Monday, 27 February 2023


British Origins Of The Coronavirus Further Confirmed

When the president announced a National Emergency over coronavirus, we were thrilled because you can’t talk about coronavirus without talking about the Pirbright Institute, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Elizabeth Manningham-Buller, the Wellcome Trust, University of North Carolina, and DARPA.

manningham buller afi

Shocking Discovery: The British Origins Of The Coronavirus Further Confirmed—ABritish Spy (Manningham-Buller) Runs Wellcome Trust & The Pirbright Institute, inventor of this weaponized Coronavirus. Her MI5 agency was literally created by the Empire Press Union in 1909—whose meetings were literally bankrolled by Henry Wellcome who had just killed 60,000 in South African concentration camps in vaccine experiments in the 2nd Boer War (1899-1902)

Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller, chair of Wellcome Trust—the funder of the  patentee—ran MI5 (2002-2007) during  The Pirbright Institute(Merial Animal Health Institute)’s release of the foot and mouth virus

pirbrigt fig 6
Read more

Merial took the decision to “move” its Pirbright operations to Nanchange, China in 2009, just 4 hours drive from Wuhan—while Eliza was a chair of Wellcome Trust—The Pirbright Institute’s main funder are Wellcome, Gates, WHO and DARPA. The Merial plant is now operated by Boehringer Ingelheim.

merial animal hospital

Eliza Manningham-Buller. (Accessed Mar. 13, 2020). Biography. Wikipedia.

Elizabeth Lydia MANNINGHAM-BULLER. (Accessed Mar. 13, 2020). Appointments, Wellcome Trust, Ark Data Centres, Genome Research (Wellcome Institute). Companies House (UK).

Eliza Manningham-Buller, LG, DCB, FMedSci. (Accessed Mar. 13, 2020). Chair, Board of Governors. Wellcome Trust.

manningham buller 2manningham buller 3

genome research

(now Wellcome-Sanger Institute)

manningham buller 4wellcome sanger

Notes from a miner:

Evidently, Manningham-Buller, Wellcome Trust and Gates Foundation are playing their bioweapon card


Lord Pirbright, Henry de Worms, was Jewish. He was a Rothschild.

lord pirbright


nancy messonnier

Why doesn’t this woman have a biography out there? This is all we found. Strange. Who is she and where did she come from?

Nancy Ellen Messonnier [ne Rosenstein]. (Accessed Mar. 12, 2020). Background Check Report. PeopleFinders.[ne-Rosenstein]-Background-Check-Report-PeopleFinders-accessed-Mar-12-2020.pdf


UNC uses Pirbright Institute material

manningham buller gates

Francis Boyle keeps blaming University of North Carolina for this coronavirus bioweapon

See relationship between The Pirbright Institute and University of North Carolina, both receive funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

unc 1unc 2



This database includes grant payments made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and previous foundations of the Gates family (William H. Gates Foundation, Gates Library Foundation, and Gates Learning Foundation) from 1994 onward. They system includes grant payments only, not direct charitable contracts or Program Related Investments. Please note that this database is a dynamic system that undergoes regular updates. We encourage you to reference the foundation’s 990-PFs published on the financials page for the definitive list of all individual grants.


Your search for pirbright institute  returned 11 results.

The Pirbright Institute2019Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$1,474,103
The Pirbright Institute2019Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$5,530,900
The Pirbright Institute2019Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$5,530,900
The Pirbright Institute2019MalariaGlobal Health$3,589,679
The Pirbright Institute2018Support Innovative Technology SolutionsGlobal Health$599,945
The Pirbright Institute2018Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$2,999,745
The Pirbright Institute2016Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$837,704
The Pirbright Institute2016Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$385,144
The Pirbright Institute2015Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$1,494,536
The Pirbright Institute2013Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$189,232
The Pirbright Institute2013Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$90,023



This database includes grant payments made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and previous foundations of the Gates family (William H. Gates Foundation, Gates Library Foundation, and Gates Learning Foundation) from 1994 onward. They system includes grant payments only, not direct charitable contracts or Program Related Investments. Please note that this database is a dynamic system that undergoes regular updates. We encourage you to reference the foundation’s 990-PFs published on the financials page for the definitive list of all individual grants.

