Friday 24 November 2023


A Masonic, Ritual Pause at 47 Days.........

More Israeli War, Ritual Numbers Magick

The 47-degree compass of Freemasonry likely needs no introduction for the majority of readers on this Stack. This compass is almost always depicted showing these ratios, with very few exceptions.

The ritual use of these 47 degrees goes back to ancient Greek, Mathematician Pythagoras and his Pythagorean Theorem from the 500’s BC. Euclid of Alexandria, about 200 years later, dubbed this the “47th Problem” of mathematics.

The symbolic use of 47 degrees on the Masonic compass is alleged by Masons to pay tribute to the fact the Pythagorean Theorem was and still is foundational in the ancient craft of stone masonry.

This pause, at the end of 47 days of slaughter in Gaza, also coincides with the 36-day mark from the 10/19 (911), Saint Porpherius Church destruction and massacre of Christians, and also 108 days from the Lahaina Phoenix Ritual on 8/8/2023.

I have clearly shown in two previous posts that both of these events were rituals having to do with the manifestation of the Spirit, God or “Angel” of Anti-Christ. I have now determined that this entity is what the Romans referred to as Sol Invictus. Sol Invictus became a catch-all term during the late Roman Empire for all Sun deities. This would include Gods like Horus, Apollo/Apollyon, Mithras, Abaddon etc. 

Sol Invictus had his own ritual, festival day on the Roman calendar. Any guesses what day that was?………………Well that would be December 25th. He shared that day with the Greek God, Dionysus and his festivities. Dionysus is generally agreed on by scholars to be the equivalent of Osiris of Egyptian mythology. It has been amply demonstrated he was considered to be the father of the Phoenician/Greco-Egyption, God Harpocrates.

Harpocrates was considered “Horus the Child” and I have already written extensively about that in a post I am linking below. He was often depicted in art as a baby or small child either in the arms of or next to, variations of Isis. These depictions are remarkably similar to early Catholic depictions of “Mary and Baby Jesus”. I’m not going far into that here because I am presently at work on an entire long post which is going to thoroughly go over that subject.

The Catholic Church has been in damage control and denial mode for at least decades over the issue of Sol Invictus and his December 25th, Roman festival day exactly coinciding with their chosen day for Christmas.


This is a sneak peek at what’s ahead in a post that is going to concentrate on the many faces of a goddess known worldwide as “The Queen of the Universe". She has more than one hundred names and we have spent the entire year engulfed in rituals dedicated to both she and her son.


So, back to the actual numerology being encoded and ritualized in time spans from both Lahaina and Saint Porpherius to this Masonic, 47th day pause in Israeli atrocities in Gaza. In these spans we have both 36 and 108 days. In this brand of numerology zeros are considered worthless placeholders with no power and are removed. That leaves 36 and 18. For obvious reasons these numbers are frequently used to code for 666 and this is exactly what THEY have done.

I learned all about how they do this by tearing apart the numerology and gematria of David Lynch’s, Twin Peaks back in 2017. It is my opinion we are presently on a countdown to some final event which began with the Phoenix/Anti-Christ ritual at Lahaina. The time span of 3 months, 3 days to 11/11 from Lahaina and then 44 days to the December 25th, ancient, Sol Invictus Festival is very troubling to me for obvious reasons. I, in fact, have a list of more than 50 suspect events that time very suspiciously through 11/11 and then on to the 25th with 44 days. I will be watching the events of the next four weeks like a hawk for signs of movement and will post accordingly. 

I don’t know if they will do anything then or what they might do, if they do anything. I am in the position of watching like all the rest of you. Now is a time to be in prayer, meditation and to be more watchful than you have ever been. It is a time to listen for “the still small voice” of God as never before. I hope everyone is having a peaceful and reflective Thanksgiving!

Here are related posts from the last 3 months since Lahaina:






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