Tuesday, 30 April 2024


STUDY: COVID-19 spike proteins help cancer cells survive and RESIST chemotherapy

A new preprint cell study from Brown University has found that the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), helps cancer cells survive and resist chemotherapy.

According to the study, led by Dr. Wafik El-Deiry, the director of Brown's Legorreta Cancer Centerspike protein may promote cancer survival and growth through interference with anti-cancer activities, blocking the function of a crucial cancer suppressor gene known as p53.

El-Deiry and his colleagues observed that when cancer cells encountered spike protein subunits, it reduced the activity of p53, a protein that helps defend the body against tumors. This allowed the cancer cells to escape the body's natural defenses against tumor formation. El-Deiry also explained that interfering with p53 can both foster cancer development and bolster cancer growth.

The study also used chemotherapy drugs to activate the p53 genes, but instead of dying, the researchers found that cancer cells containing spike protein subunits displayed increased resistance to chemotherapy, a standard treatment for various types of cancers. (Related: Dr. Robert Malone warns Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine may cause CANCER.)

"We saw enhanced cancer cell viability in the presence of SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit after treatment with several chemotherapy agents," said El-Deiry.

More and more studies are linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer cases

A Japanese study, published in the medical journal Cureus on April 8, backed the findings of the research from Brown.

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The study examined age-adjusted mortality rates for 20 different types of cancer in Japan using official statistics on death, SARS-CoV-2 infections and vaccination rates from 2020 to 2022. Japan, which is now administering its seventh vaccine dose, shows "statistically significant increases" in cancer deaths following the administration of the third vaccine dose.

During the initial year of the pandemic in 2022, there were no excessive cancer mortalities (-0.4 percent). However, the data shows some excess cancer mortalities of 1.1 percent after the mass vaccination campaigns with the first and second doses in 2021, and then higher excess cancer mortalities of 2.1 percent in 2022 after the rollout of the third vaccine dose.

In 2022, excess mortalities for all cancers, specifically estrogen and estrogen receptor alpha (ER?)-sensitive cancers, including ovarian, leukemia, prostrate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic and breast cancers, became substantial. Aside from the ER?-sensitive cancers, the study also shows a concerning trend in mortality rates for the most fatal cancers—lung, colorectal, stomach and liver cancers—which were declining before the pandemic. Nevertheless, the rate of decline decelerated following the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

All six cancer types exceeded anticipated mortality values in 2021 and 2022, even though pancreatic cancer already displayed a steady rise predating the pandemic.

The highest number of cancer-related mortalities occurred among individuals aged 80 to 84, with over 90 percent of this group having received a third vaccine dose. Almost 100 percent of the vaccines administered were mRNA-based, predominantly Pfizer's (78 percent) followed by Moderna's (22 percent).

Furthermore, the researchers argued that even with reduced cancer screenings and limited healthcare access at that time, the mortality rate increase in these cancer types is still unexplainable due to resolved restrictions on healthcare access for cancer screenings and treatments in 2022.

Visit VaccineInjuryNews.com for more on the adverse side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.

Watch the video below for more information about cancer-causing components in vaccines.

This video is from the High Hopes channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Young individuals vaccinated against COVID-19 are getting increasingly diagnosed with CANCER.

Florida Surgeon General calls for COVID-19 vaccines to be STOPPED due to cancer-causing contaminants.

Health Canada confirms that Pfizer COVID-19 injections contain SV40 DNA sequence that can cause CANCER.

STUDY: Disposable COVID-19 masks expose wearers to high levels of toxic compounds linked to cancer.

Studies prove vitamin D supplementation can prevent COVID-19 and protect against cancer, liver disease and cardiovascular disease.

Sources include:

TheEpochTimes.com 1


TheEpochTimes.com 2



Mistakes Were Made

Make fun of the Germans all you want, and I’ve certainly done that a bit during these past few years, but, if there’s one thing they’re exceptionally good at, it’s taking responsibility for their mistakes.

Seriously, when it comes to acknowledging one’s mistakes, and not rationalizing, or minimizing, or attempting to deny them, and any discomfort they may have allegedly caused, no one does it quite like the Germans.

