Monday 11 September 2023


The real reason I now refuse to debate Steve Kirsch (or engage with him, Richard Fleming or Kevin McCairn)

(hint: it’s not what Steve tells his readers)

Posted July 24, 2022:

In response to Steve Kirsch’s latest false and misleading hit-piece on my colleagues and I….

Incident #1
January 2022: Steve issued a debate challenge, then ran away

On January 10, 2022 I wrote an open letter to Steve Kirsch:

Steve then contacted me and challenged me to a 5 hour zoom call between myself and “his experts”. I said “no”, that’s ridiculous.

Steve then published misleading comments about his “offer”, giving the impression to his readers that I could also have a team and that the call did not have to last 5 hours, etc. 

So then I contacted Steve and said fine, if those are your terms then I will debate you. 

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio agreed to join the debate. 

Dr. Kaufman was in communication with Steve to arrange the details and was working on a focused debate question and rules of engagement. Below is a draft from Dr. Kaufman:

Debate question:
The published experiments on the isolation and in silico genome sequencing prove the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 “virus.” True or False?

The purpose of this debate is to engage in a healthy scientific discussion. The spirit and philosophy of scientific inquiry demands attempting to refute all theories until it is clear they are irrefutable. This debate rekindles that spirit and serves to advance the state of truthful knowledge about the natural world. As such, the debate must only include scientific arguments. The focus is on the experimental procedures used to allege the existence of viruses, in particular SARS-CoV-2. Have these methods demonstrated the existence of a real biological entity found in nature or are they a misinterpretation resulting from the experimental procedure itself? Why have virologists been unable to extract and purify viral particles directly from the host? Why do they rely on computer computation to construct a genome? Have proper control experiments been done? If not, why?)

Steve then suddenly sent me a strange email regarding the fake measles virus. This was the first time he had even mentioned measles to me and my position on measles virus was already on the public record. I wrote back to Steve within 11 minutes with my answer.

Nevertheless, Steve then announced on his blog that he was no longer willing to debateus because I would not answer his questions about measles virus!

“My side” was still quite willing to debate someone. 

Emails showing my above claims to be true are here:
and here (note: I didn’t publish the emails where Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Stefano Scoglio agreed to join in, because I didn’t receive permission from them yet):

Incident #2
February 2022: I tried to take Kirsch, McCullough and Hodkinson up on their new debate challenges but they ran and made excuses

See all of the emails here:

Incident #3: 
June 2022: Steve and Kevin McKernan behaved like rude, unreasonable children while I was busy preparing for criminal court, etc.

Just days after Dr. Tom Cowan announced a new Virus Challenge that would soon be presented to the virus-pushers of this world, Steve suddenly contacted me (as usual addressing me as though we had been speaking just 5 minutes ealier) and issued a new debate challenge – as though he hadn’t already run from 2 debates.

Steve made ridiculous demands and failed to demonstrate good faith. And a new twist: denying that he had ever issued a previous debate challenge!

And in Steve’s mind it was up to my colleagues and I to forgive and forget his earlier shenanigans and confirm our availability before he would even disclose whether he had anyone willing to participate on his side.

The emails are here:

By the way, McKernan has bragged on twitter of having 49 patents relating to PCR, and of selling 2 genomics companies for $120 million each:

Incident #4
July 2022: 
I sent the new Virus Challenge to Steve; 
Steve wanted to change the challenge to suit his purposes and suggested “my team” debate Richard Fleming (and suggested it might take 40 years or more to prove a “virus” exists!);
Fleming contacted me for a debate, insisted that Kirsch and Kevin “potty mouth” McCairn be involved, then many emails later claimed I’m not qualified to debate him; 
Steve published a false reason for why I’m not debating Fleming and forgot/ignored that Dr. Mark Bailey already debated McCairn in May;
McCairn was wildly vulgar and disrespectful towards me

DOES SARS-CoV-2 EXIST? Virus Debate Between Dr. Mark Bailey & Dr. Kevin McCairn, May 2022... how quickly Steve forgets:

I will soon be compiling and publishing all of the recent emails between myself, Steve Kirsch, Richard Fleming and Kevin McCairn, here in a pdf. And I am blocking all three of these “men” from my life, forever. Below is an example of why.

On July 18, 2022 after the July email exchanges mentioned above, Steve published his (at least) 3rd false and misleading hit-piece about my colleagues and I:

Mike Stone of the amazing ViroLIEgy blog has published a rebuttal to Steve:

John Blaid also wrote Some commentary on Steve Kirsch’s latest hit piece

And finally, I have to ask:

Why does anyone even care what Steve “I rely on other people’s opinions” Kirsch has to say on this topic?

Incident #5:
July 26, 2022 
I’m now starting to question Steve’s sanity

Incident #6:
July 26, 2022
Steve published yet another false and misleading hit-piece on my colleagues and I 

Yawn, this is getting really old.

