Saturday 25 November 2023


Obama Inc is Running Out of Brown People to Kill

This is Israel's American-planned-and-financed Color Revolution

The big game is run out of London and that’s our gold, Ma’am.

I’ve kept my mouth shut on Israel’s October 7th tragedy, trying to angle out of arguments, until I realized that while inflicted primarily upon Israel, it was also designed to traumatize the whole world via the initial massacre, then inevitably the raining of hell on Israel and Gaza, making us in the rest of the world fight each other, miring us in emotion. Make us feel powerless, frustrated, angry, fearful. Make us hand over agency. 

That made it my business. And yours.

I was raised with a deep respect, almost a reverence for Jewish people because my father had been put in charge of a concentration camp – “a work camp, not a death camp”, he would say – after the war. When I say ‘raised’, I mean I felt his feelings, his despair, his trauma. Once in a very long while, he’d say, “I saw things….” and then stop. I suspect this below is what he saw and it turned him into something other. Separate, alone with horror. His grief, his rage over what happened turned me, a kid, into someone aligned with the Jewish people, determined to defend them. I suspect a lot of us felt that passion growing up, that justice must be done, that this must not happen again.

Another experience I have that is relevant to this matter, is that my mother was one of the first experimental subjects of MKUltra at the Allan Memorial, under Allen Dulles’s pet, psychiatrist Ewan Cameron. MKUltra’s subproject 68 designed and tested the elements of mind control. They chose to experiment (without consent) on the wrong mother suffering post-partum, and earned in me, an implacable enemy. 

The first principle of mind control is trauma programming; repeated horrifying shock turns people passive. That’s what they did to the first subjects. They ramped up the ECT, called Page-Russells but used more intensively. They reduced patients to a pre-verbal state, entirely dependent and pliable. Ready for programming. 

Psychological warfare was launched on innocent citizens, designed for mass mind control, reducing us all to childlike dependence on a malignant government. 

The past decades have seen one collective trauma after another, beginning with the JFK assassination. Repeated assassinations, wars, endless threats, one hideous recession after another, periodic political earthquakes, all used as psychological warfare, launched on innocent citizens, meant to reduce us to dependence on a malignant government. October 8th’s beheaded babies, old lady hostages, videotaped rapes, children in cages were meant for every single one of us. And while we’re at it, in the same time period, the Lewiston, Maine shooter? He had started hearing voices in his head according to his family. They can do that now, training and seducing in chat rooms, manipulating the weak and crazy. They have the technology. I have no doubt, zero, that most mass shooters are MKUltra. They are mind controlled. They are trauma programming meant to terrify. The specific purpose is to disarm us.

What is the endgame?  Docile slaves handing over more and more money with every paycheck. Never able to get out of debt. Scared about the future. Biddable. Fight this, they order. And we do. We need money to fight. Give it over. And we do. Sacrifice the future for safety. And we do.

October 7th was designed, gamed, and triggered. It was meant to hide their disastrous government. The neo-liberals in DC have lost the Ukraine war, eviscerated the army’s supplies, run up the debt another nine trillion. More of the Bidens’ criminal activities are revealed every day. There is a new sheriff in Congress, and he looks very much like the Conservative candidate for Prime Minister in Canada, calm, measured, fully informed and loaded for bear. This is the face of the new populism, considered, determined, smarter than John Podesta, incorruptible. And young enough to be around for twenty years.

Across the country, election integrity people are winning, and if defeated in court, they don’t give up. Each of them risks jail from the corrupt Justice Department every day. I’m not saying the Democrats won’t cheat, but every ballot box will have a sentinel and a lawyer. Mark Elias is going to be exhausted by the end of it, stir-fried, ready for retirement.

The dam is breaking over vaccine damage, and there are now hundreds of lawyers taking clients in the U.S.. Canada admitted this week that the shots were contaminated with DNA. New Zealand’s government announced this week that Jacinda Ardern’s government knew the shots were dangerous and forced them anyway.  Trump rises in the polls with every regime attack. Parents have never been more activated.

This is Obama’s game. His people did it. This is how arrogant he is. He needs war to win the next election. He needs war to escape the devastation of his reputation, to save his “legacy”.  And he hates Israel. So he’s launched a color revolution to take down Bibi, and break Israel’s legerdemain in science, business and near everything else. Swamp the country with guilt and brutalize its people. Neo-liberals like Obama have effectively destroyed Europe’s culture, flooding it with desperate murderous barbarians with zero education. This is what these people do, they destroy everything good, feed on the fear, and loot everything not nailed down. Obama is a criminal. Biden is a criminal. The Bushes made their money on Jewish slaves at Auschwitz and financing the Nazis.Once you have done that, there is no goodness in you. It’s all lies and corruption and you can’t even see the good. You serve Lucifer.

