Sunday 5 November 2023


"The left" hates what Netanyahu's doing to the Palestinians (but they don't mind what he's done to the Israelis)

They only wish that he had helped get ALL the Palestinians injected, too, by giving their authorities enough "vaccine" to do the job

First, a rare bit of good news, reported (only here on Substack) by Ana Maria Mihalcea on October 23:

Sentencing of Four NZ Government Officials

On Saturday 17 June 2023 an historic event took place in New Zealand. A dedicated team of men and women have opened the first sovereign independent Grand Jury Court of justice, Te Wakaminenga Kooti Wakanga nui of Nu Tireni – New Zealand. The Court will deal with civil and criminal claims for all Sovereign Nationals of Nu Tireni NZ who register with the Wakaminenga Maori Government under the jurisdiction of Tikanga and He Wakaputanga.

The first case has been brought by the members of the Wakaminenga Maori Government on behalf of all the people of New Zealand. The case deals with alleged breaches of the sovereign law of He Wakaputanga and crimes of genocide and against humanity.

Senior officials of the Wakaminenga Maori Government witnessed their Leader Upoko Arikinui Ripekatangi of Ngati Maniapoto, Tainui and Ngati Kahu Taitokerau and Deputy Leader Upoko Tuarua Arikinui Kurakamaringi of Te Uepohatu of Te Tairawhiti and Rangatira o Aotearoa Nu Tireni NZ open and bless the Court with ancestral whakatauaki (proverbs), karakia (prayers) and waiata (song).

Now, hold that thought, as we note these photos of last week’s protest in New York’s Grand Central Station, held by Jewish Voice for Peace:

While I agree completely with the slogans on those banners, I can’t pretend to sympathize with the demonstrators posed around them, since the humane message of their words is so bizarrely contradicted by the death-cult symbolism of their masks. Of course, such protesters don’t grasp that symbolism, so deeply have they all been brainwashed by the COVID propaganda; but that just makes their double message all the creepier. As all “the left” has made quite clear since the “vaccination” drive began, they fervently believe that every single one of every Third World people—and that, of course, includes the Palestinians—should be “vaccinated,” whether they want it or not, and notwithstanding the abundant solid evidence that “vaccination” kills and cripples. (Before the “vaccination” drive began, “the left” had already ferociously embraced the other lethal “COVID measures”—especially lockdown, which killed exponentially more poor “people of color” than “the virus” ever did.)

If any on “the left” did not believe in what they piously called—and maybe, in some cases, even still call—“vaccine equity” (a concept no doubt invented by Big Pharma), I’d like to know their names, so I can duly credit them. Since they are evidently of one mind, I’ll use Amy Goodman to exemplify this new schizoid position on “the left.” Here she is recently (and rightly) spotlighting Israel’s quasi-exterminationist approach to Gaza:

And here are just a few examples of her prior dedication to the cause of jabbing every “POC” on the planet—so ardent a commitment that you’d think “Democracy Now!” is funded by the Gates Foundation (as it has been by the Ford Foundation, among other CIA pass-throughs):

Vaccine Equity: Why Communities of Color & Incarcerated People Should Get Early Access to Shots

December 14, 2020

Epidemiologist Camara Phyllis Jones:

… The advisory committee recognized that residents of long-term care facilities are more exposed because of their living situations, and so they talked about nursing homes and assisted living facilities, but they did not talk about those who are in long-term care facilities in prisons, in jails, in detention centers. And I think that those people, as well, should be offered a first chance to get the vaccine.

After those groups — and I would have to say one more group which is at high risk because of their living situations are people who are living in segregated communities — Black and Brown and Indigenous, you know, like Navajo Nation — communities where we’ve seen a very high prevalence of the virus and higher death rates. And so, those people should also be given priority access to the vaccine.

Share the Vaccines, Erase the Debt: Joseph Stiglitz on How the U.S. Can Help Developing Countries

March 12, 2021

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says wealthy countries have a responsibility to help the developing world in overcoming the pandemic. He says the response must include vaccine equity as well as economic aid, including debt relief. “America won’t be free from the pandemic until the world is,” says Stiglitz.

Dr. Monica Gandhi on the Origins of COVID-19, Vaccine Equity, the Debate over Masks & More

May 27, 2021

We were lucky and very grateful to get highly effective vaccines for this virus. And this is what is ending the pandemic in countries that are wealthy enough to have the vaccine, including the U.K., including the U.S. And it will end the pandemic, if we can work on global vaccine equity for everywhere else. Those are tools. This is the solution.

