Is David Icke Just Another Layer Of The Conspiracy Onion?
New (August 2013) Photographic evidence suggests he is, along with Alex Jones, Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, Richard Grove, Chris Emery, Austin Green, Luke Rudkowsky, Russell Brand, The Artist Taxi Driver, Alfred Lebremont Webre etc, etc.
by Kane Sewart
“It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled”.
Mark Twain.
I suspect that only real free thinkers will make it to the end of this article and even then they will have to endure things they won’t like!
When people have said that they had a spiritual awakening or woke up to the obvious conspiracy that has been going on for a couple of millennia now, I used to wonder what it feels like to have been that naïve in the first place. Admittedly, once I realised the time span, depth and seriousness of this conspiracy I had to take a couple of deep breaths but that was about it. I never had a wake up call. I didn’t need one, it was just a gradual process, honed and polished over the last sixty years, courtesy of suspicious WWII parents, both of whom encouraged me to learn how to think.
However, a few weeks back I got my wake up call when I realised that the so-called truth movement is awash with freemasons. So now I know what it feels like to have been somewhat naïve. However, unlike most people who for example, after being told their government has perpetrated some kind of dirty deal on their own people, go into cognitive dissonance or absolute denial, some of us are perfectly able to assimilate the truth no matter how much it hurts. If you’re one of those people, keep reading.
In 1999 I got connected to the internet and two things happened, a friend lent me a copy of “The Biggest Secret” by David Icke and I rediscovered him via his website. I was amazed at how much of the information he was putting out there matched my own research. From there it was just a matter of a mouse click or two and I found the likes of Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, Greg Syzmanski, Lou Gentilly and a huge amount of others all going on about the same stuff. And that was when I made a bit of a mistake. I had found various people that I thought I could trust to do some of my research for me – friends, if you like! Bad Move!
Having more than enough to do at home I allowed these “researchers” and “journalists” to do a lot of the legwork that I had no time to do myself. However, I did find myself, on increasingly frequent occasions, questioning their integrity and/or motives.
Around the late 90s and early 2000s Rense and Jones were broadcasting and keeping archives that were absolutely free. Then, around 2004, they both started to charge for radio – both live and archived. It sounds like the accusation that’s always levelled at the Mafia concerning drugs; stimulate the market by giving it away or selling it cheap and when they can’t do without it, push the price up to extortionate levels. I was suspicious and had no intention of paying for this service. Let’s face it, if these people really do think they are to be the saviours of the information world-war, then giving it away will allow it to reach a much bigger audience. What rattled my cage was the timing; they both did it together. I wrote to a guy called Ted Twietmier. I know not if the man actually exists but his thoughts on science issues turned up on Rense regularly and he seemed trustworthy. I put it to him that it was highly suspicious that these charges occurred at the same time. He got back to me immediately and berated me for not being willing to pay “only” 70 cents per day for this service and that poor old Jeff was paying $50,000 a month in server fees (how did he know that?). My fucking heart was bleeding. Imagine what he’s earning if his bandwidth is costing $600,000 a year. I pointed out that if I had “only” 70 cents per day to spare I wouldn’t have to make the choice between buying food or paying the bill to the evil bastards that sell me the power with which to cook it! Besides, I’m not addicted to this stuff. It was just easier than doing the work myself. I assume that various other people had the same idea, as periodically a “free listen” would be available to pull in more punters. That has now been modified to free trailers. Fuck it, I’m still not paying for it. If it’s that important then give it away, that’s what the rest of us have to do.
A similar thing happened with Project Camelot or, as some people now call it, project Scam-a-Lot. It started free with some reasonably plausible whistle blowers. But now Kerry Cassidy is charging more and more for everything she does, whilst interviewing apparent whistle blowers with less and less plausibility. Maybe we could club together and get her fat gut stapled. The cheeky bitch even asks for donations so that she can get on a plane, after being satisfyingly groped by the only people perverted enough to harbour such a desire – the TSA, to attend seminars and conferences abroad. And what do you get for your money? Well, that depends upon whom you are watching or listening to. Cassidy has the tendency to let some boring arsehole drone on and on for a couple of hours, talking a lot but saying absolutely nothing. It’s sometimes extremely entertaining and in our house we now treat it like a comedy show but if I were paying for that shit I’d be spitting blood. One of these people was an American woman claiming to be a Rothschild. She claims to have a brother who was “made” in area 51(not unless he’s a masonic brother). She is apparently in contact with the long dead Aleistair Crowley and she had some important breaking news. That news was that very soon “something” will happen. No shit! Not … “something”, anything but “something” quick, run for the fucking hills! Sadly, she was unable to tell Cassidy when, where or what it was, by whom it would be perpetrated or why it would happen, for fear of being killed for giving out the information. Hold up, hold up! The whole point of being a whistle blower is that you BLOW THE FUCKING WHISTLE! This is intended to put the information out there for your protection and then there is no point in killing anyone, unless of course it’s a question of retribution – or sport, sometimes it’s just fun. Presumably she hadn’t had time to make that bit up. Imagine, if she really had something to impart, she could have told us then we’d be that much the wiser, she’d have been topped and, hey presto, everybody’s happy. This woman is clearly a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, a poor actor and/or a new Intel recruit – or maybe all three. In all fairness to Cassidy she did question the Crowley issue but then fell into her own trap of admitting that she is quite an expert on the occult which, when added to the “fact” that she is in a masonic club (see photo below), conjures up more questions than answers.
Around this time there were intermittent (in my opinion completely contrived) spats between the various kings and queens of the conspiracy sites. I’m not confident that I can get the chronology right but, as I remember, it started for me, with Alex Jones (just after Rense outed Greg Syzmanski). Jones is a loud-mouthed Texan with a propensity to interrupt his interview guests. He has some good information but he is, by far, the most irritating git on the planet. He used to talk to Jeff Rense on a monthly basis when Rense was number one in conspiracy site ratings. This obviously boosted Jones’s Infowars traffic and helped him to sell more DVDs. Around 2005 I was looking for his sortie into Bohemian Grove, which I’d seen when it first aired on Channel 4 in the UK. During the search I discovered a little snippet of him having a mad rant about David Icke being a shill for the illuminati. A short while after that I read an article on Infowars or Prison Planet, written by Jones, accusing Jeff Rense of all sorts of irrelevant shit which was that important I can’t even remember what it was about. The monthly gossip with Rense obviously ceased and now, the only time Rense puts up anything about Jones is when someone has a go at him or when Brother Nathaniel slaps him down for not having a go at the Zionists – this is apparently because Jones’s wife is a Jew, as are his radio network bosses (handlers?).
Just after this, Rense put up a headline to the effect that Camelot was a shill site (although the Rothschild story above came directly from a headline on Rense only a couple of months ago – hmmm!). The story at the end of the headline said that Project Camelot was originally some kind of social engineering project set up in 1964 and 1965 by one of the alphabet agencies. Check it out on Wikipedia. Bill Ryan, of the present Project Camelot, went fucking nuts and wrote an open letter to Rense which, as far as I’m aware, was left unanswered.
Then we had Jones trying his hand at acting. Fluoride was the thing at the time. There’s a youtube clip of him stating, quite accurately, that fluoride is a neuro-toxin and can have devastating effects on the brain and one’s intelligence, especially if it’s ingested from a young age. He then, childishly and unnecessarily, pretends to cry and shouts something about “they took my intelligence away”. Oh no they didn’t Alex, just go and check your bank balance! Although he’s right about the toxicity of this stuff, the only effect fluoride might have had on Alex Jones is to convince him that he can act, or worse, be a stand up comedian. This episode of his life was just fucking embarrassing. He was apparently a friend of the late and brilliantly talented Bill Hicks and, presumably, he thought that he could interrupt his way onto the comedy circuit. The fat, bloated, irritating red-neck, wobbled onto the stage and oozed into position like a heap of slowly melting lard, made an arse of himself for a few minutes and then wobbled back off to the studio, having failed to raise so much as a titter from the crowd. This must have been the event that had everyone saying that Alex Jones was really Bill Hicks. Oh please! For months these drongos were going on about the shape of the face and the apparent fact that there were no photos of Jones before a certain time, completely missing the point that; a) If Bill Hicks was going to become someone else it wouldn’t be an irritating twat and b) Bill Hicks was FUNNY!
Then, all of a sudden and with no explanation, Jones is having David Icke on his show on a regular basis and bigging him up as if he’d been a fan forever (keep your friends close and your enemies even closer?). So Jones and Rense don’t get on but Icke is appearing on both their shows and nothing is being said about the obvious (set up?) friction between certain parties.
Then Rense lays into Camelot but subsequently sends traffic to their site.
Then we had Henry Makow, the man who invented the game “Scruples”. He was a regular contributor to both the Rense and Icke websites. He had a pop at both Rense and Icke who both dropped him.
Then David Icke loses it with Jesse Ventura but both of them are friends of and regular guests with Alex Jones on his show.
Following this, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan aired a piece of film, in which they engage in a verbal dust-up with Stephen Greer. Greer tried to say that all ETs were benevolent and Messrs Ryan and Cassidy said “no they’re not, ner!” It was extremely childish. I was waiting for them to get into who, among the ETs, had the nicest clothes or who were the horniest!
Interestingly enough ALL of these people have said, at one time or another, that the only way to defeat the New World Order is for us all to come together in peaceful non-compliance. Are these people fucking kidding me? They can’t even get along with each other, let alone advise on the behaviour of seven billion strangers. Don’t you think, dear reader, that this is all theatre? Could it be that they are injecting a little tension into the mix? That would have the effect of polarising people into taking sides in the personality stakes and keep the attention off the fact that they’re ALL taking the piss. If they were to get on with the job they purport to be doing, in a manner commensurate with their own advice, I wouldn’t have had to write that last section. That’s two hours of my life I won’t get back.
It all seemed to be going sour when I discovered Tragedy and Hope and things got interesting.
Tragedy and Hope is a website that was started by Richard Grove, an apparent whistle blower.
He claims to have been a salesman for a software company specialising in accounting software. It would appear that the software he was selling was aimed at huge finance companies. It had to comply with certain SEC regulations in order to prevent the erasure of figures after they were input. Unfortunately, it had a “backdoor” of which he allegedly had no knowledge. His story is that he reported the “backdoor” to the SEC but was met with obstacle after obstacle and finally, after losing more than $1,000,000 he gave up.
He said that on September 11th 2001 he was on his way to work and was due to be in a meeting in an office in one of the twin towers. He was, I think, on the Brooklyn bridge and stuck in traffic when the first plane hit the south tower. He didn’t fancy his chances of actually getting a lot of work done that day, what with his office having been partially vaporised, burned and buried under tons of rubble, and so turned around and went to a friend’s house in New Jersey.
The next couple of years were spent trying to get the SEC to do something about the illicit aspects of the software. His experience with the SEC somehow alerted him to the fact that 911 was an inside job. Shit, he’s quick isn’t he? (It took me the time between the first and second planes. That second plane was enough for me!) He apparently then spent 6 years in which he read 600 books. Is this really the reaction of a rational person? If you have some kind of trauma, say your partner runs off with someone else or one of your parents is murdered, would your first move be to go to the library to read about it and it’s cause and effect or, indeed, read the complete works of Plato?
I first found his site via Rense (of course). It was a headline that said, “what you’ve been missing”. It is the title of a film he made to show the basics of human control. Instead of going on about this conspiracy or that detail, he said he wanted to empower people to understand for themselves how to work out what’s going on.
Among the things he was trying to teach was a thing called the Trivium and the Quadrivium. It is the original Greek “classical education” teaching tool. It‘s based on a triangle of 3, 4, and 5 proportions. The upright is 3, the base is 4 and the hypotenuse is 5. The 5 side refers to your five senses. The 3 side refers to grammar, logic and rhetoric and the 4 refers to arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. Arithmetic is abstract number. Geometry is number in space. Music is number in time and astronomy is number in time and space. The idea is that you take in the grammar of a situation with your five senses. You then use logic-based questions like who, what, when, where, why, and how, to ascertain whether there are any logical fallacies and/or contradictions. You keep doing this until you reach a point where you can be reasonably certain of your argument, whereupon you apply the rhetoric in such a fashion as to be able to teach it to someone else. You use the 4 side to apply any calculations to the situation. It’s really just another name for a very sophisticated bullshit meter. Used correctly, it will enable anyone to learn anything without the need for a teacher in the subject. Question: Why would any member of the general public, who is enjoying the bliss of wilful ignorance, even consider delving into classic Greek education methods?
This is a very short attempt at explaining something that takes years to perfect and, used properly, is very effective but could be considered a distraction when we know that something is coming down the line now, possibly within the next few months. The team at T&H consists of various “researchers” and “journalists” who make more podcasts than can be comfortably listened to by the average person (I know, I’ve tried). Enough to keep anyone distracted for a lifetime. That’s the background to T&H, which I’ll leave for the moment until it becomes relevant again.
The 2013 Bilderberg meeting, at the Grove Hotel in Watford, UK, was the next thing to throw up some suspicion. I don’t know if it has anything to do with Richard Grove but nothing would surprise me after what I’ve learned in the last couple of weeks. We had originally intended to be there, but didn’t make it. Instead, we just kept going to all the recorded feeds to watch what was going on. On the Sunday afternoon a group of people was trying to get closer to the Grove itself and were being asked by some very well “programmed” liaison officers to move away from the area. It was all very low key and friendly. The officer, who incidentally looked as if he had biceps in his face, then says to a guy in dark glasses, “I’ve spoken to you a few times before haven’t I?” whereupon he offers a friendly handshake and the photo below shows the result.

