/UFOs.
"This will bring out the information previously hidden by various government sources that had been gagged," says a CIA source.
And with that, let's look at the last strange apparitions above us in our heavens.

1 - A gigantic sphere appeared for 5 hours above Colorado. v=6b3ScPDoj30

2 - UAP above Columbie 2022
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3 - UAP above Wales, UK 2022
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4 Compilation of UAPS seen worldwide
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Finally, while the Antarctic summer is in full swing, we are observing movement near the South Pole.
Watch this Google Earth zoom on unusual objects on Nelson Island, in the Southern Shetlands.
During our own research on the island, we confirmed the presence of large buildings that seem to have no track or access to the port.
UFO sheds?
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Translation Little Star (Thank You Marinette!)
Original English version:
Ndlt: As always, for those who understand English, I would really suggest that you subscribe to Benjamin Fulford's weekly letter. People like him work hard for us, at the risk of their lives. Supporting them is a very small way to show them our gratitude.
Shared by Réjean (Thank you!) on "The Round Table":

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