Saturday 25 November 2023


Israel-Hamas War, America-Palestine War, Or East-West War?


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

For a long month so far, Israel continues dropping two-tons bombs on the Gaza Strip in an obviously deliberate act of obliterating every standing infrastructure and annihilating every form of life. It was estimated that Israel had dropped 35,000 tons of explosives on Gaza, an average of 1,000 ton per day. It has been estimated that at least 40,000 buildings, from simple houses to 8-story buildings, have been destroyed, leveled to the ground. The Ministry of Health had reported a confirmed 11,208 killed including 4,506 children, 3,027 women, 678 old men, 29,500 injured, and 2,700 missing under the rubble. Medics and reporters are also among those killed. Israel has killed 46 reporters, 192 medics, bombed 45 ambulances, 120 medical facilities were also bombed, and 18 major hospitals are out of service due to lack of power and lack of medications.

Israeli officials spit genocidal anger, vulgar hatred, extreme racism, and delusional elitism in their threatening announcements. Yoav Gallant, minister of terror army of Israel, announced an attack plan in three stages, bombing to flatten Gaza, land invasion, and wiping off everything and everybody in the whole Gaza Strip. Revital “Tally” Gotliv, a member of the Knesset for the Likud party called for nuking Gaza. Israel’s heritage minister, Amichai Eliyahu, a far-right member of the extremist Otzma Yehudit party, had also called for Israel to drop a nuclear bomb over the Gaza Strip. This is a clear confession that Israel has nuclear weapons, a fact everybody knows although Israel denies.

Gaza has become the most horrific and largest massacre Israel has committed since its illegal foundation 75 years ago.

Israeli military forces are conducting pre-dawn raids in every major Palestinian city and refugee camps in the West Bank with bulldozers sweeping off streets, demolishing homes, killing and arresting many young Palestinians. Israel is burning Lebanese fields with white phosphorous bombs. Its planes are bombing Syrian targets. All these crimes are being committed using American munitions supplied by President Biden’s administration.

Mass protests and demonstrations took to the streets of virtually every major capital in the world condemning Israeli atrocities, genocide, and ethnic cleansing. They called on the international community, the United Nations, EU, and the United States to interfere and to enforce a cease fire. Yet, all these international legal self-claimed righteous, peace-loving organizations, defenders of human rights and even animal rights had closed their eyes and ears and allowed the Israeli carnage to continue. Such an act demonstrates clearly, one more time, the hypocrisy, and useless of these international organizations when it comes to Israeli atrocities.

Closing his eyes, ears and heart, defending and encouraging Israel’s genocide of Palestinian children, President Biden was not satisfied with an aerial bridge shipping all kinds of weapons and bombs to Israel. Besides, the 18 American military bases in the region Biden sent also two aircraft carrier strike groups – General Ford and Dwight Eisenhower carriers-, USS Garney destroyer, a squadron of F-16 Fighting Falcon aircrafts, and lately an Ohio class nuclear-powered submarine, the largest submarine ever built for the US Navy. Besides his own supporting visit to Israel Biden sent US Secretary of State Antony Blinken several times to the region to encourage Israel’s war crimes and to threaten neighboring Arab countries and Iran. He also sent Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III and other military commanders, such as army general Michael “Erik” Kurilla, commander of the US Central Command, to support and instruct Israeli military leaders. It was also reported that American troops were parachuted down in a newly base in north Lebanon getting ready to threaten/attack Hezbollah. Biden also authorized $14.3 billion of tax money in emergency funding for Israel to be followed by more billions in the near future.

All this is intended to support Israel fighting a couple of thousands of Hamas fighters. One can clearly see that this is not an Israel-Hamas war as they are trying to convince us of, rather it seems that it is an American-Palestinian war. Or is it???

Focusing only on the 7th of October War one fails to see and understand the larger picture, the real conflict, and to understand the real reason behind the unprecedented large American military presence in this war. In the previous six “mowing the lawn” Israeli attacks against Gaza Strip in 2008/09, 2012, 2014, 2019, 2021, and 2022 Israel single-handedly bombed Gaza, destroyed buildings, and massacred Palestinians. This war is different. The US entered this war and American “military advisers”, in the background, are directing the Israeli attacks. American heavy military presence in the region is not directed just against Palestinian Hamas or against the Resistance Axis. Besides the short-term goal of expelling Palestinian population from Gaza, American military presence serves also as a deterrence to the highly anticipated Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, China, and Russia alliance from interfering so that America and Israel can accomplish three major geopolitical and economical goals.

The first goal is to control the whole Levent Basin Province coast starting from Gaza south all the way to Lebanon and Syrian shores north. This area is rich with oil and gas that was discovered back in 2000. With the cutting of Russian gas and oil from European countries, these two energy resources are becoming very valuable. With the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, Israel would be free to extract their gas and oil as they are doing now on the Lebanese shoreline.

The second goal is to start the old Ben Gurion Canal Project to compete with Suez Canal and to weaken Egyptian economy. This Canal starts at the Eilat city on the Gulf of Aqaba, extends north along the Jordanian border, then west to the Mediterranean on the shores of Gaza Strip. This project explains Israeli and Saudi attempts to acquire and control the strategic Egyptian Tiran and Sanafir Islands at the entrance of the Gulf of Aqaba from the Red Sea.

The third goal, which is the most important, is to compete with and sabotage the Chinese trade New Silk Road Project, that has two trade routes from China to Europe, a land route passing through Iran, Syria, and Turkey, and a maritime going through the Red Sea, and Suez Canal. Biden administration was working on a competing trade route from India crossing the Arabian Sea to United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, then to Europe through the Mediterranean.

The New Chines Silk Road

Biden’s administration has been working hard to convince Saudi Arabia to normalize relationship with Israel. It even offered Saudi Arabia nuclear technology as an incentive. The 7th of October War in Gaza has sabotaged this effort.

So, is this an Israeli-Hamas war, an American-Palestine war, or a West-East War?


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