Masonic handshake from the guy in shades (thumb on the officer’s knuckle). Check out the “awake” people, more concerned with microwaving each other via their i-phones than watching and seeing the glaringly fucking obvious!
This footage is by Luke Rudkowsky. My suspicions were aroused and so I emailed Rudkowsky to tell him there may be a ringer in his midst and to be careful. For all I know the guy may have just been trying it on to gain favour from the officer for the sake of the group. The point is I got no reply at all. Would it really have taken up too much of his precious time to hit the reply button and type “thanks” or “fuck off and mind your own business?” This made me even more suspicious as, from experience, I know that the first line of defence from a freemason is to ignore correspondence. Of course, this proves absolutely nothing – at this stage – but it gets better, I promise.
Getting back to Richard Grove and T&H, the various films and podcasts made over the last few years have been very informative and I hadn’t been there for a while. So, I moseyed on over to check if there was anything new. I was in luck. A new film called “State of Mind” was being premiered along with discussion. To my surprise T&H have teamed up with Alex Jones to produce it. It’s about 2hrs 45mins long. It had no new information as far as I was concerned but was aimed at those who are just “waking up”. It’s well put together but in an attempt to get you to buy it, it would run for 10 minutes or so and then stop for a discussion among the team consisting of Alex Jones, James Lane, Richard Grove, Austin green and Chris Emery. If you want to see it uninterrupted by Fat Boy Jones, you have to pay for it. At the end of the premier Alex Jones invites James Lane to describe the clips that are to follow, the ones that hit the cutting room floor. When Lane is finished Jones makes his closing statements and before running the very telling clips at the end, he shakes everyone’s hand. He starts with lane and, in all honesty, I couldn’t see that much wrong with the handshake at the time (but I can now) so I haven’t included it. However, the handshake between Jones and Grove/Jones and Green are masonic but I’m not sure about the level. The photo below shows a particular type of masonic handshake. Forget the ring, that’s the square and compasses. It’s identical to the one worn by Ron Paul, the freemason.

