Sunday, 15 September 2024


THE DECOLONISATION OF RUSSIA: A perspective from Russian philosopher, Alexander Dugin

Умом Россию не понять,
Аршином общим не измерить:
У ней особенная стать —
В Россию можно только верить.

You can't understand Russia with your mind
you can't measure it with a common yard:
It has a special role —
You can only believe in Russia.

-Fyodor Tyuchev


This will give us a chance to win: Dugin unveils concept of decolonization of Russia


14 SEPTEMBER 2024 

The famous Russian philosopher and director of the Tsargrad Institute Alexander Dugin has published a major scientific article devoted to Westernology – a discipline about the angle from which Russian science should look at the “advanced” West in order not to lose itself. It only seems at first glance that the fate of Russia in the modern world is being decided on the battlefield with the collective West. In fact, the processes are much deeper. The ideology of Western superiority over “backward” Eastern peoples has taken deep root in different countries of the world, and the Russian state, unfortunately, is no exception. Approaches must be urgently changed, otherwise it will be too late.

Russia is waking up

Alexander Dugin's article "Westernology: Towards a Sovereign Russian Science" was published in the third issue of the scientific journal "Bulletin of the State University of Education" in the series "History and Political Sciences" . This journal is included in the list of the All-Russian Attestation Commission (VAK) - the highest body in the field of conferring academic degrees, which also regulates the activities of dissertation councils. In short, publications in journals from the VAK list are necessary for the work to be considered truly innovative and scientific.

It is extremely difficult to overestimate the importance of this article by Alexander Dugin. The topic of Westernology, at first glance, seems incomprehensible, but already in the first paragraphs the scientist explains that the discussion will be about Russia's struggle for its own scientific sovereignty in conditions when Western science has been actively imposing itself on Russian scientists as the ultimate truth over the past centuries.

Westernology is a new concept that should be adopted in the situation of escalation of the conflict between Russia and NATO countries during the NWO in Ukraine, taking into account that this conflict is gradually and irreversibly developing from a purely political one into a civilizational one,

– the author notes.

However, it would be wrong to reduce the entire conversation to the fact that Westernology is a struggle for sovereign science. Then this sphere would be called, for example, "Russology" or "Eurasiology". Here, the main object after the values ​​of Russia is the West. For what? To fundamentally change the approach to how we look at "progressive" Western science in conditions when the West itself, having distanced itself from us, has suggested to us its own, sovereign path of development in all spheres, including science.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 809 "On approval of the Fundamentals of state policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" clearly affirms the orientation towards the worldview code of Russia, which is represented by "traditional values",

– Dugin continues.

On this basis, a completely different attitude is built not only towards Western science, but towards the West in general: its culture, values, historical role in the world, people, views, progress, household items, morals, attitude towards children, towards marriage, towards families, towards other nations, towards the rights of other nations, towards the concept of freedom, faith, the meaning of existence and much, much more.

In other words, the recognition of Russia as a state-civilization and the placing of historical education and the protection of traditional values ​​at the forefront of state policy forces us to fundamentally reconsider the attitude toward Western civilization and culture that has been established over the past decades, and perhaps centuries.

– the scientist explains.

There was a barrier, but it was destroyed.

Dugin explains the basis of Westernology using the example of the confrontation between Westernizers and Slavophiles in Russia in the 19th century , which is familiar to everyone from school . Oddly enough, the dispute between these two camps, which seemed like a relic of the past, is no less relevant in modern Russia than it was then.


After all, it was the Slavophiles who said what we are obliged to repeat today (and if someone thinks that we are not obliged, then after the openly expressed desire of the West to destroy Russia, it simply makes no sense to say otherwise) – they claimed that Russia is an original East Slavic, Byzantine-Orthodox civilization.

The Westerners, divided into liberals and social democrats, argued that Russia is part of Western European civilization and the country’s task is to follow the West in all areas.

