Saturday 4 November 2023


Halloween Headlines: New Zealand whistleblower comes forward, South Africa-Pfizer agreement leaked, J&J bankruptcy woes, plus 25 more sudden deaths
October 31, 2023

The video game crash of 1983 is forever tied to the Atari 2600, its pathetic E.T. (Extra Terrestrial) game and that designer imposter version of Pac-Man. Gaming industry revenues dropped 97% from 1982 to 1983 as a result. Atari kept trying, however, and released several new games in the Fall of 1983, including Decathlon (which was actually decent for those days).

Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner was featured in the commercial for said game.

Ten years later, this blogger was a freshman in college. He and the roommate accidentally stumbled upon The Jerry Springer Show, which was in its second season in 1993. It aired at 3 a.m. because it was far too raunchy for normal television slots. The following is a clip from an episode with the theme “guess what, I’m really a man.”

The show was funny and addicting because it was so outrageous, so unreal.

Fast forward 30 years after that to 2023. Jenner is now a 74-year-old man pretending to be a woman; and dating a 27-year-old manpretending to be a woman. Thus the two men, according to The Great Reset vernacular, are in a lesbian relationship, just like the Springer person above.

PHOTO CREDIT: Instagram.

The 2023 NBA regular season started on October 24 with a game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Denver Nuggets. But the biggest news that day was Che Flores, the first “openly nonbinary, trans referee” in league history. It’s a woman pretending to be a man, but not wanting to be identified as a man or a woman. 

The point is that the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) tell us exactly what they are doing and what they plan to do to humanity. Anyone willing to divest of lifelong indoctrination and obedience can foresee the future, as everything in this world is orchestrated, is artificial.

They tell us everything because even if we know their dastardly deeds are coming; they know we’re powerless to stop it. TPTB also understand that most of humanity is trained to dismiss this esoteric foresight as “conspiracy theory.”

We’ve talked about the very popular 1999 sci-fi film “The Matrix” a lot on this blog 1) because Hollywood studios stole the story line, settings and characters from an unwitting woman, and 2) the whole “red pill, blue pill” thing has played itself out in real life since 9/11 and COVID dystopia.

But it’s much deeper than that. The scene when the agents arrest Neo and interrogate him (about the 18-minute mark of the movie), quickly flashes Neo’s passport for a split second. It is not a coincidence that the expiration date of said passport is September 11, 2001.

We just wrote about TPTB and their monopolized monetary system this week. Most Americans may pull a $5, $10, and $20 bill out of their wallets, and follow along in real-time.

The Federal Reserve released a new 1998 series of $20 bills and 1999 series of $5 and $10 bills in those respective years. If you have said bills with those series numbers in your wallet, fold them as demonstrated below and see for yourself (it still works with later series bills, just not as well). Let your eyes see it by focusing on the center-bottom of the bills.

An eerie cloud of suspicion surrounded the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001.

A few minutes later, the North Tower was struck by an airplane.

The South Tower was struck by a plane less than 20 minutes later, and collapsed first despite being struck second.

RELATED: The disturbing reasons why the powers-that-be completely abandoned monkeypox propaganda campaigns; and Maui-Lahaina fire update (August 28, 2023)

The easy thing to do here is take the blue pill, dismiss all of the foregoing either as crazy coincidence or conspiracy theory, and turn on Fox News, CNN or MSNBC. TPTB have been telling us since at least March 22, 1980, when the Georgia Guidestones opened to the public, that they want the global human population at 500 million or fewer. World War III will take them over the finish line in that regard. But the vaccine genocide hasn’t even reached its peak yet.

Latest celebrity vaccine death

Matthew Perry was the 54-year-old actor best known for his role as Chandler Bing in the NBC sitcom Friends. He had just published an autobiographical book in late 2022 that talked about his lifelong addiction to alcohol and pain killers.

Mr. Perry’s last Instagram post on October 23 was a picture of him in a hot tub (“Jacuzzi”) with the caption, “Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I’m Mattman.”

He was found dead, apparently in the same hot tub, on October 28. Mr. Perry had reportedly returned home from a pickleball game, and sent his assistant to run errands. The assistant discovered Mr. Perry deceased upon return to the home. No drugs were found at the scene, which upset mainstream media. They wanted so desperately to use the drug overdose #ABV excuse. Mainstream media are instead saying he drowned…in a hot tub.

Mr. Perry profited off the so-called pandemic by selling t-shirts that read “Could I Be More Vaccinated?”