Look at the way the index finger is pointed along the wrist and compare it with the normal handshake.

Normal handshake.
Now look at the same hand position in the following photos:

Masonic handshake with index finger along Jones’s wrist from Richard Grove. And, with only three fingers showing under Groves’ hand, it’s obvious Jones is returning it.

Again we see the finger along the wrist, this time from Austin Green.
The photo below is the giveaway:

Alex Jones and Chris Emery sharing the master mason handshake.
Interestingly enough, the film clips that follow this scene are quite revealing. It is mentioned during the various discussions that there was so much information recorded during filming that, without seriously ruthless editing, the film could easily have been ten hours long. But instead of making it all available on youtube, they chose selected interview portions which amounted to about ten minutes. Two were particularly telling. The first was G Edward Griffin saying that Carroll Quigley, the author of Tragedy and Hope, didn’t have a problem with secret societies except for the fact that they were secret – Huh? Sounds to me like he had a problem with secret societies. Further on there is Anthony Schaefer (colonel as I remember) pointing out that “nothing is ever quite as it seems”. No shit! It seems like a film about how you are mind controlled, being discussed by five people who are supposedly opposed to secret societies when, in fact, it’s five freemasons telling you you’re being mind controlled, that they are in on it and pissing their pants laughing and, to show their smugness, are giving each other secret handshakes right in front of the camera to prove how asleep you really are!
After capturing screen shots of the various handshakes (although, at the time, only the master mason handshake was obvious to me until I watched the footage again) I wrote to Richard Grove with my concerns still thinking, at this time, that he might be an innocent party but with my bullshit radar going at full bore. Guess what? No answer came the stern reply! In fact I’m still waiting. That makes two occasions in as many weeks!
My mother used to say to me, “don’t trust anyone and make sure you start with yourself “. With this echoing round my head I went across to Rense to see what was going on and found an article by one of the regular sites that Rense puts up, Zen Gardener. It was about the paradigm shift. Towards the end of the article it suggests that you should “walk away from the dead and only go along with the living”. Good advice until you understand the real message encoded within that statement. To explain in a little more detail I’ll relate a virtually identical story that happened sometime in July of this year. A Buddhist friend of mine is also a member of another dodgy club, the Rosicrucians. He knows nothing about the alternative media and therefore is not fully aware of the depopulation program that is planned for us. He is just interested in his spirituality and will buy into anything that will get him whatever he thinks there is on “the other side”. He had clearly been told something at a Rosicrucian meeting. We were just talking and the conversation, as is a habit with him, got around to spiritualism. Then, out of the blue, he said, “you know I think that those people who are not awake, the six point eight billion, we should just let them go, they’re already lost”. WHAT? What the fuck happened to us all being one consciousness? What the fuck happened to “being in service to others” as some Buddhists might put it? I contained my anger and said I disagreed and that I thought that everyone should have a chance to be saved, or at least an attempt made to wake them up – particularly since they have been conned into “sleep” for what they see as all the right reasons, patriotism, money, property, family etc, by the very people who kept them uneducated and are about to let them fry. When I saw the Zen Gardener article it was almost the same message but more sinister. You see, the “dead” (in America the “profane”) is what masons call non-masons – you and I. It would appear that there is something afoot.
I wondered if it might be prudent to apply a strategy here. It was originally my intention to get in touch with some of these people and pose some simple questions.
I started with Zen Gardener. On the contact page it says something like; if you have any questions or would like some dialogue then use the email form below. I asked some questions about freemasonry, the two main ones being; “do you personally know any freemasons?” and “do you think there is any room or justification whatsoever for freemasonry on this planet, specifically in the alternative media?” The silence in my inbox was fucking deafening. This was getting silly, the guy even solicited questions and discussion and still ignored me. I then chose someone who I thought I could definitely rely on to get back to me as I’d spoken to him once or twice before in the past ten years. That person was Max Igan of the Crow House website. He has a slow deliberate, silky Australian accent that could mesmerise a charging bull into a deep and contented sleep. This guy is so laid back he’s almost horizontal. This time I posed just that last question and added that I’d be happy with a one word answer or a ten page sermon. Bingo! He got back immediately and below is a cut and paste of that email (my italics):
“in a word, no… Clubs are ok, but I just dont agree with secret societies…
“the very word secrecy is repugnant” – jfk
kind regards
max “
I then thanked him for putting a little noise into my otherwise graveyard-esque inbox and went to the next stage. I described the picture of Alex Jones above and gave him the link to the film, with a time point where he could see the obvious masonic handshake and told him I’d really appreciate his opinion. Since then I’ve heard nothing, rien, nada, zilch, nix, zero, or in colloquial English, fuck-all! The silence is now reaching unbearably loud levels! I’m really sorry to have had to do this to Max Igan as he was, I thought, one of the “goodies” but something is seriously fucked up here. Of course, I have to accept that he might just consider me a boring, ignorant arsehole, and so might you, but it does beg the question as to why he would answer an innocent question immediately but run away when I wanted something a little more substantial. I’m quite proud to have been ignored by some of the best known people on the internet.
The plot, however, started to thicken like a pot of stew after three days on an unattended stove.
I went to David Icke’s site wondering whether it was worth even bothering with any more of these people. My decision was made for me within minutes of arriving there. Icke has been working since may to secure donations for a new TV and Radio station called “The People’s Voice”. He managed to suck £300,000 out of an unsuspecting public in a little over 30 days. That’s an average of £10,000 a day. After you’ve seen the next picture you might want to ask for a refund on both your money and your trust. The headline was something like “The People’s Voice Secures Studio Space In London And The USA”. I watched the short presentation and something told me I was about to see something that was going to piss me off. And I was right. At the end of the presentation he shakes the hand of his producer and, yes, you guessed it. Right in front of the camera he gives his producer, Sean, the master mason handshake.

Icke sharing the master mason handshake with his producer. Notice how they are both looking at the handshake rather than the face. This happens very often with masonic handshakes.
Interestingly enough, he has been accused of this before (by youtube gorilla199) and has wriggled out of it by saying that he has rheumatoid arthritis, which denies him the ability of giving a normal handshake. Bullshit!
I had seen him being interviewed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan some time ago. At the beginning of the footage he and Ryan address the accusation and engage in a handshake to show that neither of them are freemasons. I didn’t see the handshakes in the actual film. I was either out of the room or had my blinkers on that day. The fact is that he, Cassidy and Ryan did share masonic handshakes on film, shown below.

Icke and Ryan. Notice Ryan’s thumb on Icke’s knuckle.

