Tuesday 7 November 2023



Including geopolitical issues affecting the balance of power in the ongoing end game war to establish our common future, a closely monitored prison planet or tolerance for diverse modes of governance.


Please note: We will be in the United Kingdom for the next week. Updates will be sporadic and periodically absent during this time. Our apologies for this alteration to your daily updates.



“Ukraine. What is the truth...?

Why won’t western media tell both sides…?”



A lot has been said about atrocities in the western media claimed to have been perpetrated by the Russians, for example at Bucha and Mariupol among others. These assertions are conveyed on the say so of the Ukrainian authorities. How willing though are western news broadcasters to convey atrocities attributed to the Ukrainians? The following will I think provide the answer.

If anyone wonders if they are receiving accurate coverage of the conflict in Ukraine I would suggest watching the video below of an event which occurred on the 2nd of June 2014 and ask themselves if they recall hearing about it on any mainstream media news channel at the time.

The video is harrowing to watch. The bodies (five women and three men) are real. Yet across western media there was only one single news report that occurred a day later. This was from CNN and occurred only because a CNN team happened to be nearby at the time of the atrocity and so the network could hardly ignore it as all others so obviously did.

The video below shows the unvarnished truth that was not considered newsworthy in western mainstream news.


The video at the CNN link below is the crime scene sanitised by CNN, though played straight with honest reporting on the scene not playing things to Kiev’s tune.

(There was a time early in the war in the Donbass when CNN were not afraid to contradict the Ukrainian regime in Kiev.) Watch, because it's the first and last time you will see this.

5 women and 3 men died, all civilians.

Air attack on pro-Russian separatists in Luhansk kills 8, stuns residents.


Lead feature:


The United States is wreaking havoc in various regions of the world.


Russian Troops Assault Ukrainian Trenchline.


China, UAE Plead For Ceasefire In Gaza At UN.


Russia Destroys American Mini-Tank: 'Bradley' Bombed Amid Ukraine Counter-Attack Mystery.

Muslim World Unites Against Israel; Saudi, Iran Call 'Extraordinary' OIC Meeting | Details:

Hamas Flaunts Anti-Bunker Missile In New Video; Israel Bombs Hospital Vicinities In Gaza.

Iran's Raisi Wants PM Modi's Help To End Israel's War In Gaza.

Iron Dome's Missile Falls On Israeli City Instead Of Hitting Hamas' Rockets From Gaza | Watch:




Serbian PM Optimistic About Trade Ties with China at Import Expo Visit.


Qatar Issues a Warning: Continued Meddling in the Middle East, All Cooperation Goes to China.


Donbass, aggiornamenti sul fronte di Avdeevka.



NATO Faces an Imminent Checkmate.

Articles published by Russia Today (RT) - 7th November 2023:

Assistant to Ukraine’s top general killed in grenade blast.

Valery Zaluzhny has revealed that Major Gennady Chastyakov died during a party celebrating his birthday after a gift exploded.

Valery Zaluzhny has revealed that Major Gennady Chastyakov died during a party celebrating his birthday after a gift exploded.

Major Gennady Chastyakov, an aide to Ukraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, has been killed in a blast at his home, the commander-in-chief has announced. 

The incident occurred on Monday when Chastyakov was celebrating his birthday, Zaluzhny said in a statement posted on social media. 

An “unknown explosive device” was concealed inside one of the presents, the commander-in-chief claimed. 

Unverified footage circulated by local media and said to have been taken from the site of the incident, however, shows multiple hand grenades scattered among damaged presents. An empty syringe is also visible in the photo. The grenades appear to be DM51/DM51A2 frags, German standard-issue military munitions, which have been supplied by Berlin to Kiev amid the conflict with Russia.

According to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, preliminary findings indicated that the blast was an accident caused by “careless handling” of the munitions. Apart from killing Chastyakov on the spot, the explosion also seriously wounded his 13-year-old son, who was hospitalized, an Interior Ministry spokeswoman, Maryana Reva, said while speaking live on Ukrainian TV.