End Vaccine Apartheid: Summit on Vaccine Internationalism Demands Urgent Action to Help Global South

June 21, 2021

We look at the push to end what the World Health Organization is calling “vaccine apartheid,” as many countries have yet to see a single COVID-19 vaccine shot amid mounting infections. “What we’re looking for is an alternative to a system that has basically allowed for COVID-19 vaccines to be absolutely concentrated in the higher-income countries,” says Carina Vance Mafla, former health minister of Ecuador, who co-chaired this weekend’s emergency Summit on Vaccine Internationalism. She argues vaccine access can be improved by expanding vaccine “production in other countries … that have developed vaccine candidates, but also having pricing that is based on solidarity.” We also speak with Achal Prabhala, coordinator of the AccessIBSA project, which campaigns for access to medicines in India, Brazil and South Africa. Prabhala says the pandemGic is now “largely a developing country problem.”

https:amy //

Thus Amy Goodman-and-“the left” stood just as valiantly with Dr. Fauci and the medical establishment as they now purport to stand with Palestine:



1) Demand the right to healthcare for the Palestinian people

As a primary funder and diplomatic backer of Israel’s policies against the Palestinian people, U.S. policy and taxpayer dollars fuel a separate-and-unequal system of healthcare access in Israel and Palestine. Israeli policies deny patients the right to travel to access treatment (Al-Shabaka), block the movement of medicine through blockade (World Health Organization), and, most recently have created a reality where Palestinians are approximately 60 times less likely to have access to the lifesaving COVID-19 vaccine than Israelis, according to Doctors Without Borders. Israel is refusing its obligations under international law to provide support purchasing and distributing vaccines to Palestinians under Israel's military control, as documented by over 100 Palestinian human rights organizations31 Israeli, Palestinian, and international organizations, and leading U.S. human rights groups like Human Rights WatchWe hope you will join the ranks of conscientious public figures such as Jamaal Bowman who named that he was familiar with the systemic racism at play and called on Israel to provide equitable vaccine access to Palestinians, as obligated under international law.

From The Lancet:

COVID-19 vaccines for Palestinians

January 28, 2021

Israel is complicit in the increased vulnerability of the Palestinian population to COVID-19. Israel has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to secure the urgent availability of approved vaccines. We call on physicians and other health professionals to raise their voices and put pressure on the Israeli Government to provide vaccines to Palestinians, including Palestine refugees on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

From the BBC:

Covid-19: Palestinians lag behind in vaccine efforts as infections rise

March 22, 2021

The Palestinian authorities have begun administering vaccines supplied under the international Covax vaccine-sharing scheme, as infections continue to rise sharply in the West Bank and Gaza.

While Israel has surged ahead with its vaccination programme, the Palestinian territories are way behind.

[Like the authors of that Lancet article, “the left” wants Israel to “vaccinate” all Palestinians.]

So, then, here we are today, with a field of presidential candidates that (so far) includes only one who calls for peace in Gaza—and who believes that everybody there should be injected, that “vaccine hesitancy must be directly confronted” (as if it hadn’t been) and that not jabbing “the weak and the vulnerable” is a crime against humanity:

James ”Butch” Rosser, MD, bottom, introduces featured speaker Cornel West, PhD, at the beginning of the inaugural video conference lecture on social justice sponsored by the Department of Surgery.

Anti-Racism, Health Care Equity Initiative Launched

March 2, 2021

Restricted Health Care Worst Form of Inequality

West fielded questions on a variety of topics, including how physicians can become better allies in the fight against health disparities and how they can encourage people of color to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

West said that restricted access to health care is the worst form of inequality and social movements are important for action to occur.

“We need to have a moral and spiritual awakening. We need people in motion inside institutions and against institutions to make sure that in the end those most vulnerable, the weakest, are given a priority,” West said.

“With organized greed and institutional hatred, there is not enough focus on the weak and the vulnerable, so you end up with a cultural callousness and ways of life that put indifference to the suffering of others at the center,” he added. “We need to shatter the culture of indifference.”

He quoted Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the leading Jewish theologians of the 20th century, who said “indifference to evil is more insidious than evil itself.”

With “leftism” like this, who needs colonialism? Did West, Goodman—or, say, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Vijay Prashad or any other such self-righteous needle-freak—ever stop to wonder whether those “unvaccinated” masses wanted it? Or did such pillars of “the left” assume that they knew better than those people? While such celebrities could voice their view of “vaccination” any time they wanted to, the so-called “victims” of “vaccine apartheid” had no way to tell the world they did not want it. Only now do we (or some of us) know that the Maoris did not want it; while only those of us who really cared about the issue, and sought out news about it, know, in May of 2021, that villagers in Uttar Pradesh did not want it (as they’d been addled by “misinformation,” according to the anthropologists at Newsweek):

Villagers in India Flee Homes, Jump Into River to Avoid COVID Vaccination

May 25, 2021

As medical officials aim to quickly administer COVID-19 vaccines across India, residents of one village were seen fleeing their homes and jumping into a nearby river to avoid what they believed was a "poisonous injection."