Take this Covid mess, for example. Just last week, the German authorities confessed that they made a few minor mistakes during their management of the “Covid pandemic.” According to Karl Lauterbach, the Minister of Health, â€œwe were sometimes too strict with the children and probably started easing the restrictions a little too late.”

Horst Seehofer, the former Interior Minister, admitted that he would no longer agree to some of the Covid restrictions today, for example, nationwide nighttime curfews. â€œOne must be very careful with calls for compulsory vaccination,” he added. Helge Braun, Head of the Chancellery and Minister for Special Affairs under Merkel, agreed that there had been “misjudgments,” for example, â€œoverestimating the effectiveness of the vaccines.”

This display of the German authorities’ unwavering commitment to transparency and honesty, and the principle of personal honor that guides the German authorities in all their affairs, and that is deeply ingrained in the German character, was published in a piece called “The Divisive Virus” in Der Spiegel, and immediately widely disseminated by the rest of the German state and corporate media in a totally organic manner which did not in any way resemble one enormous Goebbelsian keyboard instrument pumping out official propaganda in perfect synchronization, or anything creepy and fascistic like that.

Germany, after all, is â€œan extremely democratic state,” with freedom of speech and the press and all that, not some kind of totalitarian country where the masses are inundated with official propaganda and critics of the government are dragged into criminal court and prosecuted on trumped-up “hate crime” charges.

OK, sure, in a non-democratic totalitarian system, such public “admissions of mistakes” — and the synchronized dissemination thereof by the media — would just be a part of the process of whitewashing the authorities’ fascistic behavior during some particularly totalitarian phase of transforming society into whatever totalitarian dystopia they were trying to transform it into (for example, a three-year-long “state of emergency,” which they declared to keep the masses terrorized and cooperative while they stripped them of their democratic rights, i.e., the ones they hadn’t already stripped them of, and conditioned them to mindlessly follow orders, and robotically repeat nonsensical official slogans, and vent their impotent hatred and fear at the new “Untermenschen” or “counter-revolutionaries”), but that is obviously not the case here.

No, this is definitely not the German authorities staging a public “accountability” spectacle in order to memory-hole what happened during 2020-2023 and enshrine the official narrative in history. There’s going to be a formal “Inquiry Commission” — conducted by the same German authorities that managed the “crisis” — which will get to the bottom of all the regrettable but completely understandable “mistakes” that were made in the heat of the heroic battle against The Divisive Virus!

OK, calm down, all you “conspiracy theorists,” “Covid deniers,” and “anti-vaxxers.” This isn’t going to be like the Nuremberg Trials. No one is going to get taken out and hanged. It’s about identifying and acknowledging mistakes, and learning from them, so that the authorities can manage everything better during the next “pandemic,” or “climate emergency,” or “terrorist attack,” or “insurrection,” or whatever.

For example, the Inquiry Commission will want to look into how the government accidentally declared a Nationwide State of Pandemic Emergency and revised the Infection Protection Act, suspending the German constitution and granting the government the power to rule by decree, on account of a respiratory virus that clearly posed no threat to society at large, and then unleashed police goon squads on the thousands of people who gathered outside the Reichstag to protest the revocation of their constitutional rights.

Once they do, I’m sure they’ll find that that “mistake” bears absolutely no resemblance to the Enabling Act of 1933, which suspended the German constitution and granted the government the power to rule by decree, after the Nazis declared a nationwide â€œstate of emergency.”

Another thing the Commission will probably want to look into is how the German authorities accidentally banned any further demonstrations against their arbitrary decrees, and ordered the police to brutalize anyone participating in such “illegal demonstrations.”

And, while the Commission is inquiring into the possibly slightly inappropriate behavior of their law enforcement officials, they might want to also take a look at the behavior of their unofficial goon squads, like Antifa, which they accidentally encouraged to attack the “anti-vaxxers,” the “Covid deniers,” and anyone brandishing a copy of the German constitution.