Icke and Cassidy. Again the thumbs on the knuckles. He is definitely returning the handshake and, by the look of it, without any trouble whatsoever from his arthritis.
I did a search for “Alex Jones freemason” and came up with something rather interesting. Someone calling himself “humans win” had put up a youtube clip showing some footage from the (as he called it) Shillderberg fringe-fest in Watford, UK. It shows Alex Jones and Max Kaiser in the car park being filmed by Luke Rudkowsky and then, from a car, emerges “the Artist Taxi Driver”, one of Icke’s recent youtube additions. He’s usually seen sitting in his car, fucking and blinding into a webcam and generally getting irate to the point that he looks like he’s about to die of a heart attack – we can only hope. His language makes me look like a rank amateur and his acting is worse than Alex Jones’s. In Rudkowsky’s footage he walks over and engages in a masonic handshake with Rudkowsky. The odd thing is that Rudkowsky captures it on film when it was unnecessary and easily avoidable.

Artist Taxi Driver (left) giving the master mason grip to “pasty hands” Rudkowsky.
David Icke has recently started to put up a lot of youtube clips on his site featuring Russell Brand. Brand is not unintelligent but neither is he very funny, which is a pity because he’s supposed to be a comedian. But no matter what you think of him which, in my case, is not a lot, you cannot deny that he’s a freemason. Check out the same handshake, this time between Brand and the head of world freemasonry and, lizards notwithstanding, Icke’s self declared nemesis, the queen of England.

“Hello Russell, one thought it was hilarious when you left that message on Andrew Sach’s answerphone, did you really fuck his granddaughter?” “Yes me old darlin’, listen if ya wanna do a line or two, come to me dressing room after the show. Good stuff, not to be sniffed at. Actually, when you think about it, it’s compulsory to sniff at it. Oh, and I brought you a couple of live white mice if you fancy a quick snack!”
Even a dead, blind man a on a galloping horse, a hundred miles away, could identify that as a masonic handshake. And David Icke thinks he’s just smashing!
Ok, let’s see if we can’t unravel some of this shit. Actually, I’m not sure if you can unravel shit but we’ll have a go.
David Icke is extremely vocal about the evils of freemasonry. He is also quite an expert in the subject, being one himself. He has also, by his own admission, read the “Hiram Key” as have I. Let’s assume, for the moment that he is not a freemason – but only for a moment because he is! Having read the Hiram Key and being the best researched critic of freemasonry on the internet and, indeed, the most famous now, he should and would know what a masonic handshake is, how to detect it and how it differs from an ordinary handshake. So, when he is invited to be interviewed by Ryan and Cassidy and they give him a handshake that is clearly not a normal one, we have to ask questions a la Richard Grove’s Trivium and Quadrivium. Why the fuck did he not jump up and down telling everyone that Ryan and Cassidy are shills, liars and freemasons? Are we to think that this man’s arthritis is so bad it, a) makes him unable to detect a handshake, by touch and/or sight, of the specific secret society that he is so wary and critical of and, b) render him incapable of speaking about it? Was he frightened to tell the truth about Ryan And Cassidy? He shouldn’t be, particularly since he keeps shouting at his audiences “no more fear”! One would have thought that a man who was screaming and shouting about Edward Heath being a paedophile for the last twenty years, as he constantly reminds us he has been, without fear of being challenged about it, would have no problem at all outing a couple of dipsticks like Ryan and Cassidy. If he is so well researched did it not occur to him to check out Alex Jones, Russell Brand and Luke Rudkowsky etc, before trying to get them involved with “The People’s Voice?” Why did he not cotton on to the fact that the Artist Taxi Driver was a mason? That twat must have shook his hand during the Bilderberg meeting at Watford. The Taxi driver, at one point has Jones and Kaiser in his cab and instead of using the time wisely to talk to them he starts his crass acting again. So far over the top, he was almost in orbit, shouting, “fucking hell I’ve got the Alex Jones in my cab, it’s the Alex Jones, in my fucking cab, fucking hell the Alex Jones”, as opposed, presumably, to just an Alex Jones of the type you can buy on ebay. Fuck me, the way he was carrying on you’d have thought he had Ghandi, Jesus and John Lennon in his cab gang-banging Mother Teresa whilst, himself, simultaneously getting a blow job from Abbey Martin. This guy would not have left that arena without getting access to David Icke and shaking his hand. It is my opinion that, given that he appears on Icke’s site and Icke knows the others, that Icke must have been the one that introduced him to Jones, Kaiser and Rudkowsky.
Could it be, then, that the reason Icke has no fear of any of the people he accuses trying to take him down, legally or otherwise, is that, a) he knows that anyone he correctly accuses, especially freemasons, will stay silent, as in not replying to correspondence and, b) he is a mason and is therefore protected to a certain degree (33rd or above maybe?)? He has said that someone once said of him, “be careful of that dangerous prat Icke”. It is my opinion that this was likely another mason, maybe from his own lodge, who didn’t want what little dignity they thought masons might have, to be totally destroyed by some fucking idiot who can’t decide what side to come down on. This is a man sliding down a razor blade using his balls as brakes. He often brings up the fact that he has often been asked in the past why it is, if he is that accurate with his information, that he hasn’t been taken out. The security services are also awash with freemasons, and he’s doing them a favour by keeping you occupied, maybe that’s why!
Getting back to his handshake. One would think that when someone is incapable of giving a normal handshake like the one above, the problem would involve the inability of the primate opposable thumb and fingers, to make a “wraparound grip”. Therefore anything narrower than a hand, say a steering wheel, would be fucking impossible. So driving around using only one hand would be a serious fucking hazard to other road users and would render that person to be illegally in charge of a motor vehicle unless, of course, said person was registered disabled and said vehicle was modified to accommodate said disability. I know this because I qualified as a driving instructor in 1998. I don’t know if he is registered disabled but, as can easily be seen in the video, the car he is driving in the screen capture below does not have a modified steering system.

