Monday 18 September 2023


The Globalists Have a Plan for Our Future: Total Control of the Masses

The pandemic showed how the technocratic cabal has control over most if not all Western governments. World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has even bragged about how his Young Global Leaders have “penetrated” governments of the world.

globalists future total control feature

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Story at a glance:

  • The World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty, the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the global One Health agenda are all part of a soft coup, a global power grab.
  • The globalists’ plan for our future can be summarized as “global dominion by the few and total control of the masses.”
  • The technocratic cabal has control over most if not all Western governments, as well as the bureaucratic structure of the WHO; 85% of its funding comes from private entities, so it’s owned by private interests.
  • Based on the current treaty draft and proposed IHR amendments, it’s clear that mRNA-based vaccinations will be mandatory under the WHO’s power structure, and these vaccines will be made in 100 days by skipping human trials and shaving safety and efficacy testing down to the bare bones.
  • Under the treaty, as currently written, nations will be required to surveil and censor social media. The WHO’s narrative will be the only one allowed.

In this Sept. 1 Highwire interview (video below), Dr. Meryl Nass, a biowarfare and epidemics expert, exposes the threat posed by the WHO pandemic treaty and the amendments to the IHR, which add to and further strengthen the WHO’s powers under the treaty.

The WHO’s One Health agenda is also part of this power grab.

Nass also recently published an article, “The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Manmade Pandemics,” in which she reviews the history of biological warfare and the role of gain-of-function research, where we are right now and what the globalists’ plan for our future is. It’s imperative everyone understand what the plan is because we can only stop it by rejecting it en masse.

Nass persecuted by lawless state medical board

But first, Nass provides an update on her personal situation.

In January 2022, the Maine medical board suspended Nass’ medical license for spreading “COVID misinformation” and prescribing ivermectin. They also ordered her to undergo a psychological evaluation by a board-selected psychologist. Nass refused.

As she points out in the interview, “misinformation” refers to information that may be mistaken or inaccurate, but being wrong is not a crime — no matter how badly the government wants you to think it is.

We have the First Amendment — freedom of speech — for a reason. The government does not have the legal right to suppress our speech, and the medical board is a state government agency.

So, by censoring doctors like Nass and punishing them for speaking their minds and sharing medical and scientific data, they are actually the ones breaking the law.

Nass didn’t, because there’s no law against sharing information, even if it is suspected of being incorrect, or can be proven to be wrong. And, in this case, the board is actually punishing her for sharing truths.

So, in mid-August, Nass sued the Maine medical board, and every board member in their personal capacity, for violating her free speech rights.

“Telling me that I can’t talk about the vaccine or I can’t talk about the treatment of COVID or masks or distancing, even when the things that I was saying were based on published medical literature, that is a First Amendment violation,” Nass said in a statement.

She continued:

“The state government and the federal government are not allowed to restrict the speech of people. So we are looking for a jury trial to see whether the Board of Licensure in Medicine is guilty of a malicious, political prosecution and targeting of me.”

The plan in broad strokes

So, what is the globalists’ plan for our future? Summarized into as few words as possible: global dominion by the few and total control of the masses.

As explained by Nass, the COVID-19pandemic showed us that the technocratic cabal has control over most if not all Western governments.

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab has even bragged about how his Young Global Leaders have “penetrated” governments of the world.

The technocratic cabal also has control over the bureaucratic structure of the WHO. Eighty-five percent of the WHO’s funding comes from private entities, most of which is earmarked for specific programs.

“So, the WHO is already owned by private interests,” Nass says.

According to the WHO, the reason the COVID-19 pandemic got so bad is because nations failed to cooperate. Hence, the reasoning goes, that we need an international treaty that centralizes pandemic response powers to the WHO.

The problem, of course, is that most nations did follow the WHO’s irrational and unscientific recommendations. Its ineptitude — whether intentional or not — is what destroyed economies and resulted in needless deaths.

Based on the current treaty draft and proposed IHR amendments, it’s clear that mRNA-based vaccinations will be mandatory under the WHO’s power structure, and these vaccines will be made in 100 days rather than 10 years by skipping human trials and shaving safety and efficacy testing down to the bare bones.

The WHO will also decide which medications can be used in medical emergencies, and which you cannot have.

In other words, the WHO director-general will decide the health care for every person in every member state, and your local doctor will be required to follow his edicts. You’ll have no medical freedom or bodily autonomy anymore.