Come to think of it, the Inquiry Commission might also want to look into how the German authorities, and the overwhelming majority of the state and corporate media, accidentally systematically fomented mass hatred of anyone who dared to question the government’s arbitrary and nonsensical decrees or who refused to submit to “vaccination,” and publicly demonized us as “Corona deniers,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “far-right anti-Semites,” etc., to the point where mainstream German celebrities like Sarah Bosetti were literally describing us as the inessential “appendix” in the body of the nation, quoting an infamous Nazi almost verbatim.

And then there’s the whole “vaccination” business. The Commission will certainly want to inquire into that. They will probably want to start their inquiry with Karl Lauterbach, and determine exactly how he accidentally lied to the public, over and over, and over again

And whipped people up into a mass hysteria over “KILLER VARIANTS”



And so on. I could go on with this all day, but it will be much easier to just refer you, and the Commission, to this documentary film by Aya VelĂĄzquez. Non-German readers may want to skip to the second half, unless they’re interested in the German “Corona Expert Council”

Look, the point is, everybody makes “mistakes,” especially during a “state of emergency,” or a war, or some other type of global “crisis.” At least we can always count on the Germans to step up and take responsibility for theirs, and not claim that they didn’t know what was happening, or that they were “just following orders,” or that “the science changed.”

Plus, all this Covid stuff is ancient history, and, as Olaf, an editor at Der Spiegel, reminds us, it’s time to put the “The Divisive Pandemic” behind us

and click heels, and heil the New Normal Democracy!

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Genetic vaccines & PCR tests: Russia is ready for Disease X

The tried-and-true formula for protecting public health

Is Russia prepared for the most anticipated public health crisis in WHO-history?

Yes, according to Russia’s Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).

In a March 9 press release (archived version here for those who can’t access Russian government websites due to Internet Sanctions), the agency announced that Russia’s “preparedness for new viruses” was at “a high level”. Let’s deconstruct this wall of public health word salad together:

Russian specialists are developing new vaccines and testing systems. Rospotrebnadzor employees work with representatives of other countries to quickly identify emerging threats and respond to them in a timely manner.

The opening line of the press release is “don’t worry, we’re creating new genetic slurries and not-fit-for-purpose tests”, followed by an artfully crafted sentence that translates to: “Yes, we are still working very closely with the WHO”. Nice.

Every year, “Disease X” is discussed by the scientific community at well-known forums, congresses and conferences. Thus, on the sidelines of the second session of the National People’s Congress of China, experts discussed the risks of the global spread of a new potentially unknown disease — “Disease X”.

Did you know that the head of China’s CDC recently said that “accelerating global climate change” and “expanding human activities” are increasing the likelihood of a Disease X Global Murder-Plague? Here is an article from TASS:

BRICS will fix this (source: tass.ru)

If Disease X is exclusively a Western Davos Pfizer scam, why is China warning that this hypothetical pox will ravage the globe unless we reverse “climate change” and put an end to “expanding human activities”? Curious minds want to know.

Returning to the press release: Rospotrebnadzor is basically saying, â€œLook, we’ve been discussing Disease X with our esteemed international colleagues for a long time. Everything is under control. As we already mentioned, new injections and nose-swabs are in development. We got this.”

This topic [Disease X] regularly appears in the information space and is beneficial to large pharmaceutical companies, including due to the memory of the coronavirus pandemic.

On the one hand, Rospotrebnadzor is upset that Big Pharma is hyping the hypothetical terrors of Disease X, even though Beijing has reassured everyone that a pandemic can be avoided if we tax carbon. On the other hand, Rospotrebnadzor’s antidote against this terrifying and extremely hypothetical disease is the same as Western Big Pharma’s cure-all (not-fit-for-purpose PCR tests and dangerous genetic slurries). Confused? Don’t be. It’s 2024, my friend.

It’s nice that Rospotrebnadzor doesn’t like pharmaceutical companies creating needless panic among the masses, but naturally one has to ask how this opinion affects policy. It certainly didn’t stop the Russian government from collaborating with AstraZeneca on “Covid vaccines”, and it definitely didn’t stop Russia’s Health Ministry from handing out Remdesivir like candy.

source: tass.ru

If the Russian government is serious about putting an end to Imaginary Pandemic Panic, I would recommend starting with Russian state media, which publishes frightening Disease X stories that read as if they were copy-pasted from the WEF’s website:

source: tass.ru

Here’s the final two paragraphs of the TASS think piece cited above:

What countermeasures [against Disease X] have already been implemented?

