Thursday 14 September 2023


The United Nations Seeks ‘Global Governance’ and Must Be Stopped

The UN is carving out its new niche, and it turns out to be governing the world…

It seems to have started in September 2021 with this inspiring headline: Secretary-General Unveils Vision for Future-Oriented UN.But the first of the “story highlights” beneath the heading sounds more like a brewing conspiracy:

“Global governance may sound lofty or abstract; it is not,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, presenting his report to the UN General Assembly on 10 September 2021.

Global governance through the UN?

[read more below]

In reality, the UN has been making multiple attacks on the sovereignty of the world’s nation-states, trying to force them under its authority. Now, step by step, they are exposing the world to their plans in a series of articles and Policy Briefs. In the beginning, they talked nonspecifically about developing an emergency platform. The UN is carving out its new niche, and it turns out to be governing the world.

For those of us who still doubt the existence of an elite striving to rule the world, what can be made out of Secretary-General Guterres’s plans described in this paper? Can we dismiss this as the Secretary-General’s own private delusion of a conspiracy with him in the starring role? Or is there a touch of envy between the Secretary-General of the UN and his employee, the Secretary-General Tedros of the World Health Organization, which has been mounting its own strategy to use dangers to public health as a way to dominate the nations?

Our Common Agenda is the UN’s overall concept within which it describes its plans for the emergency platform. The UN recommendations are scheduled to be discussed at The Summit of the Future in 2024. The new strategy indicated by “global governance” focuses on the centrality of the UN and organizing the world when faced with “global shocks:”

Major global shocks in recent years – including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine war, and the triple planetary crisis, among others – have challenged our international institutions. Unity around our shared principles and common goals is both crucial and urgent.2 [Emphasis added.]

The “triple planetary crisis” was announced on “International Mother Earth Day” at the UN, observed on April 22, 2022.3 This crisis is a threatening package of “climate disruption, nature loss, and pollution.” Combine these crises with pandemics and the war in Ukraine, and it appears that the UN wants to run its own global empire.

The original announcement about the UN emergency plan was published as an unnumbered initial Policy Brief and made clear it was a power grab by the Secretary-General:   

In conclusion, the report recommends that Member States consider several elements for inclusion in the Pact for the Future. These include recognizing that “a strengthened international response to complex global shocks must be flexible” and deciding that “the Secretary-General has a standing authority to automatically convene and operationalize an Emergency Platform” should a significant global shock occur. Agreeing that “once activated, an Emergency Platform should be convened for a finite period” and that the Secretary-General may extend it “for such time as necessary” is also among the recommended elements.4

While suggesting he will consult with others, the plan, if approved in the 2024 UN conference, gives the decision-making power entirely to the Secretary-General. He will have “a standing authority to automatically convene and operationalize an Emergency Platform,” and he can extend it “for such time as necessary.”

The Continued Evolution of the Emergency Platform

Then came Our Common Agenda: Policy Brief 2, in which UN Secretary-General Guterres details the kinds of global shocks his emergency platform will deal with:

Some of the kinds of global shocks that we may encounter in the future include:

a) Large-scale climatic or environmental events that cause major socioeconomic disruptions and/or environmental degradation;

b) Future pandemics with cascading secondary impacts;

c) High-impact events involving a biological agent (deliberate or accidental);

d) Events leading to disruptions to global flows of goods, people, or finance;

e) Large-scale destructive and/or disruptive activity in cyberspace or disruptions to global digital connectivity;

f) A major event in outer space that causes severe disruptions to one or several critical systems on Earth.

g) Unforeseen risks (“black swan” events).5

The addition at the end of the list of “Unforeseen risks (“black swan” events) makes clear what the UN list of global shocks is trying to communicate. Any global shock you can imagine, and even ones you cannot imagine (the black swans)—can arbitrarily come under the control of the United Nations.   

The UN Vastly Increases Its Powers Under Our Common Agenda

Combining progressive trigger words like “the principles of equity and solidarity” with Schwab’s World Economic Forum aims like “shareholders” of the world, the UN declares it must be “at the center” of organizing the world against whatever global crisis it can identify. It seeks to have powers not previously within its realm to punish nations if they resist, that is, to “Ensure that all participating actors make commitments that can contribute meaningfully to the response and that they are held accountable for delivery on those commitments.” 