Around 200 people in Sisoda village in Barabanki, a rural area in India's Uttar Pradesh state, fled their homes when a team of health officials arrived to launch a vaccination campaign on Saturday.

"We reached the village with a medical team to vaccinate villagers. However, as soon as they saw us approaching, many of them ran away. When we tried to stop them, they jumped in the river. We tried to sensitize them [sic] about the importance of the vaccine but they did not relent," sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) Rajiv Shukla said, according to the Times of India.

Several individuals ran from medics and jumped into the Saryu River as misinformation [sic] spread across the village that the COVID-19 vaccine was poisonous, or could lead to death, impotence or viral infection, the India Times reported.

Nor, back in October of that year, did Cornel West, or Amy Goodman, or Noam Chomsky know (or care?) that the Denesuline First Nation people, way up in northern Saskatchewan, so badly did not want the jab that they—their children— ran into the cold nocturnal woods, to hide from the Canadian troops who had been sent there to inject them forcibly: “They have no business lockin’ ’em up in those gyms, and forcin’ that poison into their bodies!” cried a woman in the harrowing video that told their story to the few who happened on it:

In retrospect, of course, what those troops did in Black Lake, Saskatchewan, and what those “health officials” did in Uttar Pradesh, appears not to be comparable to what the IDF is doing now in Gaza—or so millions, if not billions, had been expertly made to think. In fact, what happened then was, arguably, even worse than what is happening now, since Israel at least has not disguised its genocidal push as a “health measure,” intended to “save lives”—far from it; whereas the democide conducted under COVID has been carried out under the cover of a global “medical emergency,” succeeding brilliantly because of it, much as the Nazis did with their “health measures” throughout Europe and beyond. The toll on Gaza’s people is horrific, and (yes) grossly disproportionate, however hard the war’s apologists have strained their wits to justify it; but the toll of that assault and all the other current wars combined is but a fraction of the global toll of “vaccination,” which has—demonstrably—induced a worldwide spike in “excess deaths,” and a population crash that surely has the authors of this democide as happy with themselves as many millions of the rest of us are murderously livid at each other.

If “the left” were really interested in “saving lives,” and capable of reconsidering the propaganda that has serially battered all the world since January, 2020, they would not just demand a ceasefire in the war on Gaza (though we need one, urgently), but attempt to grasp, and help to stop, the vastly bigger, vastly more sophisticated war that has been waged against humanity itself—a final war from which the Israel/Gaza episode now serves as a distraction (though it is also adding to the democide). They might be moved to that awakening by doing what the (real) left, at its best, has always done: listen to the people whom they claim to care about, instead of siding with the forces working to destroy them. Thus they should look closely, and respectfully, at the Maori case against those four collaborators in New Zealand’s government, and look back, with humility, at how the rural Indians and Denesuline First Nation people acted to protect themselves against the drives to “vaccinate” them; and also, concerning Israel’s war on Gaza, the jab-happy “left” should now take careful note of how a clear majority of the Israeli people feel about their government, and why they now loathe their criminal prime minister at least as much as anyone beyond their country’s borders. 

By doing so, “the left” could now avoid repeating the immense mistake they’ve made since 9/11—blowing off all evidence that that too was an inside job, as Goodman, Chomsky, Klein and all the other “leftist” stars have done for over twenty years (just as “the left” have always closed their eyes to the well-established fact that JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were killed not by “lone gunmen” but by a state conspiracy). From the Israelis, first of all, “the left” would learn (unless they keep repressing such horrendous truths) that Netanyahu’s “vaccination” drive has served not to “save lives” in the Jewish state but to end them; and that that project is in perfect, deadly sync with the depopulation program of the Club of Rome and all affiliated plutocratic psychopaths:

From such alert Israelis, furthermore—and no less importantly—“the left” would also learn that Hamas’s raid was no more a “surprise attack” than 9/11 was the unexpected work of nineteen Saudi Islamists: i.e., that the Official Story of “October 7”—that Israel’s nonpareil security/intelligence machine was, somehow, caught napping by the bold and cunning gunmen—is preposterous, since the evidence is indisputable that Netanyahu turned it off to give the killers time to do their thing, and that the IDF was strangely AWOL until way too late. From those Israelis who now have their eyes wide open, in other words, “the left” would learn what America’s bloodthirsty champions of Zionism just don’t want to know, since it demolishes the narrative that justifies their rabid “stand with Israel”—that Israel’s government was actually complicit in that action targeting Israeli people, as all too many of the latter know for it to fly, at least in Israel.

Thus “the left” now stands confronted with the urgent choice that they have failed to make for going on four years. Either they can just keep wearing those damned masks, which have been blinding them to the explosive truth about both “vaccination” and the war on Gaza; or they can finally take them off, perceive, at last, the awful truth about what’s going on, and join us in the fight to halt this global war on all the rest of us, whichever “side” we have, till now, been on.

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