WHO and partners have established a fund to combat the pandemic. Some countries have already taken advantage of this initiative to improve their domestic epidemiological situation. In addition, work is underway to improve systems tools that can help prevent an international health crisis. Thus, in Africa, a technology transfer center for creating vaccines was organized so that local manufacturers could create medicine for the population on their own. WHO has also created a system for the rapid and effective exchange of existing biological materials that could cause a new pandemic or epidemic. The necessary data can be quickly shared with all countries to develop medical countermeasures and reduce mortality.

According to Ghebreyesus, the most important thing is the international exchange of experience within the framework of the agreement to combat the pandemic. Thanks to this, the experience of each country will be available to the world community to more effectively overcome the crisis.

Vaxxing Africa: check. Sharing “biological materials” with Russia’s trusted Western partners: check. Shilling for the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: check. Everything checks out.

Back to the Rospotrebnadzor press release:

Today in Russia, readiness for new infectious challenges is at a high level. The “Sanitary Shield” anti-infection system is in operation, a network of PCR centers is being developed, and fast, high-tech domestic test systems have been developed. At checkpoints across the state border there is sanitary and quarantine control, as well as AIS “Perimeter”.

There you have it. A “network of PCR centers” is being created so that Russia can immediately resume mass-swabbing when the next Virus arrives.

This blog has already covered the Sanitary Shield program in great detail, but here’s the one-sentence recap: Russia is creating an Iron Curtain of PCR test centers and genetic vaccine dispensaries that will be used to ensure Biosecurity.

You can read more about this program here and here.

Meanwhile, the “Perimeter” system ensures that every traveler will be viewed as a potential biohazard. Rospotrebnadzor’s website explains:

AIS “Perimeter” assesses the risks of importing infectious diseases on each flight, as well as provide methodological assistance in the event of epidemiological threats. Registration forms filled out in the Perimeter AIS allow for monitoring and analysis of the sanitary and epidemiological situation at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation.

Are you excited for checkpoints where your Health is registered and monitored?

Back to the press release, which ends with:

The term “Disease X” has been around for many years. The definition implies an abstract disease caused by an unknown pathogen, and the timing of its appearance is unknown.

Rospotrebnadzor is a bit peeved by all the sensationalism. Russia has the PCR tests. Russia has the vaccines. And the term Disease X has been around for years. Just relax.

(source: vedomosti.ru)

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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Genetic vaccines & PCR tests: Russia is ready for Disease X

The tried-and-true formula for protecting public health

Is Russia prepared for the most anticipated public health crisis in WHO-history?

Yes, according to Russia’s Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).

In a March 9 press release (archived version here for those who can’t access Russian government websites due to Internet Sanctions), the agency announced that Russia’s “preparedness for new viruses” was at “a high level”. Let’s deconstruct this wall of public health word salad together:

Russian specialists are developing new vaccines and testing systems. Rospotrebnadzor employees work with representatives of other countries to quickly identify emerging threats and respond to them in a timely manner.

The opening line of the press release is “don’t worry, we’re creating new genetic slurries and not-fit-for-purpose tests”, followed by an artfully crafted sentence that translates to: “Yes, we are still working very closely with the WHO”. Nice.

Every year, “Disease X” is discussed by the scientific community at well-known forums, congresses and conferences. Thus, on the sidelines of the second session of the National People’s Congress of China, experts discussed the risks of the global spread of a new potentially unknown disease — “Disease X”.

Did you know that the head of China’s CDC recently said that “accelerating global climate change” and “expanding human activities” are increasing the likelihood of a Disease X Global Murder-Plague? Here is an article from TASS:

BRICS will fix this (source: tass.ru)

If Disease X is exclusively a Western Davos Pfizer scam, why is China warning that this hypothetical pox will ravage the globe unless we reverse “climate change” and put an end to “expanding human activities”? Curious minds want to know.

