Monday 27 November 2023


The Claim that Citizens "Need to Get Vaccinated as a Measure of Public Health Safety" is a Complete Sham

This is not only fraud. The intentional actions taken by governments and medical communities to cover-up the harm caused by the injections were deliberate acts to endanger children and adults.

November 26, 2023: The exchange of vaccine data and information between governments and manufacturers is now being exposed globally. To say that no parties involved are being viewed favorably is the understatement of the century.

Dr. Michael Yeadon and The Lioness of Judah Ministry have exposed breaking news from testimony given by Marcel de Graaf, Dutch member of the European Union (EU) Parliament. Marcel de Graaf makes these critical points regarding the European Medicines Agency (EMA) authorization and recommendation for the COVID-19 injections.

The Claim that Citizens Needed to Get Vaccinated as a Measure of Public Health Safety was a Complete Sham 

  • The COVID-19 injections were never proven to prevent infection, reduce contagiousness, or reduce transmission.

  • The government claim that getting ‘vaccinated’ was for public safety reasons is a complete sham. Any relatively healthy individual under the age of 60 had an astronomically minimal risk of death (0.01%) or severe disease, and their vaccine status had NO EFFECT on reducing the risk of infection to senior citizens.

Serious adverse events; such as respiratory failure, blood clotting, heart attacks, heart inflammation, neurological disorders, emergency room visits, admission to the intensive care unit, and/or death; reported within 14 days of inoculation (vaccination) were attributed to coronavirus, and not the inoculation (vaccine). 

  • This is not only fraud. The intentional actions taken by governments and medical communities to cover-up the disease, disabilities, and death caused by the COVID-19 injections by labeling them as “COVD-19” were deliberate acts to profit individuals and organizations in exchange for endangering the lives of innocent adults and children

  • If reported at all, serious adverse events are typically reported within the first 72 hours and up to 2 weeks, potentially 1 month. Thereafter, it is unlikely a medical professional would attribute a symptom, disability or death to a medical treatment or procedure. 

Per Marcel de Graff’s EU Parliament speech

“In other words, the vaccines were not intended to prevent infections and there are no data at all that substantiates that the vaccines help against infections. In fact, the EMA states that the exposure to the virus increases the chance of infections even in those vaccinated.” - Marcel de Graaf, Dutch EU Parliament


Why are These Points So Critical?

The claim that the vaccines would prevent infection and transmission was essential in order to validate ‘vaccine mandates’ and their benefits in mitigating the threat of COVID-19 to public health safety and national security. As the shots never provided such benefits, and apparently governments, NGOs (i.e. the WHO, OECD, et al) and manufacturers from around the globe were aware of such facts, as well as the fact that the shots increased the risk for disease, disabilities and death, demonstrates that these organizations and individuals within them, were deliberately engaging in criminal human experimentation with the intention of injuring, disabling, and/or killing innocent adults and children. 

Please see the full article published by Lioness of Judah.

Ephesians 5: 11, 13 -16 

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 

This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper. Rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.”

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil..

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.

50% of The Kingston Report (just $5/month) until tomorrow.

Prescription Medical Kits - Just in Case

Personally, I prefer to avoid emergency visits to urgent care to treat an unexpected infection. The Wellness Company is offering 15% off prescription medical kits to treat unexpected infections.

Use Code KIT15 at Checkout. Order here. 25% off Supplements.

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