Obviously Mr. Perry died of sudden cardiac arrest, and was found face-down in the hot tub.

Everyone who received the real injections (and not placebos) has heart damage. The latest study demonstrating this fact was published on September 19 in the journal Radiology. Scientists observed a sugar-like substance called 18F-FDG in the hearts of 700 vaxxed and 303 non-vaccinated people. High uptake levels of said substance in human hearts signals cardiac dysfunction, particularly myocarditis.

The study concluded:

“…those who had received a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine showed increased myocardial fluorine 18 (18F) fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake on images up to 180 days after their second vaccination compared with patients imaged before SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was available. Vaccinated patients showed higher myocardial 18F-FDG uptake on PET/CT scans compared with nonvaccinated patients, regardless of sex, age, or type of mRNA vaccine received.”

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Most vaxxed people will die from cardiac arrest or hyper-aggressive cancers. We’re actively monitoring several post-injection cancer cases, to determine if there’s any hope at all for said people. So far nobody has lived longer than 23 months (and again, that was an outlier), no matter the type of post-injection cancer.

Healthcare workers are experiencing mea culpas daily.

Dr. Ahmad Malik is a consultant orthopedic surgeon in the U.K. It’s unclear what exactly made him open his eyes. But in December 2022, he started tweeting about sex change surgery harming children, and vaccines harming everyone. He was suspended without pay from his job on September 21. But if he’s going down, at least he’s going down swinging.

That’s not the case with Dr. Jerome Adams. We just wrote about the former U.S. Surgeon General for the Trump Administration on September 14, when he received the new booster and a flu shot. Adams’ new book Crisis and Chaos: Lessons from the Front Lines of the War Against COVID-19 was released on October 24. He released the first two chapters as a free sample on Amazon. 

The book is basically a 240-page big pharma ad. Adams admitted he has asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure; and he takes eight medications per day.

This is a 49-year-old doctor in terrible physical health, and putting chemicals in his body every day to treat his health instead of getting to the root of the problems. These are the people that nearly all Americans trust for medical advice and treatment. It’s a serious stretch to label doctors “intelligent people” in 2023. But they are certainly “educated.”

And it was just a normal day (since 2021) on the soccer pitch in Alkmaar, North Holland (Netherlands) on October 29. An Eredivisie League match between AZ Alkmaar and NEC Nijmegen was in the 90th minute when NEC forward Bas Dost suddenly collapsed.

The 34-year-old reportedly regained consciousness and was rushed to a nearby hospital. There’s no further update as of publishing.

Also typical to The Great Reset is weekly (sad) mea culpas from the masses. This time it’s Mrs. Fallon Phillips. The Borger, Texas wife and mother of two daughters posted Facebook updates side-by-side from October 27, 2021 and October 27, 2023. For what it’s worth, she at least accepts the truth, unlike her friends.

We’ll know the full extent of the vaccine genocide by mid-2024 (though it will be obscured by World War III). Despite the following being common knowledge to this blogger and regular readers, mainstream media and the vaxx zealot masses should be up in arms. But obedience is a helluva drug.

New Zealand whistleblower: 30 people vaxxed at same location on same day, now deceased

Ms. Liz Gunn (pictured above) is a lawyer and former television broadcaster. You know she’s a legit truth-teller and critical thinker because Wikipedia dismisses her as “conspiracy theorist,” “anti-vaxxer,” etc. Ms. Gunn represented the family of Will Savage-Reeves, a 4-month-old Kiwi baby in December 2022.

Will’s parents did not want him to receive blood transfusions from vaxxed people as part of a heart surgery. They insisted choosing specific donors, i.e. non-vaccinated people. The New Zealand High Court took medical custody of Will away from the parents, and poisoned him with the vaxxed blood.

RELATED: Cornelia Hertzler: Montana woman tells The COVID Blog® full story of her newborn baby boy Alexander dying days after receiving unauthorized vaxxed blood in a transfusion (October 3, 2022)

Ms. Gunn, after dealing with COVID queen (former Prime Minister) Jacinda Ardern and now Chris Hipkins, decided to start a whole new political party in June 2023 called New Zealand Loyal. They failed to garner enough votes in the 2023 General Election earlier this month to get any elected representatives in government. But Ms. Gunn kept on working when the election was over.

She published a video on October 21 that referred to New Zealand as a “crime scene.” Ms. Gunn is in contact with whistleblowers who have revealed information about specific “vaccine” sites in New Zealand from 2021 and 2022. The following quote speaks for itself:

“There are tens of thousands of deaths linked to the jabs. And this is just one of the sites recording this type of information in New Zealand…in one example…on one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day, at the same location. All [of them] are now deceased. And their deaths are all in close proximity to one another.”

