Thursday 23 November 2023


who are ‘they’ - those who have colonized our consciousness?

I want to apologize for the long interlude. This past summers crops needed to be harvested, cleaned, boxed and delivered to the wholesaler and this coming winters crops needed to be planted. I’m now close to being caught up.


It’s probably safe to say that for most of you reading this the past three years have been revelatory. Not only have we had our eyes opened about vaccines, but the rise of Substack, Rumble, Bitchute and numerous other alternative information platforms now provide information that five years ago would have been inconceivable. Truth be told, much of what I write about now I couldn’t have imagined five years ago. 

Some call it the great awakening, others the new enlightenment. Regardless, that part of the internet still unfettered by corporate control is now leading to great change around the world. Italians recently elected Giorgia Meloni as their new president, a woman who holds freedom loving positions that would have been considered unacceptable there a few years ago. Argentina just elected Dr. Javier Milei who self identifies as an anarcho/capitalist. Vowing to “…put an end to the parasitic and useless political caste that is destroying this country” Dr. Milei led his online campaign with the slogan “Long live freedom, dammit!” He is now looking to gut the pathetically obese, corporate controlled, corrupt government there. Some of the globalist families (coming up) holding controlling interests in firms like BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street and similar large firms that depend on their deep state connections to generate revenue, must be shaking in their boots in fear that this political trend will become a world-wide tidal wave. 


Filtering this onslaught of new information has become part of our weekly lives. I don’t know about all of you precious readers, but I’ve found that the more I’ve learned about what’s really happening in the world, the easier it’s become to filter bullshit from truth. This process has evolved to the point that many people I valued as good sources of information a few years ago I now see as purveyors of misdirection, including other writers I previously followed here on Substack. I can’t say whether that misdirection is purposeful or not. It’s hard to nail down exactly what those filters are, but I know bullshit when I see it.

We all have our own set of filters to determine whether information we come across is valuable to us in some way or whether it seems to be better serving those who are perpetuating an agenda that generates vast amounts of wealth by culling and controlling humanity. 

What follows are some of my rough guidelines. I’m not saying they should be yours. The fact that we all have different sets of values and filters and that we can communicate them here serves as a societal check and balance to help keep each other on our toes.

In my world - (I find these especially useful when applied to politicians)

1) Anyone who refers to viruses as being contagious and/or causative, or refers to pharmaceutical medications as a way to treat viruses, is compromised. 

For me, that currently that rules out all presidential candidates.

2) Anyone who claims that one person or group of people have the right to subjugate another needs to have their humanity questioned. 

This rules out most politicians and holds especially true for the war between the two semitic tribes currently taking place in Israel. 

3) Anyone who promotes war needs to have their head examined. 

This would include all those DC politicians who have big investments in the military industrial complex.

4) Anyone who points a finger at any one ethnicity, corporation, country, elite family or political party and says they are responsible for the worlds problems, is about one taco short of a combination plate. As will be explained shortly, it’s much simpler and at the same time, more complicated than that.

5) Anyone who says any one politician - be it RFK Jr., Trump, Ramaswamy or anyone else - is going to save the day, is not being realistic. 

I list those three candidates because if they held more level headed positions on the previously mentioned issues, they would be at the top of my list. Regrettably, each is compromised in his own way. 

With the war in Israel RFK Jr. revealed himself to be a Zionist, which breaks my second and third rule. 

While I’ve spent a lot of word capitol detailing how Trump got us into the covidcon mess, like RFK Jr, Trump has also revealed himself to be a Zionist, which means Trump breaks my first, second and third rule. 

Vivek Ramaswamy made his millions in the corrupt pharmaceutical industry. While he may not be the hard core Zionist that RFK Jr and Trump are, he has stated support for Zionist positions. He certainly breaks my first and second rules, possibly my third one as well.

All of these candidates say some nice things, but in my mind their actions speak louder than their words. 

how ‘they’ use the art of distraction

Thanks to organizations like the Bilderberg group, The Club of Rome, The Council on Foreign Relations (and numerous others) and the positions and influence the leaders of those organizations have in the legacy media, fact check organizations, influential NGO’s like the Clinton Foundation and the Gates Foundation, we spend most of our lives focusing on mundane issues that ‘they’ want us to focus on. This also serves to keep us from looking where they don’t want us to look. The more we follow their lead and focus on the menial affairs of pop culture, political culture and the trivial issues put before us everyday by the legacy media, the more distracted we are from being able to focus on… ‘them’.

