Friday 8 September 2023


The Forever War Against the Forever Vax, Forever Shedding and Cumulative Toxic Load

Detoxing ain't gonna be pretty

A recent study showed that half the “mRNA” vaxxed continue to pump out spike protein indefinitely - it doesn’t matter how many shots they got, they are being continuously vaxxed in an ongoing, never-ending immune assault. 

Sasha Latypova recently revealed that Pfizer had 4 injection experiments running in tandem: mRNA, modified RNA, “self amplifying”(!!) RNA and free spike protein. 

This may in part explain the wide variability in mRNA shot reactions - the “bad batch” phenomenon.

Will we ever know who got what and in what amounts? Are the seemingly forever vaxxed those that got self amplifying RNA, or those in whom the RNA retro integrated into DNA? A combination of both?

What really bothers me is that Dr. Peter McCullough and others have said that humans simply don’t detox or expel spike protein without help. 

We do tend to soak up a lot of toxins and though different people have different detox capacities in general, there are some “forever chemicals” that are very difficult to remove from bodies. 

The spike protein seems to be one of these, because it binds tightly to tissues and is bound up within the proteins that it triggers to misfold, which themselves self propagate. This happens in all tissues including the bloodstream where we call the misfolded proteins “atypical amyloid fibrin microclots”. 


Persistent clotting protein pathology in Long COVID/Post-Acute Sequelae of  COVID-19 (PASC) is accompanied by increased levels of antiplasmin |  Cardiovascular Diabetology | Full Text

These clots are very difficult for our normal anticlotting systems to break down. 

I just recorded a brief explainer video for one of the most frequent questions I get asked: what is the difference between the widely available automated D-dimer test and the extremely limited availability (just 1 commercial lab in the country) manual test for amyloid fibrin microclots?

D-dimer is a protein that is found within clots. With normal clots, pre COVID era, even if a clot became large enough to block off an artery or vein, the anti clotting systems of our blood would still be working on breaking down the margins of the clot - and this breakdown process is what releases D-dimer into the blood and it’s why D-dimer was historically considered an almost certain indicator that clotting was present.

In fact many diagnostic algorithms I was taught included checking a D-dimer if a clot was suspected, and only if the D-dimer was positive would further confirmatory workup to locate the clot be done - like a CTA to detect a pulmonary embolism or a ultrasound to detect a lower extremity DVT. If the D-dimer was negative it was presumed the symptoms were due to something else: some other cause of chest pain or leg swelling like a digestive issue in the case of chest pain or cellulitis in the case of leg swelling and redness. 

However in many, if not most cases of spike-induced amyloid fibrin microclots, the body can’t even start to break them down, so D-dimer is not released. 

Most people think a high D-dimer is a bad sign, but in these cases I consider a positive D-dimer to be a good sign that a spike injured patient may be successfully breaking up the spike triggered microclots.


To get back to the main issue: the greatest concern I have is that toxins are dose dependent. 

At the right dose anyone succumbs. 

As Paracelsus famously said, “the dose makes the poison,” i.e. every physical substance can be toxic at a high enough dose:

Drink enough water and you will get sick and die. 

Get enough spike protein and you will get sick and die. 

The difference being it doesn’t take a whole lot of spike protein.

In some people it is extremely toxic at vanishingly small doses - they’re getting sick first. 

“canary in the coal mine” source

So far we may not have reached the dying part in the unvaxxed (that we know of - all cause mortality is skyrocketing since the vax rollout, and we presume it’s just the vaxxed affected, but that may not be the case if its also the shedding at play), but we have certainly reached the getting sick part for a lot of people, and the long COVID numbers are continuously rising as more and more people hit that toxic dose and develop symptoms. 

I just spoke with a young and very fit gentleman who made it through 2 bouts of COVID just fine, he got a third bout this past December that was the mildest yet, just the sniffles for a day, but a couple months afterwards developed long haul symptoms.

What explains this story I see over and over again is cumulative toxic load. 

He has been building up higher levels of spike since the beginning of the pandemic: from reinfections whether mild or even completely asymptomatic as well as from continuous shedding of the vaxxed who are breathing it out, sweating it out, just radiating it out into the environment wherever they go. 

And spike may be far more toxic at far lower doses than all the other toxins out there. 

Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


The only reason this is happening to this extent is because our governments vaxxed in the midst of a pandemic and then continued vaccinating. 

We artificially drove the rapid evolution of a pandemic of variants. 

Healthy unvaxxed naturally immune people are getting exposed and clinically or subclinically infected every few months. 