Then, in a stunning “Conclusion,” the Secretary-General, in effect, declares that he and the UN are the only legitimate heir to the throne of the world: “The United Nations is the only organization with the reach and legitimacy to convene at the highest level and galvanize global action.”6

In his groundbreaking analysis on April 11, 2023, in The Epoch Times titled “IN-DEPTH: UN Seeks Vast New Powers for Global Emergencies,” journalist Alex Newman explained how Secretary-General Guterres’ warped words indicated that the UN might intervene even if the threat is not global:7

However, the document states that crises without “global consequences” would “not necessarily” be categorized as an emergency requiring U.N. intervention. In other words, some crises that don’t have global consequences might trigger a U.N. response.

Our Common Agenda: Policy Brief 2

A follow-up report from UN Secretary-General Guterres is titled: Our Common Agenda: policy brief 2: Strengthening the international response to complex global shocks—an Emergency Platform. The brief by the Secretary-General specifically refers to the UN “strengthening the global governance for both present and future generations” with a radical new addition to its powers, the Emergency Platform.8 The platform would be established by the UN to be run by the UN, organizing the world in response to almost any kind of “complex global shocks” to be determined by UN Secretary-General Guterres. According to the Secretary-General:

The Emergency Platform would not be a standing body or entity but a set of protocols that could be activated when needed. … Once activated, it would bring together leaders from Member States, the United Nations system, key country groupings, international financial institutions, regional bodies, civil society, the private sector, subject-specific industries or research bodies, and other experts.” … I stated, “The platform would not be a new permanent or standing body or institution. It would be triggered automatically in crises of sufficient scale and magnitude, regardless of the type or nature of the crisis involved. Once activated, it would bring together leaders from Member States, the United Nations system, key country groupings, international financial institutions, regional bodies, civil society, the private sector, subject-specific industries or research bodies, and other experts.” This proposal would allow the convening role of the United Nations to be maximized in the face of crises with global reach and should be “agnostic as to the type of crisis,” as we do not know what type of global shock we may face in the future, although the probability of their occurrence is growing.

Notice that any “type of global shock” would justify the UN taking over, even “shocks” that are unanticipated and cannot now be described. The idea of being “agnostic” or not knowing about the nature of the crisis leaves it up to the UN to decide when it can and should intervene in the affairs of sovereign nations.

Policy Brief 7: UN Further Explains Its Imperial Aspirations

On  May 1, 2023, the Secretary-General issued  Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 7: For All Humanity – The Future of Outer Space Governance. It began:9

International cooperation is needed more than ever, yet our collective problem-solving mechanisms do not match the pace or scale of the challenges we face. Today’s complex, interconnected, and rapidly changing world requires a more effective multilateral system – with the United Nations at its core. [Emphasis added.]

Having established the UN itself as “the core” authority in matters of “global shocks,” the UN Secretary-General elaborated, “At the Summit, Member States have committed to adopting a Pact for the Future to cement collective agreements and to showcase global solidarity for current and future generations.”

Notice the phrases “collective agreement” and “global solidarity,” which are taken from the Marxist playbook.

The UN will undoubtedly be issuing many more Our Common Agenda Policy Briefs, short declarations of intention by the Secretary-General about how he wants to reign over his version of the New World Order.

The Biden Administration Gives Its Support

Will any nation be so self-defeating or stupid as to agree to this UN proposal? The Biden administration has already enthusiastically supported the UN’s aspirations to take over the world. On March 10, 2023, Ambassador Chris Lu, U.S. Representative for UN Management and Reform, gave support for Our Common Agenda, specifically including the radically new emergency platform:

We also appreciate the Secretary-General’s out-of-the-box thinking about how to institutionalize these efforts, including a focus on future generations, the emergency platform, the digital compact, elevation of gender equality and human rights; improved UN governance; enhanced efforts to fight climate change; and a greater focus on anti-corruption efforts, among other issues.10

Inevitable Domination by the Chinese Communists

Although it wants to sit atop the pyramid of authority over humanity, the UN is much more like a stumbling puppet of global predators. From Bill Gates to Xi Jinping, the global predators, when it proves useful to them, can pull the strings that control the UN as the face of globalism.

In his breaking news story on April 11, 2023, in The Epoch Times, one of Alex Newman’s concerns was how the Chinese Communists would influence the Secretary-General and the UN when responding to threats. Newman observed:

Other critics who spoke with The Epoch Times expressed concern about the influence of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) within the U.N., the global organization’s well-documented corruption problems, and its track record of dealing with previous emergencies.

Newman draws on an interview of with former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations Kevin Moley, who told The Epoch Times, “Allowing the U.N. to deal with this is the equivalent of putting the CCP in charge of global emergencies.”

