Saturday 28 September 2024


“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

Report | Ramola D | 2/24/2020

Reports from the field began to indicate that people were being targeted with neurotechnologies and brain-computer-interface (BCI) technologies of the kind he had helped develop, he says, for purposes of use on battlefields against enemy personnel. The excitement of being involved in developing BCI communications suddenly changed.

“I got into this line of research because I thought I would be the first to do computer to human brain communications, and I found now this group of targeted individuals who were complaining about the exact thing that you would expect from a weaponized version of BC and computer interface technologies …and I’m like, this is a bit coincidental. And rarely am I the first to discover anything so I did more research, thoroughly convinced after working on portions of it for DARPA and then realizing oh my gosh, this is my work they’re using to harm people.”

Dr. Robert Duncan tried to alert Congress in 2000, he says, along with trusted friends in the FBI, but to no avail.

“I even went with the former head of the LA FBI to Congress, spoke to the Judiciary Committee, the Armed Forces community, 23 senators and most importantly the Intelligence Committee, and they are supposed to be the oversight, it was obvious to me that this was MKULTRA on steroids, same tactics being used–the blank control, the breakdown of the human will, and using as programmed assassins or Manchurian candidates or whatever their desire may be–just eliminate the target. And the further I followed the White Rabbit down the hole, the more disturbing it got.”

Congressmembers in this millenium seem to have reacted very differently to those in the 1970s during the Frank Church Committee hearings.

“This is when I lost faith in my government–it was that event. The Senate Intelligence Committee said we’ve never heard of MK Ultra and that’s their one job –to know the background of Mk Ultra–the head of the FBI and I are looking at each other like oh this is not gonna go well, they’re starting off with a lie, they’ve never heard of this.”

Project MK ULTRA was the CIA’s Multi-Sub-Projected Behavior Modification Program, Currently Being Exposed as Ongoing

As most informed readers know, MK Ultra was one of the unethical experimental behavior modification and mind control programs with many subprojects run by the CIA (MK Delta, MK Naomi, Mk Often, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke were some of the others) from the ’50s upward, exposed at the Church Committee Hearings before Congress in 1975, and further exposed by other journalists and writers afterward, including, especially, John Marks in his book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

Cover, Joint Hearing of Select Intelligence and Health & Scientific Research Committee Hearings Report on MK ULTRA, 1977

You can read the full report here:

Contents, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks

Now it is becoming clear to many that the unethical and invasive programs of MK ULTRA, in addition to various other clandestine projects from the DoD and CIA are regrettably flourishing. Dr. Duncan also notes that now MK Ultra “has gone through so many name changes, we just use it as an anchor point, but who knows what the new budget and the new name is at this point.”

Secrecy and compartmentalization have served to keep the actuality of the horrors of these brain-experimentation programs—which reporting victims assert openly is torture, comprising both brain and body takeover—hidden for decades, but Dr. Duncan hints that change is just around the corner, meaning a few years away, and says this may occur over the next ten years.

“Only a very few at the highest level know what’s going on so they have to fool everybody down the chain; and it works well, it works well but their house of cards and lies is going to collapse and there’ll be quite a blowback.”

Neuro Targeting of All Humanity Today Includes No-Boundaries Neuro Modification Experiments on Some Unlawfully Targeted for Terminal Neuro Study: Targeted Individuals

Neuromodification experiments that feckless military and intelligence scientists have been working on include setting up thought filters to prevent crime, replacing inner voice, voice morphing, synthetic dreams, hiving minds, creating brain nets, and laying software layers over the hardware of the brain, says Dr. Duncan. The sensations of hive minds speaking inside someone’s skull, V2K (Voice to Skull), and synthetic telepathy which many report are highly invasive and essentially constitute soul-stealing, taking away someone’s personal privacy, soul, and will. Dr. Duncan also points viewers and readers to his recent MIT lecture, Hacking the Human Mind: The Art and Science of Neuroweapons–Ethical Considerations of Capable Weapons, where he has spoken more extensively on different modalities of neuro hacking in use today.

Counterintelligence Has Ensured Disinformation and Secrecy, New World Order Rollouts Have Ensured Worldwide Neuro/DEW Targeting

How the CIA and DOD—whose neurotargeting and brain stealing programs span the Earth, via military-intelligence agreements and overarching New World Order encroachments (Dr. Duncan references George Bush Sr’s well-known pronouncements on an impending NWO and Joe Biden’s recent mention of same)–have gotten away with keeping these mind control programs hidden has to do largely with counterintelligence, says Dr. Duncan.

Efforts have been made deliberately to sow disinformation in the media, with focus on stories of UFOs, aliens, abductions, while insidious mind control technologies inclusive of television programming have been used on all over several decades; according to Dr. Duncan, these technologies have been in use over 60 years and scientists in the intelligence and military echelons of power are not going to come forward now to confess to having long manipulated the minds of people to affect placements of power in various places, or create Manchurian assassins for espionage or other agendas.

JFK was killed, Dr. Duncan suggests, because he was getting ready to reveal these mind control programs which have embraced secrecy like a second skin; the rise of the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned against has given great power today to the military and created a war economy and invincibility of secrecy in their ranks.