They think it’s no big deal, but the key insight everyone is missing, is that each exposure and all the shedding just adds more spike to the body, it piles up higher and higher, until it creates toxicity and symptoms. 

This is nothing new to those in the alternative medicine space or even for the ancient medical systems, the only difference now is a matter of scale and concentration.


Thousands of years ago Ayurvedic and Chinese medical practitioners understood that periodic detoxification was required to maintain good health. 

They usually recommended a full scale detox once a year. 

Similarly most major religions include a yearly period of fasting detox. 

Fasting switches the body from building mode to detox mode since it can’t commit to both (at scale) at the same time. 

So although meat and fat is generally good for you from the perspective of building you up and giving you strength and vitality, if you want to release toxins you need to remove the building foods and either fast or consume simple non starchy vegetables, or green juices and thin soups for a period of time. 

You won’t feel great, you’ll probably feel weak and sleepy all the time, you might even feel episodically terrible, but hopefully it will be topped off by a deep cleansing, a “healing crisis,” where you body violently expels toxins by profuse sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, urination, productive coughing or runny nose/nosebleed. 

Sounds kind of like a bad flu…

And it may be just that. 

Viral infections may in part give the body an excuse or trigger to expel built up toxins. 

Obstructing this natural process may in fact be harmful (unless you’re so weak you’re at risk of dying from the detox itself (in which case a wise physician might recommend putting a pin in it, at least until strength is regained). 

This phenomenon is one reason high dose oral Vitamin C may be one of the best approaches to quickly resolving a viral illness. The protocol is to continue dosing it until a type of detox reaction occurs: profuse diarrhea. 

This not only usually resolves the illness being treated, but may act as an alternative route of elimination for the illness and the toxins it may have been mobilizing. 

Unfortunately most people don’t have this perspective and think that everything that feels bad, is bad. 

We need a more nuanced understanding of health and disease. 

Much of what we label disease may be a healthful reaction in itself and may need to be assisted rather than obstructed as long as it doesn’t get out of control (“live to fight another day” is better than sacrificing yourself for no good at the wrong moment). 

If a detox reaction gets too intense you can diminish the drivers of that reaction (what you did to initiate it) and slow it down, which is the usual advice you’ll get. 

For really severe, long standing chronic illness this means the entire detox duration will be prolonged, sometimes for many months - which is often the case in cancer for example. 

For those unfamiliar with the process it may look frightening: rapid weight loss, weakness, fatigue, brain fog, skin outbreaks, hair loss and more. 

It does not look like the person is getting better, it can look like they are dying. 

But this is where the just-eat-meat-and-feel-good folks get it wrong. 

They have a very simplistic understanding: meat makes me feel great so it is great! 

Yes it does, but it’s not always great for you.


Again you can’t efficiently build and demolish at scale at the same time. 

A large scale controlled demolition is what it takes to detox effectively from long standing built-up toxic load. 

During that process the old sick cells that are storing up the toxins get destroyed and recycled into new healthy and clean cells. 


Some people just need to see with their own eyes before they’ll be convinced there is a problem. 

For them there are simple and complicated tests that can be done to prove there is a growing spike toxicity problem, even if there are no symptoms of it. 

But most people would probably do well to assume it is an issue and set up an ongoing detox plan. 

Because a once a year focused detox may not be enough. 

We may need ongoing detox support,

Given the tremendous toxic load not just from spike, but from pesticides, heavy metals, microplastics, forever chemicals like PFOAS and more, it might be prudent to continuously detox to some degree even while in building mode - perhaps once a year go all-in on detox, like a deep spring cleaning for the body, but on a day to day basis do some daily cleaning that is less comprehensive. 

It’s also important to avoid hyper focusing on the spike protein alone. 

One naturopath I spoke with said that he essentially never has to specifically detox spike protein if patients do a thorough overall detox from all the other junk that has built up in their bodies. 

Maybe the reason we can’t release spike protein is that we are so toxic from everything else already. 

But the safest approach is to focus on comprehensive detox including the spike protein - especially for those who got an mRNA shot, unless it’s proven they aren’t a forever spike factory. 

A standard detox for pesticides, heavy metals and graphene oxide would include sauerkraut, fulvic and humic acids, and bentonite clay.

A good detox for spike includes substances that have broad spectrum detox capabilities including: augmented NAC, nattokinase, serrapeptase, bromelain, curcumin, dandelion, and nigella sativa. 

(mygotostack has the only curcumin, dandelion, nigella combo pill available and will soon release the only pill combining augmented NAC, nattokinase, serrapeptase, fulvic and humic acids, and more).

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