Icke driving with his right hand only.
Notice how his fingers grip the steering wheel just like a… oh what’s the word I’m looking for, ermmmm… ah yes, an ordinary HANDSHAKE!
And this video was out around the same time as the interview with Cassidy and Ryan.
How’s that for a logical fucking fallacy, Richard “I wonder where my office went” Grove?
Just to go off at a tangent for a moment, or as a friend of mine used to say, “go off on a tandem”, there’s something that should be straightened out. Part of this Greek education stuff is a technique called an “ad-homonym attack”. This is when you attack the person in an attempt to discredit them without even approaching any evidence. An example would be “David Icke talks about a reptilian agenda, therefore he is mad and that makes all his other material wrong” or maybe “Alex Jones is an inbred, redneck retard from Texas so anything he says is inaccurate”. We all know these statements to be false. The reason I bring this up is that someone (probably Richard “d’ya wanna buy some bent software?” Grove) is bound to see this and say that I’m engaging in ad-homonym attacks on these people, simply because I’m insulting them. Bullshit! There’s plenty of evidence, as you can see, including photos. I’m insulting them just to be spiteful because they’ve all been captured and proven to be congenital fucking liars and, of course, because I can! I also think it’s very important for them to see that at least one person on this planet is taking some notice of their advice and doing exactly what they recommend, not taking their word for it and doing my own research! Fuck these people!
So what about the information?
As I said early on in this article, a lot of the information David Icke was putting out in the early days was identical to the information that I had discovered. So, either that information is true or every book on this planet is full of the wrong information (not impossible). Given that Nixon, Bush 1, Kissenger, Gordon Brown and a whole host of others, have publicly talked about the NWO, one can safely assume that there is some truth to, at least, some of this information.
What I find is that, usually, any non mason who gets it right and talks publicly about it ends up dead and, most recently that is achieved by a fast acting cancer, contracted by making some poor decisions. For example a guy I was reading periodically, Philip Jones, was living and working in Denmark and was a regular contributor to Rense. He was an ex copper from Wales. He reported that Denmark is the model being used to blueprint the NWO in Europe. His main thrust was about anarchy [as in no government rather than the assumed paradigm of going round breaking the place up] and just relying on co-operation rather than competition. To cut a long story short he met up, at an anarchists meeting, with a woman he ended up fucking and then, briefly, moving in with (cointelpro). He apparently sent out a block email to his contacts saying he’d done wrong and that he was going to stop blogging, as he had now got back with his wife and family and had discovered God (oh, here we fucking go). But then he started to write again and immediately came down with an aggressive cancer. He was dead within five months – he’d obviously discovered the wrong God (go google him). As far as one can ascertain, his mistress was the daughter of a very high ranking military intelligence person. She posed as some kind of new age, witchy, hippie, anarchist fuck-buddy and was making potions for him. In short she gave him something that got him. Others in this area, in my opinion, are those who were not masons, were in the public eye and have publicly criticised the USA or otherwise come too close to the truth. Bill Hicks (comedian critical of USA), Frank Zappa (musician critical of USA made US ambassador to the Czech Republic), Dr. Karla Turner (well known psychologist, whistle blower and serial alien abductee) all died from fast acting cancers. Prior to this we had good old guns or poisons, JFK, Bruce Lee, John Lennon etc. The Latest one to have been taken down with an aggressive cancer was Lloyd Pie. He of the Star Child website. He also wrote a book called “Everything You Know is Wrong”. He died on December 5th 2013. I think, Lloyd, that most of what you knew was probably right.
It has been well documented within the conspiracy and UFO circuit that there have been disinformation campaigns going on for ever. Richard Doty being the most famous person. The bulk of the information is true but there are some serious discrepancies and you can never tell the truth from the bullshit. In my opinion David Icke is giving acceptable information from the Annunaki through to Egypt, into the roman empire and then to Europe and the Templars, onto freemasonry and the global elite. Having said that, it’s always prudent to check the facts yourself and be ready to modify one’s view as new information comes in and proves itself to be reliable, if that’s ever possible.
Then comes the Reptilian agenda.
I have no problem with the thought that there are inter-dimensional beings that can shape-shift. Butterflies and frogs are a good example. They just take a little longer to change their shape and they remain in the same dimension. But if a Reptilian, good or bad, were to show up, say on TV, it would be game over for them. And as such they are fucking irrelevant. They may well control the global elite but take away the elite and the lizards are fucked. You will never see them. And, if they are there you can do nothing about it or them, except hope the paradigm shift is a real phenomenon and that it fucking hurries up and gets here! They are irrelevant!
The nature of reality.
You don’t have to be into conspiracies to find this an important and compelling subject and I agree with pretty much everything Icke has to say on the subject. But until the paradigm shift happens and the NWO is completely out of the way and defeated, the nature of reality has little direct relevance to the global conspiracy. This and infinite consciousness and infinite possibility seem to be used as a pacifier, for the viewers, after a few hours of being hammered with the illuminati bogeyman. Again, no argument with the concept, just its placement and usage. So if it is being used as a smoke screen to keep you occupied while the parameters of your new “undetectable” prison are being finalised, it’s fucking irrelevant!
The Moon matrix.
Is the moon a construct? Very possibly and, in my opinion, quite likely. Can we prove it? No, so it’s fucking irrelevant. Unless, of course, you have a vehicle with anti-grav and can get there to ask the inhabitants in person. It is irrelevant!
Is there a transmission coming from Saturn and being relayed or bounced off the hollowed out moon? Wouldn’t surprise me at all. Can you prove it either way? No, so it’s fucking irrelevant!
Are you seeing a pattern here? David Icke started off giving good, plausible and in most cases checkable information but then goes into abstract theory, albeit based on some compelling ideas. Even if you could prove or disprove any of these theories, there is absolutely nothing you could do about it, short of starting an intergalactic war. Be interested but not distracted!
Icke the freemason.
This is a tricky one. Who is he really? Is he just dangling you on a piece of string or is he genuinely trying to help? When I first saw him on TV in the 80’s I was intrigued because, having never been interested in sport, each time I walked past someone else’s television on a Saturday afternoon there was this person who I felt had something to say to me. This both fascinated me and made me more than a little nervous. At that time I had no idea about freemasonry and so it never occurred to me, after I had learned a little and due to Icke’s obsession with it and it’s evil potential, to check him out thoroughly. But when you actually write down his CV there is, with hindsight and experience, something that is screaming at you.
He starts off as a goal keeper for Coventry City and develops arthritis which, he says, caused him to play some games in agony. He then becomes a local journalist. Then comes the job at the BBC. Then he goes into politics as spokesman for the Green Party. Then he goes a bit nuts. Then he becomes a conspiracy icon.
Each of these positions, including going nuts, has something in common – freemasonry!
Footballers usually get into freemasonry because they have such a short career. So, given that they are finished by the time they are thirty years old, they are going to need some help to move into another area of money making – fashion, food, cosmetics etc. and the “brotherhood” of freemasonry is the only real vehicle to achieve this aim (or so they think). Footballers are not, generally speaking and with all due respect, the most intelligent examples of the human species. So journalism, another industry heavily involved with and influenced by freemasonry, is not usually associated with soccer players, save a few examples that can be counted on one hand or maybe two. The examples that spring to mind are Gary Lineker, Bob Wilson, Ian St. John, Jimmy Greaves, one or two others whose names escape me and, of course, David Icke. To go from local journalism to the BBC is a huge jump. No one gets into the BBC without being a freemason. No one goes into relatively high profile politics without being a freemason. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Obviously Icke’s arthritis is genuine and it would be impossible to argue a case against it. There are, though, certain questions to be answered. One thing that has to be made clear is that freemasonry allows only those of sound mind and body into the “craft”. Rheumatoid arthritis may have exempted him from membership. Going a bit barmy on the Wogan show definitely would have and it would also have made an extremely good smokescreen for even thinking he could have been with the funny handshake brigade. So maybe he was already a freemason from his football playing days. Maybe he was in the process of advancing to his third degree, that of master mason – the point at which you’re “in” and they can do nothing about it – and that was the reason he had to play in agony, lest his masonic brothers became aware of his disability and denied his full membership. Having secured his masonic ticket, after jumping through all the relevant hoops without howling in pain from his disability, it would then be a matter of formality to get him into journalism provided, of course, that he had the required intelligence and flair for the job. He has, of course, proved this beyond any shadow of a doubt.