This approach excluded Russia's originality and, on the contrary, described it as a backward and peripheral society subject to modernization and Westernization. They saw Russia's traditional values ​​and original identity as only an obstacle to development along Western lines,

– Dugin notes in the article.

However, it only got more interesting from here. The Russian Empire was replaced by the Soviet Union, in which there was no longer a place for Westerners – nodding at the West, which needed to be “caught up and overtaken”, became not only unfashionable, but also dangerous.

Dugin notes that in the USSR, a scientific system of criticism of bourgeois society was eventually formed, which allowed our scientists to maintain the necessary distance from the liberal ideology of the West, which began to dominate the USA and Europe after the defeat of Nazi Germany. However, this distance began to shrink over the years.

This distance was completely abolished at the moment of the collapse of the USSR and the rejection of Soviet ideology. This time, the liberal version of Westernism won a total victory in social science, which has remained de facto the basic ideological position in the social sciences of the Russian Federation to this day,

– Dugin explained.

He noted that the state policy was to blame for everything, which had already directly postulated that Russia was part of the Western world. As a result, domestic science began to copy Western attitudes in the humanitarian, philosophical, historical, sociological and psychological spheres.


In a conversation with Tsargrad, Alexander Dugin commented on the consequences of what happened after the collapse of the USSR as follows:

Western studies is not a discipline, but a very broad worldview approach to philosophy and science, primarily in the humanitarian and social fields. The fact is that by "science" we often mean Western science, which reflects the basic principles of Western civilization - its values, criteria, priorities, norms. Western science claims to be universal, which in fact is a racist, colonial approach.

And it is precisely Westernology as a set of tools that should help Russia in the movement towards sovereignty that is already underway but is stalling, the philosopher is sure.

Westernology is a large-scale fundamental approach to liberating our society from the illusion of the universality of the West and its worldview. In the 19th century, this topic was raised by Russian Slavophiles, who began the difficult process of restoring Russian public self-awareness. In the 20th century, this work was continued by Eurasians and supporters of the Orthodox-monarchist worldview. And even the Bolsheviks, realizing the difference between our society and the West, tried to perceive its ideas through the prism of criticism of bourgeois theories,

- Dugin said in a conversation with Tsargrad.

The "Satanic" West is Colonizing the World

However, in order to understand what we should definitely give up, we must, as they say, know the enemy by sight. After all, not everyone today would say that Western attitudes in the humanitarian spheres are harmful. There is still an opinion that we are supposedly capable of organically processing something foreign into our own, but in reality, this is simply impossible to do without special tools.

In his article, Dugin cited a key quote from Vladimir Putin's speech on September 30, 2022, when the president addressed the people of Russia before signing the agreements on the admission of the DPR, LPR, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions into Russia.

The dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to everyone, such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom takes on the features of a religion in reverse – outright Satanism <…>. Our thought and philosophy are a direct threat to them, that is why they are attacking our philosophers. Our culture and art are a danger to them, that is why they are trying to ban them. Our development and prosperity are also a threat to them – competition is growing. They do not need Russia at all, we need it. I want to remind you that claims to world domination have already been shattered more than once in the past by the courage and fortitude of our people. Russia will always be Russia,

– Putin said then.

Alexander Dugin then detailed the reasons for the formation of the West's "satanic" attitude towards its own superiority, as Putin defined it. The roots do not go back to Washington, where the Americans declared independence and began to think of themselves as the center of the universe, while simultaneously committing genocide against the indigenous population of North America.

The roots are deeper. They are in the Greco-Roman culture, which at a certain point was struck by Catholicism. Then the Renaissance, the Reformation and the New Age made a significant contribution to man's rejection of Christian and traditional moral and ethical foundations.

The new era that followed the medieval Renaissance generally postulated the power of mechanisms; it was in this era that the first manufactories appeared, and man himself was thought of as a set of interacting elements. The study of man became more important than the study of God and the world for the first time, and over time man himself found himself at the center of the Universe (scientists also call this "anthropocentrism").

