Thursday 19 September 2024


Dear World: Israelis ARE Jewish Nazis


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

“Israelis are Jewish Nazis!”

Notwithstanding the fact that some Jews suffered horribly during the Holocaust, that does not absolve them from, in turn, visiting a genocidal Holocaust on Gentiles some 80 years later in Gaza.

Contemporary Jews utter the vow “Never again!” to attest to their promise that the global Jewish community will never countenance a similar Holocaust happening again on their watch. However, this vow appears to apply only to Jews, not Gentiles.

Jews, raised on rabid, uncompromising, ethnocentrism, only look out for their own, period! Gentiles be damned! Well over 90% of Jewish Israelis support Netanyahu’s genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Gentiles—Moslems and Christians alike—even though there is convincing evidence that Netanyahu not only knew about but also approved of the false flag attack on Israel which took place on October 7th, 2023. ​

To date, over 40,000 Palestinian Gentiles have been killed by Israelis, the majority of whom have been women and children. Very oddly, only a minority of the dead have been military-aged men, men who the Israelis could claim were Hamas militants.

Furthermore, well over 100,000 Palestinian Gentiles have been injured, some severely, and this only takes into account the injured Palestinians that we know about. It does not factor in the thousands of Palestinians buried underneath the rubble of their destroyed domiciles. Speaking of which, 75% of Gazan Palestinian homes have been destroyed and water, food, medical supplies, and fuel have been interdicted by the Israelis.

Besides merely killing Palestinians, the Israelis also want them to suffer in extremis. The 1.25 million Palestinians trapped inside the de facto open-air Gaza concentration camp are now completely destitute. Photos of dead Palestinian children and pictures of the raised apartment blocs cannot help but call to mind photos of Jews, and Jewish children, being sent to Nazi concentration camps four score years earlier.

The Biden administration, in concert with quisling congresspersons eager to receive substantial campaign contributions from Jewish plutocrats, have sold their soul for 30 pieces of silver. In exchange for generous campaign financing, all these politicians have to do is unabashedly support and approve Jewish Israeli genocide targeting essentially defenseless Gazan civilians. This is a very dark chapter in American history especially since we are bankrolling the Israeli genocide with our tax dollars. If the US stopped providing military and economic grants to Israel, carte blanche, this war would end tomorrow. We now appear to live in an age when terms such as “good” and “evil” have either lost all meaning or mean the opposite of what they originally stood for. Shame on Israel for orchestrating the ethnic cleansing of Gaza so as to secure a racially and ethnically “pure” [sic] Jewish state. Shame on the Jewish community that countenances and approves the remorseless on-going Holocaust of Palestinian Gentiles. And shame on the United States for acquiescing to this unforgivable evil!!!

Vaughn Klingenberg


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