Friday 8 September 2023


The History of Bioweapons, Bioterrorism in Modern Society & How to Protect Yourself From These Type of Threats

2019- The city of Montreal was embroiled in a historical controversy culminating in the decision to remove the name of British Field Marshall Jeffery Amherst (1717 - 1797) from a local street, renaming it Rue Atateken, from the Mohawk language. 

The issue hinged in part on letters penned by Amherst to subordinates during the French Indian war wherein he suggested using blankets infected with smallpox to help wipe out the local Indians who had laid siege to Fort Pitt in what is now Philadelphia. 

On July 7th, 1763 Amherst wrote:  “Could it not be contrived to Send the Small Pox among those Disaffected Tribes of Indians? We must, on this occasion, Use Every Stratagem in our power to Reduce them.” 

Historians now hold it unlikely that this was actually carried out to any significant extent, but the impulse from military commanders has likely been around for thousands of years.

For example, the earliest recorded use of biological warfare is thought to be the Hittite plague in 14-century BC, which was likely caused by Tularemia. 

The plague of the Philistines, recorded in the Bible, which occurred in the 17th century BC and was also likely caused by Tularemia, could be another contender. Though there is no evidence it was purposely released by any person, it took place in the aftermath of the removal of a wooden box (perhaps containing infected mice) from a Hebrew sanctuary and was, then and now, taken to be evidence of Divine punishment. 

“Then said they, What shall be the trespass offering which we shall return to him? They answered, five golden boils, and five golden mice, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines: for one plague was on you all, and on your lords” (Samuel 6:4,5).  

Interestingly the Jews of the time were immune to the plague due to their frequent exposure to animals carrying the disease, while the urban-dwelling Philistines with little to no exposure to such animals succumbed. 

The modern Oxford English Dictionary defines bioterrorism as “the unlawful use of biological agents, such as a deadly virus or bacteria, to kill or harm people”, which begs the question: is there any lawful use for the same? 

For example, the Russian military holds it reasonable to use nuclear weapons should their national sovereignty be threatened. In what circumstances would the US, Russian, Chinese, or other national security states find it reasonable to release a bioweapon? 

The US and Russia have long led the world in biological warfare research and currently are the only two known holders of the deadly smallpox virus. 

But what is perhaps more important is that given recent advances in biotech anymedium-size lab with moderate funding can recreate bioweapons based on published genetic sequences. 

For example in 2012 the horsepox virus was recreated from scratch in a lab for the relatively paltry sum of $100,000. To be clear the smallpox genetic sequence is also well known. Biowarfare is now well within reach of any sufficiently motivated terrorist group. 

Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


The CDC categorizes bioterrorism agents/diseases based on availability, ease of production and dissemination, and morbidity and mortality rates. Category A agents are the unholy trinity: the most deadly, easy to produce, and easy to spread.

The modern bioterror delivery method of choice is aerosol released over population centers by plane. Just 50 pounds of material released from a single plane is enough to infect hundreds of thousands and kill tens of thousands. So the focus of preparatory efforts is on pulmonary forms of these diseases like the pneumonic plague (rather than bubonic plague) inhalational anthrax and tularemia, etc. 

Anthrax is the most widely known bioweapon. It is unsettlingly easy to obtain, manufacture, weaponize and distribute. During the infamous 2001 anthrax attacks in the US,  the death rate hit 22%. Occurring very soon after the 9/11 attacks, 5 Americans were killed and 17 injured when anthrax spores were sent in nondescript envelopes through the mail, leading to a brief lockdown of the US Capitol and triggering mass panic. 

But inhalational routes may not be necessary if a biological agent can spread by contact quickly enough. Robert Malone, MD has written that the current outbreak of monkeypox appears to be genetically modified, based on early sequencing data. If this strain of monkeypox has been bioengineered to be more infectious and virulent, it could be a similar threat level as smallpox and other Category A bioweapons. 

The monkeypox pandemic exercise carried out in early 2021 essentially predicted the worldwide spread of monkeypox beginning exactly on May 15th, 2022, the very same day news reports of the virus actually did go live worldwide. The coincidence hearkens back to Event 201, a coronavirus pandemic exercise conveniently conducted by worldwide governments in the months before the global COVID-19 outbreak. 

Regardless of whether predicted outbreaks are caused by bad actors or nature, the wise will be prepared.

Fortunately, some of the worst bioweapons like anthrax, tularemia, and plague can be treated with widely available prescription antibiotics.  

At mygotodoc, our Emergency Antibiotics Medkits contain the 6 most useful antibiotics to have on hand in case of emergency:







These 6 antibiotics can be used to treat not only the bioweapons anthrax, plague, and tularemia, but also conditions as varied as:

  • Bite wounds

  • C. diff

  • Cellulitis

  • Cholera

  • Chlamydia

  • Diverticulitis

  • Intra-abdominal infections

  • Ear infections

  • Lyme disease

  • Malaria

  • Osteomyelitis

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

  • Prostatitis

  • Pneumonia

  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever

  • Salmonella

  • Sinusitis

  • Strep throat

  • Tooth infections

  • Traveler’s diarrhea

  • Urinary tract infection

Thanks to concerned patients who spurred us to do additional research into mitigation for Ebola, we can now also add off-label antivirals on request that may have efficacy against that deadly virus.

At mygotodoc our Emergency Antibiotics Medkit is intended for use in an emergency when access to medical professionals is interrupted. You can read more about these antibiotics and their alternatives, as well as how to use them properly and what each one can be used to treat in my free Medkit Ebook here, which includes dedicated sections on anthrax, plague, and tularemia. 

Immune supplements are also of prime importance. At mygotostack I’ve formulated the world’s best quality pandemic immune supplements. Our premier line is produced in small batches right here in the USA and includes carefully sourced all-natural ingredients chosen for their strength and synergy. 

We’re also hard at work on a new herbal supplement based on a purified high potency extract of Sarracenia purpurea, commonly known as the Purple Pitcher plant. This plant has shown strong in vitro activity against smallpox and monkeypox in a 2012 study by Arndt, et al. The results of this study bolstered many positive case reports on smallpox treatment published in prominent medical journals as far back as the 1860s, as well as reports from the Mi’kmaq people of Nova Scotia on the plant's efficacy against the disease.

Bioweapons and bioterrorism are frightening, but we have the choice to live in fear or be prepared. My team and I at mygotodoc and mygotostack are here to help you and your families stay safe regardless of what is thrown at us.

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