Thursday 9 November 2023


Rubbery Clot Development Observations In C19 Unvaccinated Blood With Different Anti Oxidant Compounds - Comparison with Clifford Carnicoms CDB/Morgellons Historical Culture Work

Image: C19 unvaccinated blood from 2 different individuals. First 4 syringes contain Alpha lipoic Acid, Glutathione, Plaquex and Control sample. Second Set contain Methylene Blue and Glutathione and a Control Sample.

I had previously posted experiments with C19 unvaccinated blood and different compounds that could inhibit the production of the rubbery clot material that Clifford Carnicom and I have shown to be Cross Domain Bacteria ( CDB) or Morgellon’s like - a polymerized protein that creates the rubbery clots. My most successful clot inhibition was with EDTA and Vitamin C. I have written multiple substacks regarding this research of the rubbery clot formation: 

Rubbery Clot Development In C19 Unvaccinated Individual With Previous Deep Vein Thrombosis and Massive Pulmonary Emboli - While On Eliquis, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase and Serreptase

Correlation Of Severity Of Live Blood Contamination Seen On Darkfield Microscopy With Visible Clotting In C19 Unvaccinated Individual

C19 Unvaccinated Have Same Blood Clotting Problem As C19 Vaccinated - EDTA And Vitamin C Prevents Blood Clotting In C19 Unvaccinated

What Happens To A Human When There Is More Hydrogel, Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology Then Blood? And A HAARP Warning BY Cathy O'Brien From 1990's - Is 4Hz Accelerating This Process?

Blood Clot Analysis From Living & Deceased Individuals Shows Consistent Findings: A Rubber Like Polymerized Protein - Microscopy Shows Filaments. Part 1 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals Near Infrared Spectroscopy Shows Multiple Hydrogel Polymer Components - Part 2 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals - Preliminary Chemical Solubility Testing - Part 3 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

The original research by Clifford Carnicom has similar results. Vitamin C had a very strong inhibition of replication of the CDB/ Morgellons which we have correlated to the rubbery clot development in the studies outlined above. NAC was also effective with Glutathione having some effects compared to no treatment but being less effective than the other two. Here are Cliffords historical articles: 

Growth Inhibition Achieved - Original article on Vitamin C, NAC, Glutathione testing


Image: CDB cultures and inhibitory effects of Vitamin C, NAC, Glutathione by Carnicom Institute

In the first image above, I show blood drawn from two C19 unvaccinated individuals mixed with different compounds - ages 40’s and 50’s. The blood was left to sit overnight before the syringes were examined. Both patients have been on detoxification strategies. This is the first set of C19 unvaccinated control blood, a rubbery clot clearly developed. I want to reiterate how abnormal this is and absolutely catastrophic for the human species. If you count medical school, I have been in the medical field now for 30 years. I have never ever seen blood turn into rubber until this past year, when I started looking at this nanotechnology and synthetic biology phenomenon - after the C19 bioweapon roll out. I was just part of a court hearing and will be part of the upcoming trial as a witness. Is there someone that comprehends the catastrophic nature of this single finding in clinical practice? Someone who can look at this and via sheer logic understand the ramifications of what this means - that unvaccinated people are developing the same rubbery clots as the C19 injected due to shedding?

Image - courtesy Karen Kingston, FDA guidance on shedding 

Still, most people ignore these findings and think they are safe, even though more and more people, including the unvaccinated are developing turbo cancers and are dying suddenly. I believe the reason for this development can be found in the blood, and if not mitigated or ignored, can have detrimental health effects. 

Image: C19 Unvaccinated blood control shows yellow rubbery hydrogel development

In the video below you see the sample of 30 ml of C19 unvaccinated blood mixed with 1 cc Glutathione 200mg/ml concentration:

Here is Methylene Blue, a molecule used for anti aging purposes, a precursor for Hydroxychloroquine. I use Methylene Blue a lot due to its ability as a direct electron donor bypassing mitochondrial dysfunction and its capacity to increase oxygen delivery between 30-70 %. You can see that the hydrogel development was inhibited, while the blood clot part was still rubbery. Normally you should be able to break apart a clot with your hands and I am not able to do anything to this rubber. 

This is C19 unvaccinated blood from a second person - this time mixed with Alpha Lipoic Acid 1 ml - Concentration 200mg/ ml. No inhibition of hydrogel seen. 

Here is it mixed with Plaquex, a patented form of Phosphatidylcholine that reverses Atherosclerosis. While these molecules do not inhibit growth after blood is drawn, I still highly recommend them for other functions. Plaquex has been shown to work amazing in reversing oxidative stress affecting the cell membranes of red blood cells and appears to make them more resistant to the assault of the CBD/ microbots. I have shown this in previous live blood analysis. 

This is the control sample without anything in it except C19 unvaccinated blood. Huge hydrogel rubbery clot developed that sticks to the syringe. 

I tested Glutathione again, this is actually my third time and it does not inhibit the hydrogel/ CDB growth. 


I am still exploring mitigation strategies and test molecules that I have been using already for my detoxification protocol to help support the body. In my clinic, I have seen that oral supplements must be supported with iv therapy - if you take supplements my mouth only, even EDTA - it is simply not enough anymore. A maintenance with oral EDTA/ Minerals and regular IV therapy at this time of high contamination delivers best results. Everything and everyone is so contaminated, that the best strategy is to detox with EDTA and Vitamin C while using all the other supplements to enhance immune function. I still use Nattokinase, but you have seen in my article above, that does not prevent the hydrogel rubbery clots. The two individuals who’s blood I tested here were both on 20.000 Units of Nattokinase daily. I use Methylene Blue at a dose of 50mg to 100mg daily depending on the person - from compounding pharmacies if no contraindications exist. You can see from the blood results, that Methylene Blue is a significant contender in helping us against these rubbery clots. 

I wanted to mention that persistence, determination and a fighting spirit is absolutely necessary to maintain your health. Many people do not even fight for their life, they just ignore the threat. Some people give up at first defeat, because it is too hard and inconvenient. What is still coming in illness in death will be unfathomable for most people’s comprehension. People do not want to hear that because it is too uncomfortable. I suggest you start fighting for your life and rearranging priorities. I have seen many people crushed who just wanted to keep ignoring shedding and partying on - until they got their very advanced cancer diagnosis or their blood clotting event. Its everywhere, in all age groups. And those cancers grow fast and furious. I have already had many unvaccinated patients die from shedding. I know because their cancer came after excessive exposure to vaccinated people. Open your eyes and see it. And then do what you can to save your own life and clean your own blood. 

In our meeting with the attorney today we were discussing the timeline of getting a verdict for the main trial. It was estimated at a year. 

I tell you, many people may not have a year with this in their blood and without mitigation strategies. That is not science fiction or fear mongering on my part, as much as my colleagues deny my findings. Look at the rubber clots and contemplate the potential outcome on a human of any age with this in their body. Despite the C19 bioweapon uptake going down, the blood contamination of people is going up, indicating persistent replication of synthetic biology and nanotechnology. I find this CATASTROPHIC in what it suggests for the future of humanity. 

Decontaminating The Blood From Synthetic Biology Hydrogel With EDTA Chelation - Live Blood Documentation


Hope Wins: Before And After Intravenous EDTA Chelation + Vitamin C - Dark Field Live Blood Analysis - A Case Report

Med Five Patented EDTA

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