Nations will also be forced to implement massive nationwide biosurveillance programs to identify potential pathogens with pandemic potential. This will include swabbing and testing humans, domesticated animals, farm animals, wildlife, farms, factories, wastewater and more, and the chances of finding a pathogen with pandemic potential if searching for it in every nook and cranny of the world are 100%.

The WHO director-general will then have the sole authority to declare a pandemic, or even a potential pandemic, at which point all decision-making powers fall under the WHO. However, there are no standards that must be met before a public health emergency can be declared.

The way these documents are written, the director-general can even act on what amounts to hearsay. He doesn’t have to have proof that a pandemic is imminent or in progress. He can act on suspicion.

Even more disturbing, the treaty will be in force all the time, so the director-general doesn’t even need to declare an emergency. He will have the authority to dictate public health even when there’s no pandemic. That’s how far-reaching this treaty is.

Nations will also be required to surveil and censor social media. The WHO’s narrative will be the only one allowed. YouTube has already implemented this policy, even though the treaty is not even in place yet.

The history of biological warfare and how we got here

Nass also reviews the history of biological weapons and why we’re in a situation now where most of the pandemics that have occurred are basically the result of biological weapons development.

In 1969, President Richard Nixon announced the U.S. would end its offensive biowarfare program. This was a strategic rather than altruistic move because the U.S. was far ahead of other nations when it came to chemical and nuclear weapons.

By banning biological weapons, which are relatively simple and inexpensive to create, the U.S. would gain a strategic advantage on the global stage.

Nixon initiated the first global treaty to prevent the creation and use of biological weapons in 1972. The Biological Weapons Convention took effect three years later, in 1975.

However, in 1973, genetic engineering was discovered, which suddenly allowed the U.S. to gain a technological advantage that would allow us to make better and more precise biological weapons.

The problem with the Biological Weapons Convention is that there’s no enforcement. To be effective and verifiable, a nation needs to be able to challenge another nation and have the right to carry out inspections and add sanctions in cases of noncompliance.

But this enforcement method was not included, and the U.S. has blocked all efforts to add enforcement articles to the treaty since 1991.

So, as explained by Nass:

“Under the guise of preparing their defenses against biowarfare and pandemics, nations have conducted ‘dual-use’ (both offensive and defensive) research and development, which has led to the creation of more deadly and more transmissible microorganisms.

“And employing new verbiage to shield this effort from scrutiny, biological warfare research was named ‘gain-of-function’ research.”

SARS-CoV-2, for example, appears to be the direct result of gain-of-function research.

As noted by Nass, it has “unusual homologies (identical short segments of nucleotides) to human tissues and the HIV virus, which may have caused or contributed to the late autoimmune stage of illness, an impaired immune response and ‘long COVID.’”

As such, SARS-CoV-2 is a biological weapon. David Martin, Ph.D., has also done many interviews, speeches and lectures exposing COVID-19 as a biological warfare crime (video below).

Are we funding public health or bioweapons development?

As noted in Nass’ article, funding for natural epidemics, such as seasonal influenza, has been lumped together with biodefense funding, which hides the cost of our nation’s bioweapons development, because in reality, “biodefense” is “bioweapons development.”

And, while bioweapons development is dangerous and violates the international treaty, biodefense is useless and a complete waste of money, so it’s a lose-lose proposition for taxpayers.

In March, former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Dr. Robert Redfield testified before Congress stating that gain-of-function research had never, to his knowledge, resulted in a single beneficial drug, vaccine or therapeutic.

In other words, while they conduct this research under the guise of “defense,” all gain-of-function research is biological weapons research and has no beneficial public health applications.

The WHO treaty makes matters even worse by requiring member nations to look for pathogens with pandemic potential, and when they find them, to share them, and any research done on them, with everyone else.

So, the WHO treaty quite literally promotes the proliferation of biological weapons and opens the door wide to biological weapons research and testing. This will also remove the ability to cast blame on any particular nation for starting a pandemic (read unleash a biological weapon), as everyone is working with the same pathogens.

The treaty also requires nations to eliminate administrative hurdles to gain-of-function research on pathogens with pandemic potential, when we really need far more stringent regulations on this type of work, if we’re going to engage in it at all.

So, the WHO treaty will move us in the complete opposite direction of where we actually need to go if we want to prevent future pandemics. To prevent them, we need to stop gain-of-function research, because that’s the greatest pandemic threat out there.