Dr. Duncan believes the rollout of the New World Order we are already immersed in will worsen as military technologies are rolled out to Law Enforcementsomething which has already occurred, over various programs, including the JPSG (DoD-DOJ Joint Program Steering Group) programs discussed in this recent report, set up by way of a DOD-DOJ agreement to jointly develop non-lethal technologies in 1994, reported here earlier.

Cover, LET Program Report, reported here
DOD-DOJ MOU, 1994, reported here

Public Discussions on Neuroethics Needed, Commercial Neurotechnologies Being Positioned to Take the Fall for Unethical Clandestine Military/Intelligence Neuro Research

Yet it is a hopeful sign, Dr. Duncan notes, that the fields of neuroethics and bioethics exist today and that questions are being raised about the ethicality of these experiments and initiatives to control people’s minds with acoustic and radiation and BCI technologies.

A fan of Elon Musk, who has made public statements that Neuralace is being tested via injection and hinted at awareness of undisclosed Defense programs, Dr. Duncan does not believe Elon Musk is necessarily an insider in that respect but in developing neurotechnologies himself, such as Neuralink, represents the commercializing of neurotechnologies which the DOD hopes will surface the news of Mind Control and Brain Tech to the masses and eventually also take the fall for all invasive uses of same.

Image: Zerohedge article

Regarding Dr. Giordiano, whose many lectures are now widely online, revealing the use of invasive neuromodulating neuroweaponry, Dr. Duncan agreed with this writer’s point of view that there appeared to be a rather obvious conflict of interest in a military neuroscientist and neuroweapons creator being lead neuroethicist at Georgetown University.

Image: Screenshot from Public Disclosure which includes a few videos from Dr. Giordiano

It must be noted that this writer is aware that Dr. Duncan is probably unable to speak openly about many aspects of this situation because of his previous classified work for military and Intelligence agencies and related non-disclosure agreements, and also probably does not wish to address too closely the actions of colleagues in the same space.

Stating he can “only speak of technologies known to the public” he expresses nevertheless a great need for public discussions and conversations such as this one, in order to raise public awareness of the many issues surrounding neurotechnologies, such as: Who is the real criminal if a person is neuromodified to commit crime? 

“How can you have justice if you don’t know whose mind was behind the actions of the body–and so it’s gonna turn the justice system on its head. They can erase memories, reprogram them with false memories and so you can’t even use the polygraph test.”

Image: BCI Security, UW Biorobotics Lab

Technologies cannot be uncreated, he states, but they can and should be regulated. Or banned. While the number of non-consensual military and Intelligence brain-experimentees he estimates at the low end to be 10,000, Dr. Duncan suggests that the wide variety of mind control tech in use today being leveled to various degree at all suggests that at the high end, everyone in the entire world is being subjected to mind control of one sort or another.

Steps to Take Moving Forward, Importance of a Moral Compass

What can people do about this, is an abiding question, and Dr. Duncan suggests a good start may be to contact your Senators before March 15, 2020 to ensure the non-renewal of Section 215 of the Patriot Act which permits warrantless surveillance. What to Expect of the Patriot Act Reauthorization by the Project on Government Oversight covers some of the basics on this matter.

His own conviction is that a complete reorganization of the US government is needed, and that certainly seems to be indicated as reports of those targeted deleteriously with stealth neurotechnologies continue to mount. Reports and testimonials from suffering victims attesting to torture can be found widely online including at this media site and at the video YouTube channel Ramola D Reports.

It is a rare scientist with a conscience who is willing to speak to whatever extent about these still “classified” matters being concealed under veils of supposed “National Security” and we are privileged that Dr. Robert Duncan has chosen to speak out.

“I will tell you I’ve worked with some of the most brilliant scientists in the world but only a few of them were not morally flexible and that’s the term they use in the CIA – they didn’t really care, they don’t care–and I just wasn’t born that way. I adhere to my primary directive which is to optimize happiness, minimize suffering, and a sustainable way of life for all living creatures on this planet–very simple, and maybe my formula’s different from others but it keeps my moral compass.”

Also hopeful is his report that many behind the curtains of non-disclosures and top-secret clearances are watching all our many activism efforts to surface the crimes of non-consensual neuro-experimentation and are “cheerleading” our work. It is to be hoped that many of these observers will indeed also come forward one day soon to further the disclosure and halt these criminal experimentation programs executing profound crimes against humanity on Americans and people worldwide.

Many thanks to Dr. Robert Duncan for his vitally important writings and his willingness despite all costs to himself to engage in public conversation on this critical subject. Dr. Duncan’s many interviews and video talks can be widely found on YouTube and elsewhere online. Links to some to be posted here shortly.


Dr. Robert Duncan: Hacking The Human Mind | The Art and Science of Neuroweapons | Ethical Considerations of Capable Weapons

Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996

Documentary Evidence since 1994 of Covert High-Tech Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use in Targeted Surveillance, Experimentation, Operations by US Government on Americans: (1) The DOD/DOJ Memorandum of Understanding on OOTW/LE, 1994

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

The “Neutralizing” of US Dissent With Neuroweaponry: Open Letter to Journalists and Human Rights Advocates and Organizations in the USA and Worldwide

Targeting is Real

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