Your search for university of north carolina  returned 120 results.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2019MNCH Discovery & ToolsGlobal Health$2,133,290
Duke University2019Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$4,523,100
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2019MNCH Discovery & ToolsGlobal Health$2,222,129
Duke University2019Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$4,498,760
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2019HIVGlobal Health$2,911,452
Duke University2019HIVGlobal Health$2,738,195
University of Delaware2019K-12 EducationUS Program$1,724,048
North Carolina State University2019Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$500,000
Duke University2019Global Health and Development Public Awareness and AnalysisGlobal Policy & Advocacy$850,041
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2019Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$25,340
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2018MNCH Discovery & ToolsGlobal Health$537,951
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2018Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2018MNCH Discovery & ToolsGlobal Health$12,564,320
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2018K-12 EducationUS Program$1,069,135
Duke University2018Global Health and Development Public Awareness and AnalysisGlobal Development$150,000
Duke University2018Access to Global Health SolutionsGlobal Health$480,306
Duke University2018Delivery of Solutions to Improve Global HealthGlobal Development$1,998,680
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2018MNCH Discovery & ToolsGlobal Health$99,997
Duke University2018Support Innovative Technology SolutionsGlobal Health$960,725
Duke University2018Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$1,282,093
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2018MNCH Discovery & ToolsGlobal Health$1,368,075
Duke University2018Development of Solutions to Improve Global HealthGlobal Health$55,000
North Carolina State University2018Global Health and Development Public Awareness and AnalysisGlobal Policy & Advocacy$249,932
Duke University2017TuberculosisGlobal Health$186,366
Duke University2017MalariaGlobal Health$3,065,391
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2017Family PlanningGlobal Development$4,000,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2017Maternal, Neonatal and Child HealthGlobal Development$2,028,270
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2017Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$500,000
Duke University2017Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$118,204
Duke University2017Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$7,110,470
Duke University2017Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$5,612,723
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2016Family PlanningGlobal Development$1,754,176
North Carolina State University2016Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2016HIVGlobal Health$1,790,407
North Carolina State University2016Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$2,149,624
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2016HIVGlobal Health$507,450
Duke University2016HIVGlobal Health$2,397,541
Johnson C Smith University2016Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$99,792
Duke University2016TuberculosisGlobal Health$1,379,915
Duke University2016Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$160,021
Duke University2016Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$4,631,720
Duke University2016HIVGlobal Health$32,688,920
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2015Family PlanningGlobal Development$5,948,233
Duke University2015Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$571,937
Claflin University2015Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$1,624,187
Fayetteville State University2015Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$1,623,999
Johnson C Smith University2015Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$1,623,980
University of South Carolina2015Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$729,412
University of South Carolina2015Agricultural DevelopmentGlobal Growth & Opportunity$1,271,678
Duke University2015Family Interest GrantmakingSpecial Projects$10,000,000
Duke University2014Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$226,709
Duke University2014HIVGlobal Health$3,940,062
Duke University2014HIVGlobal Health$297,579
North Carolina State University2014K-12 EducationUS Program$479,874
Fayetteville State University2014Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$75,020
Claflin University2014Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$75,020
Johnson C Smith University2014Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$75,020
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2014Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
Duke University2014Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2014Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$197,449
Duke University2013HIVGlobal Health$3,463,629
North Carolina State University2013Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$1,749,361
Duke University2013HIVGlobal Health$392,369
North Carolina State University2013Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$90,758
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2013Family PlanningGlobal Development$9,024,469
Duke University2013Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$3,478,230
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2013Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$20,000
Duke University2012Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$50,000
Duke University2012Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$894,462
Duke University2012HIVGlobal Health$3,197,294
Clemson University2012Maternal, Neonatal and Child HealthGlobal Development$39,855
Clemson University2012Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2012Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
North Carolina State University2012Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$98,447
Clemson University2011K-12 EducationUS Program$463,282
North Carolina State University2011Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$119,997
Duke University2011Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$31,925,351
North Carolina State University2011Postsecondary SuccessUS Program$1,297,711
Duke University2011Global Health and Development Public Awareness and AnalysisGlobal Development$3,684,817
Medical University of South Carolina2011Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$87,068
North Carolina State University2011Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$99,920
Duke University2010PneumoniaGlobal Health$426,990
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2010Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$99,855
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2010Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$98,427
Duke University2010HIVGlobal Health$25,536
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2010Family PlanningGlobal Development$500,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2010Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2010Discovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2010Early LearningUS Program$149,981
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierNeglected Tropical DiseasesGlobal Health$1,757,916
Duke University2009 and earlierHIVGlobal Health$7,473,711
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierNutritionGlobal Development$2,196,121
Duke University2009 and earlierDiscovery and Translational SciencesGlobal Health$100,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierFamily PlanningGlobal Development$27,575,360
Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies2009 and earlierInform and Engage CommunitiesSpecial Projects$254,500
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierEarly LearningUS Program$123,589
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierEducationUS Program$1,642,318
Duke University2009 and earlierHIVGlobal Health$134,282
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierGlobal Health and Development Public Awareness and AnalysisGlobal Health$13,672,340
Duke University2009 and earlierHIVGlobal Health$15,988,448
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierNeglected Tropical DiseasesGlobal Health$16,786,971
Duke University2009 and earlierFamily Interest GrantmakingSpecial Projects$700,000
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$25,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierGlobal LibrariesGlobal Development$6,024
Duke University2009 and earlierFamily Interest GrantmakingSpecial Projects$35,000,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierEducationUS Program$200,000
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$25,000
University of South Carolina2009 and earlierGlobal LibrariesGlobal Development$12,130



This database includes grant payments made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and previous foundations of the Gates family (William H. Gates Foundation, Gates Library Foundation, and Gates Learning Foundation) from 1994 onward. They system includes grant payments only, not direct charitable contracts or Program Related Investments. Please note that this database is a dynamic system that undergoes regular updates. We encourage you to reference the foundation’s 990-PFs published on the financials page for the definitive list of all individual grants.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierGlobal LibrariesGlobal Development$66,213
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$3,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierGlobal Health and Development Public Awareness and AnalysisGlobal Health$17,827,124
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$10,000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2009 and earlierEducationUS Program$2,950,500
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$25,000
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$10,000
University of South Carolina2009 and earlierGlobal LibrariesGlobal Development$44,705
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$10,000
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$20,000,000
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$10,000
Duke University2009 and earlierResearch and Learning OpportunitiesUS Program$7,500

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