It’s well known that MI5 are embedded into the BBC. It’s the same with all the secret services around the world. The CIA (as so often quoted by Icke, Jones etc,) even boast that they can “create or kill” a story through their media alliances, anywhere on the planet, in 30 minutes flat! Are we then to believe that Icke has been recruited to do MI5 work? Or, indeed, was he always MI5? Are the people for whom he works goodies or baddies? Was this even a complete set up, from his humble beginnings in Coventry to world class conspiracy guru? Maybe the prediction of him “talking on a world stage” and much of the information that allowed him to make predictions twenty years in advance, came from the security services and not a medium. A psychotic rather than a psychic!
It’s clear to me, given the various screw-ups and delays that occur in the process of locking us down completely, that there is some element working against the “dark side”, a form of cavalry if you like, throwing various and sundry spanners into the works. Is this Icke and his mates? Or are Icke and co charged with the task of making sure the spanners are removed with the minimum of fuss or, indeed, kept dangling so they can be dropped back in at a convenient moment? I say this because of the Jimmy Savile thing. Icke says he heard about it in 1998. What, after all those other people at the BBC were hearing stories from at least two decades earlier, during which time Icke (the brilliant researcher) was there? This interests me as I, myself, heard about it around 1974. We thought it was an urban myth at the time. I had a friend whose wife worked with a woman whose mother was a staff nurse at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. She told a story of a hospital porter who managed to open the door to the mortuary, only to be met with the unimaginable sight of one James Savile, OBE, copping off with a corpse, poking a post human, Rogering the rigor mortis, schtupping a stiff or in proper English, engaging in necrophilia – i.e. carnal knowledge of a dead body – still, at least it wasn’t a pet’s mortuary. It, seemingly, took Icke twenty four more years to hear anything untoward about Savile, hmmm! Interesting given his obsession with outing paedophiles and his apparent knowledge of what went on at the BBC in those days.
And if there is a cavalry and they (those above and all the others) are it, does that mean they have our best interests at heart or will they just help us to fight off the worst of the bad guys until they can manipulate their way into a power structure of their own design? They would already have the hierarchy of freemasonry in place. Just saying! As Icke is only too quick to point out himself, it’s not the removal of the government that is important, it’s what replaces it that matters.
Maybe all those obvious handshakes are just there to flush out people like myself. Maybe it’s the conspiracy elite performing their version of, as Grove would put it, The Noble Lie. They are done in front of cameras for a reason. That is to convey a message. But to whom? All freemasons that see them will recognise them but the general public won’t. Are they on public show as a sign to other movers and shakers, good or bad, to make their move? Is it possible that there is a masonic lodge somewhere that is fighting for the good and the freedom of humanity – where the membership does not consist of an incestuous, festering cesspool of venal, nepotistic, delinquent reprobates? Yes, of course it’s possible! But marginally less likely than winning the lottery jackpot three weeks in a row!
Does a masonic handshake make these people freemasons? Not necessarily but the increasing frequency with which they’re happening in full public view suggests that they are.
If they are freemasons does it make them (the above named and others) bad people? No but concealing it from the very audience that buys their DVDs is deceitful, based on the fact that they’re earning a living, partially, out of justifiably bashing secret societies.
Does this deceit knock a fucking great hole in their credibility? You bet your balls it does!
All I know is that by concealing their membership of a secret society from the general public they are lying by omission, especially Icke who rails, with venom, against freemasons and then deliberately lies to camera about not being one, before going on to talk about The Truth Vibrations. How deliciously ironic, leading figures of the truth movement getting away with lying through their teeth to the true truth seekers.
With the best will in the world you can’t get away from the fact that these people have shown themselves to be liars, hypocrites and freemasons, real or false. Maybe they think there are good reasons for this but I don’t. If they are Intel agents the real intelligence agencies will already know about them, along with every freemason on the planet who might decide to watch them. That just leaves you, dear readers, as the only ones left in the dark. He was, of course, right about one thing – all that was hidden will be revealed!
Something else about Icke is this. He likes to talk about huge lizards and often equates them with dragons. He also says that we all chose to be here at this time. Whether this is true or not is uncertain but very possible. If it is true then it has some fascinating possibilities in terms of conclusions to be drawn. You see, Icke chose 29th April 1952 to be born. April 26th to April 30th is apparently the Grand Climax or Corpus de Baahl in the satanic calendar, and is one day before Walpurgis night or Beltane. 1952 is the year of the water dragon! Is this why he chose 2012, the year of the water dragon (essentially his year), to stage his Wembley show, his biggest event to date? What are we to make of this?
One website had this to say about the water dragon (my italics):
“Dragon is a legendary animal and it is symbol of emperor in China. Since the Dragon is coated with mysterious colour, Chinese consider that the dragon is unpredictable, untouchable and people cannot see its head and tail at the same time. Therefore, we can might see something unexpected happening in 2012. Also a person with too many dragons in the Chinese astrology birth chart will become smarter, sly and unpredictable in the coming year.”
Did he choose to be a dragon so he could be valiant against the lizards by way of knowing them or is he, in fact, one of them? He is certainly obsessed with Babylon and the Babylonian rituals. Does he know and talk so much about the various rituals that satanists perform because he does it himself or is it just a coincidence that he chose to live in isolation on an island well known for it’s masonic influence and, by his own accusations, for goings on of the satanic, ritual child abuse and drug running varieties – oh, and steam trains?
The problem is that it’s hard to mount a good argument against any of the checkable evidence or information from all of the aforementioned people above, except for Ryan and Cassidy, they’ve just become Jackanory for adults. As if it’s not bad enough that we have to peel back the layers of the onion from the global elite, only to find corrupt government; and then peel back the layer of national government to find corrupt local government. We then find we’ve completely overlooked the layer comprising the very people who told us to peel back the fucking layers – people who belong to a club that will enable them to occupy several or various layers, some simultaneously!
So maybe it’s the information they’re leaving out that is important – or are they using what they’ve got, to draw attention away from something else? As Douglas Adams writes in H2G2; “a president’s job is not to wield power but to divert attention away from it”. Just substitute “a president” with “the controlled opposition” and you could possibly be describing the whole of the alternative media. In fact, Icke’s site carried a subheading a short while ago that said something like “The Alternative Media Is Now The Mainstream Media”. Words can be used against you, don’t trust them. The subheading suggests that the unmolested and uncensored truth will now replace the corruption infested, minority owned, masonic/intelligence agency controlled opposition, that we call the Mainstream Media. But it could also mean that the corruption infested, minority owned, masonic/intelligence agency controlled opposition, that we call the Mainstream Media, will now be replaced by the unmolested and uncensored truth being obscured by a corruption infested, minority owned, masonic/intelligence agency controlled opposition, that we call the Alternative Media! This sort of thing is going on all the time. Cameron recently said “we’re all in this together”. One question. Who’s this “we” of which he speaks? The intended political message is “we [the nation and its citizens] are all fighting the on the same side”. The reality is, of course, “we [me and my masonic mates, both in the cabinet and around the world] are all in this together, fucking you in the arse on a daily basis and the more you bend over, the deeper that patriotic dick goes!”
Socrates said, and I’m paraphrasing here, that the mark of a truly mature person is to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily subscribing to it – meaning, of course, that when you are looking at a video of any of the above people, and those with whom they are associated, you could easily be looking at a bunch of nonces (UK slang for child molesters), Intel agents (good or bad), the cavalry or just a bunch of rich arseholes who are getting richer by the minute as a direct result of your ignorance and kindness. You will definitely be looking at a bunch of freemasons. But the most important thing is that you actually ponder and question those possibilities seriously.
What was it George carlin said? “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”. That was true but then he followed it up with “you and I are not in the big club”. Well I’m sorry to tell you that he lied – Georgy boy was in the big club. Was he the controlled opposition too? It wouldn’t be the first time, Bob Hope is reported to have worked for MI6. Carlin refused to be drawn on 911 more than once and even referred to it as a terrorist attack. A man intelligent enough to come up with “…the planet’s fine, the people are fucked” and “you have no choice, you have owners…, …they’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, congress… etc” or “power does what it wants in this country and all over the planet, always did, always will…” couldn’t work out that 911 was an inside job? You decide!

