Monday, 27 February 2023


Whistleblower Nails Fauci, Rothschilds, Highlands Group, DARPA, DoD, Pirbright, SERCO, QinetiQ, Goldman Sachs, US Navy, US Air Force, US Army, CIA in Worldwide Bioterror | PDF

Wikipedia hides all of Rothschild’s massive involvement in early U.S. biotech

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Their moral basis? Biotechnology makes money and can rid the world of humans with bad genes (eugenics)–an Imperial British Empire goal since the mid to late 1800s. They have no empathy. Yet, whenever cornered about their motivation, they spout the propaganda line (lie) that their work can be useful… for the children … for the blind … for the crippled … for curing  cancer …blah, blah, blah. We believe their propaganda “narrative” is cynical window dressing for their avarice and satanism.

Nathan Mayer Victor RothschildNathan Mayer Jacob RothschildSydney BrennerAnthony S. Fauci
Victor RothschildJacob RothschildSydney BrennerTony Fauci

Victor Rothschild and his N.M. Rothschild Asset Management formed Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL) on the heels of the UK Cabinet Commission he led to reorganize British R&D. This insider trading gave him an early lead in setting up biotechnology research firms to be the first to exploit “novel” DNA manipulation products.–even patenting his mad science.

Victor Rothschild’s Pilgrims Society “reforms” led to the creation of SERCO, QinetiQ, Pirbright Institute with IBM, Lockheed, RCA, NBC, CBS, Facebook, Google, traitors within the U.S. Joint Chiefs and C.I.A. to implement “The Internet of Things.” This plan was greatly facilitated by their theft of the social networking inventions of Columbus-OH innovator Leader Technologies. SERCO and QinetiQ have been given control of huge swaths of America’s critical civil and military infrastructure. SERCO, QinetiQ and Pirbright Institute are all controlled by the Monarch’s “Golden Share” (ironclad control). But we digress, we’ll focus on biotech in this post.

This finance-led biotechnology feeding frenzy has left humanity with a real mess. Profit hounds devoid of any ethics were driving science, and not the other way.

Coronavirus is just the tip of the iceberg of “novel” biowarfare products they have created.

Newly discovered whistleblower information reveals that the NIH’s Anthony S. Fauci is at the epicenter of exploitation of  nanotube, nanowire and nanopore delivery systems to weaponize all of this immoral biotechnology research. Nobel biologist Sydney Brenner was Victor Rothschild leading scientific step and fetch it boy in this Pilgrims Society project.

David Leathers. (Mar. 09, 1982). Newsclippings re. Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL) owned by N.M. Rothschild Asset Management, compiled by David Leathers, SB/4/2: Biotechnology and Medical Company Reviews, No. 74938. CSHL Archive Repository.

biotechnology rothschild

biotechnology rothschild 2

Click image to enlarge
blue chip genes

biotech investments


Nathan Mayer Victor RothschildSydney BrennerVictor Rothschild initiated modern biotechnology investments starting in 1981 when he founded Biotechnology Investment Limited (BIL) and hired Nobel biologist Sydney Brenner to advise him in his fools errand into genetic manipulation.

Today, not one of the biotech companies that Rothschild helped fund even acknowledges Rothschild financing. This censorship of Pilgrims Society involvement is evident. It illustrates that Wikipedia is a tool of pro-British Pilgrims Society censorship.

Notably, Victor Rothschild’s Wikipedia fails to mention biotechnology at all!

CompanyDoes Wikipedia mention Rothschild involvement in initial funding?URLCorporation Wiki/WikipediaCountryBusiness
Advanced Mineral Technologies




LinkLinkUSSeeds, etc.


LinkUSHealth care, etc.
Applied Biosystems






LinkUSHealth care, etc.
CW Ventures


DNA Plant Technology


LinkUSPlant science
Genetic Systems


LinkUS/UKHealth care




Now AmgenLinkUSHealth care
Integrated Genetics


Now Sanofi GenzymeLinkUSHealth care
Plant Genetics


LinkUSVegetable crops
Queue Systems


LinkUSLaboratory equipment


LinkUSHealth care and agri-science

~100% US based

Table 1: Lord Victor Rothschild (Biotechnology Investments Limited [BIL])—”gathering together a wide range of biotechnology investments.” Source: Financial Times, Sep. 09, 1983.

Contained in archives of the Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory Archive Repository – David Leathers. (Mar. 09, 1982). Newsclippings re. Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL) owned by N.M. Rothschild Asset Management, compiled by David Leathers, SB/4/2: Biotechnology and Medical Company Reviews, No. 74938. CSHL Archive Repository.

BIOTECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS LIMITED (BIL), an N.M. Rothschild Asset Management company, UNQUOTED STOCKS as of Sep. 09, 1983, p. 12, Financial TimesClick here for a spreadsheet of the Rothschild stocks listed in this Financial Times article. (Check your downloads folder to find the *.xlsx file). (Check your downloads folder to find the *.xlsx file).

BIOTECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS LIMITED (BIL), an N.M. Rothschild Asset Management company, UNQUOTED STOCKS as of Sep. 09, 1983, p. 12, Financial Times (*.xlsx file). (Check your downloads folder to find the *.xlsx file).

pilgrims society vaccine

That’s not all!! The entanglements of the Rothschilds to bioweapons grows deeper with this article:

The British Rothschild biowarfare conspiracy


Tony Fauci’s biowarfare agenda with DARPA/Pilgrims Society just confirmed by whistleblower

Tony Fauci is the Dr. Strangelove of bioweapons
Tony Fauci is the Dr. Strangelove of bioweapons, in our opinion

Former defense contractor whistleblower says Fauci works with DARPA on nanobot biowarfare weaponization

Fauci’s NIH funded 15 indicted Harvard chemist-biologist Charles M. Lieber nanobot patents: U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,702,849; 10,436,747; 10,369,255; 10,355,229; 9,786,850; 9,638,717; 9,595,685; 9,457,128; 7,956,427; 7,911,009; 7,619,290; 6,716,409; 6,716,409; 6,716,409; 6,159,742

Whistleblower specifically heard super-secret Highlands Groupconversations with Fauci discussing a fusion of chemistry, biology, wireless networks, encryption and nanobots into  bioweapons

The highly illegal Highlands Group (founded Feb. 1995) is funded by the Senior Executive Service (SES), DoD Office of Net Assessment and DARPA (funded 9 Lieber patents), National Science Foundation-25, USAF-15, US Navy-34, US Army-1, MITRE Corp-1, DoD-1, Harvard-3 and CIA-1

One Lieber patent (No. 7,858,965) with “ballistic transport” attributes can fire killer viruses out of nano-canon dust ingested or injected into your body (funded by DARPA, Army, Navy)

May 11, 2020—We have reported for some time now about the Highlands Group. It is a super-secret technology DARPA weaponization gathering of public and private entities who meet to select promising technologies for weaponization.

Never mind that such wholly non-competitive gatherings violate The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) since Highlands participants profit wildly from their recommendations.  Such “public-private” relationships are the very definitions of fascism.

Never mind that the U.S. government uses the Highlands Group for racketeering by plotting the theft of the intellectual property rights of American citizens without regard for the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This whistleblower attended multiple ultra-secret Highlands Group meetings in Washington, D.C. as a senior engineer for the likes of the U.S. Air Force, Martin Marietta, Rockwell, General Dynamics, Eaton Corp, Leidos, SAIC, Raytheon and others.

These highly-secured no-notes affairs of typical of secret societies.

Brian Friel,
Brian Friel,

Brian Friel, said of the Highlands Forums (undated) “A thousand thinkers have participated over the past 12 years, attending the sessions to which they have the most to contribute.” See Oct. 09, 2017capture of the Highlands Group site. Note the list of participants identified in this site.

Remarkably, Highlands published a website between 2000-2018. Organizer Dick O’Neill  first wrote on Sep. 29, 2013: “A core element of the Highlands Group activity has been the Highlands Forum.  Over the past 18 years almost fifty major meetings and twenty enrichment sessions have been held around the country.[1] The website appears to have been taken down after about Jan. 25, 2018.

The Highlands Group participants appear to have been oblivious to their illegality of their meetings. Evidently, the opportunity to help decide which technologies would be weaponized by DoD/CIA/MI6/Pilgrims Society and commercialized by Silicon Valley was too alluring to worry about morals or ethics.


Proof Fauci is helping DARPA build nanobot bioweapons (affidavit about Jan. 2005 ultra-secret, illegal Highlands Group meeting)

Whistleblower. (May 11, 2020). First Amended Whistleblower Affidavit re. Highlands Group illegal DARPA technology weaponization meetings, Sec. 48. Anonymous Patriots.
Whistleblower. (May 11, 2020). First Amended Whistleblower Affidavit re. Highlands Group illegal DARPA technology weaponization meetings, Sec. 48. Anonymous Patriots.
Whistleblower. (May 11, 2020). First Amended Whistleblower Affidavit re. Highlands Group illegal DARPA technology weaponization meetings, Sec. 50. Anonymous Patriots.
Whistleblower. (May 11, 2020). First Amended Whistleblower Affidavit re. Highlands Group illegal DARPA technology weaponization meetings, Sec. 50. Anonymous Patriots.

Figure 1: Whistleblower. (May 11, 2020). First Amended Whistleblower Affidavit re. Highlands Group illegal DARPA technology weaponization meetings. Anonymous Patriots.


Tony Fauci has some explaining to do

Nonsensically, at the end of the Highlands Group session described by the whistleblower,

Fauci offered to give the participants flu vaccinations!

Keep in mind that: (1) Fauci had not been introduced in the meeting, (2) Fauci only had 40 minutes of side conversations with the organizers (Marshall, Chandler, O’Neill and Tether), (3) then Fauci offered flu vaccine injections to these total strangers after, (4) Fauci and his kibitzing hosts had whispered for 40 minutes about the use of nanobots in biowarfare.

Anthony S. FauciIs Tony Fauci the Dr. Strangelove of biowarfare?

Fauci was evidently engaged in illegal, fascist planning with the Highlands Forum.

Fauci traded on his NIH position to weaponize technologies for DARPA, DoD, Navy, Army and Air Force, not to mention the military of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth?

Given Fauci’s central role in the Coronavirus COVID-19 White House task force, and his NIH funding of numerous nanoscience patents along with DARPA, C.I.A., Navy, Army and Harvard, the public needs to know:

  1. Why is Fauci not a traitor to the American Republic?
  2. What is the full extent of Fauci’s loyalties to the British-American Pilgrims Society?
  3. How did Fauci get control of so much NIH funding to practice obviously fascist insider financing of selected companies and researchers?
  4. Why is the NIH funding nano-biowarfare?
  5. Why are Fauci’s activities not racketeering of the most hideous kind?
  6. Are nanobots from Harvard being used to spread Coronavirus? How? Where?


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