Wednesday 8 November 2023


Joint media statement by PPIM (Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia), MCH (Malaysian Council for Health) and MAECC (Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control).

Held on 7 November, at 12 noon: venue - PPIM office, Kuala Lumpur.

No photo description available.


We, the leaders from Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM), Malaysian Council for Health (MCH), and Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control (MAECC) view the article written by Ms Boo Su Lyn, ‘Anti-Vaxxers Use PAC Report To Cast Doubt On Covid-19 Vaccines’, published in CodeBlue on 3 November 2023, take seriously the contemptuous reference to us as ‘Anti-Vaxxers’.

Abhorrence to the term ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ and legal action The term ‘anti-vaxxers’ has been propagandized by the pharmaceutical industry to insult those with contradictory views, including from medical experts and scientists who made compelling scientific arguments. The term connotes someone as irresponsible, anti-science, and anti-society. 

We are not. 

It is an open secret that the giant pharmaceutical corporations do not confront dissenters themselves, but use individuals and NGOs as their mouthpieces and pressure groups. We reiterate that we are not against vaccination programmes, but we are anti unsafe vaccines. 

The vast majority of us and the ten of thousands of our members have taken two or three Covid shots. We also regret that had we known what the science and world data inform today, we would not have taken the shots. From now on we will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who refers to us as ‘anti-vaxxers’. 

Plasmid DNA contamination with SV40 genes in mRNA vaccines

A recently published paper by Speicher et al (2023), DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events, published in OSF Preprints; has sent shockwaves in the scientific community. The contamination, either accidentally or by design, must not have happened because SV40 is known to cause cancer, immune dysregulation, and it is also linked to AIDS. 

So far only one government body, Health Canada, has confirmed this finding while the rest of the world including WHO, CDC, FDA, and EMA have remained silent. The first of the legal suits based on this contamination has been filed in Australia. Filed in the Federal Court of Australia (Federal court case number: VID510/2023), the plaintiff, Dr Julian Fidge, alleges that Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccines contain unapproved genetically modified organisms (GMOs) contradictory to the Gene Technology Act 2000. 

Katie Ashby-Koppens, the plaintiff's legal council has mentioned that genomics expert Kevin Mc Kernan’s finding of DNA cell-substrate contamination in the mRNA vaccines at 18 to 70 times above legal limits has given basis to her client’s case. 

More legal suits springing from Europe regarding mRNA Covid-19 contamination are coming up. It is now glaring that this episode of mRNA vaccine contamination has legal implications. 

The manufacturers failed to declare or purposely deceived regulators about the presence of contamination elements in their vaccines. The manufacturers’ wrong doing is in allowing undeclared, hidden, and GMO ingredients into their products. 

As such, their blanket waiver should be nullified of their protected liabilities given under emergency use authorisation (EUA) by the regulators to the manufacturers. The logic is that the same contractual indemnity cannot also cover liability for any undeclared ingredient. 

In a similar case in Detroit, Michigan (Case no. 22-001761-NP) on 2 August 2023, a Michigan judge has ruled for the first time that a drug manufacturer is not protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act in a case where a man suffered two strokes after receiving Covid-19 medication contaminated with glass particles. 

Thus, as adjudged, manufacturers do not have ‘immunity’ in case of contaminated Covid-19 medication. The Malaysian consumers would like to know if the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA, or Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara) of our health ministry is aware of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine contamination. 

As this is both a very serious matter and alarming, the alleged malfeasance may also be a case of assisting and abetting. 

Excess deaths in Malaysia for 2022 

The meaning of excess deaths is deaths during a particular period above the usual, expected number of deaths under normal conditions, which can show the effect of something. Hence, we know that the global Covid-19 vaccines roll-out started in December 2020, and in Malaysia from end February 2021. 

Numerous countries in the world are now reporting excess deaths for the year 2022 in spite of the less virulent Omicron strain and when most had been fully vaccinated including boosters. Data from Statistics Department of Malaysia shows the same, with excess deaths about 28% compared to the baseline period of the previous five years from 2016 to 2020 when the average increase was 3%. 

Unfortunately, and in retrospect, world data and scientific reports have now confirmed that we in PPIM, MCH and MAECC have been correct all along when we previously cautioned on the experimental Covid vaccines and the potential harm. We are saddened to see the current fast increasing cancer cases. The worst has yet to come because cancer has a long latency period. 

International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR 2005) Amendments

Proponents of the amendments to the IHR 2005 and the pandemic treaty WHO CA+ aim to increase compliance and to avoid national interest from impeding declared infectious disease emergencies. This is through handing unprecedented power to the WHO and enabling global centralised political control. In reality, handing more power to WHO means more power to special interests - national, corporate, and organisations. Any excessive concentration of power or monopoly power in the hands of a few without a popular mandate and constitutional control mechanisms to restrain it, inevitably leads to abuse of power, undermines and compromises democratic processes, corrupts science, curtails choice, suffocates competing solutions, limits the flow of information, and stifles dissent. 

The proposed IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty, if agreed upon, will inevitably be used to advance the interests of a few powerful actors that have compromised the WHO at the expense of others. They can use these instruments to replace international collaboration with undemocratic centralised dictates, to encourage censorship and to legitimise a cartel that imposes on populations interest-driven health products that generate profits over those that work best – under the disguise of equity. 

International collaboration and sharing to benefit global health cannot be improved by assigning undemocratic concentrated power to an unelected, unaccountable and compromised supranational organisation. That is why we in PPIM, MCH and MAECC together with tens of thousands of our total membership and hundreds of thousands of our followers strongly oppose the amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005). 

The IHR Amendments adopted last May must be objected to by 30 November 2023. This requires written and publicly published to all Malaysians all 53 Malaysia’s objections to the respective allocated 53 IHR amendments unique to Malaysia, and before the agreed deadline of 30 November 2023. Otherwise our Malaysian government would have silently ratified all 53 amendments with all the binding obligations onto the citizenry unwittingly. Malaysia would then be compelled into honouring all the 53 ‘binding’ amendments to enact local laws by parliamentary Act, failing which it can face sanctions from other WHO members.  

The World Health Assembly has set a deadline of May 2024 for putting the proposed amendments to the IHR and the pandemic treaty to a vote. Should they pass, which seems imminent due to low resistance from countries by the 30 November 2023 deadline, Malaysia needs to opt out of the revised Regulations within 10 months and need to reject ratification of the treaty. Otherwise, irrespective of whatever rhetorical assurance given by our politicians, it is obvious that we will have surrendered unwittingly the constitutional rights of all Malaysians, our RUKUN NEGARA, and finally our nation’s sovereignty.

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