Thursday 9 November 2023



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There is only good and evil.

Never shall the two cross paths.

People are good!

Hooomans good.

That Evil happens and keeps happening is due to one thing:

Dolts Botching Shit.

Mistakes were made.

Hooomans fallible.

As such, if you see Evil being committed, consider whether it is a Good Person, (usually someone that I know, who I like) making an honest mistake…or…meeebbeeee following the YouTube “Community Standards” of RightThink. 

“You Americans need to get over your politics and get the shots…”

Okay, y’all. I’m trying to make a point here.

About how all politics of Evil is local and if you like a guy or gal, they are making mistakes, and they will do better, see. And that is a redemption arc and we lap that shit up like dogs to vomit.

I watched this go down in real time. 

I was watching closely the Goodies all making the same mistake.


To satisfy the instincts, probably.

Because the SYSTEM was stronger than the INDIVIDUAL GOODINESS.

Jimmy Dore said on this livestream that his Google “liasion”, aka MINDER, was a good dude, and the problems were up the chain at Google. His guy was…GOOD.

February 17, 2023

Turbo Aging is real. Look how young Jimmy looks here.

November 3, 2023

February 17, 2022

Jimmy Dore is right now doing a live stream with guest Jackson Hinkle.

Jimmy is wrestling with his Shadow Self. I’m watching this bout play out.

It is a true Battle Royale.

Jimmy has said many times, purportedly in jest, that he would sell out if they would pay him enough.

He is busy complaining again about how YouTube “context-checked” him on “reducing transmission and infection” and force(s) him to say that the jabs “reduce transmission”.

Note that YouTube’s science is directly contradictory to what Dr. Byram Bridle is pointing out in his latest interview with Steve Kirsch.

Jimmy also reveals that he has a “nice gentleman” liaison from YouTube who helps him stay on the straight and narrow. Jimmy faults the “higher ups” at YouTube.

Good to know, Jimmy. Glad that there are nice YouTube liaisons helping you to censor your content.

What do you think Jimmy Dore makes on his YouTube channel?

$30-K a month probably? Spitballing…

Jimmy, are you familiar with the emerging data of the experimental injection negative efficacy?

You should cover that, Chicago. Want to run that by your YouTube Censor Pal first?

EVIL SUPERVILLAINS working at the behest of Satan?


*edit as this section is not clear. This is my words with a Steve Kirsch post as evidentiary support as to how the loophole works.

Steve stans for FDA’s Janet Woodcock.

The Medical Murder Community I don’t think will ever reckon.

They know they have garbage data. They keep playing along. It must gnaw at them. To keep going and never tearing it down to the foundation. Building on sand and it keeps tumbling over.

They got rolled. They didn’t ask the right questions (Day Tapes). They got going on some premises and some data and…all the nice people they know also didn’t know that the Cull was On, they just had bosses.

(It is also entirely possible that I am being a Sweet Summer Child here.)

And Steve Kirsch is super rich and in communication with “experts” and players.

So very much like Trump Hero Ballers cannot bear to pin blame on Trump.

And Blue Pill Covidians cannot bear to pin blame on Anthony Fauci.

Erryybbody knows somebody and Leave Janet alone.

They were all goodies.

All of them.

Nobody did anything bad.

Nobody got murdered, which would require intent.

Or that world (or Bible Story) would be lost to me.


I get it. 

A lot of people were lied to and murdered and maimed.

Mistakes were made.

Let’s look forwards.

Just roll with it.

The Creative Intelligence identified what makes you tick.

They gave you a bunch of Superhero movies on top of the Goody Baddy, Giant Loophole Redemption Arc terms and conditions apply.

They have over a century of Psychological Research into motivating you to buy the Clear Coat on the Plymouth.

Nobody is going down for murder.

They were all good.

Mistakes were made.

Bill Gates Redemption Arc coming soon.

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