Monday 4 September 2023


The People's Declaration

RIGHT NOW would be a very good time to stand up and publicly declare your opposition to the international plan to share the "benefits" derived from "pathogens with pandemic potential."

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The United Nations General Assembly is scheduled to adopt a Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response on September 20, 2023.

YOUR silence on this issue is YOUR consent.

I encourage YOU to raise your awareness of this issue and help to spread the word far and wide.

Please watch the video below…

Click on the images above in order to open them in a new window. You can then save them to your phone or computer and share them on social media.

Download the PDF below for posters that you can print out and distribute.

The Peoples Declaration

115KB ∙ PDF file



I am opposed to the centralization of power into the hands of unelected, unaccountable and largely unknown bureaucrats through the negotiation of international agreements that absolutely do not reflect the wishes of the people of the world.

I am opposed to what is essentially biological weapons research, regardless of whether it is referred to as vaccine research, gain-of-function research, dual use research of concern, or by any other name. This type of research must not be expanded. It must be stopped.

I am opposed to the use of terrorism and fear-mongering, including in the form of propaganda and censorship, and I am opposed to the weaponization of injectable substances that are masquerading as “vaccines” and are being pushed upon men, women and children around the world without their informed consent.

I reject the “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” because I do not consent to spending up to $30 billion dollars per year to “promote the fair, equitable and timely sharing of benefits arising from the use of pathogens with pandemic potential.”

I also reject the WHO CA+ Framework Convention, commonly known as the “Pandemic Treaty” for a multitude of reasons, including its call for a Pathogen Access and Benefits Sharing System that “aims to ensure timely access to pathogens with pandemic potential and the corresponding benefit-sharing.”

I also reject the proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations for a multitude of reasons, including the amendments to Annex 1 (submitted by India) that call for the “timely exchange of biological materials and genetic sequence data to WHO” in return for unspecified “benefits.”

The needs of the people of the world have been ignored for far too long. Planning to spend tens of billions of dollars to increase the profits of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex under the guise of “equity” is simply not acceptable.

I do not consent.   #ExitTheWHO

The People’s Declaration is NOT a petition.

The People’s Declaration is NOT something you “sign.”

I am NOT trying to collect signatures and data from people who believe that all they need to do to change the world is click a button.

I encourage each and every man, woman and child to make YOUR own declaration.

Record YOUR own video in which you speak YOUR mind and then spread YOUR declaration far and wide.

YOUR silence is YOUR consent.

If YOU want to stand up and work together to push back against this obviously evil agenda, please feel free to call me (James Roguski) directly at +1 310-619-3055.

The simple and undeniable fact that the three documents listed below do NOT ban gain-of-function research is more than enough reason to oppose them. 

The possibility that these agreements could actually facilitate, fund and support gain-of-function research is absolutely unacceptable. (click on the links below to download the documents)

  1. Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

  2. Bureau’s text of the WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (WHO CA+)

  3. Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) submitted in accordance with decision WHA75(9) (2022)



The videos and audio below are very, very important.

Please take the time to watch and listen to them in their entirety.

“Open-Source Biological Warfare”

Meryl Nass’s Article:

The Who’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man Made Pandemics September 3, 2023

1.77MB ∙ PDF file


Who really benefits from the gain-of-function scam

Those who seek to control us. It is the public who pays the cost of the research, then pays again for the accidents and deliberate leaks. Wouldn’t it be better to end gain-of-function research entirely, by restricting funding or closing the laboratories, rather than encouraging the distribution of biological weapons? If we want a decent future, it is crucial that we control these weapons instead of proliferating them.

-Meryl Nass

Gary Null and Meryl Nass Audio:

The video below is the recording of the September 3, 2023 Zoom meeting

Below are excerpts from the various documents discussed above.


“The Final Text for Silence Procedure” on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response that is scheduled to be adopted at the high level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 includes the following text… 

Encourage the spending of $30 billion dollars per year:

Recall that financing effective national, regional and global health emergency preparedness will require approximately US$30 billion per year… outside current official development assistance levels; (PP29 - page 5)

Support for the sharing of pathogens with pandemic potential:

“Promote the fair, equitable and timely sharing of benefits arising from the use of pathogens, sequences or any other materials, with pandemic potential, through a multilateral system…” (OP14 - page 8)

Support for the ongoing negotiations being led by the World Health Organization:

Encourage the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to conclude negotiations on a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

Encourage the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005), to continue its work on consideration of proposed targeted amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005), with respect to the timeframes set out in WHA75(9). (OP15-16 - page 8)


The June 2, 2023 version of the Bureau’s text of the WHO CA+ Framework Convention (AKA: “Pandemic Treaty”) includes the following text…

Article 6. Preparedness, readiness and resilience

3. The Parties commit to establishing, or building on existing, genomics, risk assessment, and laboratory networks in order to conduct epidemiological genomic surveillance and the global sharing of emerging pathogens with pandemic potential, and drug-resistant pathogens. (page 10)

Article 9. Research and development

5. Each Party shall implement and apply relevant international standards for the biorisk management of laboratories and research facilities that carry out research to better understand the pathogenicity and transmissibility of pathogens with pandemic potential, and to prevent the unintended consequences of such research, while minimizing unnecessary administrative hurdles for research. (page 14)

Article 12. Access and benefit-sharing

Option 12.A

1. The Parties agree that pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health system recovery requires the rapid, systematic, and timely sharing of biological materials with epidemic and pandemic potential, as well as [genetic sequence data and relevant information]/[digital sequence information] (WHO CA+ biological material). The Parties also agree that a multilateral access and benefit-sharing system(s) is/are needed for timely, effective, predictable and equitable access to pandemic-related products, as well as other benefits, both monetary and non-monetary, that strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health system recovery based on public health risks and needs.

2. The Parties agree to establish such a system(s), consistent with applicable and relevant national, regional and international laws and regulations, as well as existing international instruments, which is/areimplementable at all times, both during and between pandemics. This will provide certainty and legal clarity for the providers and users of biological materials, and will strengthen, expedite and not impede research and innovation. (page 19)

Article 12. Access and benefit-sharing

Option 12.B

2. The Parties hereby establish the WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System (PABS system) under the WHO CA+. 

3. The PABS system aims to ensure timely access to pathogens with pandemic potential and the corresponding benefit-sharing. The PABS system shall cover all pathogens with pandemic potential, including their genomic sequences, as well as access to benefits [arising therefrom] / [that arise from the utilization of such pathogens]…

5. Biological materials-sharing:

(a) Each Party, through its relevant public health authorities and authorized laboratories, shall, in a rapid, systematic and timely manner: 

(i) provide pathogens with pandemic potential from early infections due to pathogens with pandemic potential or subsequent variants to a laboratory recognized or designated as part of an established WHO coordinated laboratory network; and 

(ii) upload the genomic sequence of such pathogens with pandemic potential to one or more publicly accessible database(s) of its choice…

(c) Access shall be accorded expeditiously by the laboratory recognized or designated as part of an established WHO coordinated laboratory network, (page 20)


India has proposed the following amendments to Annex 1 of the International Health Regulations:

6 (g) to support timely exchange of biological materials and genetic sequence data to WHO, entities under WHO and other State Parties subject to equitable sharing of benefits derived therefrom.

7. At the Global level, WHO shall strengthen capacities to 

(c) Facilitate sharing of Biological materials and genetic sequencing data and transparent subject to equitable access to benefits derived therefrom. (page 72)

The Peoples Guide To The Proposed Amendments To The International Health Regulations

1.36MB ∙ PDF file


By: James Roguski

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.


All content is free to all readers.

All support is deeply appreciated.



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