Ukrainskaya Pravda newspaper reported, that the exploded present contained “alcohol bottles” and “souvenir grenade-shaped cups.”

Chastyakov's wife claimed the grenade detonated in her husband's hands. The explosive was in a gift bag that he had brought home himself, she said, according to law enforcement sources cited by the newspaper.

Ukraine facing ‘worst winter ever’ – FM.

Dmitry Kuleba has called on the West to provide Kiev with air defenses to protect energy infrastructure.

Ukraine is bracing for “the worst winter” in its history as it prepares for large-scale blackouts due to Russian missile strikes, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has said. Moscow began targeting Ukrainian energy infrastructure last autumn in response to the bombing of the Crimean Bridge.

In an interview with the German daily Die Welt on Monday, Kuleba revealed that he had bought “dozens of candles” and his father had bought a truck of firewood in anticipation of Russian attacks.

The minister noted that Kiev would not mind if Germany does not provide it with long-range Taurus missiles but instead sends more air defense systems, adding that Ukraine will do its best to protect its power plants.

Germany has been reluctant to provide Kiev with long-range weapons. Chancellor Olaf Scholz explained that he does not want to see these missiles used against targets in Russia. Commenting on the issue in September, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock described this weaponry as extremely sophisticated, adding that “when we deliver something, it has to work in the field.”

Read moreUse prisoners for electricity – Ukrainian MP

The view that Ukraine is about to face a difficult winter was shared by National Security Council chief Aleksey Danilov, who said in September that top Ukrainian officials had discussed the issue on numerous occasions, adding that it is also up to local communities to provide people with electricity.

In October, Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galuschenko acknowledged that if Russia carries out massive strikes on the energy infrastructure, “they would cause significant damage to the power grid,” with the potential for blackouts. He urged people to buy generators and take other measures to reinforce the resilience to outages.

Earlier in July, he estimated that Russian attacks had damaged about 50% of all power-generating facilities, with some of them beyond repair.

Russia first started launching large-scale strikes on Ukrainian energy infrastructure in October 2022, in response to what it described as a “terrorist attack” on the strategic Crimean Bridge. While Ukrainian officials initially denied involvement, this summer, Vasily Malyuk, the head of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU), claimed responsibility for the attack.

Ukraine facing ‘worst winter ever’ – FM.

No elections now – Zelensky.

Ukraine’s leader has said a vote can’t be held while martial law is in effect.

The time is not right for elections in Ukraine, President Vladimir Zelensky said on Monday. His comments come after months of pressure by the West to hold a parliamentary vote in the country.

Parliamentary elections, which were supposed to be held this month, have been postponed indefinitely on account of martial law, which was instituted in February 2022. Ukrainian laws forbid voting or campaigning during the state of emergency.

“We must decide that now is the time of defense, the time of battle, on which the fate of the state and people depends,” Zelensky said in his daily address. “I believe that now is not the time for elections,” but for Ukraine to stay united, he added.

Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmitry Kuleba, said last week that Zelensky was “weighing”whether to hold a presidential election in 2024. Kuleba noted that such a vote would be difficult to organize, with millions of Ukrainians out of the country due to the conflict with Russia, and hundreds of thousands fighting on the front lines.

Zelensky has been under mounting pressure from the West for months to hold elections. A number of EU politicians as well as US senators have made such arguments to Kiev.

He outright rejected the idea in May, pointing to martial law. By August, however, some of Zelensky’s aides were suggesting an election might be possible, with the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament proposing that the laws could be amended because “democracy cannot stop.”

For the longest time, it was unclear if anyone would even challenge Zelensky. Ukraine has banned a dozen political parties as “pro-Russian” under a law enacted in May 2022, including the largest opposition bloc. A US-funded poll published last month showed Zelensky with an 80% approval rating, although his disapproval had more than doubled since April. 

Last week, however, Zelensky’s former aide Alexey Arestovich announced he would challenge his old boss for the presidency whenever the next election is called. The presidential spin doctor was responsible for much of the propaganda emanating from Kiev in 2022, but resigned in January after “mistakenly” admitting that civilians had been killed by an errant Ukrainian air defense missile rather than a Russian airstrike.

