Monday 30 September 2024


Speculation: The"Anti-Vax" Medical Freedom (Not a) Movement, much like the "Woke" Backlash were Socially Engineered 5D Chess Operations to give you a Trump-Kennedy-Tulsi War on Behalf of Israel

I have two timeline posts that I’m working on right now.

The second one, which is going to take me a while, is a 45-year retrospective using published data and video of how one Reality TV Show Steak Sales Pro Wrestler Real Estate Huckster was socially engineered to become the likely President that ushers in long long long long-planned agendas including potentially World War-3.

Sometimes it washes over me.

The sheer patient long game.

I guess when you own the world, you can play the long game. 

As long as necessary.

Not like it’s gonna ripple into your sphere.

Layers and layers in between.

👇 Look. At. Bobby’s. FACE.

The Scorpions know how to fix your face too, Hammers.

They know what the fuck they are doing.

Puzzle Pieces #45-54B:

Oh my goodness.

Oh my goodness.

That ☝️ post will require lots and lots of labor to compile properly, so…stay tuned.

This 👇 is the first timeline post.

It was roughly fleshed out a couple of timesabout 54-times prior in pieces.

Apologies for all the linked posts which are simply meant as records of research in time. Snapshots.

You don’t have to read them to get the gist of this post.

Eventually over time, the puzzle pieces begin to assemble like nanotechnology assembling in your body turning you into a human battery when thou art zapped with EMF radiation. (Too much?) (Not enough?)

In no particular order, here are some “IT’S DAWNING ON ME” snapshots in time.

You want the quick and simple heuristic?

Clock who your Anointed Thought Leader Heroes are and where they always ALIGN and converge with your purported adversaries in whatever limited frame of reference is meaningful to you where you live.


OR…IMMIGRANTS ARE STREAMING ACROSS THE BORDER. (Because they are allowed and encouraged to by certain Israel and Catholic NGOs and Jewish Homeland Security folks like Mayorkis and anyway the solution will be Digital ID Biometric Shock Collars which YOU WILL NOW WEAR.)



Now they have you.

Now the Spider has welcomed you into the Web.

Now you are read-in to the Agendas.

Now you are a Chump. Now you are dancing on the grave of your mommy.

All because you like that warm little fee-feee space inside that that Theater Actor provides you.

☝️See, the Theater Troupe kept letting out little blips of truth.

And then the ACTORS simply did not behave like sharp motivated people following the actual trail.

Which…why should they?

You are already making excuses for them. 

Remember? You are read-in to the Operations now.

Good job!

Not exactly the whole truth, Hebrew-speaking Jessica and Country Doctor/Anthrax Vaccine Expert Meryl.

Not exactly the whole truth.

Woke-lashed Evergreen Boy vaulted into your Brain Vector via Spooky Carlson and Chief Laser Pointer Joe Rogan and proceeded to insert himself as a Pandemic Expert and an American Politics (“The West”) expert and Evergreen Boy left out lots of key details as Spooky Carlson made his signature furrowed brow, “GOSH I’M CONFUSED” face.

Evergreen Boy left out say, FAKED PANDEMICS.

And Goliath calling from inside the house.

Meanwhile, clocking the various balls out the chute, virtually every Minder who entered this here Boutique Stack, friend or foe…and they tried various tactics…was Jewish, Zionist, or Israel-Friendly.

The Venn Diagram began to become a circle.

Meeebbeeeeee Strip of Land?

This began IIRC about one week after I busted out my first Sweet Summer Child offering two and one half years ago.

The Minders began circling like Fake Not a Movement Narrative-Controlling Vultures.

I had this more or less sorted out with Meth Poster Paul who took a bizarre interest in this Stack taking his Signature Enhancement Oppery to Telegram and brought another predictable round of angry trolls with all the tired talking points of quicksand.

And Agent Aussie dug up the Facebook video of Meth Poster Paul following Ivermectin Paul #2 kibitzing with a Jewish Brain Trust about All Things Pandemic.

And I sorted out that both The Wellness Company Media and the Peter Thiel Rumble Media were also avoiding things like MODERNA and then co-signing exactly theTrump got shot in the ear narratives.

And the culprit on this magical day was quickly diagnosed, much like on 9/11 the Minders had it sorted out that it was Osama bin Laden in like 45-minutes.


It was the Secret Service and Iran. 😅

Iran really chose a great hitter for the mission!

Sure. Makes perfect sense.

Iran Botching Shit.


So you understand, the rim didn’t move.

The fans waving to distract didn’t matter.

The rim was still right there.

The Secret Service Botching Shit had already been predictively programmed with the Bobby Kennedy purported assassination attempt and the HI Billionaire was there, again. Lurking. 

One degree of separation.


And then I sorted out who was front-running the “breaking news” rollout of the King of Israel Assassination Event and it was another Wellness Company Sponsored Content outlet that I’m told would not let you type the letters J-E-W in comments.

