Saturday 25 November 2023


Origins Of Tyranny



The very nature of this essay is formidable. Although I have a book in progress on this very subject the very idea is in itself a formidable one. 

Fortune and circumstance may allow this project to evolve but it may well lie to others to carry it through to logical conclusions. 

For in the tides of men, women and circumstances we cannot know how a new theory of consciousness will unfold. 

My trust here is in the value of the original insights of current scientists - who are truly the ones to shape the theories into a coherent whole.

I simply happen to be in a position to recognize the potential value to us all. 

May the forces be aligned with those of us remaining who hold out for an end to tyranny in our midst.


How does one group get into a position of power over others? 

Here I propose by a process which amounts to an evolutionary-like, but cultural process over long periods of time.

This post results from a long study of such forces in our midst. It was catalyzed however into being by a post from a fellow SubStack writer this morning.

Thanks to 

for sharing the following.


Great exploration of genetics and sociology. 

We certainly select for certain genetic instances ( individuals and families). 

Through the ancient selection for (read violent insistence on) agricultural society over hunter gatherers we selected for civilization. 

These civilizations - based on agriculture (from the “Anatolian farmers” see video below) depended on an intergenerational bureaucracy run by middle manager types. 

Naturally - although one might say not at all naturally - humans inadvertently selected for families who excel at bureaucracies.

We all essentially descend from these families now. One reason the system is so very powerful. 

Genetics is not so much the determining force but the culture which reinforces such genetic tyranny. 


Which of course gets into the interconnections between interpenetrating systems and people across the planet.

We are all humans however and this gets down to certain systems which are geometrically more important than the individual parts of the overall system.

The overarching system - in place for many millennia - is the real problem. 

But as I have written about before the system allows us to do just about anything other than threaten the system itself.

So ingrained in our social systems and psyches it is very difficult to access and understand.

We would not expect that this would be anything other than complicated.

This idea must have been in the air recently and here I prop up these arguments with yet another post from a fellow SubStack writer. From 


There is a scaffolding for this evolution of tyranny but it is found - of course - in an inconvenient place. 

How could this not be the case? 

For the forces which have led us irrevocably toward tyranny - sleepwalking toward the intense and deadly totalitarianism we experience today - have been insidious and well hidden.

Hidden precisely and inconveniently where we cannot easily even glimpse them - let alone develop a whole theory of the origins of tyranny upon.

But as we arrive at new theories and jump to new recognitions of truth it always seems to involve some inconveniently complex and previously unrecognizable information.

And as each of us represents a locus of scientifically, culturally, spiritually and psychologically - and genetic - uniqueness this is to be expected.

Sometimes in the history of science and philosophy an entirely new set of circumstances arises - never before in existence. This is the role of the citizen scientist, writer, philosopher, or whatever word we need to apply to understand this phenomenon.

Thomas S. Kuhn speaks of this at length in The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions

Usually the recognition of the significance of newly formulated information falls to one person or a small group. 

If the significance of this information were apparent to all of us the we would not need the occasional flashes of brilliance from these revolutionary citizen scientists.

But they are not apparent to all of us - but generally well hidden until some maverick breaks the code and makes the jump.

Thus this nature of these evolutionary jumps in scientific achievement. 

The origins of this systematic cultural evolution of tyranny also falls to a small and poorly recognized group of scientists.

In this case it is the fortunate alliance between geneticists, linguists and anthropologists. When I first encountered this alliance it was early 2020 and the world was being rocked by a great crisis of faith and consciousness. 

This of course was the beginning of the Coronavirus era with the concomitant unfolding of modern totalitarianism.

In my own futile attempts to come to grips with this new reality the significance of this obscure nexus of scientific alliances which provides the scaffolding for this awareness loomed large.

The more I personally delved into these details the more significant they became. I don’t knew these scientists and had been previously totally unfamiliar with their theories.

But their findings stood out like the flash of a supernova in the darkest of times. 

There seemed a lodestone here - some answers to some long and significant questions we as humans had been posing.

And it also seemed significant that it would be now that these findings would unravel into something so seemingly significant.

So here I reveal the scientists who seem to have independently arrived at these insights. 

It will take some long volumes and many years of work by many people to unveil the true significance of all this.

It will take modern technology to continue to unravel these mysteries. I believe these scientists would agree most heartily with this.

This may be a good example of how our modern technology can be used for either good or evil.

It is - as is just about everything else - capable of being weaponized against us - or used with good intentions for good aims.

I cannot do any of this within one essay and would not attempt such a thing. 

My trust is that by shining a light on these findings that others will pick up the significance also and help develop tools which allow us as a modern society to come to our senses and prevail. 

If Thomas Kuhn was correct it will be once again in the most inconvenient and unlikeliest places where new science will arise.


From the 2019 lecture Prof.Kristian Kristiansen(University of Gothenburg):
"Towards a New European prehistory: genes, archaeology and language". 

To get anywhere near the actual ideas which form the scaffolding for this essay and future recognitions - this lecture will need to be watched and understood. 

I would never - and none of us are in the position to - rephrase or skew the original perceptions of these very capable researchers.

I would rely on these scientists themselves to address the nature of their work.

Please frame any questions or remarks to either what I have written or to these scientists themselves in quests to understand the implications and origin of these theories.

Please remember that I am not the scientist, have no relationship with the scientists, and at this point cannot and will not answer in their stead. 

At this writing they are not aware I exist or am writing about them.

If the forces and fates are aligned I may be given the opportunity to write further on these ideas. 

Since these theories question many of the very foundations of our current systems - I would be shocked if there were not a great deal of resistance to them.

My interest lies in seeing the potential for real creative questions which arise from the nature of this thorny topic itself.


What is the value in this when it potentially means reshaping our thinking as human beings? 

To me the reasons are as obvious as our current totalitarian reality. I must believe that they are of high value to others as well.

For it is entirely possible that we as humans - with a new understanding of our past allowed by current technology- will arrive at methodologies which allow us to understand and prevent and to finally uproot and destroy the very roots of tyranny itself.

LET THE WILD RUMPUS BEGIN,%20Maurice%20'Where%20the%20wild%20things%20are'%20(1963).pdf

My prediction is that it will be quite a ride - quite a wild rumpus. But then what else are we here for?

To new knowledge and to the continuing evolution of these Scientific Revolutions. 

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