Saturday 25 November 2023


The reasons why we are becoming increasingly unhealthy and what you can do about it.

Until the 1970, the majority of the people were fit as a fiddle! No keto, vegan, or paleo diets. No home aerobics or gym memberships. No fancy fitness tech or wellness influencers. They also weren't drinking protein shakes or counting calories. So, what went wrong?

#1 Medication. In the 1970s, the average American spent 10 times less on prescription drugs than now. Contrary to popular belief, people in Western countries are also compelled to take potentially lethal drugs. Instead of addressing root causes, end-of-pipe solutions are applied.

#2 Demonization of Saturated Fats. Since the 60s, it's been claimed that saturated fats cause heart attacks. Although we've been nourished by lard & butter for thousands of years, these good fats were replaced with inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. "Trust the science," they said!

#3 Dietary Poisoning. Processed foods are abundant. Omega-6-rich seed oils and sugars are found in almost everything, an awful combination that overworks our livers and ramps up fat storage. Grandma's home-cooked meals are now a rare treat. We've traded real food for convenience.

#4 Lack of Exercise. Before exercise got labeled as some far-right gig, people were already moving less and sitting more. As we've shifted towards a service-based society and due to the rise of Big Tech, we're now mostly parked behind screens. More scrolling, less strolling.

#5 Vitamin D Deficiency. Our sedentary lifestyle leads to another serious issue. Almost no one who works indoors maintains adequate vitamin D levels. What many don't know is that there's no such thing as flu season—it's actually vitamin D deficiency season.

#6 Lack of Nutrients. Topsoil depletion and removal mean that crops are coming up short on nutrients. To get the same vitamins from one head of lettuce 100 years ago, you'd need to eat 10 heads now. If your body is starved of nutrients, you want to eat more—a vicious cycle.

#7 Dangerous Plastics. Phthalates in plastics disrupt hormone functions and can lead to hormonal imbalances, increasing the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Their widespread use in everyday products raises significant health concerns due to these metabolic effects.

#8 Childhood Vaccines. While children in the 60s only received 5 doses of vaccines, by 2019 the number had risen to 72 - and the trend is rising. Each vaccination has an impact on the microbiome, which likely leads to significant long-term physical and psychological consequences.

#9 Environmental Toxins. Glyphosate-based herbicides like Roundup can cause dysbiosis, cancers, and many other diseases. For instance, in almost 100% of soy crops, glyphosate residues can be found, which then enter our food chain. It's seriously concerning.

#10 Dangers in Cosmetics. Aluminum in deodorants, a common cosmetic ingredient, has been associated with skin irritation and potential health risks, including disrupting hormonal balance and cancer. Its absorption through the skin from daily use has significant long-term effects.

#11 Oral Contraceptives. They affect not only women but also men, as they are excreted via urine into the water supply. They are also extremely powerful and have highly negative effects on human health. Still wondering why there are that many men who think they can get pregnant?

I wrote this post because we are definitely moving in the wrong direction. Our governments held us all hostage for three years, claiming it was for our health, but as I demonstrate, it's not about our health but about enslaving us with as little resistance as possible.

But there are many things you can do about it: 

  • Eat saturated fats and cut out seed oils 

  • Limit carbs and sugars 

  • Grow your own food in your self-made compost 

  • Exercise at least 3 times a week 

  • Be in the sun as much as possible and supplement with Sunfluencer

    or alike

But there are many more strategies that you can use to lead a healthy and fulfilled life without having to bow to the establishment. I regularly tweet and write about this while confronting those who have discriminated against us in recent years. So please follow me on X and also here on Substack.

Thank you,

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