I hope some of the people who still follow Steve (for some unfathomable reason) on this topic will ask him for PROOF of these claims he has made about me:

“Christine told me I should fund it.”
“she’s …. telling me to use my money to pay for her challenge.”
“She claimed they had a PLEDGE for $500K

(Side note: In another blog on July 26, 2022 Steve took his readers a little closer to the reality of all so-called “viral genomes”, by admitting that with NGS sequencing “the consensus sequence may not even physically exist in nature as a real physical single strand…”

Why would someone who is doing everything he can to keep the anti-scientific virus theory alive share this fact? Probably because he’s rattled about the Virus Challenge that requires 5 blinded labs to “sequence” whatever alleged “virus” they claim is in the samples of bodily fluid that they are required to analyze. If/when labs fail to produce the same “virus genome” even when working with the very same sample of bodily fluid, they will need an excuse for their failure.)

Incident #7:
July 27, 2022
Steve displayed narcissistic tendencies, begging us to engage as though he didn’t publish a hit-piece on us just the day before; 
Kevin McCairn sent more insults and accusations and still doesn’t grasp that he disqualified himself from participating in the Virus Challenge days ago

Dr. Mark Bailey has refuted the “irrefutable” evidence (a paper by Dr. Sin Lee) cited by Steve in his hit-piece on us yesterday :  
Warning Signs You Have Been Tricked By Virologists… Again

Kevin McCairn’s latest:

Kevin keeps announcing his desire to participate in the Challenge. I wonder what part of “5 virology labs worldwide would participate in this experiment and none would know the identities of the other participating labs” still hasn’t sunk in with Kevin? 

Below is the reality of my alleged “legal threat” that in Kevin’s mind justified his vile comment on July 17th. 

Incident #8:
July 29, 2022
Steve published yet another hit-piece on my colleagues and I, this time with sinister overtones


Why am I doing this? Is this a scam for me to make money? Nope. It is to solve what I call the “Christine Massey problem” in an efficient manner… 
And how can I punish her so that she doesn’t keep repeating the same thing over and over?”

Steve seems almost obsessed with me at this point. He mentioned me in a video a few days ago as well. 

If I (or one of my colleagues) go missing or have some unfortunate “accident” or am reported to have committed suicide, please be sure to share Steve’s many hit-pieces on my colleagues and I with the police.

Here is a handy summary from Mike Stone ( author) of Steve’s flip-flopping on the topic of a debate:

Why does Steve insist on verbal debates?

Incident #9:
August 5, 2022

I’ve posted “The real reason I now refuse to debate Steve Kirsch” in response to Steve’s hit-pieces many times, in the comments under his blog. What part of “no” does this man not understand?

Incident #10:
August 1: Steve published yet another false and misleading hit-piece on my colleagues and I, promoted anti-science, pretended that Dr. Mark Bailey hadn’t already debated Kevin McCairn, and declared “This is my last post on this.”  
August 22: Steve was back to his usual tricks.

On August 1, 2022 Steve claimed among other things that Koch’s Postulates had been satisfied… for an imaginary virus that has never been found in any bodily tissue/fluid/excrement on the planet and then purified in order to sequence and characterize “it” and study “it” with controlled experiments. 

This imaginary particle has never been shown to be present in people with the alleged “coronavirus disease – 19” and not present in healthy people. 

Thus it is obviously impossible for any “covid” science to exist, or for Koch’s Postulates to have been satisfied.

Steve also falsely claimed (for at least the 2nd time) that I told him that $500K has been pledged for the Settling the Virus Debate” Challenge. I have never said this to anyone.

One good thing in this blog was that Steve said he would stop publishing his wildly unscientific opinions on this topic. Yay, that sounded great! 

Yet 3 weeks later Steve was back at it with yet another hit-piece on my colleagues, falsely claiming that there is over 100 years of evidence that viruses are real and that my colleagues and I don’t have explanations for things that we have actually addressed over and over and over again (despite there being zero onus on us to explain anything).

And once again, Steve ignored/forgot that Dr. Mark Bailey already debated Kevin McCairn months ago. 

McCairn was rude and obnoxious; Mark won the debate hands-down and deserved a medal for his patience and restraint in dealing with McCairn, as shown in the recording below.

DOES SARS-CoV-2 EXIST? Virus Debate Between Dr Mark Bailey & Dr Kevin McCairn, May 2022... how quickly Steve forgets:

Why in God’s name would I ever want anything to do with Steve or Kevin McCairn, ever again?