Newman’s summary of the interview provides insights into the UN and the Communist Chinese that are critical to understanding globalism:

The powerful influence of the CCP and its mostly “authoritarian” and “crony democracy” allies over the U.N. system represents a major danger when it comes to proposals to grant the global outfit more power, Moley said.

“As long as the controlling interests of the U.N. are in the hands of the CCP and aided and abetted by the G77 [an alliance of 134 governments including the CCP], this cannot be allowed,” he said.

As a result of the CCP’s well-documented control over key U.N. agencies and even its powerful influence over most member states, approving the emergency protocol plan would be tantamount to putting the communist regime in charge of global crises, according to Moley.

Considering that the CCP is a “criminal conspiracy” more than a government and the fact that its agents now dominate vast swaths of the U.N., this is a “recipe for disaster,” he said.

We agree with these observations and conclusions about the Chinese Communists and the UN, which we reached in 2021 when writing COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. We also agree with Justin Haskins’ concluding remarks in his essay in The Federalist about the platform being proposed by the UN Secretary-General:11

If the emergency platform is approved, the United States as we know it could cease to exist. That sounds dire, but it’s true. We either stand for freedom now or risk everything come September 2024.

Bill Gates Backs the Plans of the Secretary-General Guterres

Alex Newman points out that Bill Gates has given his endorsement to the UN’s emergency platform in a March 23, 2023, op-ed in The New York Times.12 Fortune magazine — and indeed fortunes are to be made — added its support:

Albeit concerned, Gates says he’s optimistic about the World Health Organization’s announcement of a Global Health Emergency Corps that could “spring into action at a moment’s notice when danger emerges.” He sees the success of this team as constantly practicing drills for different potential emerging pathogens, being able to implement widespread global testing, preventative sewage testing, and seamless coordination with governments across the world, he writes. 

Gates has always been a big supporter of the UN and its agencies, especially the

WHO, much as he is a big albeit somewhat quieter supporter of the Chinese Communists.  He benefits from the global predatory strategies of the UN, the WHO, and the Chinese Communists.

Bill Gates was already pushing for more and more investments in dealing with a future pandemic at least as far back as 2010 when he announced the Year of the Vaccine, as if he knew it was on the way. As the moment drew near in 2018, he prepared the heart of the medical establishment:

And back in 2018, Billionaire Bill Gates gave a warning that the world wasn’t prepared for pandemics, which should “concern us all.”

Speaking at an event hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on April 27, 2018, Gates said he believed “the world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”

“This preparation includes staging simulations, war games, and preparedness exercises so that we can better understand how diseases will spread and how to deal with responses such as quarantine and communications to minimize panic,” Gates said.13

When Bill Gates makes plans, other global predators go on alert, trying to increase their fortunes by getting a piece of the action. That was how the Decade of the Vaccines morphed into the largest rip-off of humanity in the history of the world, with genetic pseudo-vaccinations sapping people of their wealth, freedom, and health. Humanity turns a blind eye to the aspirations of Secretary Guterres and the United Nations at grave peril for those alive and in the future. 

Gates’ comparison of pandemic preparation and response to war is not without greater meaning. Nothing compared to war in generating money and power for the global elite until COVID-19’s fraudulent policies and practices, which generated unprecedented increases in wealth and global control in the hands of the elite. Remember that the Western and Eastern Empires do collaborate with each other to their own advantage, and so Bill Gates and Xi Jinping will both be supporting the planned emergency platform. But ultimately, the Chinese Communists probably have more control over the UN than does Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the European Union, and the entire Western Global Empire.

The UN’s emergency platform would probably supersede or become integrated with plans already being promoted by the WHO as its agency. As already mentioned, we even wondered if there’s a competition for Totalitarian of the World going on between the UN and its health agency. But more likely, the UN is firing multiple harpoons at the sovereign nations of the world, hoping one or more will penetrate and destroy them like helpless whales.

1 Secretary-General Unveils Vision for Future-Oriented UN | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD

2 Summit of the Future | United Nations


4 Policy Brief: Responding to Global Shocks: UNSG’s Emergency Platform | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD


All the emphases in this paragraph have been added.




10 Remarks at the UN General Assembly Thematic Consultations on “Our Common Agenda” – United States Mission to the United Nations (


12 Opinion | Bill Gates: How to Prepare for the Next Pandemic – The New York Times (

13 Bill Gates in 2018: World needs to prepare for pandemics just like war ( Here is the PDF of his speech as it appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine:   Innovation for Pandemics (

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