Tuesday 19 September 2023


The Battlespace Of Our Mind And The Soul Connection - Review Of Intelligence Agency Research Into The "Paranormal"

I have spoken out a lot about the artificial intelligence mind control connection to the C19 nanotechnology and synthetic biology rollout. I have also been a whistleblower regarding the vaccine contents. If you have missed those interviews, here are the links for Info wars with Maria Zeee Hijacking the Soul: Dr. Exposes the Transhuman Agenda to Digitize and Surveil the Population and The Science of the C19 Nanotechnology and Quantum Physics

The expose of the national intelligence apparatus and their contribution to the Great Reset and the modification of humans into transhuman Cyborgs should be of utmost interest to all. Everything the CIA mockingbird media has via psychological operations belittled, marginalized and “cancelled” in relationship to self actualization and spiritual awakening - has really been the secret investigation of this satanic military industrial complex. If you think that psychic ESP phenomena are nonsense and unnatural to our spiritual nature or if you think we are alone in the Universe and that the future is fixed, you have bought into a matrix narrative constructed for the controlled. The connections of technocratic transhumanism, satanism, satanic ritual sacrifice of children all ties into what is going on now with mind control. Government targeting and the C19 shots that have installed bidirectional telemetry hardware that can transmit your biometric data and thought EEG frequency patters as well as inscribe and modify anyone via satellite artificial intelligent remote programming with optogenetic means and frequency modulation - this is not just science fiction but current reality. At the same time, any disease or illness can be remotely activated - and it has been published correctly by leading scientists of the metaverse transformation that the COVID MRNAS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN SMALL SCALE BIO-NANO MACHINES, plasmonic graphene nanoantenna’s to upload all information for our digital twin in the metaverse simulation and control grid. 

In the area of mind control, it used to be that the personality had to be broken via severe trauma like incestuous sexual abuse from infancy to splinter personalities that were programmable. This happened under the many CIA programs related to project Blue Bird and MKULTRA. This was the precursor research that now no longer requires such trauma because mass hypnosis and programming can happen remotely. This is important as Clifford Carnicom showed that C19 vaccinated blood is uniquely sensitive to 3-5 HZ extremely low frequency which has been used for mind control. Dr. Andrijia Puharich, a world renown researcher of consciousness and parapsychology, did testing for US officials. He beamed ELF waves to volunteers. These waves go through, metals, walls and the earth. 

30% of the volunteers were taken over by the ELF signals in 6-10 seconds. Waves below 6Hz caused the subjects to become very emotionally upset and even disrupted bodily function. 

I have in many articles discussed that the technology also is used to interface with the demonic realm. We know that Graphene can create energy fields that can amplify demons and I reviewed the science in this article. Plasmons and Demons in Graphene - Using Artificial Intelligence, Graphene, Metals and Plasmonic Demonic Fields for Spiritual Warfare

Demons hide in secret. Intelligence agencies allegiance make themselves known by attracting recruits clever enough to crack basic codes. This is done in the cyber world, which is the world of Artificial Intelligence and the bridge between the technology to the demonic dimension - from which this world control is exerted. This is why we hear Dr. James Giordano discuss raising the Demi Urge or Elon Musk saying AI is summoning the demon. MK Ultra CIA whistleblower Cathy O’Brien discusses that the elites are controlled by an AI supercomputer which is, as I said, the conduit for demonic entities. 

Codes are important to find those people who are intelligent enough to crack the language. For example, spell “Illuminati”. Reverse the spelling of the word to obtain its inverse - a classic satanic way of encoding information - it is “ itanimulli”. 

Place the reversed word into your web browser using conventional URL addressing which comes to: www(dot)itanimulli(dot)com. What do you get? 

NSA.gov. National Security Agency. See the image above. 

They are always hiding in plain sight. You just have to learn to see and know. 

In order to make the soul and the spirit of humanity a thing of the past, as Juval Harrari discusses, a deceitful technology had to be deployed that has been developed by the national security and military industrial complex for the take over of the world. 

I have explained more of Harrari’s WEF human world control plans here: 

Cyborgs And the Nanotechnological Platforms of mRNA Technology – What Does That Have to Do With Our Health, Spirit, Soul and Free Will The Next Biggest Threat to Humanity That Isn’t Much Talked About

Why do prominent voices like Dr. Giordano discuss that the human mind is the battlespace of the future which has manifested now? 

Because if you control the human mind, which is individual observation collapsing reality in the quantum field, you control the manifestation of reality. Not just your personal reality, but global reality. 

The intelligence community has long developed weapons that Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union called in 1964 “more terrible than anything the world has ever known.”

In the early 1970’s Stanford University and NSA affiliate Hal Puttoff - a level OT VII Scientology graduate - was running the CIA remote viewing program and collaborated with remote viewer - also Scientology OT VII - Ingo Swann. Schwann trained government remote viewers and participated not just in remote viewing experiments but also telekinesis, affecting material reality at a distance through mind and out of body spying operations. The book “Psychic Warrior”  outlines the work of the CIA Stargate program: 

David Morehouse-A highly decorated, exemplary Army officer, special operations infantryman, and elite Airborne Ranger Company Commander. Wounded by machine-gun fire during a training mission, Morehouse began to have inexplicable visions and haunting nightmares-an experience that would redirect his military career and land him in the government's top-secret Stargate Program. His life would never be the same...Stargate-For nearly two decades, the United States military intelligence community delved into the dark world of psychic espionage, recruiting a team of psychic spies to serve as "remote viewers," individuals who used their paranormal gifts to transcend time and space and uncover the highly guarded military secrets of other nations.

