Saturday 25 November 2023


Exploration: Vitamin D May Help vs COVID | VT Foreign Policy

On the cover image Professor Giancarlo Isaia, president of the Academy of Medicine of Turin and author of the studies on Vitamin D

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

All Italian articles linked in this one can be read in English with machine translation available. 


In the first springtime during the Covid-19 pandemic British Ministry of Health gifted and delivered to 2,5 million of citizens, old and fragile, doses of Vitamin D3. Now sis international scientific societies highlighted the positive effects discovered by the Academy of Medicine o Turin in virtue of a great study conducted by his president, professor MD Giancarlo Isaia alongside other researchers.

Italian Health Authorities banned Vitamine D

In the same time the Italian Minister of Health forbade to the territorial medical doctors to prescrive this important supplement for the immune system claiming that was useless in the therapy of SARS-Cov-2 disease ad impose the strict protocol “watchful waiting and paracetamol”. Many subsequent national e International study ha pointed out that cortisone and other anti-inflammatories they could have cured Covid if administered to the sick immediately.

COVID-19, SPERANZA STOPPA CURE EFFICACI A CASA (cortisone) E VITAMINA D. Ma Londra la regala a 2,5 milioni di persone vulnerabili

So one of the most important Italian virologist, Maria Rita Gismondo, director of Microbiology at Sacco University Hospital in Milan, argued that this wrong protocol may have caused around 10 thousand deaths avoidable in Italy.

Even in the latest weeks Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) stated the inefficacy of Vitamine D against CovidFor the reason becomes very important the official document signed by six international scientific societies which launched another appeal to realize a controlled research on the topic.

RECORD DI MORTI COVID IN ITALIA! “PER COLPA DI TACHIPIRINA E VIGILE ATTESA”. La Virologa Gismondo Affossa il “Procollo Speranza” sulla Pandemia

«In response to the current COVID-19 global pandemic, and the attendant impact on outdoor physical activity and leisure time, the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), Endocrine Society, European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS), National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) remind individuals of the importance of obtaining the daily recommended dosage of vitamin D. The scientific evidence clearly supports the benefits that vitamin D, in combination with calcium intake, plays in building strong skeletons and preventing bone loss».

The importance of Vitamine D

According to the paper one of the best sources of vitamin D is through 15-30 minutes of direct sunlight exposure on your skin daily (taking care to avoid sunburn). As a result of the current global pandemic and particularly stay-at-home orders, individuals may be spending less time outdoors, resulting in fewer opportunities to obtain this important nutrient.

The medical specialistic association hence remember that «for those unable to spend at least 15-30 minutes with direct sun exposure each day, the easiest way to acquire vitamin D is through food supplemented with vitamin D and/or vitamin D nutritional supplements. Although some foods in the U.S. and elsewhere are fortified with vitamin D, the levels are often fairly low».


ASBMR, AACE, Endocrine Society, ECTS, NOF, and IOF recommend that most adults 19 years and older obtain between 400 1000International Units (IUs) of vitamin D daily from food and/or with supplements (ideal intake depends on age and sex) because «is very safe when taken at reasonable dosages and is important for musculoskeletal health».

With this premise, scientific societies enter into the merits of the use of Vitamin D against the pathology of SARS-Cov-2.

The Association of Low Vitamine D and Higher Rates of Covid

«Although recent epidemiologic (observational) studies have suggested associations between low 25(OH)-vitamin D concentrations and higher rates of COVID-19 infection, these are likely related to ethnicity, age, and general health rather than a causal relationship. To date, no clinical trials studying a potential effect of vitamin D supplementation on preventing COVID-19 disease have been completed».

“COVID-19 can be Treated with Vitamin D”. Vital Study by Turin’s Medicine Academy & 61 Physicians Appeal

«The current data do not provide any evidence that vitamin D supplementation will help prevent or treat COVID-19 infection; however, our guidance does not preclude further study of the potential effects of vitamin D on COVID-19. Research to date suggests that vitamin D may play a role in enhancing the immune response, and given prior work demonstrating a role for the activated form of vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] in immune responses, further research into vitamin D supplementation in COVID-19 disease is warranted» pointed out the six medical association.

The prof. Giancarlo Isaia, President of the Accademia di Medicina di Torino and della Fondazione Osteoporosi, expressing his sympathy to the letter of the document, states that «already in March 2020 the Accademia di Medicina was expressly questioned, publishing a document that It was widely disseminated and commented on all over the world, also following the publication of its Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (Isaia G; Medico E. Associations between hypovitaminosis D and COVID-19: a narrative review) and in which it identified a possible protective role of vitamin D on COVID-19».

156 MEDICI “PRO VITAMINA D ANTI-COVID” BOCCIATA DA SPERANZA. “Ignorati 300 studi” accusa il prof. Isaia. Con lui Noti Primari e Accademici

Subsequently, with a second document drawn up in January 2021 and shared by 153 Italian clinicians and researchers, then published in Pharmadvances (D’Avolio A, Isaia GC. on behalf of COVID-Vitamin D Study Group, Academy of Medicine of Turin Vitamin D in the COVID-19 prevention and treatment: emerging evidence), the Academy of Medicine, acknowledging the numerous scientific contributions that had been published in the meantime on this specific topic, manifested a position entirely consistent with what is now authoritatively expressed internationally”.

He also regrets that “our invitation, formally sent to the competent institutions, to investigate the issue with specific controlled studies, was not taken into due consideration”.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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