Ms. Gunn is calling for a full criminal investigation into all post-injection deaths. She truthfully stated that the government knew about all the potential and likely adverse reactions from the injections. The full 8-minute video is below, and worth the watch.

Someone grew a conscience in South Africa

Albania was the first country to leak its “confidential” contract signed with Pfizer to administer the injections there. Turns out every country has a very similar “Manufacturing and Supply Agreement” with Pfizer. The South Africa edition, which you can read in its entirety here, was leaked last week.

The agreement was signed on January 4, 2021 and went into effect on March 30, 2021. The signatories are Rhulani Nhlaniki, the Pfizer “Cluster Lead” for sub-Sahara Africa, and Dr. Sandile S.S. Buthelezi, the current Director General of the South Africa Department of Health.

The Albania agreement is not signed. But it has the same Clause 5.5 “Purchaser Acknowledgement.” Pfizer admitted it had no idea what long-term effects may occur, that efficacy is known, and that the shots cannot be serialized. The latter means that South Africa was not allowed to record batch numbers.

If this were still a normal world, mainstream media would be all over both the New Zealand and South Africa revelations. But this is The Great Reset. Mainstream media will also ignore the following 25 sudden death.

Pranav Madhaik: 14-year-old Singapore student dies from cardiac arrest while playing badminton; coach scapegoated, fired

Pranav Madhaik was a sophomore (Secondary 2) at the Singapore Sports School. It is a boarding school, so Pranav was there 24/7. He told his badminton coach that he was “feeling unwell” after completing a 400-meter conditioning run on October 5. Pranav was given water and told to rest.

He was still conscious and talking to students 15 minutes later. But then a track coach noticed Pranav still lying on the floor. They tried standing him up, but he was unresponsive. All of the foregoing happen in an 18-minute stretch. Pranav was rushed to National University Hospital, and kept on life support for five days. His parent pulled the plug on October 11 after “his organs had failed one by one.”

The cause of death was cardiac arrest and “congenital malformation of coronary vessels,” which apparently nobody ever noticed prior to his death. The school scapegoated the badminton coach and fired him. School officials also admitted Pranav received his “last” dose of Pfizer 18 months prior, but that it is “untrue and irresponsible” for anyone to blame the lethal injections.

Again the slow-kill mRNA formula is “programmed” to work within 2-3 years of the last injection.

Larry Koh: 35-year-old Singapore social media influencer dies in his sleep

Mr. Larry Koh had 55,000 total followers between Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. He was known for photography and collaborating with brands such as Daniel Wellington, Shein and Zenyum.

Mr. Barry Koh, Larry twin brother, posted via Instagram that Larry died in his sleep on October 19.

Larry Koh posted the following on July 22, 2021.

Angel Hernandez: 16-year-old Texas cross country runner collapses and dies at finish line

Angel Hernandez was a sophomore at Chisholm Trail High School in Fort Worth, Texas. He participated in karate classes and was a cross country runner. He was participating in a 5000-meter (3.1-mile) run on October 13. Angel crossed the finish line with his personal best time ever, and helped his team advance to the next round towards the state championship.

He suddenly collapsed just seconds after the race ended. Teammates helped him to a water station, but he collapsed again. Angel was rushed to a nearby hospital, but pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Kenneth Fowler: 55-year-old Florida therapist dies unexpectedly

Dr. Kenneth Earl Fowler, Jr. resided in Tallahassee. He was a marriage and family therapist. Dr. Fowler was married with two children.

Few details are available. But Dr. Fowler died “unexpectedly” on October 17.

Mark Groeneveld: 20-year-old Netherlands bike racer collapses and dies after a race

Mr. Mark Groeneveld resided in Enkhuizen, in the province of North Holland. He was a member of the Canadian XSpeed United Continental road cycling team.

Mr. Groeneveld was participating in the Hong Kong Cyclothon on October 22 when his bike had mechanical issues, forcing him to drop out of the race. He left the track and “collapsed out in public.” He was pronounced dead several hours later. The cause of death was sudden cardiac arrest.

Sana Pradhan: 52-year-old India bus driver has #vaxxident

Mr. Sana Pradhan, seconds before he died. PHOTO CREDIT: Odisha Bhaskar.