Returning to the press release: Rospotrebnadzor is basically saying, â€œLook, we’ve been discussing Disease X with our esteemed international colleagues for a long time. Everything is under control. As we already mentioned, new injections and nose-swabs are in development. We got this.”

This topic [Disease X] regularly appears in the information space and is beneficial to large pharmaceutical companies, including due to the memory of the coronavirus pandemic.

On the one hand, Rospotrebnadzor is upset that Big Pharma is hyping the hypothetical terrors of Disease X, even though Beijing has reassured everyone that a pandemic can be avoided if we tax carbon. On the other hand, Rospotrebnadzor’s antidote against this terrifying and extremely hypothetical disease is the same as Western Big Pharma’s cure-all (not-fit-for-purpose PCR tests and dangerous genetic slurries). Confused? Don’t be. It’s 2024, my friend.

It’s nice that Rospotrebnadzor doesn’t like pharmaceutical companies creating needless panic among the masses, but naturally one has to ask how this opinion affects policy. It certainly didn’t stop the Russian government from collaborating with AstraZeneca on “Covid vaccines”, and it definitely didn’t stop Russia’s Health Ministry from handing out Remdesivir like candy.

source: tass.ru

If the Russian government is serious about putting an end to Imaginary Pandemic Panic, I would recommend starting with Russian state media, which publishes frightening Disease X stories that read as if they were copy-pasted from the WEF’s website:

source: tass.ru

Here’s the final two paragraphs of the TASS think piece cited above:

What countermeasures [against Disease X] have already been implemented?

WHO and partners have established a fund to combat the pandemic. Some countries have already taken advantage of this initiative to improve their domestic epidemiological situation. In addition, work is underway to improve systems tools that can help prevent an international health crisis. Thus, in Africa, a technology transfer center for creating vaccines was organized so that local manufacturers could create medicine for the population on their own. WHO has also created a system for the rapid and effective exchange of existing biological materials that could cause a new pandemic or epidemic. The necessary data can be quickly shared with all countries to develop medical countermeasures and reduce mortality.

According to Ghebreyesus, the most important thing is the international exchange of experience within the framework of the agreement to combat the pandemic. Thanks to this, the experience of each country will be available to the world community to more effectively overcome the crisis.

Vaxxing Africa: check. Sharing “biological materials” with Russia’s trusted Western partners: check. Shilling for the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: check. Everything checks out.

Back to the Rospotrebnadzor press release:

Today in Russia, readiness for new infectious challenges is at a high level. The “Sanitary Shield” anti-infection system is in operation, a network of PCR centers is being developed, and fast, high-tech domestic test systems have been developed. At checkpoints across the state border there is sanitary and quarantine control, as well as AIS “Perimeter”.

There you have it. A “network of PCR centers” is being created so that Russia can immediately resume mass-swabbing when the next Virus arrives.

This blog has already covered the Sanitary Shield program in great detail, but here’s the one-sentence recap: Russia is creating an Iron Curtain of PCR test centers and genetic vaccine dispensaries that will be used to ensure Biosecurity.

You can read more about this program here and here.

Meanwhile, the “Perimeter” system ensures that every traveler will be viewed as a potential biohazard. Rospotrebnadzor’s website explains:

AIS “Perimeter” assesses the risks of importing infectious diseases on each flight, as well as provide methodological assistance in the event of epidemiological threats. Registration forms filled out in the Perimeter AIS allow for monitoring and analysis of the sanitary and epidemiological situation at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation.

Are you excited for checkpoints where your Health is registered and monitored?

Back to the press release, which ends with:

The term “Disease X” has been around for many years. The definition implies an abstract disease caused by an unknown pathogen, and the timing of its appearance is unknown.

Rospotrebnadzor is a bit peeved by all the sensationalism. Russia has the PCR tests. Russia has the vaccines. And the term Disease X has been around for years. Just relax.

(source: vedomosti.ru)

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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Russia and China Sketch the Future

 as the whole planet awaits with bated breath the avowedly inevitable Iranian response to the attack against its consulate/ambassador residence in Damascus by the biblical psychopaths responsible for the Gaza genocide.

By Pepe Escobar at Sputnik International.

