Friday 15 September 2023


The Global Elite are trying to deplatform me using lies.

It is time to debunk their lies.

Photo of Peter Imanuelsen.

I am being attacked for the crime of reporting the real news that is going ignored by the mainstream media. 

A new hit piece against myself has just dropped from a very influential think tank funded by among others George Soros' foundation. and Bill Gates' foundation. It is called "Institute for Strategic Dialogue" (ISD for short).

This is a report that is made to try and bring about MORE censorship regarding so called "climate change disinformation", pressuring Big Tech to implement even more censorship of people that have dissident views.

In their recently published report on the COP26 climate change conference and so called "climate disinformation" they listed me as a "repeat offender" in their case study. 

I am in good company however, as other people on their list are well known people like John Stossel and Michael Shellenberger, listing us as "super spreaders" because of our reach on social media (which just means that many people agree with us).

The ISD report labelled “Deny, Deceive, Delay Documenting and Responding to Climate Disinformation at COP26 and Beyond.

Further in their report, they are repeatedly trying to push for social media platforms to deplatform me (and others) because I write things on climate change that they do not like. They are acting like pure Communists attempting to shut down people that they dislike. 

This is the kind of thing that happened in the Soviet Union. It is scandalous that it is now happening in the year 2022.

This organization claim to be dedicated to "safeguarding human rights" and to "push back the forces threatening democracy". Why then are they trying to cancel people with opinions that they disagree with? 

Why are they opposed to people's right to free speech, the most fundamental human right and something that is also vital to uphold democracy? 

Is protecting dissident views not one of the most important things in a democracy?

Without free-speech, we do not have democracy.

Funnily enough, in their report they claim that me comparing climate change fanaticism to Communism, is actually a "dog-whistle to antisemitic tropes". 

This is of course absolute nonsense. Why are they equating Communism with Jews? If anything, they are the anti-semites here. I have Jewish friends who are not Communists! And I support their right to a homeland, just like I support all people's right to a homeland.

The fact that the climate change fanatics are putting this much effort into trying to censor and deplatform me for my views, just proves my point that they are Communists. If you want to censor people for their free-speech, you are a Communist and promote dictatorship - not democracy.

But it doesn't stop there. They further try and paint a picture of me as being some kind of "Nazi", claiming that I have engaged in Holocaust denial among other things. This is categorically false and libel. This is being done to try and discredit me with lies and name calling.

Screenshot from the ISD report.

This is attempted character assassination of myself.

The leftist cancel mob has been driving a vicious smear campaign against me, spreading FAKE, photoshopped screenshots claiming that I am a “Holocaust denier”.

I have NEVER denied the Holocaust and anyone claiming that I have, are nothing but LIARS.

They also write many more lies, claiming that I said positive things about Hitler. This is again categorically false. Hitler was a really bad person, something anyone who have actually read what I stand for would know.

Read more about this on my website for the truth about me.

The fact, that this think tank just accepts those fake, photoshopped screenshots without bothering to find out the actual truth, tells volumes about the quality of the research they have done in the report.

What are my REAL views?

I believe, and have always believed, that the Holocaust happened and was a horrible atrocity that must never be allowed to happen again. That is why I am promoting freedom and democracy so much in my work!

Here you can see some real screenshots of my real views:

Peter Imanuelsen

What is their source?

The report has been cleverly written, with many citations to make it look professional. However if you actually look at the citations they have provided when trying to character assassinate me, you will find that they are from discredited far-left extremists.

Years ago, far-left ANTIFA extremists in Sweden were very unhappy that I was so effective in exposing their, and the globalist agenda. So they decided to photoshop and make FAKE screenshots to make it look like I had said many nasty things.

Then a Swedish ANTIFA activist wrote a hit piece for the British far-left extremist group "Hope Not Hate" using the fake screenshots as source. They wrote the hit piece against me many years ago containing nothing but lies and libel. I have already completely debunkedthat hit piece on my website. 

They even claimed I was "British" which is laughable and something I quickly documented to be a lie. When they even got that part wrong, you know that the rest of their lies against me also hold no merit. They claimed I had said horrible things that I had never said. 

This "Hope Not Hate" organization is so discredited, that even the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) labelled them as far-left extremists! Considering Sweden is a pretty Socialist country, that should be really telling.

You can read the Swedish Defense Research Agency report here.

What happens next? Some mainstream media hacks then use this hit piece written by an ANTIFA extremist as source to further defame and smear me. That is how the fake news machine works. Journalists get their far-left buddies to do their dirty work for them, then they use that as the source in their reporting. It really is amazing to behold how they get away with this.

Not only that, but Hope Not Hate also doxed me and published my home address and also my parents address online. Shortly thereafter, the family dog was poisoned by far-left extremists and I had to move for my own safety after receiving death threats. Why doesn't the ISD mention this in their report? I and my family are victims of far-left extremist attacks, but that they ignore. Not only that, but I have also received death threats from the far-right and from Nazis because of my work to support freedom.

These are the far-left extremists that the ISD is using as a source to try and character assassinate me.

This proves that they lie about me.

In fact, just to show how insane the claims of "Nazism" and Holocaust denial really is, I can reveal that I have been a member of MIFF in Norway, the largest European pro-Israel group. I have attended their annual conferences. I believe that the Holocaust did indeed tragically happen and must never happen again (I would not have been very popular there if I had actually been the "Nazi" that the far-left claims...). Maybe this is why I got death threats from Nazis?

One sentence that the ISD wrote about me is particularly frightening and deceiving.

Screenshot from the ISD report.