Very little has been made public about 52-year-old Sana Pradhan. What we do know is that he was driving a private bus with 48 passengers near Paburia village, Kandhamal district, Odisha on October 27. Mr. Pradhan apparently realized he was about to die. So he crashed the bus into a roadside wall, bringing it to a halt. None of the passengers were injured.

Mr. Pradhan was rushed to Tikabali community health centre, but pronounced dead on arrival.

Colin Snodgrass: 33-year-old Montana soccer coach dies “suddenly and unexpectedly”

Mr. Colin Moffatt Snodgrass resided in Missoula, Montana. He was the junior varsity boys soccer coach at Sentinel High School. Few details are available. But Mr. Snodgrass died “suddenly and unexpectedly” on September 27, according to an online obituary.

Job Kiptoo Tanui: 21-year-old Kenya student in Canada collapses and dies at his residence

Mr. Job Kiptoo Tanui was from the Nandi District in Kenya. He was the son of 2-time Boston Marathon champion (1996, 1998) Moses Tanui. Job had been a student at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario since the Fall 2021 semester.

Mr. Tanui fell ill and collapsed in his apartmenton October 25. He died in transit to a hospital. Mohawk College had a vaccine mandate from August 2021 to April 2022.

Heather Hook: 54-year-old Illinois woman dies unexpectedly

Ms. Heather K. Hook resided in Chicago. She was a former model and owned a gym before it shut down due to the so-called pandemic. Few details are available. But Ms. Hook “passed away unexpectedly” on October 10.

Rodcel Gumban: 43-year-old Philippines pastor dies unexpectedly

Reverend Father Rodcel Matutina Gumban resided in Kabankalan, Negros Occidental. He was affiliated with the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, which is part of the Roman Catholic Church. Few details are available. But Reverend Gumban died unexpectedly on October 17.

He suffered from a post-injection autoimmune disorder, but then got a booster shot anyway.

Samuel Hall: 30-year-old Louisiana resident doctor dies “very suddenly”

Dr. Samuel Hall was completing his residency at the Louisiana State University (LSU) Hospital in Shreveport. Few details are available. But Dr. Hall died “very suddenly” on October 25.

The Biden vaccine mandate for all healthcare workers just expired on May 11. LSU Health had a vaccine coercion policy since 2021. Mrs. Catie Hall, Samuel’s widow, got very sick after her first two injections in January 2021, but still encouraged others to receive the shots.

Giada Pollara: 14-year-old Italy girl collapses and dies doing gymnastics

Giada Pollara was a second year student at Bellisario Institute in the commune of Inzago, Milan, according to Prima Lamartesana. She was performing gymnastics on October 18 when she suddenly collapsed. Giada was airlifted to Pope John XXIII hospital in Bergamo. She pronounced brain dead five days later, on October 23.

Terrell Simon: 43-year-old New York R&G singer dies unexpectedly

Mr. Terrell “T-Rex” Simon resided in New York City. He was best known as an R&G (rhythm and gospel) singer, with more than 175,000 total followers between Instagram and Facebook. Mr. Simon had appeared on The Jimmy Kimmel Show, The Tonight Show, and Good Morning America, according to The Hype Magazine.

He passed away unexpectedly on October 22.

Mr. Simon was a diehard vaxx zealot.

Linda McDonnell: 53-year-old Pennsylvania woman dies unexpectedly

Mrs. Linda McDonnell resided in South Abington Township, Pennsylvania. She was an occupational therapist and “Christian health Coach.” Mrs. McDonnell was married with one son.

Few details are available. But Mrs. McDonnell died unexpectedly on October 17.

Laura Evans: 43-year-old British woman dies from hyper-aggressive cancer

Mrs. Laura Evans resided in Birmingham. She worked for a company that makes jewelry and greeting cards. Mrs. Evans was married with two daughters.

She was diagnosed with “terminal cancer” in June, according to a fundraising page. Mrs. Evans was scheduled to start mustard gas (“chemo”) therapy on August 30. But a CT scan revealed that the cancer had rapidly spread and filled her lungs with carcinogenic fluid.

Mrs. Evans passed away on October 25.

Melissa Ennis: 44-year-old North Carolina woman dies suddenly

Ms. Melissa Lynn Ennis resided in Durham. She was a dog trainer at the American Kennel Club, according to her Facebook page. Few details are available. But Ms. Ennis “passed away suddenly” on October 14.

MOS-B: 33-year-old Sierra Leone pop star dies from sudden cardiac arrest in France

Mr. Joseph Amos Bangura was known by his stage name MOS-B. He was from Freetown, Sierra Leone, but based in France. He had a decent career, but started getting paid by TPTB after the release of his March 2020 song, “War Against Corona.”