Enveloped in an aura of secrecy, each passing day betrays the immensity of the challenge: the possibly asymmetrical response must be, simultaneously, symbolic, substantive, cogent, convincing, reasonable and rational. That is driving Tel Aviv totally hysterical and the deciding instances of the Hegemon extremely itchy.

Everyone with a functioning brain knows this wet dream of a stunt from the point of view of hardcore Zionists and US Christian zio-cons was a serious provocation, designed to draw the US to the long-cherished Israeli plan of striking a decisive blow against both Hezbollah and Tehran.

The IDF’s Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi all but gave away the game, when he said this past Sunday that â€œwe are operating in cooperation with the USA and strategic partners in the region.”

Translation: never trust the Hegemon even as the notion is floated – via Swiss mediators – that Washington won’t interfere with Tehran’s response to Tel Aviv. One just needs to remember Washington’s “assurances” to Saddam Hussein before the first Gulf War.

It’s impossible to take Hegemon back-channel assurances at face value. The White House and the Pentagon occasionally dispense these “assurances” to Moscow every time Kiev strikes deep inside the Russian Federation using US-UK satellite intel, logistics, weaponry and with NATO in de-facto operational control.

The state terror attack on Damascus, which shredded the Vienna convention on diplomatic immunity, crucially was also an attack on both the expanded BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Iran is a member of both multilateral bodies, and on top of it is engaged in strategic partnerships with both Russia and China.

So it’s no wonder the leadership in both Beijing and Moscow carefully consider all possible repercussions of the next Iranian move.

Tel Aviv’s purposeful escalation – when it comes to expanding war in West Asia – happens to mirror another escalation:NATO’s no way out in Ukraine except by doubling down, with no end in sight.

That started with the invariably out of his depth Secretary of State Little Tony Blinken affirming, on the record, that Ukraine will(italics mine) join NATO. Which any functioning brain knows is translatable as the road map towards a Russia-NATO hot war with unbelievably dire consequences.

Little Blinkie’s criminal irresponsibility was duly picked up and reverberated by the Franco-British duo, as expressed by British FM David “of Arabia” Cameron and French FM Stephane Sejourne: “If Ukraine loses, we all lose”.

At least they got that (italics mine) right – although that took ages, when it comes to framing NATO’s approaching cosmic humiliation.

“Dual Opposition” to “Dual Deterrence”

Now let’s switch from clownish bit players to the adults in the room. As in Russian FM Sergei Lavrov and Chinese FM Wang Yi discussing literally every incandescent dossier together earlier this week in Beijing.

Lavrov and Wang could not be clearer on what’s ahead for the Russia-China strategic partnership.

They will engage together on all matters regarding Eurasian security.

They will go, in Lavrov’s words, for “dual opposition” to counterpunch the West’s “dual deterrence”.

They will be countering every attempt by the usual suspects to “slow down the natural course of history”.

Add to it the confirmation that President Putin and President Xi will hold at least two bilaterals in 2024: at the SCO summit in June and at the BRICS summit in October.

In a nutshell: the dogs of Forever Wars bark while the Eurasian integration caravan marches on.

Both Lavrov and Wang made it very clear that while steering through “the natural course of history”, the Russia-China strategic partnership will keep seeking a way to resolve the Ukraine tragedy, taking into account Russia’s interests.

Translation: NATO better wake up and smell the coffee.

This bilateral at the FM level in Beijing is yet another graphic proof of the current tectonic shift in what the Chinese usually describe as the “world correlation of forces”. Next month – already confirmed – it will be Putin’s turn to visit Beijing.

It’s never enough to remember that on February 4, 2022, also in Beijing, Putin personally explained to Xi why NATO/Hegemon expansion into Ukraine was totally unacceptable for Russia. Xi, for all practical purposes, understood the stakes and did not subsequently oppose the SMO.

This time, Lavrov could not but refer to the 12-point peace plan on Ukraine proposed by Beijing last year, which addresses the root causes “primarily in the context of ensuring indivisible security, including in Europe and the world over.”