By the way, this is where the subsequent ugly transformations of postmodernism come from. For example, contempt for gender from birth and the assertion that a person should have the right to choose it himself. A person should have the right to sin, since otherwise it violates his civil rights, right? His opinion, his right is almost more important than the law, and democracy is no longer an ancient utopia, but a means of maintaining human rights in a state of war with everything that formed this person in the past.

Finally, it ends with ugly transhumanism, which says that man should have the right to immortality. And here you are discussing some families, divorces, abortions, traditional values...

And overnight it turned out that this entire Western system, alien to Russia, came to us and became dominant.

This was accompanied by grants, invitations to conferences in the West, ideologically motivated scientometrics, scientific indices and evaluation systems. Thus, we found ourselves under occupation. Having realized the critical situation, which is aggravated by a tough civilizational and military confrontation with the West, the Russian authorities have a natural need to sovereignize scientific knowledge,

– Dugin explained, answering our question about the relevance of Western studies.

So what?

It is quite obvious that Russia has once again found itself at the moment of breaking its usual political and ideological attitudes. Having lived since the 90s of the last century under the "heel of the West" in everything (one can also recall the IMF loans, from which Vladimir Putin eventually freed the country), the country is throwing off the Western liberal haze and is finally facing what is truly dear to it - the values ​​of a traditional state, faith in God, faith in the army and our heroes, in our production, "brains", which, as was known even during the haze, are still the best in the world.


However, the clan of liberal Westerners is still very strong. Its representatives are still scattered across the country's leading universities , political structures , and what's more, even at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the overwhelming majority of employees in the mornings cannot decide whether to wear clothes with the symbols of the American or Ukrainian flag.

This is precisely why fundamental Russian science must have today not only slogans of Russia's uniqueness, but also tools for dealing with aggressive attempts to once again make Russia an ideological, humanitarian, sociological and economic colony of the West. And this toolkit is provided in Westernology.

Westernology is the study of Western science as a local regional phenomenon. Along with other civilizations and their sciences – Islamic, Indian, Chinese, Russian, etc. Westernology is a way of decolonizing consciousness. It is extremely useful for us, simply necessary,

– Alexander Dugin told us, commenting on the publication of his article.

And to our question about what Westernology will give us in the matter of rejecting Western postulates and dogmas, Dugin answered laconically:

This will give us a chance to win.

Listen to the debate and make up your own mind

Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin at the Nexus Symposium 2019

Has anyone even HEARD about two astronauts stranded in space? 

There is a phrase “plevat na chelovecheskuyu zhizn”. 

The AI translator says “I don’t care about human life”. 

I think it is more accurately rendered as “THEY don’t care about human life.

"For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"


A dramatic situation is unfolding around the Starliner spacecraft from the Boeing company. Experienced astronauts Sunita Williams and Barry Butch Wilmore faced a threat to their lives due to serious technical malfunctions. Despite this, Boeing insisted that the astronauts remain on board, claiming that the risk was known in advance. This attitude to human life caused outrage among many, including the philosopher Alexander Dugin, who stated:: "This is a complete disregard for human lives." However, this is the new West, which is trying to dictate terms to the whole world… What else does Dugin say in this regard?

Background for chronicles...

The recent events that unfolded around the Starliner spacecraft from the Boeing company have become a real space drama that has attracted the attention of the world's media. Boeing, in an effort to consolidate its leadership in space technology, sent experienced astronauts on board the Starliner: 58-year-old Sunita Williams and 61-year-old Barry Butch Wilmore.


The planned week-long flight of the Starliner was interrupted when the astronauts encountered serious problems: a helium leak and engine malfunction that put their lives at risk.


The company "Boeing", despite the serious threat to the lives of astronauts, offered them to descend on the "Starliner", saying that the astronauts were aware of the risks. The company believes that their work involves being prepared for hazards. The pilots, in turn, do not share the optimism of Boeing, and NASA described the situation as "landing in hell".