His career really took off after his September 2021 followup song “Vaccinate.”

MOS-B died from sudden cardiac arrest in France (exact location not disclosed) on October 22.

Bryan Dunagan: 44-year-old Texas pastor dies in his sleep from “natural causes”

Mr. Bryan Dunagan was the senior pastor at the 5,500-member Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas. He was married with three children. Few details are available. But Mr. Dunagan died in his sleep on October 26. Mainstream media are going with “natural causes” as the cause of death.

Milla Foster: 12-year-old Australia girl dies suddenly

Milla Foster resided in Kapunda, South Australia. She was big fan of Taylor Swift. Milla went to Kapunda Hospital on October 17 complaining of severe stomach pain. Doctors observed her for 90 minutes, provided medication, and sent the family home. She died suddenly two days later, on October 19. Mainstream media are blaming gastroenteritis (stomach flu).

Pediatric gastroenteritis deaths are relatively common, accounting for 10% of global pediatric deaths. But nearly all of said deaths are in developing countries and result from dehydration and/or drinking dirty water or eating contaminated food while already sick.

Only 300 children per year die from gastroenteritis in the U.S.; and nearly all of them are the result of dehydration and parental neglect (e.g. failing to monitor vomiting, diarrhea; and failing the old fashioned “drink lots of orange juice and fluids” advice). Rotavirus complications with gastroenteritis, on top of dehydration, causes 20-40 pediatric deaths per year in the U.S.

Thus the only way Milla died from stomach flu is if she was vomiting and/or sitting on the toilet constantly, and not drinking fluids for 48 hours. South Australia has had very aggressive vaccine coercion policies for all school children ages 5 and up since mid-2022.

Stella DuPont: 8-year-old Florida girl collapses and dies at SeaWorld

Stella DuPont resided in Winter Gardens, Florida. She and her family were at SeaWorld in Orlando on October 15 when Stella suddenly collapsed. Her father is a firefighter and paramedic, and was the first to tend to her. Stella was rushed to a nearby hospital, but pronounced dead hours later.

The cause of death was sudden cardiac arrest, followed by a ruptured brain aneurysm, according to a GoFundMe page and another Orlando firefighter/co-worker of Stella’s father.

Kingston Davidson: 14-year-old Tennessee boy collapses and dies at school

Kingston Davidson was a freshman at White Station High School in Memphis. He was on the school’s football team and enjoyed mathematics. Kingston had just arrived at school on October 24 when he suffered a “medical emergency.” That means he collapsed. Paramedics provided immediate medical attention. But Kingston was pronounced dead minutes later.

Tina Leduc: 53-year-old Canada woman dies suddenly

Mrs. Tina Leduc resided in Sudbury, Ontario. She was married for 31 years and had two children. Few details are available. But Mrs. Leduc died “suddenly” on October 21.

Juliana Rocha: 25-year-old Brazil social media influencer disappears for two months, dies from hyper-aggressive leukemia

Ms. Julianna Rocha resided in Rio de Janeiro. She had 430,000 followers between TikTok and Instagram. Ms. Rocha was best known for her makeup tutorials. Her final Instagram post was published on August 24. Her last TikTok post was on August 25 before she mysteriously disappeared. Fans wondered in the comments what was going on.

The family posted an update via Instagram on October 23, saying Ms. Rocha had passed away. A man claiming to be a family friend, Thiago Mello, said that she died of leukemia. The family has neither confirmed nor denied the report.

Mayra Copas: 28-year-old former Miss Santa Cruz (Bolivia) dies from hyper-aggressive pancreatic cancer

Mrs. Mayra Alejandra Copas Sadud resided in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. She was the 2013 Miss Santa Cruz winner and runner up for Miss Bolivia that same year. Mrs. Copas has worked in television since that time. She was married with three kids.

She was suddenly diagnosed with lupus after receiving emergency bowel surgery in October 2022. Mrs. Copas was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer shortly thereafter.

She passed away on September 29.

Paul McHugh: 37-year-old British man dies shortly after watching soccer game

Mr. Paul McHugh resided in West Derby, a suburb of Liverpool. He was an instructor at Lifestyles Alsop Fitness Centre. Mr. McHugh and his girlfriend had one daughter.

He played in a game of soccer the morning of October 21, before going to the Liverpool vs. Everton match at Anfield. Mr. McHugh felt unwell at the game, so went to a walk-in clinic afterwards. His condition worsened, prompting doctors to call an ambulance and rush Mr. McHugh to Aintree University Hospital.