A screen capture from the end of “On Location”. Master mason shake shared with member of his team (handler?).
And another below:

Master mason shake with Travis Smiley.
Of course, I’m still a fan and Carlin is a bit of an exception but still, in my opinion, controlled opposition. Had it been him, and not a bunch of “conspiracy nut-bags”, screaming on stage about 911 being an inside job – and making it funny, the kind of exposure he had would have made sure that pretty much everyone, from Bush to Kissenger would either be in jail or awaiting trial. But, of course, without being a mason he wouldn’t have had the exposure and, as a mason, he was obviously told to avoid certain aspects of the story – maybe as a personal favour to someone. It’s in the rules, all freemasons are thus compromised at some level or other. It’s also in the rules that you believe, or at least say you believe, in a supreme being. Who was he lying to, them or us?
So what can be done?
The first thing is to stop the hero worship. Someone said to me last year “if the money’s not a problem do you fancy going to see David Icke live at Wembley?” and I said “why would I want to go and see a news reader live? Will the information change between my house and the Wembley arena?” The only news reader I’d go and see live would be Bill O’rielly, and then only because someone is bound to beat him to death with a baseball bat and that would be worth every penny. Hero worship is what got us into this fucking mess in the first place. It didn’t
do Jesus a lot of good either (if he existed). Hero worship will make you believe or accept things you might otherwise disregard. For example, when Icke says that his son, Gareth, is a brilliant songwriter you might believe it. This is an area in which I can claim some expertise, for whilst holding a driving instructor’s qualification, I don’t do it as a job, that’s reserved for music. He knows a few chords and he can hold a tune with his voice but his songs are mediocre at best and the gig at Wembley was the dullest, poorest performance I’ve ever witnessed, lacking any kind of atmosphere whatsoever. No matter how much you think of his dad, there’s no getting away from it, he’s better in front of a camera than behind a guitar. I don’t believe for one minute that he was offered a £100,000 deal as long as he disowned everything his father was doing. It takes a lot more than 100k to develop an artist, even when they’ve got the raw talent. Maybe it was an MK ULTRA deal, who knows? All I know is the only good reason for him being given £100,000 would be for him to shut the fuck up or maybe get some guitar lessons. If you like his music, fine, there’s no accounting for taste but if you like it because of his dad, that’s hero worship, and that’s dangerous!
Stop financing these people, at least until they stop lying to you! If you buy into the idea that you have to have the latest sermon from your chosen guru as soon as it comes out, you’re on a financial and marketing hook! “Get your copy today”. And don’t forget, being informed doesn’t mean just reading someone else’s opinion.
Maybe a global, or even local, campaign against freemasonry might help. Either legislate against it completely or disallow ANY freemason from holding a position of trust or authority. That should just about fuck up pretty much everything on this planet, then we can start again. Here’s a thought; don’t you find it interesting that none of the above people/freemasons (to my knowledge at least) have ever brought up the possibility of outlawing freemasonry? These are the same people that go on about the coming cash-less society but every one of them has the facility for you to pay them via Pay-Pal or a range of credit and debit cards instead, maybe, of giving just a postal address to where a money order, bought by you with cash, could be sent to them, whereupon they render it back into cash. Just a couple of contradictions there – as per the Trivium and the Quadrivium!
Make these people accountable. They are the ones going on about accountability, or the lack of it, from officials, politicians, bankers, the mainstream media, the police, the armed forces etc. Get familiar with your facts and take these people on when they are on radio or TV phone-in shows. Ask them questions if you happen to see them live or in the street – but keep it civil. Get a link to this page to your favourite conspiracy radio shows and get them to ask the questions for you, live on air. Get a link to this page out to as many people as possible. It should then be both fun and telling to watch the “damage limitation” kick in.
Go and check out the handshakes of all your favourite speakers and see if they are freemasons. Get screenshots and do a blog like this. Then watch the re-edits arrive, the ones where a crop or a fade in or out now replaces the glaringly obvious masonic handshake, of which you’ve now got the screenshot. If you attend seminars of the conspiracy, mystery, spiritual, free energy or UFO genres, take as much footage or stills as you can that include handshakes and post them to youtube or a page like this. The UFO community is as well represented as the others, I’m afraid.

Richard Dolan sharing the “pointy finger down the wrist” handshake with ex–CIA man, who is happily returning it..

