Saturday 16 September 2023


Thailand to become first country in the world to declare its Pfizer contracts null and void

A Thai government spokesperson told Professor Sucharit Bhakdi this week that his country could soon become the first in the world to nullify and make void its contracts with pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

According to Bhakdi, the spokesperson said, in reference to the company's experimental covid "vaccines," that "we will see to it that Thailand is the first country in the world to declare this contract (with Pfizer) null."

We are told that the Royal Family in Thailand was directly impacted by Pfizer's covid injections, which reportedly harmed the king's daughter, Princess Bajrakitiyabha. Because of this, Thai authorities are working towards ending the country's relationship with Pfizer.

(Related: Thailand was among the many countries that were bullied by Pfizer into pushing covid jabs so the company could rake in billions of dollars in profits.)

Bhakdi says he met with top government advisors and explained to them how the entire premise behind the "vaccines" is built on a throne of lies. Pfizer fraud is the only thing backing the jabs as there is no safety data to show they work as claimed.

Upon hearing this, Thai government advisors were shocked and assured Bhakdi that they are making preparations to sever Pfizer's contracts with the country.

Thailand seeks billions in retribution from Pfizer for fraudulent covid injections

In addition to ending the Pfizer contracts, the Thai government also plans to seek retribution to the tune of billions of dollars in payback from the company. That money will then go towards compensating all Thai people who "lost their existence" as a result of the Pfizer covid jab rollout.


"The discussion he cited having with the Thai government spokespeople, in conjunction with their advisors to the Thai Royal family, is significant," writes Nicholas Creed for The Daily Bell.

"The monarchy is revered by Thais, to the point of being sacrosanct and beyond reproach; subject to strict Lèse-majesté laws being invoked when criticism is made of the Royal family."

In short, the Royal Family of Thailand holds great sway and influence over affairs such as this. The Thai people trust its decisions and are sure to support this move to remove Pfizer from their nation.

It was reported back in December that Princess Bajrakitiyabha collapsed from a heart attack after getting jabbed by Pfizer. This is the basis upon which the Royal Family is now moving towards holding Pfizer accountable for its crimes against humanity.

"If anything was going to awaken the Thai people from indoctrinated slumber, incurring their wrath and outrage at the scale of how badly they have been duped – this would probably be it," Creed says, noting that up until now the Thai people fell for the mass psychosis and "uniformed worship of the new normal ideology."

"I want to wake up from this nightmare."

In the comments, someone wrote that Pfizer not only bullied but also bribed government officials, many through blackmail, into buying and distributing Pfizer's covid shots to their populations.

"Fraud vitiates everything," this person added, noting that contract law, which is color of law, is chartered under Roman Canon law.

"Common law is superior to color of law. The Magna Carta is superior to Roman Canon law. The Constitution of the United States of America is supreme in America."

Another wrote that Pfizer and its executives, including CEO Albert Bourla, need to have all of their assets seized, including those being held in banks around the world.

"Go out and arrest all Pfizer executives on your soil," this person added. "These cockroaches have to be hiding in a country somewhere."

The latest news about Pfizer can be found at

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