First of all, they claim I hold "extreme positions" like "Holocaust denial" which I have already proven is a pure lie. Not only that, but they then use that first lie they made up to claim that my followers (you, reading this) are getting in dialogue with "extremist" groups. This sentence is so dishonest it is really unbelievable. First they make up a lie, in order to continue with a second and a third lie. 

They also claim that I have "espoused anti-Muslim rethoric", which again is of course false. The same source they used for this claim is the already discredited "Hope Not Hate" and also the Democratic Party propaganda arm Media Matters.

I despize Nazism, Communism and authoritarianism.

This is a major part of why I do what I do. We must resist evil and support freedom, human rights and democracy. My Substack publication is literally called The Freedom Corner! 

We must make sure that evil is never allowed to take place again. We must learn the lessons from history to never get another Nazi Germany or Soviet Union. A history lesson that the people from this think tank apparently are not interested in.

What is their goal?

Well, they are telling us openly in their report what their goal is. They are asking for Big Tech platforms to deplatform people who have opinions that they don't like.

They want to implement a "unified definition" of "climate mis-and disinformation" within key institutions and have that reflected on social media.

Screenshot from the ISD report.


Because climate change "poses an existential threat to humankind" and "as such, tech companies have a duty" to make sure that people are posting things in according with official scientific data! Of course, the science!

So what is their definition of "climate change misinformation"? See for yourself.

Screenshot of ISD report on suggested definitions of climate misinformation.

So if you don't believe in "the unequivocal human influence on climate change" and the need for "urgent action" in line with the Paris Climate Agreement, they want you censored on social media.

If you post things that "erode trust in climate science" and "experts" they want you censored on social media.

These are extremist positions and they are now pushing for censorship against anyone who disagrees with their extremist positions. 

They are perfectly entitled to the belief that climate change is an "existential threat to humankind", but they cannot force others to believe that against their will. They cannot censor people who disagree. That is the very definition of un-democratic. But this is not surprising, because they are Communists.

They are coming for me first. Then they will come for you.

Note who have taken part in creating these definitions. Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth US among others. These are the people that want to dictate what you are allowed to post on social media.

That is why we need to push back and shine a light on their lies.

The report by ISD is focused on "climate change denial" and they then go on to complain about my views on climate change and my reach on social media, how influential people like the former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Monica Crowley and Australian senators have shared my content.

One interesting thing that I noticed. When they wrote their report on me, I was still verified with a blue checkmark on Twitter as you can see from their screenshots. I had been verified for over 4 years when it was suddenly removed without explanation. Interesting timing that it was removed after they had taken those screenshots…

I have never actually said anything about whether I believe climate change is happening or not. I believe it does happen. The climate changes all the time. Right now it is summer. In a few months it will be winter. The temperature goes up and down. The question whether CO2 emissions are causing an increasing temperature is irrelevant to me. That is besides the point. We need fossil fuels in order to sustain modern society, without it modern life as we know it would cease to exist.

And all the people who claim to be worried about climate change, are seemingly not very worried about climate change themselves. With attendees of the COP26 conference flying there in their private jets while complaining that people need to stop driving cars for the sake of the environment...

This climate change hysteria is weaponized to bring about more control in society, that is my opinion. If the ISD values human rights and democracy like they claim, they would have no problem with me having that opinion, just like I respect their opinion on climate change. That is what democracy is about. But no, because I have a differing opinion, they try and character assassinate me and get me deplatformed and shut down. That is anti-democratic.

Over the last years we have seen increasing tyranny taking place, with people being segregated against based on their medical status. We have seen people more or less banned from public life based on whether or not they had their papers in order. We are seeing a digital ID society forming, with Norway now even wanting to track citizens food purchases. This is a scary development for democracy.

We are also seeing increasing crackdowns on free speech, led precisely by organisations and people like this, which is a major threat to democracy and human rights. They claim to support human rights and democracy, but that is just a cover for their far-left, Communist agenda to try and get rid of anyone with opinions that they don't like.

Who is behind this Institute for Strategic Dialogue?

Now this is getting very interesting. If you look at who is behind this ISD you will get a look at the who is who of the elite. In fact, they get funding from very large organizations indeed...

Here is a list of some of their funders on their website.

Screenshot of ISD funders.

Here we find the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. We find the Open Society Foundations which many of you might know as George Soros. 

Screenshot of more ISD funders.

We find Microsoft, YouTube, Google among others. We also find many state sponsors like the Swedish Ministry of Integration, US State Department, UN organizations, European Commission, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs just to name a few.

It almost looks like a who is who list of the World Economic Forum attendees.

This attack on me is coming from the very top, from the elite of the elite. They are trying to get me deplatformed for the crime of reporting about freedom and democracy. 

Thus proving my points. I have called out the hypocrisy of the global elite for saying one thing about climate change, while doing another themselves. They want you to stop driving cars and eating meat to save the planet, meanwhile they are flying in private jets all over the world. Climate change for thee, but not for me!

And now these very same people are coming after me, trying to get me censored and shut me down for doing my job as a real, independent journalist and reporting this to YOU, the people.

That is the job of a real journalist. Holding the powerful to account. And now the powerful are coming after me...

I will continue to stand for freedom, free speech and democracy despite the fact that they are trying to get me deplatformed for it.

Therefore it is vital that you make sure to follow me on my other platforms so that you can keep hearing from me in case I get banned for reporting the truth. 

And of course, make sure that you subscribe to this Substack, so that you can get all my latest updates directly.

And please share this article everywhere to help spread the message that I am under attack and that the global elite are trying to character assassinate me and get me banned from the internet!


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