Obama is the Manchurian Candidate, the most successful of many confected creations designed to seduce the left or right by the people with all the money. He bombed more brown people that the Bush regime – which was a lot -  and he gave a trillion dollars to Wall Street, while bankrupting Main Street and making homelessness universal in every town and city. He isn’t a leftist hero, he is a thief of peace and prosperity.

Do you remember Richard Perle? He was the Iraq warmonger who was part of the neo-con contingent in the late 90’s. These jokers believed that only war would focus American’s attention, bring out manly virtues, pull people away from pleasure, turn them to “God” and back to an authoritarian church. There were books written about this stupid idea. The left grabbed this notion, convinced they could seduce and weaken the right with endless war.

When David Brooks was still thinking clearly twenty years ago, he pointed out that the only way to make money as a political writer in DC was to cozy up to war profiteers. Today, eighty-five percent of DC think tanks are funded by weapons manufacturers.

I am going to walk you through this theory, courtesy of Coffee and Covid on Substack, Patrick Byrne on X. Caroline Glick, who is the only writer I trust on Israel and the Financial Times confirm their analysis. All the links below.

Coffee and Covid: “Following the summer battle over Israel’s leftist Supreme Court, Biden (i.e. Obama), U.S. intelligence agencies, and Israeli intelligence agencies undermined Israel — to get rid of Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Caroline Glick continues the story  “In other words, the riots, protests, acts of political violence and intimidation that have swamped Israel since January were not spontaneous responses to the government’s legal reform proposals.”

They were the beginnings of a color revolution, paid for by Americans.

Coffee and Covid:  “The gist of Patrick’s theory is that former Obama officials Dan Shapiro (Obama’s ambassador to Israel), Avril Haines (Obama deputy assistant), Anthony Blinken (Obama deputy assistant), and Michele Flournoy (Obama undersecretary of defense) began representing an Israeli cyber-security software developer called Paragon. Paragon develops top-secret security tools for Israeli’s defense industry.

“After the former Obama officials got involved with Paragon, and continuing through the Biden regime, the U.S. has systematically targeted all of Paragon’s competitors using a variety of federal procurement tools and sanctions, forcing them either to close or sell off their assets to Paragon or the U.S. One software provider is deeply connected to Barack Obama and Joe Biden.  Paragon is also linked to former Israeli Prime Minister and sworn Netanyahu enemy Ehud Barak, who visited Epstein Island “on business” over 30 times, which means that he is almost certainly a blackmail pawn of the U.S. and Israeli deep state’s intelligence agencies.

“At this point, Israel depends on one single security software provider, Paragon, a fact that the country’s intelligence agencies have warned is a critical security risk…. “

Caroline Glick:

“Channel 13’s military correspondent Alon Ben David reported that the Biden administration and the U.S. intelligence agencies had decided to destroy Israel’s cybersecurity industry and force Israel’s cybersecurity firms to transfer their ownership, operations—and allegiance—to the United States.

“Rather than defend Israel’s industry, according to Ben David, the government was ‘deliberately destroying’ the industry to placate Washington. “The Defense Ministry has already frozen most of the export licenses and the Americans have simply decided to shut down our offensive cyber industry and transfer it to them,” Ben David explained.

“They (the protests) were planned and financed weeks before Justice Minister Yariv Levin was appointed to his position and well before the government took any position on anything.”

Just waiting for an opening to take down Israel. 

The Day Itself

A former IDF soldier who served on the Gaza border describes what happened on the day. He can be watched here on X. 

“On September 1, the government confiscated the weapons of the security teams in Gaza built communities, against their will. On September 10, the (defacto) municipalities received reports of increased tensions on the border during the holidays. Those same heads asked the army if they should cancel the festivities. The army said, “No, don’t cancel anything, we are heading for calm.”

“Israel is the most advanced surveillance state in the world, and the border is the most heavily surveilled in the world. During Covid, they could track one person from the airport to a bathroom in a soccer stadium.

“Command center operators reported on the breach in fifteen locations. This is documented. Once the thousands invaded, they had seven hours to kill everyone in their path, destroy and take hostages back to Gaza unscathed and unopposed.

“An attack helicopter takes five minutes to activate. I served on Gaza border. It started at 7:01 on October 8. It should have taken five minutes before the whole thing was upended. Instead they had eight hours to kill thousands and bring back hostages alive. That’s not a breech, it’s an inside job. If not, it means the IDF is the most incompetent military that ever walked the face of the earth.”

He concludes: “Do you really think we need America to come help us fight Hamas? They don’t even have a tank.”

The people in power need our energy to effect their games. Without our buy in, their power starts to fade. In fact, it is fading now. This is a desperate play. As Steve Bannon says, “this is the primal scream of a dying regime.” They are making one mistake after another. They are being caught in every jurisdiction, at every level. When they and their endless stupid wars are stopped, prosperity and growth and above all civic peace, can return.

I want them on trial, in public, until everyone sees the breadth and depth of their betrayals. A generational duty. I envy the people whose mission this will be. 

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Anyone expressing hatred in the comments will be perma-blocked. 


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