Pandemic preparedness is a smokescreen

Similarly, the idea that the world can prepare ahead of time for a global pandemic is “a smokescreen behind which lies a fascist approach to social management,” Nass writes.

She adds:

“There’s no known way to prevent pandemics, and the methods that governments are spending money on are actually going to make this problem a great deal worse.

“The concept of a ‘response’: withholding cheap, available generic drugs in favor of the warp speed development of patentable drugs and vaccines, which will undergo minimal testing and have no liability, is another disaster in the making.”

Our health agencies are selling us out

Importantly, the U.S. government — including our health agencies — has been central in developing and writing these documents, which strips us of our sovereignty as a nation, bodily autonomy as a people, along with freedom, human rights and democracy in general.

Indeed, the IHR amendments specifically remove the need to respect “human rights, dignity and freedom of persons” during public health emergencies. This deletion did not go unnoticed, however, and after severe criticism, language “guaranteeing” human rights was inserted into the latest draft (the Bureau draft) of the pandemic treaty.

The bottom line is, our health agencies are not protecting us. They’re controlled by private, globalist interests, and they’re selling us out.

We also see this in the way the U.S. health agencies like the CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration refused to course correct once it became clear that the COVID-19 shots were not preventing infection or transmission and were causing historically high rates of injuries.

Instead, they doubled down and imposed mandates, and started fiddling with database algorithms to hide the extent of injuries and deaths.

Likewise, the WHO is working on an international vaccine passport, even though the entire premise for it has been eliminated. If the shots don’t prevent infection or transmission, then what good does proof of “vaccination” do?

Same with the masks. No matter how much scientific evidence was thrown at them, health authorities refused to admit that masks don’t work and pushed for wearing two or three masks instead.

And what can we say about the worldwide recommendation to treat only advanced-stage infections? It’s medicine 101 to treat a condition as early as possible, especially when it comes to infections.

As noted by Nass, “There can be no question about it: Our health agencies are guilty of malfeasance, misrepresentation and deliberate infliction of harm on their own populations.”

All the basic rules of medicine were tossed out during COVID-19, and under the pandemic treaty, common sense and basic medical facts will be ousted forever.

Nass goes through much more in her article, so I urge you to read it in its entirety.

The timeline

The IHR amendments will only require a 50% vote of whoever is in the room at the time of the vote, which will take place at the World Health Assembly’s annual meeting, May 22-24, 2024.

The amendments will take effect 10 months later for any nation that does not opt out.

Nations that have not officially opted out will then be bound by the new terms laid out in the amendments.

The pandemic treaty will also be voted on during that meeting. It will require a two-thirds vote in favor by the members that are in the room and will go into effect as soon as 30 nations have ratified it.

Thirty days after that, the treaty will go into effect for all the nations that have signed on. Any nation that has not signed the treaty will be excluded from its terms. Those who sign the treaty must wait three years before they can get out.

Door to freedom

To prevent this nightmare, Nass has founded a new organization called Door To Freedom, which seeks to educate people around the world about how the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments will change life as we know it, and strip us of every vestige of freedom.

Door To Freedom has created a poster to explain the impacts the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments will have.

Other action items

While the situation seems incredibly bleak, Nass insists there are many things we can do to prevent the WHO’s power grab, including the following:

  • Call your congressman or congresswoman and urge them to sponsor H.R.79 — the WHO Withdrawal Act, introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs, which calls for defunding and exiting the WHO. At the time of this writing, it has 51 co-sponsors, all of them Republicans. We cannot get this bill passed without Democrats, so we need to get them to understand what’s at stake.
    • The Sovereignty Coalition is making it easier for everyone to make their voices heard. Its Help the House Defund the WHO page will allow you to contact all of your elected representatives with just a few clicks. Simply fill out the required field, click submit, and your contact information will be used to match you with your elected representatives.
  • Also, urge your congressman or congresswoman to sponsor H.R.1425, which would require the pandemic treaty to be approved by the Senate. It currently has 27 co-sponsors.
  • Call your senators and urge them to sponsor the Senate version of H.R.1425, which is S.444, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. It currently has 47 co-sponsors.
  • Share Door To Freedom’s educational poster everywhere you can, and direct them to for more information. Also, share, share, share information about the IHR amendments and how they will destroy national sovereignty, and increase surveillance and censorship. You can find a quick summary here.

Originally published by Mercola.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense.

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