Anti-Vax Timeline

To fully grasp the “anti-vax” timeline, we must first grasp the manufactured pandemic timelines, which themselves track back to the Day Tapes stated agendas from 1969 involving falsified science to achieve the goals of depopulation and Centralized Command of the World.

Quote from Day Tapes #2.

To again remind you that this has all been long planned and laid out plainly.

From 1969: Planned Parenthood Director Richard Day as recollected by physician Lawrence Dunegan.


    Somewhere in this connection, then, was the statement admitting that some scientific research data could be - and indeed has been - falsified in order to bring about desired results. And here was said, "People don't ask the right questions. Some people are too trusting."

Now this was an interesting statement because the speaker and the audience all being doctors of medicine and supposedly very objectively, dispassionately scientific and science being the be all and end-all ... well to falsify scientific research data in that setting is like blasphemy in the church ... you just don't do that.

Anyhow, out of all of this was to come the New International Governing Body, probably to come through the U.N . and with a World Court, but not necessarily through those structures. It could be brought about in other ways. Acceptance of the U.N . at that time was seen as not being as wide as was hoped. Efforts would continue to give the United Nations increasing importance. People would be more and more used to the idea of relinquishing some national sovereignty.

Much of what I do now is to take the stated agendas and warnings as espoused in 1969 and translate them to what hebbbened in the last four years with Poison-19.

Science being falsified to further totalitarian agendas of cull is on my mind all the time.

You can put out the message and connect the dots all day long but what one runs into is "I like Ike". aka Thought Terminating cliches

Glittering Generalities.

Binary Prisons of illusory choice.

"I like Trump." "I like Ron Johnson." "I like Tulsi." "I like Bobby." "I don't like (blank)". I don't want the truth.

My friends and haterz, this is how this gets done.

You will be given branded heroes.

Your branded heroes will betray you over time. Slowly, subtly.

The slower the better. 

Because the ShowRunners know that YOU WANT TO BELIEVE and YOU WILL GET DISTRACTED. And you will respond “rationally” based on the information that you are given.


    Somewhere in the presentation he made two statements that I want to insert at this time. I don't remember just where they were made, but they're valid in terms of the general overall view.

One statement: "People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart."

And the other statement is, "You can know pretty well how rational people are going to respond to certain circumstances or to certain information that they encounter. So, to determine the response you want you need only control the kind of data or information that they're presented or the kinds of circumstance that they're in; and being rational people they'll do what you want them to do. They may not fully understand what they're doing or why."

They will use neurolinguistic programming. 

You will hear what you wish to hear.

Obama will profess to end the wars before running out of bombs.

Trump will profess to drain the swamp before restocking the swamp like always.

Agent 99 long ago surmised that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense was going to (purposefully) take off-ramps to lead you into NEW AND BETTER VACCINES.

In 2019, trained litigator Bobby Kennedy was leaving clues of what was to come.

Meanwhile on a parallel timeline path, fellow Theater Troupe Hero Bret Weinstein and Sam Harris were also discussing WHEN PUSHING SHOTS IN UNWILLING ARMS MIGHT BE NECESSARY.

The Scorpions who run the world knew the Faked Pandemic was coming.

Because they engineered all of it.

You’ll have to go up and read some of the above posts on Good Club or this one to get a handle on some of this, sorry, this shit gets really long and involved.

Knowing that there would be a faked pandemic and knowing that people would be pushed, cajoled, and strong-armed to get shots in arms, the Owners know there would be a backlash.

They knew they would have to have your Not a Movement Team ready to go when shit started hitting the fan.


That moment when you realize:

Go back to the start of CHD and Highwire.

Bigtree around 2015-2016. Did Vaxxed with Wakefield.

CHD was also getting underway.

Founded by anti-vaccination activist Eric Gladen in 2007, the World Mercury Project was a relatively minor group until Kennedy joined its board in 2015. Its budget jumped to nearly half a million dollars and in 2018, changed its name to Children's Health Defense.

They knew the pandemic was coming (Good Club, Operation Lockstep 2009-2010).

Do you see what happened?


Now look at them go. Look at them make the turn to The Father of the Vaccine and The King of Israel.

Remember what I said about grokking what MUST THE SAME?

Kennedy said:

“This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind.

“I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.”

Defeat the Mandates begat…


Lots of Jabs Bad Heroes in the mix here.

Proxy logics.

Proxy logics.

Proxy logics.

☝️This is ridiculous.

Guess we are all supposed to forget about the dead and the maimed.




Mazeltov, Mossad & US Monster working at the behest of your Scorpion Owners.


The Scorpions always fund both every side of every war.

You will get your bloodshed one way or another.

But I think the Trump-Tulsi-RFK Zionist Team will expedite the matter.

And they got you with Jabs Bad.

Or…Mandates Bad, but Jabs Okay or Cure Cancer or Nothing Matters.

They read you in.

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