Ukraine's current parliament is dominated by Zelensky's political party, which came to power in July 2019 after having been registered only the previous year. After his inauguration in May 2019, Ukraine's president dissolved the country's legislature and called for immediate parliamentary elections, which had been planned for October 2019.

No elections now – Zelensky.


* Updates will be added here as and when they become available.


Ukraine Started A Purge In Military Circles | Zaluzhny Is In Danger. Military Summary For 2023.11.07


Avdiivka Update | Oryx EXPOSED.


Each day that passes makes a conclusive Russian victory in the Donbass and beyond more certain. As Russia bolsters her forces, and weaponry, those of Ukraine decrease. Russian forces gain ready access to rest and recuperation as troop numbers increase. The increasingly exhausted and demoralised Ukrainian troops have an ever decreasing prospect of such respite. This situation is likely to bring them to complete breakdown as Russia unleashes the firepower of the more modern and advanced weaponry that is arriving with the newly mobilised Russian troops.

The various Ukrainian offensives are now weak when confronted by the reinforced Russian lines. A few futile efforts achieve quite miserable results before fire reigns down on the Ukrainian troops and they are forced back to their starting positions.

And now, all this being said, we have arrived at the wet, and later, freezing conditions where these pathetic Ukrainian forces will be subject to myriad forms of abject misery with death and injury all around them while they lie sodden or frozen, abandoned to their fate by Kiev.

The pitiable young and old of Ukraine have been frogmarched to their deaths as cannon-fodder while the bestial elites of the collective West urge their "president" to add more to their number there at the gates of Hell and their doom. We must feel for the majority of them as they are not the Nazis we revile, in most part they are decent men, fathers, sons, brothers, husband and uncles, who no doubt saw through the coup of 2014 for what it was. But sadly, their fate seems sealed.

Nothing will stop Russia now. Every factor favours them. Victory will be Russia's. In Donbass and beyond and in due course across the world.

Victory belongs to Russia: It is now only a matter of time.




They did everything possible to convince everyone that Ukraine was in the right, the aggrieved party, victim of an unprovoked attack by an evil adversary whose intent was wholly malicious. No stone was left unturned in this campaign of unrelenting falsehood and purposeful misrepresentation.

Ukraine’s president was portrayed as a modern day Churchill when in fact he was no more than his recent history showed him to be, a second-rate actor and third-rate comedian. Those thousands in Ukraine who bore swastika tattoos we were told to ignore as ‘mostly harmless’ when in fact a significant number of them had already been convicted of crimes including murder, abduction and rape.

A continual array of crimes were attributed to the Russian authorities and their military. Intentional attacks on civilians when the entire Russian campaign was designed to minimise harm to them. It was said that Russia wished to occupy Ukraine in its entirety when the stated goal of Russia was to ensure the safety from harm only of the Russian-speaking majority in Ukraine’s south-east.

Russia was accused of an atrocity in the Ukrainian town of Bucha when all the evidence showed that those killed had been those who had taken assistance from the Russian army and had been killed by Ukrainian special forces after being identified as such by neighbours. 

The killing of sheltering civilians in Mariuopol’s oldest theatre by blowing it up was immediately attributed to Russia when again, all existing evidence points to it being carried out by those who hate both Russia and the Russian=speaking majority of the city. A missile attack on a large group of civilians waiting at Kramatorsk train station hoping to leave the city to safety was also attributed to Russia when it was clearly not the case.

The vital aspect of the conflict in Ukraine to understand is the hatred with which Ukrainians living in western Ukraine who speak Ukrainian hold those who live in the east of Ukraine and who speak Russian. That hatred makes them capable of anything that will inflict pain, injury and mortal wounds on those people and in addition lie about the attribution of their acts to harm the reputation of Russia.

