Monday, 27 February 2023


Italian Doctor Shocked The World: Cancer Is A Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking Soda (Video)

Italian Doctor Shocked The World: Cancer Is A Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking-Soda (Video)

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Tulio Simonchini is an Italian doctor who claims that cancer is nothing but a fungus that can be gotten rid of with baking soda. He also claims that he has used this method and has treated thousands of patients who had suffered from various types of cancer. According to doctor Simonchini, this treating method is 100 percent effective.

The best thing about this treatment method is that it is not harmful at all and you cannot lose anything if you try it.

Unfortunately, cancer cases are more and more common, and this is somehow linked to the failures of oncology.

Doctor Simonchini says that someone needs to prove that modern oncology is not able to answer all the questions that cancer patients have. People, especially doctors are morally and ethically obliged to find the real cure for the hardest and deadliest diseases of our time.

Cancer is a fungus!

Nearly hundred years ago, a theory emerged saying that cancer is caused by malfunctioning genes, meaning that the disease is intracellular. Nevertheless, as doctor Simonchini says, cancer has turned out to be a fungal infection and a special cellular phenomenon. By saying this, doctor Simonchini has sent shockwaves all around the medical community.


It has been proven that carcinoma in the plant world is the result of fungal infections. It is the same case in people as well. In vivo and in vitro studies have proven that fungi always carry a tumor with them. Nevertheless, scientists reckon that they develop after the disease appeared. According to Doctor Simonchini, they were already there before – fungi create cancer, make our immune system weak, and then attack the entire body.

Every cancer type is caused by the Candida fungus, and there are several studies that have confirmed this. The histological structure of cancer is a result of the defensive measures against the invasion. As time goes by, the tissues become weakened and tired, and they begin producing unidentified cells. As Doctor Simonchini explains, cancer is an ‘ulcer’ where deformed cells build up and form colonies.

Baking soda

The medications that doctors usually prescribe against fungal infections are ineffective against cancer because they only attack the surface of the cells. The major infection is more potent than a single bacterium, which is why fungal infections last for a long time.

Doctor Simonchini claims that he has recognized the things that can attack the fungi colonies, and it is baking soda, and an iodine tincture, which is the best substance against skin cancer. Numerous studies have verified that baking soda is efficient against cancer at an intracellular level.

The treatment

Doctor Simonchini has used this treatment on many of his patients for over twenty years, and many of these people have totally recovered from this disease, even when doctors gave them no chances. One can get rid of a tumor if they create a contact of the tumor with baking soda, which can be applied as an enema for digestive cancers, inhalation for tumors in the upper respiratory system, and intravenous injection for brain and lung tumors. Local perfusion will do for breast, lymph, and subcutaneous tumors. 

Tumors on the internal organs can be treated with the help of baking soda if you apply the baking soda directly into the arteries. Another very important thing everyone should know is that every type of cancer can be treated with a proper dose of baking soda. This doctor also explains that for phleboclisis, one needs nearly 500 cm of 5-percent or 8.4-percent solution.

Sometimes, the mixture only needs to be sufficiently salty. Also, when one starts a treatment, they need to know that tumor colonies return between the third and the fourth day, and suffer a collapse between the fourth and the fifth day, so a minimum of six days of treatment is required. Repeat this treatment for four cycles and the only side effects you are going to experience are weakness and thirst.

When it comes to treating skin cancer, Doctor Simonchini suggests that you rub a 0.7 percent iodine tincture on the affected areas twenty to thirty times daily. After this treatment, the tumor will never come back again.

Take a look at the main symptoms of Candida infection:

– Obsessive-compulsive disorder
– Brain fog and nausea
– Chronic digestive disorders
– Starch and sugar cravings
– Mood changes
– Chronic skin disorders
– Anxiety and irritability
– Chronic fatigue

In case you have at least two of the above-mentioned symptoms, you may have an advanced stage of Candida infection. Make sure you do not ignore it, as it may result in cancer.

Treatment and prevention of Candida infections

Make sure that you keep the fungal development in check. If you do not treat Candida infections, they can lead to candidiasis, which can cause symptoms that mimic other diseases and result in perforation in the intestines and leaky gut syndrome. Thus, you actually permit the proteins to attack your blood cells. 

If you want to prevent this and other problems as well, you need to get rid of the foods that feed the Candida – sugar and starch. In other words, you need to avoid bread, fresh fruit, candy, rice, and pasta for a while. Make sure that you consume raw fruits and steamed vegetables. You can also use grapefruit seeds, which have turned out to be very efficient. 

According to Doctor Simonchini, you need to use aluminum-free baking soda if you want to treat cancer. This ingredient can be found in most of the stores that sell healthy food and other healthy ingredients and in the pharmacies.

How the therapy works

Baking soda is very beneficial as it is able to considerably increase the alkalinity of your blood, which is the key to the process of destruction of the fungi. As a result, baking soda quickly disintegrates the tumor which becomes defenseless.

When it comes to treating colon, rectal, stomach, and oral cancer, you need to use one teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it into a glass of water. Drink this every morning and evening for a month, a sufficient period of time to eliminate the tumor.

Do not continue with this therapy more than three or four weeks. Sometimes, the therapy of Doctor Simonchini requires intravenous injections. This is not a rare case. If you want to get the best results possible, use 500 milliliters of five-percent baking soda solution and apply it directly in the vein.

Repeat this process on a daily basis, and then, after 24 days, go for a scan. Due to the fact that vaginal fungal infections have become pretty common nowadays, Doctor Simonchini suggests that women need to be careful about this as these infections are the main culprit for cervical cancer and vaginal tumors.

For treating problems of this kind, you need to wash your vagina with a mixture made of two liters of filtered water and two tablespoons of baking soda, which will help you defeat the fungi that actually cause the problem and will help you prevent these infections from coming back in the future.

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