Your “Overcapacity” is Driving Me Nuts

Both Tehran and Moscow face a serious challenge when it comes to the Hegemon’s intentions. It’s impossible to definitely conclude that Washington was not in the loop on Tel Aviv’s attack on Iran in Damascus – even though it’s counter-intuitive to believe that the Democrats in an election year would willingly fuel a nasty hot war in West Asia provoked by Israel.

Yet there’s always the possibility that the White House-endorsed genocide in Gaza is about to extrapolate the framework of a confrontation between Israel and Iran/Axis of Resistance – as the Hegemon is de facto implicated in myriad levels.

To alleviate such tension, let’s introduce what under the circumstances can be understood as comic relief: the “Yellin’ Yellen goes to China” adventure.

US Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen went to Beijing to essentially deliver two threats (this is the Hegemon, after all).

1. Yellen said that Chinese companies could face “significant consequences” if they provided “material support for Russia’s war on Ukraine.”

2. Yellen accused Chinese companies of “overcapacity” – especially when it comes to the electric-vehicle (EV) industry (incidentally, 18 of the top 20 EV companies around the world are Chinese).

The Chinese, predictably, dismissed the whole show with barely a yawn, pointing out that the Hegemon simply cannot deal with China’s competitive advantage, so they resort to yet another instance of “de-risking” hype.

In sum: it’s all about barely disguised protectionism. Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao went straight to the point: China’s advantage is built on innovation, not subsidies. Others added two extra key factors: the efficiency of supply chains and ultra-dynamic market competition. EVs, in China, along with lithium batteries and solar cells, are known as the new “three major items.”

Yellin’ Yellen’s theatrics in Beijing should be easily identified as yet another desperate gambit by a former hyperpower which no longer enjoys military supremacy; no dominant MICIMATT (the military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex, in the brilliant formulation by Ray McGovern); no fully controlled logistics and sea lanes; no invulnerable petrodollar; no enforced, indiscriminate fear of sanctions; and most of all, not even the fear of fear itself, replaced across the Global South by rage and utter contempt for the imperial support for the genocide in Gaza.

Just a Tawdry Greek Tragedy Remix

Once again it’s up to the inestimable Michael Hudson to succintly nail it all down:

“The official US position recognizes that it can’t be an industrial exporter anymore, though how is it going to balance the international payments to support the dollar’s exchange rate? The solution is rent-seeking. That’s why the United States says, well, what’s the main new rent-seeking opportunity in world trade? Well, it’s information technology and computer technology.

That’s why the United States is fighting China so much, and why President Biden has said again and again that China is the number one enemy. It moved first against Huawei for the 5G communications, and now it’s trying to get Europe and American and Taiwanese exporters not to export a computer chip to China, not for the Dutch to export chip-engraving machinery to China. There’s a belief that somehow the United States, if it can prevent other countries from producing high-technology intellectual property rents, then other countries will be dependent.

Rent-seeking really means dependency of other countries if they don’t have a choice to pay you much more money than the actual cost of production. That’s rent, the price over value. Well, the United States, since it can’t compete on value because of the high cost of living and labor here, it can only monopolize rent.

Well, China has not been deterred. China has leapfrogged over the United States and is producing its own etching machinery, its own computer chips. The question is, what is the rest of the world going to do? Well, the rest of the world means, on the one hand, the global majority, Eurasia, the BRICS+, and on the other hand, Western Europe. Western Europe is right in the middle of all this. Is it really going to forego the much less expensive Chinese exports at cost, including normal profit, or is it going to let itself be locked into American rent-extraction technology, not only for computer chips but for military arms?”

Graphically, this eventful week provided yet another howler: Xi officially received Lavrov when Yellin’ Yellen was still in Beijing.Chinese scholars note how Beijing’s position in a convoluted triad is admirably flexible, compared to the vicious deadlock of US-Russia relations.

No one knows how the deadlock may be broken. What is clear is that the Russia-China leadership, as well as Iran’s, know full well the dangers roaming the chessboard when the usual suspects seem to go all out gambling everything, even knowing that they are outgunned; outproduced; outnumbered; and outwitted.

It’s a tawdry Greek tragedy remix, alright, yet without the pathos and grandeur of Sophocles, featuring just a bunch of nasty, brutish specimens plunging into their unblinking, self-inflicted doom.

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