The CIA Director Stansfield Turner admitted in 1977 that the CIA had operational interest in parapsychology. Many programs were run at that time from Project STAR GATE, GRILL FLAME, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA. Ultimately the control of the human mind was the goal for these are weapons effective without ever firing a single bullet. Mind Control Techniques like brain entrainment, artificial telepathy, psychotronic, microwave weapons, Voice to skull and S.A.T.A.N Remote Assassination programs are all run by the intelligence communities - and their target is not some far of enemy, but we the people. The book “Remote Brain Targeting” Evolution of Mind Control in U.S.A. - A Compilation Of Historical Data And Information From Various Sourcesby Renee Pittman is an excellent resource. 

The objective today is to isolate targets through technological harassment, remote viewing, electronic surveillance, and also focus on using everyone around them subliminally influenced. The target is depicted to the community as incompetent, disloyal, troublesome, mentally unbalanced or ill, to mobilized community stalking efforts.  This permits an expertly crafted promotion and denial that highly advanced mind invasive technology exists. The whistleblower / targeted individual, targeted for various reasons, is then heinously, maliciously, secretively, abused by electromagnetic systems difficult to prove because it is unseen to the human eye or detectable as extremely low frequency (ELF) radio and microwaves waves. The objective is to push the target over the edge to suicide, hurting self or others, entrapped, jail or to be institutionalized. Others watch and become frightened preventing them from speaking out against these extreme, immoral, and unethical injustices in the form of covert terrorism with many players and denial of Human Rights.

I shared my own experience of remote targeting and assassination attempt in my recent interview with Dr. Len Ber and have also recently joined Targeted Justice.com. 

Everything that I have written about in my substack, I know from personal experience. I have seen how it works in my near death experience. At the same time, I also know what to do to reverse this as I had to save my own life and restore my own body and mind. This knowledge is what I have been using as a platform to inform others and contribute to help heal this world and help save our species. 

The CIA and Department of Defense implemented Project MK-Naomi to maintain, stockpile and test biological and chemical weapons for decades. The CIA experimented with poisoning drinking water. Eldon Byrd, a scientist at the Naval Surface Weapons Center, White Oaks Laboratory published a paper in 1968 on telemetry of brain waves. Dr. Gordon McDonald, science advisor to President Johnson wrote about perturbation of the environment can produce changes in behavioral patterns - referring to ELF waves affecting the Ionosphere. In 1969 Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requests from Congress 10 Million Dollars to develop within 5-10 years a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists. Some speculate this was AIDS created at Fort Detrick. The military review in 1970 already was talking about developing DNA based ethnic weapons. 

Did you ever wonder where Morgellons came from? 

The technology to remote control brain waves is literally old. 

Your emotions also can be remotely deciphered and targeted: 

There are many patents regarding the available technologies to alter consciousness and remotely affect large populations - and ultimately the whole world. 

The saying - if you do not control your mind, someone else will- is absolutely true. People criticize and dismiss my work on exposing the nanotechnology and synthetic biology in the blood that was installed via C19 technological and biological weapons and can be frequency activated and controlled. They call it fearmongering. 

I think people are not nearly afraid enough. Their dismissive apathy makes them vulnerable to being controlled. People are discussing the Deagle prediction of population reduction now. How do you think this will happen. And do you not think that the remote viewers of the intelligence agencies and Artificial Intelligence supercomputers algorithms know this? 

If you do not know about this reality, you cannot defend yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. This war literally is about our eternal soul and existence. 

Our observation collapses reality from a probability function of parallel universes to our future timeline. Gred Reese just posted this excellent discussion of Cliff High and remote viewers in the upcoming months. What reality are you going to collapse? 

The possibility for bidirectional telemetry devices in form of the self assembled Quantum Dot and micro robots is well documented in the literature and in the live blood analysis that I have shown of now even unvaccinated individuals via shedding and environmental exposure. Nanotechnology is one of the ways that this remote mind control is accomplished: "Control of Mind Using Nanotechnology" - 2020 Scientific Paper Explains Complete Thought and Brain Control through Nanotechnology

With people reporting demonic attacks since getting the C19 shots, and suicides increasing significantly, what exactly is the correlation between the technology we find in the blood and the emotional disturbances in people? And how come certain ethnic groups are more affected? And how come people report hearing voices in their head and seeing satanic visions? Is this Voice to Skull technology induced with the antenna being the nanotechnology in the blood? 

We are not helpless against these assaults. I have written about my observations of effects of EDTA Chelation decontamination of the blood artificial intelligence and synthetic biology and the relief from spiritual suffering and self harming thoughts here: EDTA Chelation Helps Lift The Darkness - Spiritual Healing Experiences When Treating Shedding Related Spiritual Suffering And Documented Live Blood Changes

Your soul is the recorder of your thoughts and actions. As a electromagnetic field and quantum signature it can be deciphered, which is what the linguistic wave genome model of Dr. Peter Garyaev has done. This knowledge has been used for warfare applications - but can also be used for healing purposes. Unconsidered Effects of mRNA Gene Technology and their Possible Reversal – Understanding Holographic DNA, Morphogenic Fields, and the Implications for the Future of Humanity

Our mind, and hence our soul, can be programmed and altered by these remote control technologies. Decontamination of the blood is not just important for our physical health, but also for our emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Self awareness and our spiritual connection with our own divine nature is extremely important in self defense. 

“I got to see what they have been working on with enormous ramifications to all social order, a new world order of electronically controlled humans without their knowledge or consent. “quote from a whistleblower in Dr Robert Duncan’s book Soul Catcher. You can find more about this lectures in this article: Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible

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