Incident #11:
August 27, 2022:
Richard Fleming sent me a nonsensical email copied to Sacha Stone and others, demanding that I provide evidence for claims I’ve never made; 
then tried to shame me for not having a rigged “objective discussion“;
Kevin McCairn, who wants to be taken seriously as a “scientist”, comes across once again as truly deranged

Richard Fleming’s bizarre email to me, August 27, 2022
This email was copied to Sacha Stone, Dr. Robert O. Young, Tom Cowan, Kirsch, McCairn and others – despite the fact that I already made it clear back in July that I want nothing to do with Fleming, Kirsch or McCairn, ever again, and despite the fact that Fleming declared back in July (after wasting much of my time on emails regarding a debate) that I am not qualified to debate him:

Notice that Richard Fleming proposed an opportunity for him, McCairn and Kirsch to present evidence of the fake virus, but no opportunity for the other side to provide a full rebuttal.  Seems like a rigged proposal, to me.

Because I refuse to engage any further with Fleming, Kirsch or McCairn, I removed them from the email and responded to the others.

As noted in his email, Fleming had posted a video relating to an event with Sacha and Dr. Young that took place earlier in the day (in which I had been invited to participate but declined due to the involvement of Fleming, Kirsch and McCairn). 

I have not and will not watch this video, but did leave a comment to show Fleming’s followers what a bizarre/ridiculous email he had sent me.

Logic is clearly not Fleming’s strong point, because he wrote back later in the evening trying to shame me for ignoring his demand to defend claims that I don’t even make. Is this a set-up for another publicity stunt on Steve’s blog?

And a couple of days later I received the email below from Kevin McCairn, which pretty much speaks for itself. This is from a grown man who expects to be taken seriously as a “scientist”.

Incident #12:
August 31, 2022:
Steve still has no science to show that any virus exists, but choose to publish yet another false and divisive attack on “the “virus denier” movement”


Incident #13:
September 1, 2022:
Richard Fleming left a nonsensical, misleading comment under Dr. Tom Cowan’s video where Dr. Cowan had responded to irrational, illogic claims made by Fleming

Under a video posted on August 31, 2022 by Dr. Tom Cowan Richard Fleming left a nonsensical, misleading comment insisting that Tom, myself and others provide evidence of claims we’ve never made. 


What else can I tell you about Richard Fleming? He’s an advocate of the point-and-declare approach to virology, as highlighted in a recent webinar by Dr. Tom @47:15:

Fleming also put out a video back in March wherein he:

-insisted “we know it exists because we sequenced it”
-implied that the existence of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples is controversial
-showed a video of the technique for extracting bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from a patient and labelled -this “OBTAINING SARS-COV-2 FROM THE LUNGS”
-insisted that PCR “tests” are legit

It appears that Richard Fleming is on a mission to make sure you “know” lots of misinfo:

Incident #14:
September 7th, 2022
Richard Fleming demonstrated once again that he doesn’t understand the fundamentals of virology, 
distracted from the available evidence and the Virus Challenge, 
issued a nonsensical and impossible “smallpox virus” belief challenge that has nothing to do with science or proving that any virus actually exists

On September 7th, Fleming posted a new video wherein he proposed an impossible “smallpox virus” challenge that has nothing to do with showing that any “virus” actually exists.

Instead of pointing to any human or animal experiment in history that demonstrated contagion, or scientific evidence of any alleged virus, Fleming has chosen to focus on the beliefs of 4 specific people. He asserted that if Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Robert Young and myself don’t accept this impossible challenge, then we clearly do believe in viruses.

Fleming’s impossible challenge is for the 4 of us to go with him to the FDA or CDC, get a vial of “smallpox virus” – which has never been shown to exist (see here and here and here) – and sit in a room with “it”. Further, he:

– bizarrely implied that the FDA or CDC would even allow us access to their fake virus isolates,
– seems to want us dead, because – according to his professed beliefs – this challenge would be lethal (not to mention unethical and probably illegal), 
– falsely implied that we have all been sick in the last 2 years,
– pretends that he didn’t already declare twice on July 18th that I’m not qualified to debate him,
– falsely implied that I am known for discussing Terrain theory,
– inferred that viruses are “real” because we have… (the pseudoscience of) virology,
– fallaciously brought in evolutionary theory to support his claims,
– conflated the question of “virus” existence with Terrain theory,
– falsely claimed that Terrain theory says that “viruses” are made by the body and come out of red blood cells,
– falsely claimed that Terrain theory says your body makes microbes that can then kill you.

Fleming said he looks forward to hearing back from us, but disabled the comments section under his video. Hmm, I wonder why.

I also wonder if Fleming has bothered to verify what is actually in the CDC’s “smallpox virus” vials.  We know they don’t contain purified alleged “viral” particles obtained from bodily fluid or tissue.

Regardless, nothing he proposes in this challenge would demonstrate the existence of a virus, as defined by the virologists themselves.

Dr. Fleming should simply accept the “Settling the Virus Debate” Challengeinstead of avoiding and distracting from it.

Incident #15
June 12, 2023

Steve banned me from commenting on his substack after I commented under his latest contrived virus debate challenge

Steve banned me from commenting on his substack after I commented under his latest contrived challenge; screenshots:

Screenshots of my first and last comments are below.

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