The long campaign against Vladimir Putin where the greatest number of falsehoods have been told stems back, not to the year 2000 when he was elected president of Russia but to the year 2007 when it first became clear to the political elites of the western world that he would not be their willing subject as they had thought until that year. It was in Munich in February of 2007 that he stated very clearly in an address to them that Russia would plough its own furrow and not be dictated to by any one nation or group of nations. He became public enemy number one for the western powers at this precise point and has remained so ever since. From that point on he has been portrayed falsely as the Devil Incarnate and a new Hitler.

The misrepresentation of Putin, of Russian intent and activity across every sphere of endeavour, not only within Ukraine continues as a daily routine for every western political and media elite.

When, in the initial years after the Maidan insurrection in Kiev, the Russian-speaking majority in south-eastern Ukraine were shelled remorselessly by the Ukrainian army and its neo-Nazi militia helpers, the impression was always given in western media that their victims were as a result of actions by Russia. This was either clearly inferred or stated baldly as fact. Those who wished to verify the truth had no access to it via any mainstream news entity in the West. Those few who had the interest, who took the time and made the effort soon discovered the extent to which the true facts were being concealed in the West and too, to what degree western audiences were being grievously misled.

The misleading of western audiences regarding events in Ukraine has been constant since the turn of events began there in 2014. A totally one-sided campaign of misinformation has been conducted in the West, a  campaign which continues to this day. Only in the last few days in this month of February 2023 the BBC showed film of devastated homes in the south-eastern Ukrainian city of Odessa. The vital context of this destruction that was left unvoiced was that this destruction including the crater in the residential street was caused not by Russian missiles but by sub-standard Ukrainian air-defence missiles that had misfired.

The Ukraine war has exemplified in gruesome and disgusting detail the old adage that the first victim of war is the truth. Propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, psychological operations and every other scurrilous device under the sun has been used to wage yet another war of choice by the West, this time at the enormous and utterly tragic expense of the Ukrainian people.

Russia made every possible effort to avoid this war. From 2014 when hostilities began after the Ukrainian army began attacking the people of the Donbass region of south-eastern Ukraine Russia has sought to map a route to peace. The Minsk process designed to forward this goal proved in vain due to the disingenuous and malicious approach by the western powers to it. They sought, through it, to make successive Ukrainian regimes even more militarily powerful with the eventual aim of waging even more war.

Only a month after Russia was forced by innumerable actions by the West to achieve the aims of protecting the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass region and of itself from a malevolent Ukrainian regime via its becoming a NATO state on its border, Russia initiated peace negotiations. These bore fruit in March 2022 when significant progress was announced from Istanbul where the talks between the two sides where being held. Russia removed its troops from around the capital Kiev, sent there with the goal not of conquest but of bringing the regime there to its senses and to negotiate a peaceful outcome. This avenue toward a peaceful resolution of all areas of concern was swiftly blocked via a visit to Kiev by then British prime minister Boris Johnson. This one act condemned upwards of half a million Ukrainians to their deaths and the potential destruction of Ukraine as a viable state.

Now, after all the misrepresentations, the fabrications, the constant propaganda, fables and bare-faced lies concerning Ukraine, Russia and both their presidents the truth is now beginning to emerge. The western powers are beginning to be perceived as they should be, as a combined malign influence, not only in Ukraine of course but broadly across the world and specifically at the moment in the Middle East where their past influence ought to have warned western populations of how little they could be trusted anywhere.

What has occurred in Ukraine is an unmitigated disaster for the people there. It was an outcome never once desired by Russia and one that Russia strove with every will in the world for the best part of a decade to avoid. However, the aims of the western powers, to weaken and ultimately break up the Russian Federation through the tool of continual war in Ukraine, overruled all hopes of finding a way through to a peaceful resolution of Russia’s clear concerns regarding its safety and that of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. 

Western elite entities engaged in a continual campaign of presenting barriers to conflict resolution, of creating never-ending pressure undermining attempts by Russia to find a peaceful way through to its national security, and finally in an unrelenting campaign of distortion which has been continually fed to western populations right up to the present day


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