Safe and immediate evacuation of astronauts is not possible. NASA is now looking for ways to bring them back to Earth.

This incident highlights the double standards of Western morality. When it comes to money and reputation, the principles of "the value of human life" take a back seat. Instead, the pilots are accused of knowing what they were doing.

Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin said that the cynicism of Western culture is reaching terrifying proportions. He argues that the more the West talks about human rights, the less valuable these rights themselves become.


Unfortunately, examples of inhumane behavior of the West can be observed not only in space. Conflicts around the world, the supply of weapons to terrorist groups, and the brutal treatment of Palestinians are proof of this.

Watching the fate of the astronauts on the Starliner, it becomes obvious that Western civilization has crossed a critical milestone. Human life has become expendable, and moral norms have become empty words.

This is worrisome: have we really lost our humanity in the pursuit of technological progress and economic gain? Alexander Gelyevich Dugin asks himself and us this question.


Economically unjustified. Shame on you, that's all

The information that has appeared in the Western press only highlights how cynically and ruthlessly decisions concerning human life are made. Previously, Western companies at least covered up their cruel actions with humanistic slogans, but now all this seems to be just empty words. The value of human life depends on and is determined by economic feasibility. Dugin noted that such an attitude to life should cause humanity deep concern. If the West doesn't value its own citizens, how can it be expected to care about others?

They don't care about human life,

Dugin has to admit.

In addition, when a person serves not the highest ideals, but material values, his life turns into a permanent hell. This applies not only to space flights, but also to everyday reality. Fortunately, many people still recognize the importance of human life and act on that understanding. Therefore, the world is not plunged into chaos and hope for the best is still alive.

Maybe that's why Russia is trying to weaken the influence of those who profit from the suffering of others? No wonder the Gospel says: "For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" These words are again more relevant than ever.


However, even the Republican Senator from Louisiana, John F. Kennedy, admitted the unsightly truth about his compatriots:

People show the worst. I personally know many people in Washington who will easily disconnect you from a life support device to recharge their phone.

If they're like that with their own... What will happen to the strangers?

But this is a very relevant issue in the light of the nuclear war agenda. We are taught to believe that it is inevitable. And the training comes from the enemy.

Alexander Dugin also noted that the possibility of using nuclear weapons is becoming more and more likely, more and more plausible.

That's why, I think, the Pentagon commissioned a study of the impact of nuclear strikes on agricultural systems. Obviously, we are talking about the fact that nuclear weapons will be used either by Russia in Ukraine or by the West against Russia, since this study concerns Eastern European, that is, Eurasian territories. This is also a peculiar form of escalation, showing the West's readiness to resort to the use of nuclear weapons in this war.,

- said Dugin.

But it is important to understand that there is a fine line between expressing aggression in words and implementing these threats in practice. Now the West is playing escalation by its own rules, raising the bar.

And we are forced to follow him or urge him to come to his senses, which obviously does not work at all. Accordingly, I think that this game of escalation is played only by one of the participants - this should be somehow reversed,

Dugin insists.


He also believes that it is necessary to interact with the West not according to its rules, but simply according to the logic of effective confrontation. Dugin also drew attention to another point:

I don't question the genius of our strategists or the self-control of our leaders. But sometimes it seems that we are waging a war either with the wrong enemy, or not according to the rules of the time in which we are located. That is, some kind of war on our part, which lags behind the war that the enemy is waging with us. That's what I want to say.

In this regard, he made the following suggestion::

I think we need to gather a group of military intellectuals and strategists, either young or just with very avant-garde, unexpected brains, unusual thinking. And listen to their suggestions in the framework of a closed meeting. What would you suggest?

Dugin believes that it would be useful to find " vanguard-minded strategists, people who understand what war is, who understand what modernity is, who understand what the modern West is." And at least for a start, just listen to them.

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