Friday 6 September 2024


US Is Dishonest, Biased, Partner in Genocide to be Mediator in Gaza


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

“CNN “Meanwhile in America”

CNN in a Byline dated September 6 by Stephen Collinson, Caitlin Hu and Shelby Rose raised the question in Meanwhile in America “Why the US keeps failing and trying again to reach a Mideast ceasefire deal? 

“When an administration repeatedly predicts s a foreign policy goal is in sight but fails to deliver, as this one has, it risks shattering its credibility and looks like it botched one of its top priority”. 

“despite its frustration, the White House has yet used all possible leverage on Netanyahu-and properly wont’” Biden is a deeply pro-Israel president “unwilling to do the right thing? 

We all know, and all America knows Mr. Biden never cared about the lives of any Palestinian whether they die in the thousands or hundreds of thousands. He does not give a damn.

ZETEO “US Silence Despite Americans Attacked in Occupied West Bank”
Prem Thanker writing for Zeteo (September 5) raises the question of “US Silence Despite Americans Attacked in Occupied West Bank” He referes to the Israeli forces alleged throwing “stun grenade” at US citizens, a teacher from New Jersey, in support of Jewish settler’s attacks.

“Israeli violence against US citizens in the occupied West Bank intensified this week following near radio silence from Washington after Israeli forces shot a New Jersey teacher last month.”

“Settlers on Wednesday allegedly attacked a shepherd in the Palestinian village of Qusra, in the West Bank. After he initially drove them out, American demonstrators arrived to support the shepherd and his sheep. A handful of minutes passed before the settlers returned in with reinforcements. The Americans began to run, but the settlers caught up to them and began throwing rocks and beating them.”

Today September 6, the Israeli army shot and killed in cold blood an American Alsenure Eygi who was with other Americans protesting Israeli settlers in the City of Nablus.

Of course the Justice Department, only open cases where American Jews are killed and murdered but not others American Muslims, or Christians or Arabs. Their lives do not matter. Both the Justice Department and the US State Department only wait for the release of the Israeli finding into the death… we all know what the report will say, as in the case of deliberate cold blooded murder of the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh. Both government agencies do not see it is worth to open its own investigation on the murder and killings by Israel of lives of Non-Jews.  Not that Jewish lives does not matter it does, but we do expect our government, a government of all the people, for the all the people, should rethink that all other American lives does and should matter.  

Special Note: Thanks to CNN and to Zeteo. 


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