Friday 10 February 2023

If Biden Blew Up American Allies’ Energy Pipeline, Shouldn’t He Be Impeached?


If Biden Blew Up American Allies’ Energy Pipeline, Shouldn’t He Be Impeached?

A report yesterday, which wasn’t the first, claimed that Joe Biden blew up the pipeline providing energy to Europe.  If this is true, isn’t this alone an impeachable offense?

On Wednesday, Larry Johnson reported on his old friend, Seymour Hersh, and his bombshell report on the Russian pipeline to Europe that was blown up last year.  Hersh, who is also involved in major stories, like the Seth Rich story, dropped another bombshell.

Other reports tied it all together and showed additional evidence that Biden was behind the blowing up of a major energy pipeline to Europe where our allies live.

Speaking alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the White House on February 7, 2022, Joe Biden said that if Russia invaded Ukraine, “there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2”. Pressed to explain how, Biden doubled down: “We will – I promise you – we will be able to do it.”

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At a press conference on Sept. 30, Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the attack on Nord Stream “a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponisation of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs.”

After the attack on the major pipeline from Russia to Germany, when speaking on Steve Bannon’s War Room on September 30th, investigative reporter Darren Beattie called the Nord Stream sabotage “one of the most significant attacks on European infrastructure in several decades,” which was likely committed by one of the Western allies and not Russia. “The Europeans all quietly understand that this is likely at the hands of the NATO allies itself. That’s why they’re being good little vassal states and not making a lot of noise about it.”

Beattie said that the bombing of the pipeline gave Biden leverage over Europe.

“If it was sort of an unspoken, tacit understanding, it’s now plain for everyone to see that there are no genuinely sovereign countries in Europe. Europe is a vassal state. Europe is a slave state of the United States. Putin basically tried to shame them for doing that. The only problem is, the Germans have no shame, they have no pride, they have no underlying sense that they deserve to be a sovereign nation. and that’s why they’re going to stick their tail between their legs and pretend like nothing happened”, Beattie said.

This was an act of war on the behalf of Biden as noted above.  

The below post includes more information.

“Blowing up Pipeline to Europe and Escalating War with Nuke-Armed Russia Craziest U.S. Terrorist Act Ever”

If this is all true, notwithstanding all the other crimes and corrupt acts by this administration, from even before the 2020 Election, isn’t starting a war with a nuclear superpower like Russia a big deal?

Isn’t destroying our allies’ pipeline that provides them energy to stay warm in the winter and keep their cars running on the highway a big deal?

If you go overseas America’s name is already damaged by our media and China’s media efforts to destroy the US. This act by Biden on our allies’ energy supply will only add to the tremendous reputation damage that our media and outsiders work so hard to create. This move helped Russia and China.

Isn’t this enough reason to impeach Biden? Why wait? How many more incidents that damage our allies and our great country’s reputation will Biden take part in between now and when he is impeached? Don’t forget his son’s name is Hunter.

Can the world risk a nuclear war with the “Big Guy” in charge?

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