For all of our lives we have watched while one political party after another takes the White House. Yet, nothing ever changes. Big Pharma keeps getting bigger, the military industry complex keeps making ever more profitable wars, our food keeps getting ever more expensive and toxic, our air and water keeps getting ever more polluted, the medical industrial complex rises to be there third leading cause of death in the US and every day all of this culminates with more people needlessly dying. While we wrestle with the worldly issue of who might be the lesser of two evils for the White House, while we watch as big tech exerts ever more control, while we watch in disgust as the MIC keeps spreading war around the globe, while we watch as the next big plandemic and jab mandate gets cranked up, while the next big DEW attack rains hell fire and brimstone down from above, those who are responsible for all of this evil sit in their bunker mansions sipping adrenacrhome, watching their bank accounts soar.

who are ‘they’

We’ve heard about the ubiquitous ‘they’ all of our lives. For me it began with pondering the following questions. Who killed RFK? Who was really behind the Viet Nam war? Who had the ability to pluck 18 year old boys from their homes and use them as cannon fodder to generate profit? Who had the ability to convince the parents of those boys that this was ok? 

Then 9/11 happened and those questions became even more pointed. The advent of covidcon three years ago was the final spur that set me to look into this more deeply. Some of the question I asked were: Was it Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street? Was it the big tech companies like Apple, Facebook, Google or its parent company Alphabet? Was it the deep state? Was it the communists? Was it capitalists? Was it the media? Was it Elon Musk? Was it globalist corporations? Was it the Jesuits? Was it the Rothschilds? Was it the banksters? Was it the drug cartels - legal and otherwise? Was it Klaus Schwab and his WEF? Was it the Jews? Was it the Nazis? Was it Gates and Soros? Was it Satanists? Was it bought and paid for legislators? Was it the military industrial complex? Was it transhumanism? Was it the 5eyes? Was it the Masons? Was it centralization? Was it social programming? 

What I learned is that it is all of the above and much more. But most importantly, what I learned is that all of those things are all connected by a web of family blood, more commonly known as royal or blue bloods.

I’m sorry. I had forgotten how many posts I’ve made regarding these issues.

laura’s revelations

Kudos to Francis Leader for pointing me to Laura’s new Substack. 

Laura does a fine job of showing how so much of the information I’ve presented above is tied to the interwoven royal bloodlines that she has long, painstakingly researched. 

All of the information that follows comes from her recent interview with Shai Danon, which is in the link above. 

Due to the fact that Laura has done an impressive amount of research on this topic and because she presents an amazing amount of information in this interview, some may find this rambling two hour interview a bit hard to follow. So I’ve distilled down some of what I found to be the most pertinent information and present screenshots of some of her slides below. Her comments are about the person or family in the photos.

But first let’s begin with how the Club of Rome would like to see the world in the not too distant future. This is the type of homogenization and centralization ‘they’ need to exert more control - fewer big governments (like the US, Russia and China) are easier to control than numerous, rebellious, small ones like Italy and Argentina. It’s helpful to keep in mind that this map was made in 1973. Since then NAFTA has brought Mexico more in line with the US and Canada, so it’s now shaded with dots. South Africa’s alignment is also now in question. Is this the final version of the “great reset”?

Thank you for reading the secular heretic. This post is public so feel free to share it.


Next - World Bank Group connections.

Here is one about China. According the Laura, Ka-shing Li descends from the Li dynasty and is behind Shi Jing Ping.

Some time ago Francis Leader (a native of the UK) commented on one of my posts about the world-wide economic control the City of London (the banking center) exerts around the world. According the Laura, this fellow sits at the top of that pyramid.

Here are some of the forward facing interests behind digital currency.\

The following chart shows how the British Crown infiltrates countries and allies itself with the royal families of those countries to grab resources and exert control. Here we can also see some influence from the Vatican. More to come on Vatican connections in the future.

I did some follow-up on part of Luara’s work to find the following original link. It details some of the connections between Putin, the Rothschild’s and the Rockefellers. Because the diagram is to big to paste here I could only grab what you see below. To see this fascinating diagram, go here.

I hope you are all as grateful for this fine Thanksgiving day as I am.


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