Bill Ryan and Alfred Lebremont Weber stretching across the great divide, caused by the protrusion of Cassidy’s voluminous arse and swollen gut, to make the master mason handshake.
If you can’t think where to start your search, here’s a little list to be going on with: All those listed above plus James Corbett, Joe Rogan, Jan Irving, James Evan Pelato, Max Igan, Abbey Martin, Graham Hancock, James Lane, Nassim Haramien, Les Visible, Brian Gerrish, John Harris, Andrew Basiago, Michael Tellinger, Meria Heller, Stephen Greer, Jordan Maxwell, Brian O’Leary, George Green, Rupert Sheldrake, Bruce Lipton, Alex Collier, Eustace Mullins, Eric Dollard, Julian Assange, Klaus Dona, Bob Dean, David Wilcock – that should keep you busy and entertained for one evening.
Important addendum: 1st December 2013
As you can see from the date, nothing has been written for the last few months. This was caused through illness. In the ensuing time The People’s Voice has gone to air and various other items have come to light.
Despite what I have written thus far, I can’t help it, I actually like most of the people mentioned, including Icke and his team at TPV and would be hard pushed to mount an intelligent argument against any of the checkable evidence presented by any of them. However, I don’t like being lied to, either directly or by proxy, implication, deviation, obfuscation or omission. I feel now, when I see one of these people deliver a blistering verbal assault in the direction of the elite or a challenge to a government, that what they’re really saying is “stop treating the global population like childish, ignorant, gullible cash cows, that’s our fucking job!”
And it hasn’t stopped. During the time I was unwell I had ample time to sit around watching things on the internet. And some of it was quite interesting. What looked like a nicely timed piece of PR that got the attention of both mainstream and alternative media, was the Russell Brand/Jeremy Paxman thing. Paxman berates Brand for not voting, for wanting a revolution and asserting that young people are disillusioned by politics. Brand is then reported to have joined (or even led) a protest march in Westminster. Paxman then gets nailed in the papers for previously saying he didn’t vote in the last election. He then turns up to promote his book on high profile TV chat shows as a guest, first of Graham Norton and then Jack Whitehall, where he both admits that Brand is right and then gives a masonic handshake to one of the other guests (surprise, surprise). So Brand and Paxman are both freemasons. They must surely have shaken hands before that first interview, ‘nuff said me thinks. Brand’s most recent effort to get himself into the “headlies” is, allegedly, to start getting himself into Jemima Kahn (again), ex-wife of Imran Kahn, the Pakistani international cricketer and leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (“Movement for Justice”) political party. Imran Kahn is also said to be the leading opponent to the drone strikes in Pakistan.
Wikipedia has this to say about the couple (my italics):
“On 16 May 1995, Khan married Jemima Goldsmith, in a traditional Pakistani ceremony in Paris. A month later, on 21 June, they were married again in a civil ceremony at the Richmond registry office in England.[21] Jemima was converted to Islam. Khan’s later decision to join politics alarmed opposition politicians and intelligence agencies mainly because of Jemima’s half Jewish ancestry, this became point of criticism especially by Islamic parties who alleged that he was related to ‘Zionists’. “
She is also the daughter of Sir James Goldsmith (deceased) and was a close friend of lady Diana (brutally murdered). So here we have Brand, late of his masonic meeting with royalty, with simultaneous connections to David Icke, freemasonry, the half Jewish daughter of one the global elite, the ex-wife of a middle east politician who doesn’t like drones and the subject of scrutiny by the intelligence services. Is this a coincidence? Am I alone in smelling a whole sewer full of rats?
The icing on the cake, of course, is The People’s Voice itself. TPV started a week ago, 25/11/13, and so far has been very good, despite the “keystone cops” approach to broadcasting, whereby no-one knows how to run the kit, various people are sitting around with their finger in their ear, looking blankly into the wrong camera and repeating “hello can you hear me?”, sound levels going up and down like a fucking yo-yo, from a barely audible whisper to a plus 10db surge, capable of ripping the cones out of your drivers and the skin off your eardrums if, like me, you happen to be using a 1Kw mixer to deliver the signal to the speakers and, to top it off, extraneous disembodied voices from the control room going live to air, mixing with what can only be described as a party going on, off camera, next to the bloke that’s just fallen of a clattering aluminium ladder, dropping his bucket of water whilst answering his ringing mobile phone.
There have been good discussions on such subjects as George Osborne, hookers and coke – Lenny Harper talking about Haut de la Garenne – Jimmy Savile – Madeleine McCann – legalising cannabis – children being forcefully adopted and/or abused in foster homes – A&E for 911 truth etc. The discussions themselves were fine but there were questions that were asked which all had one common and obvious answer but which was not forthcoming. In fact it felt to me like it was being avoided like the plague. The questions went something like this – and I’m paraphrasing to avoid the task of re-watching every interview again:
- How has George Osborne’s cocaine use been covered up by the mainstream media?
- Why was his picture with a hooker and several lines of coke cropped, by whichever media outlet finally ran the story, so that the coke never appeared in the news?
- If the boys from Haut de la Garenne were taken by Savile onto Sir Edward heath’s Yacht, Morning Cloud, but he never brought them back, that suggests they were killed on board and dumped at sea. How come these people were never questioned? How was Savile protected for so long regardless of all the allegations against him?
- If you say that you have physical evidence that something, maybe Madeleine’s body, is possibly buried under the newly built drive of the house belonging to a former suspect, just a couple of hundred meters from where she was taken, how come no one has suggested digging up the drive?
- How can a simple plant be made illegal, how does one legislate against a plant, a native of this planet?
- Clearly there is a lot of money changing hands with children being taken into care or forcibly adopted. How has the system even been allowed to get to the level of secret family courts and collusion between the courts and adoption services? And how is the abuse covered up?
- How could relevant scientific evidence, given to N.I.S.T., not make it into the N.I.S.T. report?
The answer in all these cases, and shit-loads more like them, is summed up in two words. MASONIC INFLUENCE! You’ll notice that all of the corruption, collusion and cover-up allegations are aimed at those whom one would expect to be a freemason; i.e. politicians, police, military, intelligence, judiciary, celebrities, media and other gatekeepers. And yet not once did either of the interviewers or their guests mention the mechanism by which all this skulduggery is achieved, that being the loyalty and secrecy afforded to freemasons by other freemasons. The two interviewers I’m talking about are Sonia Poulton and Richie Allen. Why would they avoid nailing freemasonry as the ultimate culprit here? Maybe the screen capture below will throw some light on it.
- Sonia Poulton sharing a cosy little masonic handshake with Michael Shrimpton on only the third day into The People’s Voice.
There’s no picture of Richie Allen (I really can’t be bothered to wait for today’s videos to appear on youtube) but you can see it if you can find the complete interview with Chris Larner before they edit out the handshake.
The only person, so far, to mention anything about freemasonry is David Icke himself. He talked briefly about P2 freemasonry, the Italian or Sicilian lodge of “the dark side”, where the Mafia hang out. He has also talked briefly about the secret society network, which he described as a spider’s web with the spider at the centre and it’s legs stretching out through the ever widening circular layers and connecting with, and communicating to, the outside world through all the different levels of secrecy and loyalty down to the local lodge and into society. How far along the length of those legs the people on this page reside is anyone’s guess.
Just as I was finishing this article, as the following screen capture shows, an interesting advert turned up on David Icke’’ website.

Who’d have thought that the best place to get a deal on masonic regalia would be Icke’s own site?
Below is an enlargement:
This, at best, is embarrassing for Icke and, at worst, indicates that someone is taking the piss! It was pointed out to me that these ads are automatic and attach, by similarity, to the subject matter in the page where they are being targeted and, as such, cannot be chosen, either positively or negatively. But you can choose not to use that kind of advertising. Icke is quite vocal on not taking advertising for TPV from any company that is not, in his words, “at least neutral”. Just by sheer virtue of the fact that freemasons call you and I “the dead” shows they’re not neutral. And also, given the coverage, on Icke’s site, of things military, the middle east, politics, child abuse etc, you’d expect some of these subject matters to show up in the ads once in a while but they don’t. I’ve never seen any Islamic products, or the sale of ex-army vehicles and equipment.
In conclusion.
This article has asked a lot of questions for which, in all honesty, I have no answers, wouldn’t pretend to and can only offer up, as I already have, a few of the “infinite possibilities” that may be in play.
There are, though, a few certainties:
- Several people have failed to answer emails on the subject of freemasonry; flimsy I know but evidence nonetheless.
- This page is stuffed with screen captures of people, mainly men, displaying masonic handshakes.
- At least two independent sources have borne the same message – i.e. prepare to “lose” 6.8 billion souls and become the global elite’s easily controllable “survivors”!
- Most of the people discussed have, or are at least associated with, a website that has on it, somewhere or other, a warning of the coming cash-less society but further exacerbates the digitisation of currency by almost forcing their patrons to use credit cards or online payment methods.
- Richie Allen said, a couple of days ago, that David Icke often talks about taking the system down from the inside. Maybe these people are trying to do that to freemasonry or to government through freemasonry. If that’s the case then good luck with that one.
- As proved by the many pictures above, there seems to be something afoot, about which you and I are not being told.
As far as I’m concerned all I want is for these people to come clean, stop hiding and lying about their associations, address this issue and let us in on whatever it is that we’re not being told. And it’s only you and I, the general public, who are being kept in the dark. Everyone on the “other side” is a freemason. I have said some harsh things in this article and I apologise for none of them. I think, however, that I’ve been as fair as I can under the circumstances and it is not my intention to undermine any of the work done by the people mentioned. In fact I love the idea that something like TPV is available as a global TV station. But if it’s run and manned by freemasons then there is a serious conflict of interest, given that most of the criminality discussed on such a station involves facilitation through freemasonry.
Freemasonry, like nuclear power, is something that evil people should be kept away from and good people don’t need. It should not exist. Even if it’s wrested from those in power, if it survives (even on paper) it will just hang around until another bunch of greedy, evil bastards come along and the whole thing will start again.
You need to challenge these people on the information contained in this article. Get the link to facebook or twitter and let’s see if we can’t get a debate going, maybe on some of their own stations!
Here are some links to check out:
Jones and co shaking hands. Go to 2:30:00 and get ready with your mouse
Icke and producer shake. Around 7:50
Icke with Ryan and Cassidy 2:07:50
Artist Taxi Driver and Rudkowsky 02:39
Icke driving 00:45
A “Rothschild” speaks out.
“Who’s the fool, the fool or the fool who follows him?”
Obe Wan Kenobe (Star Wars 1977) and my Mum (1965)
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