He passed away later that evening.

J&J trying to slither out of talcum powder liability?

You’ve seen the memes or just heard some variation thereof: Pfizer paid the largest healthcare settlement in U.S. history ($1 billion) and the largest criminal fine in U.S. history ($1.3 billion). Pfizer was marketing their anti-inflammatory drug Bextra for uses that the FDA had not approved. The foregoing “largest in history” honor, however, is technically only half right.

Pfizer acquired a company called Pharmacia & Upjohn in 2002. When the Department of Justice started breathing down Pfizer’s neck in 2005 regarding their off-market labeling of Bextra, Pfizer pointed the finger at its subsidiary company. Thus officially, Pharmacia & Upjohn paid the largest criminal fine in history, while Pfizer, the parent company, paid only the largest civil fine. Johnson & Johnson is attempting the same bailout method, but via a different avenue.

J&J has been hit with over $3 billion in damages awards and settlements related to its carcinogenic baby powder since 2016, according to Fortune magazine. There are currently 50,000-plus more lawsuits pending against J&J.

The company first filed for bankruptcy in 2021 via a corporate loophole known as the “Texas Two-Step.” Large corporations, when facing financial turmoil, utilize an obscure Texas lawthat allows them to quickly establish a new shell company, transfer all liabilities from the parent company to it, then file for bankruptcy in North Carolina, where judges there willingly facilitate this scheme. The idea here for J&J is to get a one-time, $9 billion judgment to settle all of the pending and remaining claims.

RELATED: BREAKING: FDA, CDC call for temporary pause in Johnson & Johnson shots due to blood clots(April 13, 2021)

Unfortunately for J&J, things aren’t going as planned. LTL Management LLC., the new J&J shell company created on October 11, 2021, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in North Carolina on October 14, 2021. But the Third Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals rejected the bankruptcy in January 2023, ruling that LTL is not in financial distress.

LTL/J&J filed for bankruptcy again in April, this time in New Jersey. That one was dismissed in late July, with the Court ruling that it was filed in bad faith. Bloomberg reported that J&J/LTL may try to file a third bankruptcy, this time in Houston, Texas.

It appears LTL/J&J were depending on Judge David R. Jones in said Texas court to facilitate it all. He is known for being corporate-friendly. But Jones resigned early this month due to his failure to disclose sleeping with an attorneywho often represents these large corporations. So J&J may be SOL, which would be divine karma considering the damage this company has inflicted on humanity for decades.

RELATED: Kelsey Morand: 10-year-old daughter of Johnson & Johnson COVID “vaccine” marketing director dies unexpectedly from cardiac arrest, severe brain damage (July 22, 2023)

In perhaps the most laughable propaganda to come from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) since The Great Reset commenced in 2020, the agency declared that only nine people died from the J&J shots as of December 2022. That type of stuff falls right in line with dead internet theory – that is, most interactions and what you read online is artificial intelligence.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny posted the following via Telegram on October 23.

Now recall just how ferocious, vile and coordinated mainstream media attacks on the non-vaccinated were in 2021 and 2022.

We’ll note that “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” debuted on October 27, 1966.

That same foregoing wise man, Linus Van Pelt, once said, “there are three things you never talk about at the dinner table: religion, politics and The Great Pumpkin.” That was true until 2020 when the three forbidden subjects changed to “Israel, vaccines and the Great Pumpkin.”

Thousands of people hate this blogger for whatever reason. But he’ll continue warning and informing, even if people don’t listen and wish ill will.

The good news is that regular readers would know instantly if something is AI-generated here or if this blogger was paid off to write something. It would sound completely out of character. It would sound manufactured. Harvard estimated that only 12% of humanity is self-aware.That number is probably too high.

World War III. Vaccine genocide. Economic ruin. There’s nothing to lose anymore by being honest and forthcoming. If you’re still afraid to tell unfiltered truth about the lethal injections, then you’re not a critical thinker. The masses get a grace period related to Israel critical thinking due to the deep, thorough indoctrination thereof. But the longer you stall, the closer you’ll get to this…

In conclusion, we just want you all to know we read your snail mail. A reader from Georgia (USA) sent us the following:

There is no definitive evidence that Ms. Jurieka Latorie Melvin received the injections. But she worked at Walmart. The company implemented a vaccine coercion policy in May 2021. It offered all Walmart associates $150 to receive the lethal injections. There’s no indication anywhere that the policy was ever rescinded. Make of that what you will.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.

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